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Owned by the Alpha

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  He really did want her.

  Later, maybe, she’d wonder how she’d managed to capture the attention of a man like him. For now, though, she was all too eager to reciprocate his affections. It’d been so long since she’d even kissed a man, she worried she’d forgotten how the rest of it worked. But if anyone could scrape off her rust, it was surely Ryker.

  Why had she worn jeans tonight?

  One of Ryker’s large, scalding, powerful hands lifted from her butt and slipped beneath her blouse. Her skin immediately burned in the best possible way and Willa arched, breaking the kiss on a gasp. Over a touch.

  Ryker rumbled what she hoped was an appreciative sound and began trailing hot, wet kisses along her jaw and down her throat. Licking. Sucking. Nipping. Kissing. In no particular order, over and over again. His hand curved around her abdomen, shooting electricity through her body until it was cupping her nearest breast through her bra.

  Willa knew she’d never felt like this. Some part of her registered how outrageous this whole thing was, but she shoved that idiotic voice back. No way was she going to overthink this moment. Instead, she buried one set of recently painted nails in his surprisingly soft hair and slipped the other hand beneath the collar of his shirt, pressing her palm directly over his shoulder blades. His skin was warm and taut and she swore he growled at the contact.

  Suddenly his breath was rushing along her throat and his lips were teasing her ear. “Willa,” he said, his voice strained, “I can’t promise to be gentle tonight.”

  Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head just from the tone of his voice and the idea of what he was saying. “No promises,” she managed between gasps. “Just … make me feel beautiful.”

  Ryker rumbled, the sound vibrating like a purr, and nuzzled the skin beneath her ear. “You should always feel beautiful,” he said.

  Her heart stumbled. “You don’t have to sweet talk me at this point.”

  He caught her earlobe with his teeth, tugging lightly, and released her breast in favor of stepping away from the wall. His other arm looped beneath her butt, keeping her in place around his hips, and he lifted a smoldering emerald gaze to her. “Then let me convince you.”

  Willa could only stare at him, still catching her breath, as they moved down a dark hall. Her arms were still around his neck, her legs still locked around his waist. By the time it occurred to her to ask where they even were, light flooded the room and her back had hit a large mattress.

  Ryker kneeled over her, one hand braced on the bed to support his weight, and Willa drew a long breath. There was no mistaking the fire in his eyes. No confusing the erection pressing into her covered center. She was going to have sex with, hands-down, the sexiest man she had ever seen. Probably, she should’ve felt at least a twinge of guilt. She didn’t.

  Instead, she let her arms fall back, over her head, and watched him look her over. With interest. Desire, even. It left her speechless.

  Something flickered in his eyes that she couldn’t name. No sooner had she decided she liked whatever it was than he released an audible growl, sat up straighter, and grabbed fistfuls of her shirt. The next thing she knew, he’d given a sharp jerk of his wrists and her buttons snapped. All of them. Like something out of a movie.


  She ceased to care the moment his lips descended on her collar bone. All she knew then was the slick, tingling trail of his talented tongue as it lowered to her chest. He shifted his weight, lifting a hand to guide one breast from her bra cup, and her nipple disappeared into his hot, moist mouth.

  Ryker sucked, swirled his tongue around her hardened nipple, and grazed his teeth over the sensitive flesh. With his available hand, he reached into the other side of her bra and began fingering her neglected breast. Flicking, molding, squeezing. Sucking, licking, grazing.

  Just when she didn’t think she could take another moment of his divine torture, he pulled back, releasing her chest entirely. But instead of returning to her mouth, he bent lower and resumed his course down her torso. Over her stomach, teasing her navel, until he leaned back and ran his fingertips along the edge of her waistband.

  His piercing gaze was suddenly pinning her to the pillows beneath her head and, voice thick with desire, he said, “I’m going to taste your orgasm before I take you. And once I’m inside you, I’m not going to stop until neither of us can move.”

  Her chest heaved with the effort it took to breathe properly. “God, I hope you keep that promise.”

  Ryker flashed her a smoldering grin, popped the button on her jeans free, and she let her legs slide to the mattress. He wouldn’t be able to fulfill his promise, after all, if she didn’t first let him remove her clothing.

  Instead of tearing her pants off in a feverish frenzy like the one that had destroyed her blouse, Ryker slid back and tugged her jeans off carefully. Her skin was still tingling when her heels, jeans, and panties were lost somewhere on the floor behind him. Her lower half was entirely bared to his burning stare and a flicker of self-consciousness flared to life.

  Would he turn away?

  His large hands curved around her thighs, touch heavy, but tender, and as she watched, he bowed his head and inhaled. Long and deep. Another of those purr-like rumbles vibrated up from him and he said, “You smell so fucking good. I have to have you.”

  Willa swallowed, but failed to find her voice when he proceeded to run his tongue up the length of her folds. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned thoughtlessly. She offered no resistance when he eased her legs farther apart, slipped a hand beneath her ass, and lifted her from the mattress. With one hand. The next thing she knew, his tongue was surging inside her and he’d found her clit with his thumb.

  All thought scattered as her hips began rocking in time to the swipes of his hungry, swirling tongue. He licked and pinched. She felt a graze of teeth and her body exploded. Everything went white and she was only slightly aware of her hips grinding against his face.

  Deep, husky chuckling drew her back to reality. “I’d recommend you stay awake for the next part.”

  Willa drew a deep breath and blinked her eyes open, finding Ryker stretched out at her side. Devoid of a single piece of clothing. Her mouth watered all over again at the sight of his exposed body. It was more impressive than she’d expected.

  Ryker’s lips found her cheek and trailed to her jaw as he murmured, “Keep staring like that and it’ll be over before it begins.”

  “Did I pass out?”

  He chuckled again and slipped a hand beneath her back, quickly finding the clasp on her bra. “No, baby. I was just in a hurry.”

  “Oh.” She was a bit disappointed to have missed the show, but he was kissing her again and she forgot to care.

  Her bra loosened and he pulled back, leaning over her now. “I don’t want anything between us,” he declared as he guided her arms out of the loops. She realized, belatedly, that he’d also pulled off the sleeves of her destroyed shirt.

  By the time he returned his gaze to her, she could feel her body warming up again. “Ryker,” Willa whispered, reaching to touch his spectacularly sculpted chest. “Don’t hold back.”

  He grinned, the expression devilish and sexy at the same time. “I don’t think I could, baby.” Ryker leaned forward as he settled between her legs. With his lips teasing the shell of her ear he added, “Hold on to me.”

  Willa wasted no time wrapping her arms around his torso, digging her fingertips into his sturdy muscles. He covered her lips with his in a powerful kiss, both arms braced at her shoulders, and then he filled her more completely than she’d ever known possible. She lifted her legs without thought and wrapped them back around his hips. He was buried so deeply inside her she felt him with each ragged breath.

  Then he clamped a strong hand on her hip, growled against her lips, and let loose.

  Ryker moved against her powerfully, surging rapidly into her body, holding her hips so tightly she was sure she’d bruise. He tore from her lips and attache
d himself to her throat as he pumped into her repeatedly. Filling her as he sucked on her throat and squeezing her hip as his pelvis ground against hers.

  Willa gasped, arching and digging her nails into his skin. She’d never had sex like this before. Never been the recipient of such intense, fiery passion. Her entire body was on fire. Spots were already popping up behind her eyes. She thought she might have heard her voice in the air, but she wasn’t aware enough to know what she may have said.

  He rumbled a growl against her, slammed into her body one more time, and everything exploded.

  Ryker nuzzled her neck, still somewhat braced above her and still nestled between her legs, as Willa slowly floated back to proper consciousness. The pleasant, faintly ticklish, soothing sensation of his lips and nose brushing her throat finally broke through the euphoric haze surrounding her mind.


  “Don’t fall asleep yet, baby,” Ryker murmured against her skin. “I’m just getting started.”

  Willa drew in a breath as her heart—and parts south—fluttered. “I might … need a few minutes.” At least. Except certain parts of her body didn’t seem so opposed to jumping right back in.

  She swore she could feel his grin. “I can help you with that.”

  Stretching and stroking her fingers over his skin, Willa licked her lips as Ryker kissed the underside of her jaw. She found herself wondering what position they’d try next, or if Ryker would just continue to pin her to his bed with his thick cock, and the images those thoughts generated in her mind sparked renewed heat in her belly. “Mmm.”

  Ryker’s deep, vibrating chuckle rolled up her chest and tickled the edges of her lips as he leaned directly over her. “I’m going to insist you tell me about that thought.”

  “What thou—”

  Her question, and their moment, was ruined by an unexpected male voice.

  “I hope you haven’t claimed her yet. Be a shame to kill a female with so many curves.”

  Chapter Four

  Ryker spun around, tucking Willa behind him and entirely out of view as he narrowed a glare on his unwelcome guest.


  Of all the fucking times for Nash to catch his scent.

  Knowing full well the growl would be audible when he spoke, Ryker curled his fingers into the bunched up comforter beneath him, willing his claws to stay hidden. “Got a death wish, asshole?”

  Nash, who had been leaning against the open doorframe as though they were having a casual conversation, rolled his eyes. “You’re the moron who dropped his guard, Ryker. Frankly, you’re lucky I gave you a warning.”

  Ryker could feel his blood boiling. It’d been nearly two years since their last fight. Always before he’d held back out of love for the brotherhood they’d once shared. But this was different. He’d found his mate. Nash was threatening not only his chances at convincing her to accept him, but her very life.

  It took him a moment to register the sensation of Willa scrambling behind him, and not until he felt a slight tug on the comforter did he realize she was trying to cover herself up. The confusion she’d initially felt at Nash’s interruption had waned and fear wafted off her like a cloying perfume. “What the hell is going on?”

  Ryker slid forward until his feet were on the floor, keeping himself between Nash and Willa. “Just stay there, baby,” he said without removing his glare from Nash. “I’m going to have to deal with this first.”

  Nash smirked, his dark-blue eyes flashing with the promise of danger. “Yes, baby, please stay there. I’ll want to celebrate after I rip out your lover’s intestines.”

  The fear in her scent kicked up several more notches. Ryker heard her scoot back on the bed until the headboard was pressed against the wall.

  Ryker curled his hands into fists, the tips of his claws breaking the skin over his nails in response to his anger. “Don’t even fucking think about it.” He needed to hold on to his temper. This was absolutely not the way to reveal his secret to Willa. But he also needed to tear his former friend’s head off.

  Nash straightened and popped his neck. “Oh, it’s too late for that. But I have to admit I’ve never seen you so … territorial. I definitely have to taste her once I’m through with you.”

  It was too much. No one had the right to talk about Willa that way. And for as long as he continued to breathe, he’d make damn sure no one ever did again.

  Ryker let out a furious roar and lunged forward, spreading his fingers wide as his claws finally tore free. He could feel the fur of his shifted form prickling at his skin, begging him to let the tiger completely out of its cage. But for the moment, he resisted. He wanted to see Nash’s face when he ripped the ungrateful, over-confident bastard to shreds. He went for the obvious swipe first, knowing full well Nash would dodge, and tackled his enemy to the floor.

  Willa let loose a shrill, panicked shriek when the fight began.

  Nash grunted and attempted to roll free of Ryker’s grip. When that failed, Nash shifted his weight and brought a clawed foot up sharply into Ryker’s thigh. As soon as Ryker released him, Nash did a backflip and landed on his hands and feet. Crouched. Ready. “Tonight we’ll finish this, brother.”

  Ryker settled on one knee, hands braced on the ground, ready to spring. “It’s your funeral.” He was done taking it easy on Nash. Done waiting for his old friend to resurface. No, ever since their elder had passed the mantle of leader to him instead of Nash, Nash had become violent. Unstable.

  “Phone,” Willa said even as Ryker noted the first ripple dance across Nash’s skin. “Do you have a phone in your pants pocket? Toss it to me, I can call the police!” She was obviously attempting to gather herself. Her fear was still thick enough to choke on, but she was trying valiantly to push past it. He had to admire her for that. Even if her should-be-rational solution was a poor one.

  “Trust me,” Ryker said as Nash’s body arched. “The police would just make things worse.”

  “Oh … my … God…” Willa mumbled, shock, confusion, and a whole new kind of terror leaping to the front of her scent. He didn’t need to look to know her gaze was locked on Nash.

  Ryker watched with the patience and focus of the predator he was as Nash’s skin sprouted thick orange fur with wide black stripes. Feline ears formed atop his head, whiskers grew on his transformed face, and a violently swishing tail swung out from his rear. Nash had bulked up a little since their last encounter. That was smart. It was just unfortunate for him that Ryker had the edge in motivation.

  He barely heard Willa’s breathless gasp over Nash’s threatening roar.

  Nash burst forward with all the speed and strength of his shifted tiger form. He was counting on Ryker’s need to protect Willa to keep Ryker in position.

  But Ryker didn’t like playing defense.

  Locking his jaw in place, Ryker ducked at the last second and threw his body weight and considerable strength into Nash’s chest. Claws sank into his back moments after the impact as Nash’s jaw made an involuntary snapping sound.

  Willa screamed again.

  Ryker tackled Nash to the floor, rolling his enemy away from the bed and doing his best to keep Nash from tearing a chunk out of his side. When they were properly in the hall again, Ryker kneed Nash hard in the gut, used the extra couple of inches Nash put between them to get his feet under Nash, and shoved with all his strength. Nash cried out and skidded several feet down the hall, into the living room.

  Wishing there was time to explain some of this, Ryker cast a glance at Willa to be sure she was still in place on his bed. She was, but he hoped he would never have to see the look of disbelieving terror on her face again.


  Nash wouldn’t wait for him to gather himself.

  Ryker growled low and finally unlocked the cage. His body burned, his skin stretched, and his bones snapped. Power and anger surged to the surface in equal waves, bursting forth in the form of orange and black fur, sharp claws, and pointed ears. He heard his own tail swis
h from side to side as he flexed his paws over the carpet in the hall. Now Nash would pay.

  “R-Ryker…?” The hesitant, frightened question was Willa’s, of course.

  But he couldn’t answer her in this form. At least, not until they were truly mated. So he cast another glance at her, hoping she would see enough of him in his eyes—the only things that stayed the same outwardly—to trust he was still there.

  Her eyes went wide and she looked past him just as his ears registered movement on the carpet.

  Ryker whipped his attention back around a moment too late. Nash had taken advantage of his distraction. They toppled to the floor, roaring and swiping with their massive paws. Sharp, stinging pain seared through one of Ryker’s front legs. He sank his fangs into the nearest fur-covered flesh he could find that wasn’t his own. Nash’s pained outcry sang in his ears. Nash pulled back quickly, growling and snapping his tail back and forth in the hall.

  His back to the doorway of the bedroom, Ryker lowered his head and growled the only warning he was willing to offer. His left front leg was still bleeding, but not as badly as Nash’s shoulder.

  The flash of fury in Nash’s eyes was answer enough. He wouldn’t be backing down, not this time. There would be no last-minute retreat, no surrender. No, tonight, their feud would end in blood.

  Heart heavy, Ryker sprinted forward, determined to force Nash as far away from Willa as possible. He may not have had a choice in revealing his true nature, but he would do his best to keep her from having to witness the battle ahead.

  Nash didn’t back down, didn’t turn to run away. He found his feet and let loose an impressive roar as their upper bodies locked in combat.

  Ryker held him in place, but failed to force him back to the ground. Instead, they wrestled, awkwardly swiping at each other. Nash missed completely on his next swing and Ryker dove for the exposed flesh beneath his outstretched leg. He sank his fangs in as firmly as possible, making sure to shake his head in order to tear the wound. Nash reared back, smacking the side of Ryker’s face, but drawing little blood. He managed to free his leg from Ryker’s jaw and moved back, keeping weight on his remaining three paws.


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