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Owned by the Alpha

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “You were right.”


  “Waiting. I should have waited and courted with Hayley. Done things completely different.”

  “Doing things my way isn’t exactly in your nature, Micah.”

  She was right again. It was next to impossible for him to be patient. When he wanted something, he had to have it. Even though he was trying to give Hayley space, it didn’t always work. He found himself following her, just to make sure she was okay, or just to be near her. “I can’t lose her, Darla. I’ve already screwed up and done things the wrong way. I don’t know how I’m going to make it right with her.”

  Darla stopped in her chewing, and stared at him. “Why are you moping?”

  “Hello, I’ve got problems.”

  “No. You’ve got a curious and confused mate, that is not the same thing as having problems. You went to Hayley. Everyone you asked advice for, we told you the same thing, to do what normal humans do. They spend time, they date, and they fall in love before springing up the wolf talk,” Darla said. “You, you were determined to do this your own way, and for the past five days, you’ve left her alone.” She started chewing on a pancake. “Makes you a lame ass mate if you ask me.”

  “What do you expect me to do? I heard your advice to her. How am I supposed to work with that?” he asked.

  “Simple. Show her what being a mate really is like. Don’t give her space, and make her think that you’re bored, regardless of if you got to the sexy time yet. Stop being a selfish ass, and think about someone who is not you for a change.” Darla finished off his pile of pancakes. “Delicious. She’s down by the lake again, and she’s sad.”

  Micah got up, and without saying another word, headed out of the diner and toward the lake.

  Once he got to the forest, he ran toward the lake and found her within minutes. Her jeans were rolled up, and one strap of the crop top she was wearing had slid down her arm. Her hair was still down, around her like beautiful blonde waves. She was walking through the lake, looking so gorgeous.

  “Hey,” he said.

  She looked up and frowned at him. “Do I need to go somewhere else now?” she asked.


  “Every time I’ve come near you, you walk away. You’re here now. Do you want me to leave?” She folded her arms and looked incredibly pissed off at him. “Are we even mates or is this some ridiculous charade?”

  “We’re mates.”

  “We are? You see, that’s strange to me,” she said.


  “If we’re mates, tell me why you’ve suddenly gone and started to do your own thing. Why leave me alone? Can I go back to my life? The one you took me from?”

  Tears had filled her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?”

  “Yeah, I fucked up.” He entered the lake and walked right up to her. “I heard what Darla said to you, and I thought about everything that I had done. I’d not gotten you flowers, gotten to know you, or even taken you on dates, or anything. I just took you, and decided that nothing else mattered. I had found my mate, only there is a problem. I shouldn’t have taken you. I made a big mistake.”

  “You think I’m a big mistake?”

  “No. I think by doing this the way that I had, I made a mistake. I love you, Hayley. Really, I do, and I don’t know any other way of showing you how I feel. I’m used to just clicking my fingers and getting what I want. You’re not like that, and I want to be better. I want to be the man you deserve, more than anything else.” He reached out, cupping her face. “I want to give you the world, baby, and I want you to be happy here, to love it here.” Then, he couldn’t resist another moment. He slammed his lips down on hers, taking the kiss he’d been so desperate for.

  Chapter Six

  “So who is this?” Hayley asked, pointing at another black and white photograph.

  “That is actually my mom and dad.”

  “Really?” She looked closer. The photo was taken nearly a hundred years ago. “This is really weird. I can’t believe your parents were that old.” Her cheeks heated. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do know what you mean, and you’re right. My parents were really, really old. They were around for so many events in the world. War, peace, war again, color television.”

  She chuckled. “You were around for color television?”

  “Yep, I was.”

  Again, she laughed. “This is amazing. You have so much history. So much you must have witnessed firsthand.”

  “There was a lot of it, I know.”

  She turned a page and saw a picture of Darla and David. It was their wedding photo. “They look so happy.”

  “They are. They’re trying for a baby right now.”

  “Wolves can still have kids?” she asked.

  “Of course. The more kids the better.”

  “There’s only you and your sister, though?”

  “Yes, there’s only me and my sister. My parents didn’t want any more kids after the two of us. Dad was helping the whole pack, and we all work together. You’ve seen us. It’s one big family, and we all take care of each other.”

  “It must be nice.”

  “Foster homes for you, right?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I was the girl who was always overlooked. I was never wanted.”

  “You are wanted.”

  “Now I am. Back then, I wasn’t. There were a few times I nearly got a family, but they always wanted someone … different. I didn’t talk a lot when I was younger. I was always a little withdrawn. Didn’t trust easily either.”

  He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Lettie?”

  “She was the first person I trusted. Her secret was always safe with me.”

  Hayley looked up and saw he held out a piece of paper. “What is this?” she asked.

  “I had to call in a couple of favors, but I found her. She lives in England with her very wealthy mate, and she didn’t forget about you either. I’ve invited her to come and visit us, and she would really like to see you.”

  She took the piece of paper. “What is this?”

  “Contact details. They’ll be arriving before the next full moon, but if you wanted to get in touch with her before then, her details are there.”

  “She’s happy?”

  “She is very happy, and very married, and very mated.” He laughed. “The moment I said your name, she asked how you were, and that she tried to get her family to take you. It’s against pack law to take in a human female. They don’t think it’s healthy for you to grow up with people you’ll never share that connection with.”

  “I get it, I do. I always wondered about her. I didn’t even know where to start looking. It’s so good to know she’s happy.” She placed the photo album to one side, and kneeled in front of him. “Thank you.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on tight, giving him a squeeze. It had been three days since she argued with him at the lake. Since then, he hadn’t gone hiding. He had stayed with her, and they had been playing some games to help get to know each other.

  They went to the lake often. She had found that she loved spending time with him.

  Suddenly, he pulled away. “I’m just going to head to the shower.”

  She watched him leave, bereft at the empty feeling he had left behind. They had known each other a matter of days. Since that first night, she had been craving his touch even more. The pain had lessened, but the need was still there, and she was desperate for him. She wanted him so much.

  Getting up from the bed, she made her way toward the bathroom door. Was it wrong that she craved him? That night they had spent together, holding each other, it made her crave so much more with him.

  Watching Darla and David together made her yearn for something like what they shared. You could have that.

  Before she could talk herself out of what she was about to do, she quickly removed her clothes, and entered the bathroom. Her heart pound
ed. She opened the shower door and stepped inside.

  Micah was waiting for her.

  “You knew I was coming?” she asked.

  “I heard your heartbeat. It’s racing. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  She closed the door and faced him. “I want this, Micah. I need to be with you, more than anything else.” She took a step closer and reached behind him for the soap, her nipples grazing his chest as she did. “Would you like me to go?”

  “Hell no.”

  She smiled. “Then I’m here to stay.” As she spoke those words, she knew it meant a lot more than just sex. She wanted to be his mate, and to be part of him, and to share this life with him.

  Why deny something that they both wanted?

  Soaping her hands, she handed him the bar and then began to wash his body. He was so hard, so big, and he belonged to her.


  The moment Hayley’s hands touched him, Micah’s heart soared. He had been feeling their connection getting stronger, and he didn’t want to lose that. Finding Lettie hadn’t been easy. She had started with a pack in the states, and during a visit from a pack in England, her mate had been there.

  “Touch me, Micah.”

  They were the words he loved to hear. Gripping her hips, he pulled her closer, and pressed his lips against her head.

  “Don’t you want to wash me as well?” she asked, teasing him.

  He chuckled, grabbing the soap, which he had dropped. He soaped his hands, and had them on her body within a matter of seconds. He loved her curves. Her heavy tits, the roundness of her stomach, and the fullness of her hips. He loved every part of her.

  Running his hands over her body, he felt the weight of her tits and glided down over her hips until he finally kneeled before her.


  “I’ve got to clean all of you.” He lifted her foot to his shoulder, and started to run his hands up and down her thigh, teasing her close to her pussy, but never actually touching her. With her leg up, the lips of her sex were open, and he saw how aroused she was.

  Placing her leg down, he did the same with the other. When he was done, he washed the soap off and then stood. He heard her moan, and her legs pressed together.

  He held her chin, tilting her head back, and stared in her blue eyes. “You’re so beautiful.” He had thought that the first time he saw her, and his feelings had only gotten deeper.

  With his other hand, he stroked down her body, finally cupping her between her thighs. She gasped his name, opening her thighs, giving him better access. Stroking her clit, he watched the arousal in her eyes.

  “You’re mine, Hayley.”


  She didn’t fight him. Sliding his finger down to her core, he filled her pussy, marveling at how tight she was. He was going to have to bring her to orgasm, and prepare her. His cock was big, and if he didn’t prepare her, he would probably hurt her.

  Adding a second finger inside her, he pressed his thumb against her clit, teasing her.

  “I want you, Micah. I want to be yours and belong to you.”

  “What changed your mind?” he asked, dropping a kiss to her neck.

  “Because, I want to give this a try. I love being with you, and I believe you, Micah. Don’t you feel how close we are?”

  He did. He didn’t know she was starting to feel the same. “I kidnapped you.”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t say it was going to be easy, did I?”

  He laughed along with her.

  “I want you to make love to me tonight, Micah. Just make love, no mating, not yet. I want to talk about that.”

  “Okay, baby.” He could make love to her. He was more than happy to make love to her all night long.

  Spinning her around so that her back was pressed against his front, he teased her pussy at the same time he cupped her tit. Pinching the nipple, he stroked over her clit. Moving between her thighs, he alternated from stroking her nub, to filling her pussy. He wished it was his cock, but it would be soon.

  She reached between them, and cupped him in her hand. “I’m not a virgin, Micah. You don’t need to be gentle with me.”

  He nibbled her neck, sucking on her pulse. “I’m not going to be gentle with you. You feel how big I am. I’m going to make you come, and then I’m going to fuck you.”

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he stroked over her clit. Her orgasm began to build, and he kissed her neck, kissing along the back, and teasing her.

  “I’m not going to last, Micah.” She spoke his name on a scream as she came. He listened to the sound, relishing the scent in the room.

  Before she had even finished, he picked her up in his arms, and carried her toward their bedroom. Dropping her down on the bed, he stared at her. His woman, his mate, slick with the water from the shower, and tempting him in ways he had never felt.

  His cock was leaking pre-cum. “Do you want me to wear a condom? I’m clean. I don’t carry disease, and you’re not fertile.”

  “No. I don’t want anything between us. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Gripping his cock, he placed the tip at her entrance, and slowly, inch by inch, sank inside her.

  Filling his mate, he wrapped his arms around her, staring into her eyes as he thrust the final inches inside her.

  “I love you, Hayley. I love you more every single day.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I think I’m falling in love with you, too. It’s crazy. Love is supposed to take years, but I don’t know what it is.” She chuckled. “Maybe it was you kidnapping me? Kind of romantic.”

  He pulled out of her pussy until only the tip of him was inside. He watched her, making sure that he didn’t hurt her.

  “You feel amazing,” he said as he began to slowly rock inside her.

  Her hands moved to his back, her nails sinking into his flesh as she held onto him. “Please, Micah. Oh, my.”

  His slow thrusts turned up a notch until he was driving inside her with so much force that the bed was hitting the wall.

  “I love you, Hayley. Fuck, baby,” he said, groaning as, with a final thrust, he came, filling her up.

  The pleasure consumed both of them, and the spilling of his seed set Hayley off on a second orgasm. He held her tightly to him, never wanting to let go.

  Chapter Seven

  Three days later

  Hayley moaned as she lowered herself onto Micah’s hard cock. They were sat in his living room. The television played in the background.

  “How does the mating work?” she asked.

  “I have to bite you.”

  “Bite? I thought that was vampire.” She groaned as he gripped her hips and slammed her down onto his cock. The past three days had been spent in a sexual bliss of fucking. They hadn’t done much in the way of mating talk, and most nights Hayley dreamed about it. Her dreams were spent thinking about belonging to Micah, of being his mate, of having his children, and a life together.

  She had gotten over their initial meeting. He wasn’t a bad man, and even though he shouldn’t have kidnapped her, she kind of understood why he did it. Micah was acting on instinct. He needed his mate, and she had been difficult with him. There was no way she would have ever gone with him without being forced. She knew that, and deep down, so did Micah.

  “No, vampires need to kill first, drain you, and then feed you their blood.”

  “How does it work with a mate then?” she asked.

  “I bind you to me with sex and a bite. You have to be willing to become mine, baby, and it has to be at the full moon.”

  “Why the full moon?”

  “It has power all on its own. Each mated couple has to wait for the full moon.”

  “Does it have to be this full moon, or can it be when you’re ready?” she said.

  He slid a finger between her slit and began to stroke her clit. “It can be any full moon. Mates can wait months, or even years if they want. I’ve never heard of mates doing that though. It’s al
ways done as soon as possible.”

  She didn’t stop thrusting up and down on his cock as he teased her clit. Seating him to the hilt inside her, she screamed his name, needing him deeper even still.

  “I don’t want to wait either,” she said. Holding onto his thick shoulders, she fucked him harder, knowing in her heart she was making the right decision. “I want us to mate at the full moon, Micah. No more waiting.”

  He stopped, and she groaned, wriggling on his lap. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “You don’t want to go back to your old life?” he asked.

  “No. I want this life with you.”

  He stroked her clit to orgasm, and only when her cream soaked his cock, did he take her to the sofa, and start to fuck her hard. She loved it when he took charge. Sex with Micah was completely out of this world. He stared into her eyes and looked deep inside her. There was always something between them. Was it their mating? They belonged together, and whenever she was with him, the world fell away. They shared a passion she wasn’t used to, but she relished every second with him, and she loved him. She had tried to fight it, but she did love him. How could she not?

  She cried his name like she always did when he came inside her, his cum filling her up once again as he collapsed over her. He always moved a little so he wouldn’t hurt her.

  “You won’t regret giving yourself to me.”

  She smiled. “I know I won’t. I don’t regret anything. Not one second of it.” She locked their fingers together. “The pain inside me, it’s lessening. Why?”

  “You’re accepting me now. Before, you were fighting what our souls needed.”

  “Souls are not real.”

  “I think they are. We’re joined, Hayley. Together, and there is no getting away from that. We belong to each other.”

  The pain inside her had lessened, and she had found the arousal easier to deal with. She had stopped fighting. She didn’t know exactly when, but it had happened.

  “I never thought something like this would happen to me,” she said. “Do you think that was why I was always interested in wolves? On a deeper level, I was mated to one, or at least, destined to be mated to one.”


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