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Owned by the Alpha

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Darius had nothing to say. In one day his entire world had turned upside down. More than half his pack was away this week, leaving only the four of them on Northern Summit territory. He felt like a body without its limbs, having his pack so scattered. But it was nothing compared to the mating call. He couldn’t fuck this up.

  “Do you think she loves him?” asked Thorn.

  Darius whirled around, suppressing his urge to punch his beta in the face. “Why would you ask me that?”

  Thorn was unaffected by his explosive energy. He shrugged. “That would be the worst-case scenario.”

  “My nerves are on edge here as it is. I don’t need to be thinking about more potential disasters,” Darius said.

  The drone of crickets settled him. The forest surrounding the resort was home, giving him a small measure of peace under the circumstances.

  “Do you?” Thorn asked.


  “Love her.”

  Darius took a cleansing breath. He was so messed up he forgot his beta only had his best interests in mind. There was no one in the world he trusted more. “It’s the mating call,” he explained. “It’s more than love. It’s everything.”

  “…but a human?”

  Darius could only chuckle. “The gods know what they’re doing, Thorn. It’s not my place to argue.”

  “Not everyone thinks it’s a good idea.”

  He was well aware of the gossip within the pack. When he shifted into his fur, he could sense their warring emotions about adding a human to the Northern Summit Pack. But it wasn’t a choice, it was fate. Hailey was Darius’s mate. As alpha, he dared anyone, including a packmate, to challenge his choice. Darius would not tolerate disloyalty.

  “What do you think?” Darius asked.

  “You’re like a brother to me,” he said. “If you say she’s your mate, I’ll lay down my life to protect her.”

  He smiled, clapping his beta on the shoulder. “I know you would.”

  It was time. Darius had to find Hailey and work some magic, hoping she felt a similar spark for him. Thorn said she hadn’t left her room, so he made his way up to the sixth floor.


  Hailey jumped when someone knocked loudly at her door, the echo filling the obscenely large room. She’d been hiding out, feeling sorry for herself, and wishing things had worked out differently with Darius.

  When she opened the door, there was a cop standing there. Maybe she could finally leave the resort. Then she recognized him as one of the jerks from yesterday.

  “Hailey Robinson?”

  She nodded.

  “You need to come with me. There’s someone who wants to speak with you.”

  Did she have to go? She wasn’t sure what cops could and couldn’t demand. Part of her hoped Darius was looking for her, like a knight in shining armor.

  “Who is it?”

  “He didn’t mention his name.”

  “I don’t know if I should…”

  The cop’s jaw twitched, his expression anything but friendly. “I didn’t ask you, I’m telling you.”

  What an asshole. She couldn’t risk this chance. It was not like it would be dangerous if a cop was her chaperone. Hailey grabbed her purse and key-card and followed behind him. He didn’t speak, walking briskly ahead of her. She was only five feet, two inches herself, so it wasn’t easy keeping up, especially when he decided to use the stairs. He led her outside to the rear of the resort, and she hadn’t even brought her sweater. The sun had set, the distant bass of music from the ballroom drowning out the sounds of nature.

  “He’ll be here in a minute. Be smart, human, and take what he’s offering.” Then the cop re-entered the hotel, pulling the metal emergency door closed behind him. She stood out back, alone, like some fool. This time she was definitely going to report him.

  Hailey rubbed her bare arms to stave off the chill. She walked along the rear walkway when someone turned the corner. “Hailey?”

  No, no, no! It was that two-timing, engagement-breaking George. “I said I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “When you invited me out here, I assumed you wanted to talk,” he said. “But that’s okay, I can do the talking.”


  “Look, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. It was just cold-feet jitters.”

  Her mouth fell open. An admission of guilt? He actually expected her to forgive him? If she stayed single for the rest of her life, it would have been better than looking in George’s lying eyes again.

  “We can move on, celebrate, have your dream wedding. Nothing has to change.”

  She couldn’t speak because too many expletives were crowding her thoughts.

  “Let’s go inside, Hailey. There’re a lot of important people here we can rub elbows with. I think there’s a news crew, too. Did you bring something nicer to wear?”

  She was about to boil over, her cheeks flushing with her rising frustration. “Go home, George. I never said I was taking you back. It’s over. I won’t date a cheater, and certainly won’t marry one.”

  “It never bothered you before,” he said, anger seeping into his words.

  “Of course it did! But I’m not going to live like this anymore. I deserve better.” It was the first time she’d said it aloud. She almost didn’t believe it herself. But Darius made her feel special for a brief moment in time. Even if everything he’d said was a lie, it gave her the confidence boost she desperately needed.

  “You think you can do better?” He laughed. “You work minimum wage at a coffee shop. I’m saving you, and this is how you thank me?”

  “Thank you? For cheating?”

  “It’s not cheating if we’re not even married yet. Besides, how long do you expect a man to wait? Maybe if you loosened up a bit, instead of being so damn frigid, I wouldn’t have to cheat.”

  She gasped, tears pricking her eyes. He was so cruel. Hailey attempted to rush away, not willing to talk a second longer, but he grabbed her arm. His fingers dug so deep, he made her yelp.

  “Let me go!” she shouted, but nobody would hear with the ball taking center stage inside. Where was that no-good cop? Adrenaline rushed through her veins as memories of childhood violence returned with a vengeance. She hated how the past had so much power over her.

  “You were nothing when I found you,” he said. “Now you want to walk away?”

  She struggled to get free. The sound of his voice, his tone, his words … she wanted to block it all out. “Stop it! You’re hurting me!”

  Just because George was swimming in money didn’t give him the right to talk down to her. He’d led her to believe she was special, different, and worth marrying. It was all smoke and mirrors, she knew that now, but why bother to deceive her when he could have any woman he wanted?

  “Don’t be stupid. All my fucking friends are here. Just give me another chance, Hailey.”

  “I can’t, George. This was all a mistake. We were never meant for each other.” She attempted to tug her arm away again, but his thinly-veiled anger began to reveal itself. He twisted her arm sharply behind her back and forced her chest against the brick wall. The pain lashed through her body, and she swore her elbow would break with any more pressure.

  “If you’re ready to walk away, then I should get something for my time.” He didn’t release his hold on her, but used his free hand and attempted to force her pants over one hip.

  “What are you doing?” she cried.

  “Taking what you should have given me months ago.”

  More painful memories entered her mind like an acidic rain. She was numb, cold, and unable to fight or resist. Hailey’s limbs felt paralyzed and heavy, her mind drifting away to a place far, far away.

  “I promise, she has nothing to give you. And I won’t let you take what’s mine.”

  The pain in her limb eased instantly when George spun around. “Who the hell are you?” he asked. When the man didn’t answer, Hailey turned to see what was happening.

p; It was him. Darius North.

  She didn’t realize how tall and intimidating he could be until she saw him standing next to George. The shadows encircled him, his eyes pure evil.

  There was a break in the music, leaving only an eerie silence.

  “You put your hands on her,” Darius stated. He walked forward, like a brick wall, forcing George to back away.

  “What’s it to you?”

  “No one touches Hailey.”

  George frowned, looking from Darius to her. “You know him?”

  “Don’t speak to her.” Darius grabbed a strong fistful of George’s shirt, lifting him off the ground momentarily. “You like to hurt women?”

  George shook his head.

  “I protect what’s mine.” Darius shoved George. He stumbled backward. “I’m trying to be a gentleman tonight because a lady shouldn’t have to witness what I want to do to you right now.” Another shove and stumble. “Stay away from her. Do we have an understanding?”

  George kept quiet.

  “This is where you say ‘yes’,” said Darius. Then he leaned forward to whisper in George’s ear. Hailey was close enough to hear. “If I see you near her again, I’ll rip your fucking throat out. Now say ‘yes’ if you know what’s good for you.”

  “Y-es,” George stuttered.

  He rushed off once Darius released him. Once he reached the corner of the building, he shouted out, “You’ll pay for this!”

  Hailey’s faculties returned in a hurry, her mind racing to process what just happened. He’d saved her. Again. Darius’s possessive words still rang in her mind. Did he mean them? She wanted him to have meant them.

  It amazed her how the same jerk who’d elicited such fear in her was terrified of the hulking man in front of her. God, Darius made her feel safe, feminine, and wanted. It was an addicting feeling, one she was afraid to get used to.

  “How did you find me?” she whispered.

  “I was looking for you,” he said. “I was worried since you missed our lunch date.”

  She thought she’d never see him again after ditching him. This was surreal. And the sound of “date” on his lips did wild things to her body.

  “I’m sorry about that. There was another incident with … him … my ex-fiancé.” She put the emphasis on “ex” because the last thing she wanted was to scare Darius away.

  He stepped closer, so close she could smell his rich cologne. “Did he hurt you?”

  She wanted to say “no”, but instinctively reached for her arm where he’d squeezed her too hard.

  “Let me see.”

  She dropped her arm, trying to remember how to breathe. The music started again in the ballroom, this time a slow song, the distant bass and dreamy melody filling the night air. Darius held her arm as if she were made of porcelain. He caressed her skin with the backs of his fingers.

  “A male should never harm his female.” He spoke so slowly that it mesmerized her. “A mate should be treasured. Protected. Given every kind of pleasure.”

  She swallowed hard, falling so easily under his spell.

  “I’ll never hurt you, Hailey.”

  She could feel the promises attached to his words, and she believed them.

  “All I ask is for a chance to prove I could be a worthy mate.”

  Hailey knew her eyes were wide. She tried to appear unaffected, but she’d never met a man like Darius North. She had a feeling he always got what he wanted. “This is so fast. You don’t even know me.”

  “I know enough,” he said. “I have very good insight when it comes to people—especially you.” Darius braced an arm against the wall behind her, leaning in close. He took a deep breath at her neckline, releasing it in a near-growl. She couldn’t help but close her eyes, the masculine sound sending delicious shivers low in her belly.

  “Why me?”

  His lips brushed the shell of her ear. “It’s your scent. It drives me crazy.”

  When she felt his stubble against her cheek, she parted her lips in anticipation. Her heart raced so fast, she swore he could hear it. When his lips met hers, he proceeded slowly, deliberately. She lost herself to his ministrations, their kiss growing in intensity.

  Either she was a sucker or this was the real deal because Hailey had never felt such raw passion from a man. Darius conquered her—body, mind, and soul. The entire world went away, leaving them alone in a bubble of time and space. His tongue brushed hers as he devoured her mouth, his hands cupping her face. She became breathless as she spiralled down a path she knew there was no escape from.

  “You’re fucking perfect, Hailey.” He trailed those hot kisses down her neck, his hands roaming south. When he reached her ass, he tugged her against his hard body. She gasped, savoring this strength and brazenness. He was so ruggedly handsome, and she was certain he could get any woman he wanted. Did he want to use her like George? Would he cheat on her the same way?

  “I’m scared,” she dared to admit.

  “Tell me.” With one hand cupping her ass in a possessive grip, he combed the other through her hair. He enveloped her, lighting her body afire with need.

  “I’m afraid you’re going to take everything from me and walk away. I’m afraid you’ll realize you can do better. I’m afraid I’ll fall in love and have my heart broken.” She couldn’t believe she’d shared such personal fears, but what did she have to lose? Darius was everything she’d dreamed of and this time it had to be all or nothing. No more being left in the shadows.

  He chuckled—a deep, honeyed sound. “I do plan to take everything from you, little one. All I can think about is your sweet, virgin pussy, and making you mine.” She could feel his erection pressed against her stomach. How did he know she was a virgin? Was it that obvious? “But I won’t be walking away. I mate for life, and there will never be another for me.”

  She wanted to allow him to be that man, the one who’d change her faith, make her believe in love again. Darius continued to shock her with his no-holds-barred personality, but he was also the essence of a real man—strength and masculinity in its purest form.

  “Yes,” she whispered, as he tugged her hair, exposing her neck.

  “Yes what?”

  “Make me yours,” she said. What did she have to lose? Hailey was weary of life, and ready to start over. She might have been a fool, but she was going to allow herself to trust again and hope it wasn’t a mistake.

  Chapter Six

  Darius’s wolf howled within him. Those words, those three perfect words were everything he needed to hear. Hailey had freely offered herself to him and he wasn’t going to fuck it up. As much as he desired to whisk her away to her suite, he used his last shred of humanity to do things right. Not only was she a human, she was more fragile than most.

  “Will you be going to the ball, Hailey?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not used to fancy events.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. Her innocence was a turn-on he never expected. He’d set out to claim a human, an unprecedented task, and succeeded. “I want to show you off.”

  “Darius, I’m sorry. I want to believe you, but…”

  He felt her pulling away. Little did she know he was as damaged as her, fighting for survival since he was abandoned as a pup. He’d started out weak and alone, now he was alpha of a powerful wolf pack and dared anyone to challenge him.

  “You can’t find happiness if you don’t take chances, Hailey.” He smoothed the pad of his thumb along her lower lip. “I can take care of you, baby girl, and I plan to do just that.”

  Darius held her hand and escorted her back to her room. His werewolf libido was making itself painfully known. The full moon taunted him. When she opened the door to her suite, he couldn’t hold back, crushing his lips to hers. Her hair was soft and smelled of subtle vanilla. He savored her taste and the soft mewling sounds she made. She drove him fucking crazy.

  “I’ll wait for you downstairs in the ballroom,” he said, pulling away.


  He narrowed his eyes. “I need to get ready for our date.”

  “Can’t you stay a little longer?”

  She shouldn’t have asked him that. The full moon shone in from the glass wall of the penthouse suite, making his cock heavy as lead. The heady scent of her lust wasn’t lost on him. “Hailey, I’m not sure you’re ready for this.”

  The mating call was instinctive, a constant urge he held at bay for the sake of his human mate. Now she was giving him permission to take what he wanted. How could he refuse?

  She kissed him, tentatively, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “I want you, Darius. I want you to love me.”

  “I do,” he said honestly. He stepped into the room, kicking the door shut behind them. He backed her up to the king-size bed until she sat on the edge. “I want to make you mine. Forever.”

  Hailey nodded. Her lips quivered slightly. His little virgin was afraid, and he was a werewolf alpha not used to playing nice. He didn’t want to hurt her, but also couldn’t deny what they both wanted.

  He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it. “Your desire is driving me crazy, little one. You’re wet for me, too. Only me.” Darius tugged off her pants, and she fell back onto the lush bedding.


  She squirmed on the bed, practically begging for his cock. Tonight he wished he wasn’t so damn big. He didn’t want to hurt her. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  “I’ve saved myself for a long time. I’m choosing you.”

  He growled, falling over her, bracing his weight on his forearms. He kissed her gently at first, but her ripe scent was his undoing. He slipped off her t-shirt and unclasped her bra before taking her nipple in his mouth. Her curves were addicting. Darius suckled her tits, using a free hand to tear away her panties. His cock jumped, never so primed for a woman before. The full moon cast its glow throughout the entire suite, demanding he complete the bond—sex and blood.


  Hailey could scarcely breathe, her mouth dry and heart racing. Darius’s body was hard, muscled perfection. The fibres of his golden muscles strained as he held back. She didn’t want him to hold back.


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