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The Brothers of Brigadier Station

Page 7

by Sarah Williams

  With the derricks up above us and the solid earth below,

  We are waiting at the lever for the word to let her go.

  Sinking down, deeper down,

  Oh, we’ll sink it deeper down.”

  “Song of the Artesian Water. By Banjo Patterson.”

  * * *

  Suddenly the puppy bounded back to her and obediently sat at her feet as though she had called him.

  “Hey, fella. You like that poem?” He closed his eyes blissfully as she stroked his back. “Do you like Banjo Patterson?” As if in response, the dog started thumping his tail.

  “Banjo. Is that your name?”

  Darcy put the bowl of water next to her and the dog thirstily slurped it up.

  “He’s chosen his own name.” Meghan smiled proudly. “Darcy, meet Banjo.”

  Darcy crouched down. “Gidday, Banjo.”

  Banjo licked his face. A wet, slobbery kiss.

  Meghan started laughing as Darcy gently pushed the puppy away and wiped his face with the bottom of his shirt, revealing his flat, smooth stomach.

  “Yep, definitely needs some training,” he chuckled.

  Meghan tightened her seatbelt, her heart thumping double time as the single engine Cessna purred to life under Darcy's control. "You sure you can fly this to Townsville?" she spoke into the headset’s mouth piece.

  "Trust me." Darcy’s voice came through her headset low and loud.

  She looked over to see him watching her. His eyes crinkled mischievously like he knew something she didn’t.

  "Have you been in a plane like this before?"

  "Not one this small." She glanced back at the four seats behind her. Banjo was inside a dog cage on the floor. He was dozing happily, seemingly unaware of his owner's nerves.

  Meghan had already fallen in love with Banjo and being away from him at such a young age, was not an option for her. In Townsville she would get his health checked and have him microchipped. She could also start some basic training before they returned to the station for good.

  Meghan took aerial shots of Brigadier Station as they flew low over it, circling around so she could get all vantages.

  Darcy pointed out sites and she watched the forbidding flat landscape pass beneath them. He had hidden talents up every sleeve. Just when she thought she had worked him out, he surprised her again.

  She had to raise her voice to be heard over the thrum of the engines. "When did you learn to fly?"

  "I got licensed through the aero club in Julia Creek. I actually wanted to be a pilot in the air force when I was younger." Darcy replied.

  "So, what stopped you?" Meghan asked.

  "Dad wouldn’t allow it. He said I had to stay on the land and help Lachie." A muscle in his jaw twitched. "No one would dare disobey Daniel McGuire."

  "Really? What do you mean?" she puzzled.

  He shook his head. "Never mind." Daniel’s name was rarely mentioned, and she wondered if there was a family secret. The fact Darcy didn’t want to talk about it confirmed her suspicions.

  "What did you want to do when you were younger?" he asked.

  "I wanted to be a painter." She smiled wistfully. "I took every art class possible at school. But I also love animals so it was a tough decision."

  "Do you still paint?"

  "Not for a long time." The familiar urge to pick up a paintbrush had her fingers twitching. It had been years since she had painted anything.

  "You want a go?" His voice pulled her back.

  "At what? Flying?" She turned to him with wide eyes.

  He nodded. "Yeah. Take the controls."

  "Okay." She put her hands on the wheel in front of her and under Darcy’s direction she turned them slightly. The plane turned with it. She straightened up again, and he put his arms behind his head and leant back.

  "You're flying."

  "I am. This is so cool."

  After a few minutes, Meghan's mobile rang. Darcy took back the controls while Meghan checked the message. Mobile service was unreliable this far west.

  "My friend, Jodie is picking me up from the airport," she told Darcy while finishing her message. "That reminds me, what's your mobile number?”

  "I don't have a mobile," he said.

  "Seriously? No mobile?" Meghan pondered the possibility. "What about an email?"

  He shook his head apologetically. "No need for one."

  "Lachie has a mobile."

  "Lachie has to have a mobile for station business. Besides, he has you to call."

  Before long they were entering Townsville airspace. Darcy communicated with the airport tower and was given permission to land. He guided the plane in smoothly and taxied to the designated bay.

  "Come meet my friend," Meghan said, as they descended the stairs of the aircraft.

  "Okay, I've got some time."

  They headed toward the tall blonde dressed in a short skirt and revealing top. Jodie liked to make the most of her assets.

  "That's what I thought you'd look like," Darcy commented as Meghan pointed her out.

  "She’s Lachie's type?" Meghan asked as she laughed at Darcy’s comment. Lachie had met Jodie a few times, and although they were friendly to each other, Lachie had never seemed to take particular notice of her looks.

  Jodie gave Darcy a good look over. "Hello."

  "Hi." Meghan watched as he squirmed slightly under her friend's rakish gaze. Jodie appreciated a well-formed male body and Darcy certainly fit into that category. In his blue-checked shirt, jeans and boots, he looked like a real man who was good with his hands and not afraid to get dirty. Lachie gave out a similar vibe, but he knew it and made it work for him. Darcy was completely unaware of his appeal.

  "So, um, you're the Matron of Honour?"

  Jodie dramatically put her hand to her chest and feigned horror. "Maid not matron. Heaven's, I'm not old enough to be a matron of anything."

  Meghan placed her hand on Darcy's arm. "Don't worry about her. She's a bit dramatic."

  He relaxed under her gaze. "Of course, I'm sorry. Guess that's almost as bad as asking your age."

  Jodie laughed her high pitched, flirty laugh. "Oh, I like you. We're going to get on so well."

  Darcy raised his eyebrows before checking his watch. "I better head off if I want to get in before dark."

  "See you at the wedding." Jodie smiled suggestively.

  "Thanks again." Meghan stepped forward and hugged him briefly.

  "No problem. Bye, Meghan."

  Both girls watched him walk away, hypnotized by the sway of his hips.

  "What's with the hugging?" Jodie playfully nudged her friend. "You hate hugging."

  "I don't hate it. It's okay with people I know." Meghan waved as the Cessna taxied out of sight. "Darcy and I get on really well, and we have heaps in common."

  "Yes, but is he single?"

  "Yes, but he doesn't like the city much."

  "Who cares I only need an hour or so. He’s hot. Possibly even better looking than Lachie."

  "You think so?" Meghan mentally compared the two.

  "Toss up. So how did you like the outback?" Jodie asked as they walked towards her car.

  "I loved it. It's so far away from everything. They only go into Julia Creek once a month or so and stock up on groceries. They get milk and perishables delivered when they run out. Harriet has to cook a lot."

  "Forget Indian takeout there then. You think you can hack it? Really?"

  "I would want to move there even if I wasn't marrying Lachie. It feels like home to me." Certainty filled Meghan as she smiled.

  Darcy landed back at the airstrip just as the sun was setting. He closed the hangar doors behind him and watched as the last flickers of orange disappeared below the horizon. Meghan would have loved that sunset. He suddenly felt very alone; like he had lost his best friend. Actually, Meghan probably was the best friend he had ever had. In such a short time, he had shared things with her that he had never thought to tell anyone before.

  He stopped
by the horses to check and feed them before heading back to the house. Joey was there waiting, and he looked at him quizzically as if asking where the mistress was.

  "You miss them too, don't you?" He patted the dog, and Joey licked his hand affectionately.

  Harriet was setting the table for two when Darcy entered the kitchen.

  "Safe trip?" she asked.

  "Yep. I met Meghan's maid of honour."

  "Oh?" Harriet raised her eyebrows

  "She's…" Darcy racked his brain for the appropriate adjective. "A real city girl."

  "Oh." Harriet nodded in understanding. They had seen plenty of women come out from the city with dreams of marrying a wealthy grazier and living a life of leisure in the country but still being able to fly back to the city whenever they ran out of eye cream or wanted to visit the theatre. Few of them ever stayed around longer than a few months.

  Darcy had nothing against city girls, though. They were the result of their upbringing just as country girls were the result of theirs. Men were the same. Each to their own, was his motto.

  He washed his hands in the kitchen sink. "I'm going to fix up the ringers’ quarters and move there before the wedding." He had been thinking about it since Lachie had announced the engagement. "The newlyweds won't want me cramping their privacy."

  "Yes, I thought I might start looking for a place in town." Harriet agreed then looked around at her home. "I'll talk to Meghan about it next time she comes."

  Darcy carried his plate of fried chicken to the table and sat next to his mother. He glanced at the empty seat Meghan had occupied. "You think they will make a good couple?"

  "I think she will be a wonderful daughter-in-law."

  Darcy nodded in agreement but said nothing further on the subject.

  Chapter 8

  Soft music played in the bridal shop, lulling customers into dreams of fairy-tale weddings and happily-ever-afters. Meghan was not immune to its effect, especially when the room smelled like newly-opened roses on a spring day. She had no idea what style wedding dress she would suit, just that it had to be simple and elegant. "Absolutely no frills or taffeta," she reminded Jodie who seemed intent on choosing the most revealing, girly dresses she could find. "Look for a dress for me, not you."

  Jodie slowly moved to stand beside her friend. "Umm, Meghan?"


  "You don't think this is all happening a bit quickly do you?" Her voice was quiet.

  Meghan frowned wondering what had brought this conversation on. "Where's this coming from?"

  "You've saved me from my share of bad relationships over the years, so let's just say it's my turn to look after you." Jodie fingered some white lace of a dress near her. "I mean, I know you've always dreamed about being married and having a family of your own, but are you sure Lachie is the one?"

  Meghan reached out and pulled her childhood friend into a tight hug. "Thank you for looking out for me. But I know what I'm doing."

  "I know you wish your Mum was here. I do too. She was like another mother to me. I know she would want me to make sure you're doing the right thing." When the two women finally came apart they were both wiping tears away. Jodie had been Meghan's rock when her mother had died. She had helped with the funeral arrangements and had stayed with her friend for weeks, making sure she ate and dressed each day.

  "Mum is here. In spirit." Meghan smiled. "Now, help me find a dress."

  They turned back to the racks. "What are the boys going to wear? Jeans and a T-shirt?"

  "No." She ran her hand over a lacy dress on the rack she was working her way through. "I'm going to buy them both a nice suit and white shirt. No ties though, it's too formal."

  "Do you have their sizes? We could do that next."

  Meghan’s face lit up suddenly, and she pulled out an ivory satin dress. She walked over to a mirror and held it against herself.

  Jodie’s eyes lit up as she clapped her hand over her mouth. "Try it on."

  Meghan took off her T-shirt and shorts then carefully dropped the dress over her head. It whispered as it slipped down her body, as though it had been made for her. The amazed look on Jodie’s face said it all.

  Turning to the mirror, Meghan took her first look. The dress had a loose cowl neckline and diamantes on the shoulder straps. It clung to her body like a second skin accentuating her curves. She piled her hair on top of her head exposing the diamantes more brilliantly.

  "It's perfect." Jodie placed her arm around Meghan’s shoulder in a show of solidarity.

  "It is," Meghan murmured. Her eyes stung as she gazed at herself in her wedding dress. She wished her mum was here. This was a moment in a girl’s life when she needed her mother. At least she had Jodie—her substitute sister.

  The shop assistant had been quietly watching from the shadows. She came forward now and studied the size. "It’s a perfect fit."

  Meghan smiled before she remembered their earlier conversation. "The boy’s sizes! Pass me my phone, and I'll call Harriet. She'll know."

  "Good idea." Jodie shuffled through her friend’s bag before finding the mobile. She handed her the phone.

  "I’ll give you two a few minutes." The assistant smiled before leaving the room.

  Meghan found the number and waited as it rang.

  "Brigadier Station." The dulcet tones of Darcy’s familiar voice caused her breath to quicken.

  "Darcy, I wasn’t expecting you to answer. Where's Harriet?"

  There was a short pause before he answered. "She's in town on wedding business."

  "Oh, I thought something might be wrong. What are you doing home so early in the day?"

  "Early lunch. The tractor broke down, and I'm about to fix it."

  "Right. Of course." Another hidden talent; Darcy seemed able to fix and do everything.

  "How are you?" he asked.

  It had been almost a week since Darcy had flown her to Townsville. He had been on her mind a lot, and she was secretly pleased to have the chance to speak to him now.

  "I'm good, thanks. Actually, Jodie and I are wedding dress shopping." She giggled. "I'm wearing the perfect dress right now."

  "Is it all frilly?" She could hear his warm smile in his voice.

  "No. It's satin actually." She winked at Jodie who was sitting on the couch watching her.

  Another long pause. "I’m sure it’s beautiful. Lachie will love it." He suddenly sounded very formal, and she wondered if she had said something wrong.

  "So, I'm going to buy you a suit for the wedding. What size are you?"

  "I have a suit."

  "You do?" Meghan asked surprised.

  "I don't wear it much, but it's there."

  "It's not some weird old suit that belonged to your grandfather, is it?"

  Darcy chuckled. "No, it's a plain black suit with a white shirt. I even own a blue tie."

  "Nice. The tie would bring out the colour of your eyes." Meghan had a vision of him at the altar. Waiting. For her?

  She shook her head. "Does it fit?"

  "Yes, it fits. I promise."

  "Okay. I believe you. You said you never lie." Warmth settled in her stomach.

  "That's right. When are you coming back? Shadow's almost ready to have her foal."

  "Is she? Maybe I could drive up this weekend." Meghan only had a few more shifts left at work before she finished up. She could drive up Saturday morning, stay the night and drive back Sunday.

  "I could pick you up Friday. Lachie should be home by then."

  Lachie, was still away with the agistment heard. They had only spoken a couple of times briefly as the reception was always crackly. He had, however, organised a beautiful bouquet of flowers be delivered to her house the day after she returned home. Her heart had fluttered at the gesture. He could be so sweet and romantic when he made an effort.

  "I don’t want to inconvenience you."

  "No inconvenience at all." His voice now sounding intimately close.

  "Can I fly the plane again?"

bsp; "You want lessons now?" he teased, "Sure, you can fly for a bit."

  "Excellent. Call my mobile before you leave so I can get to the airport and meet you."

  "No worries. See you then, Meghan."

  "Bye, Darcy." She ended the call. Jodie was watching her.

  "Nice to know a guy with a plane! Shame Lachie won't be there, or you could join the mile-high club!"

  "Jodie!" Meghan threw the phone next to her on the couch and turned back to the mirror. She studied herself and thought of Darcy and his blue tie. Visions of him standing next to her, holding her hand crossed her mind. Then suddenly another imagined figure was standing next to her holding her other hand.

  This one was Lachie.

  Her fiancé. The one she was supposed to marry.

  About to take off. ETA 2 hrs. Darcy

  A text message from Darcy. Meghan tried to swallow down the butterflies in her throat. He had gotten a mobile since their last meeting.

  Welcome to the 21st Century. C U soon.

  She left her car in the carpark at Townsville Airport and waited for the Cessna to appear in the sky. She spotted its red stripe and watched as Darcy landed and taxied over to an empty bay. Sitting in the cockpit, he looked very professional in his aviator sunglasses and headset. He smiled when he saw her, and she waved back. Banjo pulled excitedly on his leash. His tail swishing violently.

  "Hello!" She hugged Darcy when he’d descended the stairs. "How was the flight?"

  "Smooth. Been here long?" He pushed his sunglasses up into his hair. The deep blue of his eyes startled her again. She'd forgotten how intense their colour was.

  "Yeah, but we like watching the planes so we came early." She gestured to Banjo who was jumping up, eager for attention. Darcy didn't disappoint. Crouching down he received a sloppy kiss from the pup.

  "Still got some training to do." He raised an eyebrow at Meghan, who stifled a laugh.

  "Just a bit."

  Darcy nodded at her luggage. A large suitcase and three cardboard boxes. "How long are you staying?'

  "Didn't you hear? I'm moving in." Meghan joked. "I thought I might as well leave some stuff there. Is that okay?"


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