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Mitry and Weni

Page 13

by Becca Van

  “What the fuck?” Wen frowned.

  “I don’t know.” Mit’s shoulders relaxed. The tension which had invaded his muscles slowly eased. He was happy to have Krysta back but he wasn’t sure he was going to want to hear what had happened to her. If she had been fighting Apep and the demonic all alone… He couldn’t finish that thought because it twisted his guts back into the lump of lead that had settled in his stomach for the last three days. He hadn’t been able to sleep or eat, too concerned for his mate to do normal things when the other half of his soul was unconscious.

  Now that she was up and about his stomach rumbled angrily. He was starving and he’d bet his last dollar that Krysta was, too. Thankfully it was almost dinnertime and he could smell food cooking. He hoped Paser or whoever had cooked made a lot of food. He felt as if he could down half a cow without stopping and Wen would have no problems eating the other half.

  “I’m going to have a quick shower.” Mit strode from the room and walked down the hall toward the other bathroom.

  “I’ll shower after you.” Wen followed him out.

  * * * *

  Krysta sat back with a satisfied sigh. She couldn’t believe how much food she’d eaten in one sitting. She was stuffed and from the amount her mates had eaten she guessed they hadn’t been taking care of themselves while she’d been visiting with her father. She was aware of the surreptitious glances from the others but ignored them for the most part. She knew they would start grilling her soon.

  She leaned back in her chair, wrapped her hands around her coffee mug, and started talking.

  “What?” Mit shoved his chair back so hard it toppled over behind him. She met his gaze and nearly chuckled when she saw his mouth was hanging open.

  “Are you serious?” Zara’s voice broke into the shocked silence and everyone began talking at once.

  Mit righted his chair but she knew something was bothering him when he wouldn’t meet her eyes and started pacing.

  Krysta sighed and tried to hear what everyone was saying but it was too difficult to lock on any one conversation. Wen stood and walked over to Mit who was now in the kitchen leaning against the counter and staring at the ceiling.

  Her stomach knotted and she wasn’t sure if it was her own emotions causing her gut to churn or her mates, but when she felt guilt assail her she knew it was theirs. She sighed, rose from her seat, and left the room. She didn’t consciously seek out her father’s temple but that was where she ended up. The moment she entered the room, peace and love washed over and through her. She didn’t need to call her dad or even see him to know he was watching over her. She sat in the middle of the floor, soaking up the last rays of the sun as it dipped toward the west.

  Krysta always had an almost compulsive obsession in regards to all things Ancient Egyptian and now she knew why.

  She’d been amazed how much her dad had had a hand in her learning how to fight the demons. Apparently she was the only person who had ever and who would ever find information on the internet regarding the snake god and his shadow demons. Of course there was general knowledge online regarding Apep and other Egyptian gods but not what she’d been able to uncover, apparently.

  Krysta felt complete now that she knew who her father was and the circumstances of her birth, and although she loved her mates more than life itself she could already feel them distancing themselves from her. She could feel their emotions through the mating bond and right now they both felt as if they didn’t measure up to her dad and weren’t good enough to be her mates.

  She decided to give them a little time to get over the shock and come to her, but if they didn’t approach her soon, there would be holy hell to pay.

  How long she sat in her father’s temple she had no idea but it was quite a while. The sun had set long ago and her legs were starting to get stiff from being cross-legged for so long. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Mit and Wen had gone to the training room to work out some of their aggression and uncertainty. She finally had enough of her mates avoiding her. It was time for her to confront them.

  She stood and walked around the room a couple of times to ease the stiffness in her muscles and just as she was walking toward the doorway, Mit and Wen entered. She stopped, crossed her arms over her chest, and waited.

  When she saw the sheen of sweat on their bare chests, shoulders, and arms and that they were still panting slightly, she realized that they had pushed themselves hard. Her heart flipped and pounded in her chest but she made sure to keep her expression stoic.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Mit asked as he walked toward her.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Maybe because you had to fight off the shadow demons, Apep, and then found out your father is a god.”

  Krysta snorted. “I’m not the one hung up on that fact.”

  Mit’s expression turned contrite. “We were shocked.”

  “You think I wasn’t?” Krysta lowered her arms and let them hang loosely at her sides. It was hard to keep from curling her hands into fists.

  “You’ve had longer than we have to come to terms with such an unexpected…event.” Wen widened his stance and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Krysta nodded as she conceded him that point. From what they had told her she’d had three days to talk to her dad. To her it had felt as if only five minutes passed. No wonder her mates were in such turmoil. They would have been very worried about her and she could also understand how they might think they weren’t good enough to be her mates. It wasn’t everyday one found out they were mated to the daughter of a god.

  “How come you don’t have any powers?” Mit asked.

  Krysta shrugged. “My mother was human.”

  “Does it bother you, knowing that you dad is a god?” Wen asked.

  “Not really. I was shocked and hurt when he told me, but he didn’t know of my existence until I started researching the demonic and Apep.”

  “How did he find out?” Mit stepped closer and cupped her face.

  Krysta wanted to nuzzle into his touch but she fought her instincts. If she did that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from initiating sex. Her pussy was already wet and achy, and her nipples were hard and throbbing. It still amazed her that she could become so turned on and from just a simple touch from one of her men.

  “My mom told one of the angels and he passed it on to my father.”

  “Shit! That must have been a shock.”

  “Apparently.” Krysta nodded. “Ra has been watching over me for the last two years.”

  “Thank god.” Wen walked around behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her against his hard, warm body.

  “So have you come to terms with it yet?” She shifted on her feet and nearly groaned when she felt the thick ridge of Wen’s hard cock pressing against her back.

  Mit took her face between both of his hands and stared deeply into her eyes. “It’s going to take some getting used to, but we figured we would never have met if we weren’t meant to be together.”

  The tension drained from Krysta’s body and when she tuned into the connection she had with her mates, she knew that they were indeed trying to come to terms with the shock she’d given them.

  “If it helps Ra said he couldn’t have asked for better mates for his daughter.”

  Mit blinked and a slow smile formed on his lips.

  “Really?” Wen asked.


  “Well we certainly won’t argue with a god.” Wen chuckled. Mit lowered his hands from her face and Wen swept her off her feet and strode toward the doorway.

  She didn’t need to ask where they were going. One good thing about having such a strong connection and enhanced senses was that her men knew when she needed them and she knew when they needed her.

  Before she knew it they were back in their apartment. Wen lowered her to her feet, grasped her shoulders, and turned her to face him. As he lowered his head, she went up on tiptoes, wrapping her arms
around his neck and her legs around his waist.

  Their lips met with ravenous desire as the need for each other consumed them in its fire.

  Wen’s tongue pushed into her mouth, rubbing along it before coming back to duel with her in an erotic dance.

  Mit moved in behind her and she gasped into Wen’s mouth when he grabbed hold of the T-shirt she’d borrowed from him and ripped it down the back before shoving it off of her arms. Her bra didn’t escape his aggressiveness either and it was quickly discarded to the floor.

  Mit tugged on the button of her jeans, releasing it from the hole, and then slid the zipper down.

  Wen broke the kiss, panting for breath as he stepped back from her and began to shuck his clothes.

  Mit grabbed her hips and spun her around to face him. “I love you, baby.”

  Tears burned in her eyes and while she tried to blink them away, they welled and trickled down her cheeks.

  “I love you, too.” She reached up, palmed his cheeks, and tugged him down toward her. He met her halfway, slanting his mouth over hers, taking her lips in a kiss so hot, wet, and wild she nearly came on the spot.

  Cream wept onto her panties and she moaned in frustration at still having too many clothes on. She gasped in air when Mit lifted his lips from hers and stared deeply into his eyes as he shoved her jeans and undies over her hips and down her legs.

  A chuckle escaped when Mit cursed because she still had her sneakers on. He knelt in front of her, undid the laces, and removed them and her socks one at a time. She moaned when Wen pressed his naked front against her back and whimpered with arousal when she felt the tip of his hard cock brush against her lower back.

  Her legs trembled and she was about to reach out to Mit when Wen wrapped his arms around her waist and plucked her feet from the floor. Mit tugged her jeans and panties off over her feet and flung them aside. Wen lowered her until her feet were once more on the floor and she caressed her fingers into Mit’s thick, silky, soft hair.

  “I need to taste you, mate.” Mit looked up her body and met her gaze.

  Her internal walls clenched and another gush of juices leaked from her cunt.

  “You smell so fucking sweet,” Mit said in a raspy voice before leaning forward, placing his nose at the top of her folds, and inhaling deeply.

  “Oh,” Krysta groaned when the tip of his nose brushed against her engorged sensitive clit, making her whole body jolt at the exquisite sensation.

  Mit drew back and stared at her bare mound. “You’re so wet and horny. I can see your clit peeking out from between your folds.”

  Krysta closed her eyes and drew in a deep, ragged breath, trying to control the hunger racing through her veins. The air left her lungs on a long, low moan when Mit licked her pussy from top to bottom. Her legs began to shake with need and she wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be able to stand. Thankfully Wen must have felt her quaking because he tightened his hold around her waist. She leaned back against him, sighing and gasping when he began to lick and nibble along her neck. One of his arms left her waist before cupping first one breast and then the other.

  “I love you, honey,” he breathed against her ear, causing goose bumps to race over her skin.

  She turned her head to look up at him. “I love you, too.”

  Wen squeezed and pinched one nipple and as he moved to do the same to the other he bent forward and kissed her.

  Krysta was so hungry for her mates she could barely draw a breath in through her nostrils, but she didn’t care. She kissed Wen back, pushing all the love in her heart for her two men into the bond. She knew they felt it when they both groaned.

  She gasped when Mit’s tongue slid in and out her pussy, fucking her with it. Her whole body began to quake as she went speeding up the slope toward ecstasy. She hovered on the peak for what seemed like hours but was surely only minutes, and then she was falling over the edge.

  Mit shoved two fingers up into her pussy, thrusting them fast, hard, and deep while his tongue flicked over her clit. Her womb rippled as the coil wound tight and then she was screaming as rapture encompassed her entire being.

  Her pussy clenched and let go only to clamp and release again. Wen continued to pluck at her nipples, going from one to the other while he sucked at and scraped his teeth over the sensitive spot beneath her ear.

  Mit’s tongue laved over her clit firmly as his fingers glided in and out of her cunt, the pads caressing over her G-spot, and cream dripped down her inner thighs. She slumped back against Wen as the last contraction faded and although she was happy, content, and had just had an amazing orgasm, it wasn’t enough.

  Krysta needed to have both of her mates inside of her. They were her heart and soul, the very air she breathed.

  While she knew there was a confrontation coming, none of them knew who would win the battle.

  She was going to spend each and every spare minute she could loving her two mates. Their future was uncertain and she wasn’t about to waste one precious second of it by wasting time.

  “I need you both. Now!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mit was so hungry for Krysta his cock was hurting. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of her cream on his tongue as he stood and quickly shucked his clothes. He groaned when she crawled up onto the bed, her sexy ass waggling in the air.

  She looked back at him over her shoulder, gave him a sassy smile, and winked.

  Wen growled and pounced on the bed, caging her body in his as his front covered her back. He licked over the back of her neck and then down her spine toward her ass.

  Mit moved to the bedside table, retrieved the lube, threw it to Wen, and then got up onto the bed. He maneuvered until he was comfortable and then leaned back to wait for his best friend to prepare their mate.

  He knew the moment Wen pressed his fingers into Krysta’s ass because her eyes snapped open and her lips parted on a moan. From the surprised look on her face she hadn’t even felt him get onto the bed. She was perched on her hands and knees between his splayed thighs and her eyes wandered down his body and zeroed in on his hard dick.

  He held his breath as she crawled a little closer and after balancing her upper body on one hand, she wrapped the other around his cock.

  Mit moaned and grit his teeth when she began to pump that wonderful soft hand up and down his hard shaft. A bead of pre-cum bubbled to the surface and he had to close his eyes when she licked her lips. He wanted those delectable lips wrapped around his hard dick.

  The moment he felt her tongue lick across the head of his erection his eyes sprang open and it took all of his self-control to stop himself from lifting her up and impaling her on his cock.

  “Hurry the hell up.” His desperate gaze met Wen’s glazed one.

  Wen nodded, coated his cock with lube, and then moved closer to Krysta. “Breath out for me, honey.”

  Mit threaded his fingers into Krysta’s hair to hold her still as Wen eased his cock into her ass. She moaned, pumped her hand up and down Mit’s cock, and then adjusted her hold on his dick, holding onto the base. He squeezed his eyes closed again when her warm, moist breath brushed over the head of his cock and then growled low in his throat when she took him into her mouth.

  She felt so damn good. Her mouth was hot and wet as she sucked him in. He was so on edge he had to stop himself from shoving his hips up and choking her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her in any way, but it wasn’t necessary. She must have felt what he needed through the bond. Krysta sucked her cheeks in, tightening her mouth around his cock, and took him almost to the back of her throat.

  “Fuck! Ease off, baby. You’re going to make me come.” He gasped in breath after breath as his balls drew up closer to his body.

  She withdrew from his cock and met his gaze with a sassy look. “Isn’t that the idea?”

  “Not this time, baby. I want to be in your sexy, hot cunt when I come.”


  “Just a little more, honey. Push out against me
,” Wen rasped as he rocked back and forth.

  Krysta exhaled and Wen growled as he drove all the way into her ass. “Feels…so…good.”

  “It’s only going to get better, baby.” Mit moved his legs and got up off the bed right before Wen held onto their mate and rolled them both over, ending up with his legs hanging off the end of the bed, his feet on the floor with Krysta draped over him, his cock still buried in her ass. Her legs were slung over Wen’s, her thighs spread wide.

  Mit walked to the end of the bed and stroked a finger through her wet folds. “You want me, Krysta? Do you want my cock in your wet pussy?”

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Hurry.”

  Mit leaned forward, planting his hands on the bed near Krysta’s shoulders, aligned the tip of his dick with her cunt, and pressed forward.

  “So good,” Krysta groaned as Mit’s cock slowly stroked into her wet heat.

  “Yeah,” Mit moaned his agreement. He could never get enough of having the damp walls of her cunt enveloping his hard cock as he sank into her. He didn’t stop until he was inside of Krysta balls-deep. He held still, giving her time to adjust to having him and Wen buried inside her ass and cunt, waiting for a sign that she was ready for more.

  “Move!” Krysta’s hands clutched at his shoulders and she tugged at him.

  Mit bent over, slanted his mouth over hers, and kissed her deeply. He drew his cock from her pussy until the head was just inside and as he stroked back in Wen drew from her ass.

  He was already close to coming. The heat at his lower back was already making its way around to his groin, and his balls hardened as they crept up closer to his body.

  Mit picked up the pace until his hips slammed into hers, his hard dick shuttling in and out of her cunt. Wen kept pace, counterthrusting into her ass, their bodies slapping against hers as they made love to their mate.

  He broke the kiss, dragging air into his lungs, and met Wen’s hungry gaze.

  “Make her come. I’m too close. Not. Gonna. Last.” Wen’s speech was fractured with his desperation.


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