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Power Play

Page 3

by Titania Woods

  Twink hesitated, wondering whether she should say something. But Vera and Zayna had taken seats beside Romi in the front row, folding their wings back and looking at her attentively, and she decided to let it pass.

  ‘Right! I’d, um – like to welcome you all to our first team meeting of the new year,’ said Twink. Her voice sounded unnaturally loud to her, but she kept on. ‘I’ve got lots of new ideas for the team, and I’d just like to –’

  Twink broke off. Romi’s hand had shot into the air. ‘Er . . . yes, Romi?’

  ‘I know a glimmery set play we can do,’ said Romi. ‘I went to a special Fledge Camp over the hols, you know, and –’

  ‘That’s great,’ interrupted Twink. ‘But I just wanted to go over a few things first.’

  ‘This won’t take long,’ said Romi. ‘Then you can work the rest of your plans around it.’ And without waiting for an answer, she leapt up from her bench and grabbed the chalk from Twink’s hand.


  Chapter Four

  ‘It’s called the Power Play,’ said Romi, beginning to sketch on the oak leaf. ‘See, usually when you’re Guarding you’re on the defensive, right? You’re having to watch the Flea, and guard it from the Stealers. Well, with the Power Play, you make the Stealers go on the defensive! The three Guards all band together like this, and –’

  Twink thought angrily that she might have known Romi’s great idea would place the Guards in starring roles, since that was the position she herself played! She snatched the chalk back from her. ‘Thanks, but I don’t think we’ll be doing that.’

  The team grew very quiet, watching the scene. ‘But why not?’ burst out Romi. ‘It’s a brilliant set play!’

  ‘Because I’ve got other ideas in mind,’ said Twink. ‘Maybe we’ll look at yours later.’

  Romi sat down again crossly. Trying to smile, Twink quickly brushed away Romi’s sketch. ‘Right, where was I?’

  The meeting fell a bit flat after that. Twink described her own plans, drawing on the leaf, and although the team seemed interested, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they were all thinking about Romi’s Power Play. Why couldn’t Romi have spoken to Twink in private about her idea, instead of just taking over?

  Gritting her teeth, Twink tried to push Romi out of her mind – which wasn’t easy when the purple-haired fairy was sitting right in front of her, scowling!

  ‘So, um, those are some of my plans,’ concluded Twink at last. ‘Now, you all know that we’ve got to beat Sparklelight at least twice this season if we’re going to make the Fairy Finals. So I’d like to schedule three practices a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and –’

  ‘Three?’ echoed Vera. ‘We only ever had two with Madge!’

  ‘I know,’ said Twink. ‘But we’ve got a lot of new players now, and –’

  ‘Twink, I’m sure that I speak for all of us older girls when I say that we just don’t have time for that,’ said Vera firmly. ‘We’ve got our Acorn Exams coming up, you know.’

  ‘Yes, and I’ll have my Sapling Exams this year,’ pointed out Twink. ‘But I still think it’s important that we . . .’ She trailed off. Zayna and Vera sat side by side, shaking their heads. The rest of the team looked undecided, glancing from Twink to Vera and back again.

  Twink bit her lip. ‘Well . . . what do the rest of you think?’

  ‘I think two is plenty,’ said Zayna immediately. Cassi and Kym chorused agreement. Romi sat silently, gazing up at the ceiling with a knowing expression.

  ‘I’m happy with three,’ said Summer shyly. ‘I think you’re right, Twink – we have a lot of new players, and we need the practice.’

  To Twink’s dismay, Summer was the only one on her side. She swallowed hard, wondering if she ought to put her wing down and insist on three practices a week. But she didn’t want to come on too strongly at first – the others might think that being the Games Fairy had gone straight to her head!

  ‘All right,’ she said finally. ‘Let’s – let’s start with two practices a week, and see how we get on.’

  ‘Brilliant!’ said Vera, bouncing up from her seat. ‘Well done, Twink – that was a really good meeting. See you on Wednesday, everyone!’ And with that, she and Zayna flitted from the room, laughing and talking.

  But I haven’t ended the meeting yet, thought Twink, her wings drooping.

  It appeared that it was over, though. The other team members started leaving as well, smiling their goodbyes to her. To hide her burning cheeks, Twink fussed over the oak leaf and easel, putting them away.

  ‘Yeah, a really good meeting,’ said a dry voice.

  Twink looked up to see Romi beside her, shaking her head. ‘You’ve got to be a lot firmer than that with those two, Twink,’ she said in disgust. ‘They like Fledge, but they don’t like to work hard. They’ll fly all over you if you’re not careful!’

  ‘I was firm,’ protested Twink. ‘I just asked everyone what they thought, that’s all.’

  ‘Well, I think you’re asking for trouble,’ said Romi heatedly. ‘But then, you’re the Games Fairy, not me.’ Her tone made it clear how unfair she thought this was. Without waiting for a reply, Romi jetted from the room.

  Slowly, Twink gathered up her things and followed. Never mind what Romi thinks, she told herself as she closed up the log. I want everyone to like me before I start throwing orders around! Besides, two practices a week are probably plenty.

  Even so, Twink’s wings felt heavy as she flew back towards the school. Somehow being the Games Fairy seemed much harder than she had thought.

  It didn’t become any easier over the next few weeks. Vera and Zayna quickly made a habit of arriving late to practices, and then didn’t seem to take them very seriously once they got there. More than once Twink saw the two of them hovering side by side on the Fledge field, chattering away while the others practised their moves.

  When Twink tried to talk to Vera about it, the older fairy blinked in surprise. ‘But Twink, Zayna and I have been playing for years! We know all these moves already.’

  Something in her tone made Twink feel like a beginner at the game. It was true that she hadn’t been playing nearly as long as Vera.

  She took a deep breath. ‘Yes, but it’s not just about knowing the moves yourself – it’s about working with the other team members so that you all play together smoothly. We’ve got the Sparklelight game coming up next week, and –’

  Vera laughed and patted her shoulder. ‘We’ll be fine! Don’t worry, Twink. We’ll beat Sparklelight, no problem.’

  She flitted off, and Twink was left staring after her, biting her lip. Vera seemed so confident that suddenly Twink felt unsure of herself. Perhaps Vera was right, and she was worrying needlessly. Meanwhile, she supposed it wasn’t harming anything to let Vera and Zayna have a bit of fun.

  But as the days went on, the situation worsened. Some of the other fairies started to become affected by Vera and Zayna as well, so that practice times were rapidly becoming a time for jokes and merriment, rather than getting down to work.

  Twink did her best to keep order, but it was difficult. If she didn’t laugh along with the others then it would seem like she didn’t have a sense of humour . . . and besides, some of the quips really were funny. Maybe I’m just taking it all too seriously, she fretted. Surely the team would calm down soon . . . wouldn’t they?

  None of this was helped by Romi’s glowering presence. She did everything Twink asked of her, but with a look on her face that said that she would be doing a much better job as Games Fairy. The final straw came when Twink flew on to the field early one afternoon, and found Romi already there, teaching her Power Play to Cassi and Kym.

  ‘You need to link arms and fly together,’ she was saying as Twink flew up. ‘No, not quite so tightly . . . yes, that’s it. Good!’

i, what are you doing?’ demanded Twink. Cassi and Kym stopped mid-move, their eyes wide.

  Romi crossed her arms over her chest. ‘I’m trying to help the team, that’s what.’

  ‘Kym, you and Cassi go and practise your high-speed barrel rolls,’ ordered Twink.

  When the two fairies had sped off, she whirled towards Romi. The pent-up worries of the last few weeks all seemed to come together at once, and the words burst out of her.

  ‘How dare you!’ she cried. ‘I told you we weren’t going to use that play – and now you’re going behind my back with it.’

  ‘Well, you wouldn’t listen to me!’ retorted Romi. ‘I thought I’d use the play during the Sparklelight game, and show you how glimmery it is.’

  Anger sizzled through Twink. ‘Oh, you thought you’d use the play, did you? So you were going to ignore my coaching, and just do whatever you wanted!’

  ‘Why not?’ snapped Romi. ‘That’s what Vera and Zayna are doing, and they get away with it. Besides, somebody has to do something, or else we’re going to lose the game!’

  ‘What do you mean?’ asked Twink sharply.

  Romi huffed out a breath. ‘I mean, you’re not exactly holding it together, are you, Twink? Vera and Zayna are larking about, team members are coming late to practice – it’s a shambles. A good Games Fairy knows when she needs help! Maybe you just haven’t got what it takes.’

  Twink felt herself go icy-cold. Though part of her knew that there was a lot of sense in what Romi had said, the older fairy’s superior tone made it impossible for Twink to admit it. She thought she’d rather die first!

  ‘I do not need help,’ she hissed, clenching her hands into fists. ‘And Romi, if you’re so unhappy with how I’m managing the team, then you don’t have to stick around, you know. In fact, I wish you wouldn’t!’

  Romi’s face turned poppy-red. ‘Fine!’ she cried, her voice shaking. ‘I will leave – but you’ll be begging me to come back soon. And if Madge could see what you’ve done with her team, she’d be furious!’

  Romi shot away towards the school. Turning round, Twink saw to her embarrassment that the rest of the team had arrived and were hovering nearby, watching. Summer bit her lip, looking worried.

  Vera flew over and put an arm round Twink. ‘Don’t worry,’ she said. ‘There can only be one Games Fairy, and Romi has had a thorn under her wing for weeks now that it’s not her. We’re better off without her!’

  And though Twink hoped fervently that this was true . . . she knew that she’d feel a lot better if, deep down, she didn’t think Romi had been right.


  Chapter Five

  The day of the first Sparklelight game dawned bright and sunny. As the rest of Bluebell Branch slumbered, Twink stood at her window and gazed down at the Fledge field, wondering what the game was going to be like. Jacki was playing in Romi’s place, and though she wasn’t a bad player, she wasn’t nearly as good as Romi. And Vera and Zayna were being just as difficult as ever.

  It’s going to be a disaster, thought Twink glumly.

  There was a soft movement from the next bed, and then Bimi appeared at her side. ‘It’ll all be fine,’ she whispered, slipping her arm through Twink’s.

  Twink let out a breath. ‘Oh, Bimi, I hope so. But – but it just hasn’t been easy so far, being the Games Fairy.’

  She had told her best friend some of the problems she’d been having, and now Bimi gave her a little shake. ‘Twink, don’t let what Romi said get to you! You do have what it takes, I’m certain of it.’

  Twink slumped her chin on to her hand. ‘So how come it all feels like it’s going so wrong?’

  ‘You just need time to find your best wing stroke, that’s all,’ soothed Bimi. ‘You’ve only been doing it for a few weeks – why, I bet even Madge wasn’t perfect at first!’

  Twink sighed. ‘Maybe.’ Straightening up, she squeezed her best friend’s arm. ‘Thanks, Bimi. Will you be at the game this afternoon?’

  ‘Try and stop me!’ laughed Bimi.

  As Twink skimmed on to the Fledge field later that day to meet the Sparklelight Games Fairy, she saw that most of the school had turned out for the game. The grandstand – made up of hundreds of tall mushrooms – was almost completely filled, packed with excited fairies looking forward to the first game of the year. ‘GO GLITTERWINGS!’ sparkled several fairy-dust banners.

  Twink gulped as she flitted to a stop. She was used to playing in front of crowds, but not when she was the one in charge of the team. How on earth could she play well today, with everyone watching her every move? For a moment she was tempted to put Kym in the game as well, and coach from the sidelines!

  The Sparklelight Games Fairy was a tall silvery-haired girl named Tasha. She gave Twink a friendly smile as she joined her on the field. ‘Congratulations, Twink! I’d heard you were the new Games Fairy – that’s really glimmery.’

  ‘Thanks,’ said Twink, trying to smile. If Tasha only knew all the difficulties she’d been having! The older fairy gave her a curious look, but there wasn’t time to talk. Their two teams were hovering on the sidelines, waiting to begin.

  Visiting players always brought their own Flea, and now Tasha held up the cage. ‘Well, shall we get started? I think the Flea’s getting restless.’

  Twink nodded, and drew the casting pebbles from her pocket. The pebbles each had a white side and a black side, and whichever Games Fairy called the right colour got to choose whether her team would Guard or Steal.

  ‘Is that a new Flea?’ asked Twink. The hairy little insect had bright orange spots on his legs, and was bouncing up and down like he could hardly wait to get started.

  Tasha nodded with a grin. ‘We just got him a few days ago. He’s a tricky one – you’ll have to watch out!’

  Twink won the casting, to enthusiastic cheers from the crowd. ‘We’ll be Stealers first,’ she said promptly. Fledge was played for the best of two out of three matches, and being on the Stealer side was seen as having the advantage.

  Tasha shrugged good-naturedly. ‘Two minutes,’ she said, flying off to her team.

  Twink swooped over to where her own team was gathered. Poor Jacki looked terrified! Summer seemed nervous, too, though she managed a shaky smile as Twink flew up.

  ‘Right, everyone,’ said Twink. ‘They’ve got a new Flea, so they’re not really used to him yet. Keep your eye on that Flea! Don’t let him out of your sight for a moment.’

  The new players were watching Twink intently, nodding as she spoke. Vera and Zayna just looked amused. ‘Oh, Twink, we know how to play!’ said Vera with a confident laugh.

  Twink bit back her response. ‘They’ve got a new fairy playing Guard as well,’ she continued. ‘That girl with the short blue hair. Summer, I want you and Cassi to keep an eye on her especially.’

  ‘Ooh, and what are the rest of us meant to do?’ giggled Zayna.

  Taking it seriously would be nice! thought Twink crossly. But before she could say anything, the school magpie gave his call, signalling that the game was about to begin.

  Twink took a deep breath. ‘Come on, everyone. Let’s show them what we’ve got!’

  She took off with her team in a rush of wings. The two opposing sides gathered on the field, the Sparklelight Guards taking up their positions around the centre pole. Their Flea sat atop it, poised to spring.

  Twink hovered with the other Stealers. To her relief, Vera and Zayna looked ready for action now. They were both good players, she reminded herself. Perhaps she’d been unreasonable to expect them to pay more attention during practice.

  The magpie shrieked again, starting the game. Instantly, the Flea bounded off the centre pole, right over the Guards’ heads. They jetted after him, but he was practically a blur as he leapt about the field.

  Twink motioned quickly to S
ummer, who whizzed around a pole to block the Flea’s path. The insect promptly bounded off again, straight towards Vera – but Vera hadn’t noticed Summer’s move, and was slow to react. The Flea soared past her.

  Twink grimaced. That should have been easy!

  The same thing kept happening again and again as the game went on. Vera and Zayna were trying their best, but they were both rusty, and not used to playing with the new team members. Soon the crowd was groaning in frustration at a series of near misses.

  Even so, the Sparklelight team was coming off worse – their Flea was like a mad thing! The Guards had to spend their time desperately chasing after him, rather than tagging Stealers. As a result, Glitterwings managed to catch the Flea three times, winning the first match almost despite themselves.

  But when the teams switched sides, Sparklelight suddenly had the advantage. Twink’s cheeks burned as she watched her three Guards – Vera, Zayna and Jacki – lose the Flea time and again. The Sparklelight Stealers moved together like dancers. It took them no time at all to capture the Flea three times and win the second match.

  The final game was like a repeat of the first – except that Sparklelight was getting better at working with their Flea! By the time the Glitterwings team had caught him twice, the Sparklelight Guards had tagged four Glitterwings players, leaving only Twink and Zayna.

  The Flea perched on top of a post, twitching his feelers. Twink started towards him, and then all at once Tasha flew out of nowhere. No! Twink hurriedly dived through the hole in the post.

  ‘Oof!’ grunted Tasha as she narrowly missed flying into it. The Flea waggled his tongue at her and then bounded off again, heading straight for Zayna as she zoomed away from a Guard.

  Zayna didn’t even see him. Twink winced as she and the Flea crashed into each other. Recovering herself quickly, Zayna just managed to snatch the insect from the air. ‘Got him!’ she cried, holding him up.


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