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Her Master's Kiss (Erotic Romance)

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by Vivien Sparx

  “Her Master’s Kiss”

  Vivien Sparx

  Copyright © 2012 Vivien Sparx

  All Rights Reserved.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.




  This story is dedicated to Renee and the entire team at

  ‘Sassy Book Lovers Blog’.

  Day One.

  “Applicants should approach their

  submissive training with an open mind.”

  “So, you saw the advertisement and you decided you wanted to learn how to be submissive?”


  “Yes? Is that all?”


  Stefan glared at Renee suspiciously. “I don’t believe you,” he said. “It has been my experience that women who see my advertisement have long held the desire to be sexually submissive. It’s rare indeed that anyone comes to me for training… on nothing more than a whim. I’m not advertising a discount shoe sale. The service I offer is very unique. Very exclusive.”

  “It’s not a whim,” Renee said. “I’ve thought about it before.”


  “When have I thought about it?”

  “Yes,” Stefan said. “Tell me exactly when you started thinking about learning how to submit to a master. Was there something that happened?”

  Renee hesitated for a moment.

  “Come now,” Stefan said. He opened the folder containing the girl’s application form and skimmed it quickly. “There is nothing I see here in your answers that suggests any long-held desire to be submissive. In fact, I wonder if you even know what the art of sexual submission involves?”

  Renee bristled. “I know exactly what it involves,” she said archly.

  Stefan smiled. “Really? And where did you acquire your knowledge, Renee? Was it from reading ‘50 Shades’?”

  “I’ve read extensively on the subject.”

  Stefan smiled grimly and closed the folder in his hand. “I’m sorry. But I don’t think you are suitable. I cannot train you.”

  “But… why?” Renee looked shocked.

  “Because I get three phone calls every week from wannabe women just like you. They’ve read a few erotic romance stories and they suddenly believe the only way to attract their Prince Charming is to be the feme fatal in their own story; the story they’ve written in their heads. They arrive here, and sit just where you are sitting. And they say exactly the same things.”


  “And nothing,” Stefan said. “I show them to the door. Just as I am about to do with you. I’m sorry. I have no time to waste with women who wish to be titillated. The art of sexual submission involves sacrifice, discipline and commitment – it’s not like you read in romance books.”

  Renee bit hard on her bottom lip. “I’m not here for a silly thrill,” she said. “I’m here because I want to learn. I need to learn how submissive women please their men.”

  Stefan looked at her and narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

  “I just do.”

  He shook his head. “Not good enough. I need to know why this is so important to you. I need to know what makes you different from all the other women I reject. Because looking at you right now, Renee, sitting there with your legs together, your back straight and your hands clasped in your lap, you look very much like just another wannabe.”

  “I have my reasons,” she said. “But they’re personal. I’d rather not –”

  “ – You would rather not tell me the truth? You would rather I train you without understanding your motivation?” Stefan shook his head. “Forget it. If I accept you, we are going to spend nine days together, Renee. In that time I will see you naked, I will hear you scream, I will watch you cry, and I will make you beg. The truth you are withholding cannot be any more personal, private or intimate than what we are going to share.”

  Renee sat silently. They stared at each other. Stefan waited.

  “My boyfriend…” Renee said at last.

  “What about him?”

  “I… we… things are difficult between us,” she admitted awkwardly. “The sex thing, I mean.”

  “And you think learning to be submissive to your boyfriend is the answer to your ‘difficulties’?”

  “Uhuh,” she said, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. “We… well he thought it might be a good idea if I learned… We haven’t been…”

  Stefan studied the girl, his eyes dark and cold. “This is not relationship counseling, Renee. To become sexually submissive is only one half of a relationship. What you learn here would be wasted if your boyfriend were not a skilled master… or at least an experienced lover who is dominant. He needs to be able to continue your training after we conclude your time together. Otherwise all my efforts will be wasted. As I said, this is not relationship counseling. You may leave here the perfect submissive slave, ripe and willing to pleasure your master in every way he demands. But if he is inadequate…? Well, let’s just say there is no use giving a well-trained thoroughbred to an inexperienced jockey…”

  There was another long silence. Stefan watched Renee’s face carefully. She had a child-like quality that, despite himself, he found intriguing – and extremely frustrating at the same time. She was a young woman, but there was so much innocence in her huge blue eyes, he didn’t know whether he should take her on as a client, or send her to her room! The contradiction of her was almost enough to make her interesting.


  “I can pay you,” Renee said softly. “Your full price and more if you want it.”

  Stefan shook his head. “Look around you. The paintings are originals. The furniture is all antiques. I do not need money, any more than I need my time wasted. I’m sorry. I think you should leave.”

  She stood stiffly. Stefan escorted her to the door. There were tears in her eyes and she was trembling. At the door she turned to him in desperation.

  “Please,” she said softly. “Please. I need your help.”

  Stefan sighed. “To keep your boyfriend?”

  “No,” Renee said. “To win him back.”

  He closed the door.

  * * *

  “Before we go any further, I want to make some things clear to you,” Stefan said.

  Renee nodded. She watched him pace across the room as he spoke. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and he had one of those ruggedly good-looking faces that she found incredibly appealing. He was dressed in a jacket and trousers but with his shirt unbuttoned. He looked like he’d come from a business meeting and ripped his tie off as soon as the meeting was over. He had that kind of style.

  But what mesmerized Renee… what attracted her and held her absolutely spellbound… was the depth and darkness of the man’s eyes. They were incredible; filled with darkness, mystery and so much she couldn’t understand.

  She found him fascinating, and that distraction made it hard for her to concentrate.

  “Firstly, I expect complete honesty from you. I will tolerate nothing less. That means when I ask you a question, you answer me immediately. Don’t hesitate. Don’t think. Don’t tell me what you want – tell me what I want.”

  She nodded. “I understand.”

  “And forget everything you have read on sexual submission. The stuff they fill those romance books with is utter garbage. It’s pulp dreams from people who have never experienced the reality.”

  She nodded again.

  “You need to keep an open mind,” Stefan said, looking hard at her fo
r emphasis. “You need to be willing to learn and to obey my instructions without question, and without hesitation.”

  “I will.”

  Stefan said nothing. His eyes were black as coal.

  “I promise,” Renee added.

  Stefan folded his arms and sighed. “Very well,” he said heavily. “But don’t make me regret this. Don’t waste my time.”

  “I’ll do everything you say,” Renee smiled gratefully. “I promise I will.”

  “Obedience is easily offered, but harder when demanded. I wonder if you will be so enthusiastic when I am holding a cane, when your backside is red from punishment, or when you are standing naked before me as I inspect your body?”

  “I’ll do anything,” she said again softly.

  “To please me… or to win back your boyfriend?”

  “To please you,” she said softly, with a subtle emphasis to her words.

  Stefan pointed a finger at her. “Don’t confuse the two issues here, Renee. Pleasing me will make you a trained sexually submissive woman, suitable for any master who wants you. It does not guarantee you will get your boyfriend back into your bed. You must forget that notion right now.”

  “I understand.”

  “What is your ex-boyfriend’s name?”


  “Full name?”

  “James Matterson,” Renee answered. “Why?”

  Stefan’s hand lashed out, slapping Renee hard across her face with a stinging blow. She recoiled in shock.

  “Don’t question me.”

  Renee touched her cheek, feeling the heat. Her eyes were wide and filled with brimming tears. She stared at Stefan in stunned silence.

  Stefan sighed heavily. “I’m giving you one last chance,” he explained softly. “I wanted you to get a sense of the world you are about to enter, Renee. If you really want to learn to submit, you must accept a certain level of cruelty and punishment. Please, think carefully before you commit yourself.”

  Renee took a deep breath. “I understand,” she said.

  “Your life will not be your own,” he warned. “You will become completely obedient to me. Every night, for another eight days, you will be here at exactly 7pm and place yourself completely into my hands to do whatever I want with your body and your mind, Renee. Consider that. It will not be anything like what you expect.”

  “I understand,” Renee repeated, her tone resolute.

  Stefan shook his head sadly. “No. You don’t. But you will. Believe me. After these nine days, you will. In fact, by the time our training sessions conclude, you may never want to see your old boyfriend again.”

  Day Two.

  “Submissives must learn that their own sexual pleasure is no longer important.”

  “Tell me what you’re thinking. Exactly.”

  “I’m scared,” Renee admitted. Her mouth was dry.

  “Why are you scared?” Stefan asked.

  “Because you have me blindfolded and tied to a wall.”

  “But I didn’t force you.”


  “In fact I did everything in my power when we met last night to warn and prepare you, didn’t I?”


  “And yet you returned here tonight of your own free will. Yes?”


  Stefan grunted. “I imagine the harsh reality of your situation is very different to the romance stories you have filled your head with. You thought being a submissive slave to a master sounded romantic and exotic. Is that it?”

  “Yes,” Renee admitted the truth.

  “Despite all I warned you about at our meeting?”

  “Yes. But surely I’m not the only one.”

  “Far from it,” Stefan said. “There have been many women just like you. Not many as attractive as you. And not many as willing as you. Most of them are pretenders. As soon as I explain the rules and blindfold them, they become scared.”

  Renee said nothing, so Stefan said it for her. “Just like you are right now.”

  “It’s a scary thing.”

  “What is? What is scary, Renee?”

  She thought carefully before answering. “Letting go,” she said. “It’s frightening. You expect me to hand over complete control of my body to you.”

  “And that scares you?”

  “Yes. Of course. I’m trusting you to…”

  “Be a gentleman?”

  “No. Not that. I understand that a master is dominant and his slave is submissive. I don’t expect you to be a gentleman. I expect you to enforce rules, teach me obedience. That’s what your advertisement offered.”

  “So what do you expect?”

  “I expect you to respect me.”

  “But you volunteered,” Stefan said. “In fact you paid me to do this.”

  “Yes. I know. I’m just saying the reality is very different to the fantasy I had in my mind.”

  Stefan laughed again.

  “And what was the fantasy, Renee? What did you think would happen when you arrived for your first session?”

  A long painful silence. Renee chose her words carefully. “I thought it would be more…. more erotic,” she said. “No. Not erotic. More sensual, I guess.”

  There was mockery in Stefan’s voice now. “More sensual? But aren’t your senses heightened right now? I have you tied, facing a wall. You are stripped down to your lingerie… and you are blindfolded. How much more sensory can your experience be? Your body feels the cold hardness of the stone wall. It abrades against your nipples and your thighs each time I touch you with the whip. Your eyes are covered; you’re in total darkness. So naturally the sound of my voice, and the sounds of me moving around you become more significant – each word has more meaning. And the touch of my fingers on your flesh; surely you can imagine the feeling of heat on your skin?”

  “Yes. I can.”

  “Then how could this experience be more sensory Renee?”

  “I don’t know. You asked me what I expected. The fantasy doesn’t match with the reality.”

  “You mean you’re not aroused?” Stefan asked carefully.

  Renee hesitated.

  “Come now, Renee. Remember the rules when we first met. You promised you would be honest with me, even if that meant your answers embarrassed you,” Stefan chided her gently. “So why do you hesitate with your answer? Honesty needs no caution. You say what is in your heart and mind instantly. It’s the only way to be true to yourself.”

  Renee sighed. “I am.”

  “You are what, exactly?”

  “I am aroused. I’m very aroused.” Renee could feel her face flushing red.

  “And does that surprise you? Are you shocked that being stripped to your underwear and then tied with your arms and legs spread in front of me should prove to be such a sensual turn on for you?”

  “A little.”

  Stefan sighed. “Be honest.”

  Renee bit her lip. “I’m not surprised that I am aroused,” she admitted. “Because being restrained like this, and being… vulnerable… like this has been a secret fantasy of mine,” Renee blurted. “What surprises me is that I am more aroused than I have ever been in my life.”



  Stefan considered this. “And I still have not touched you Renee. I have not caressed your body, nor have I dragged my hands across your breasts. I haven’t kissed along the inside of your thigh, or pulled your hair back and bitten your neck. I’ve merely left you there… anticipating such things…. wondering… what I might do.”

  “I know.”

  God! I know!

  “And how is this arousal affecting you?”

  “What do you mean?” Renee asked softly.

  “You know what I mean,” Stefan’s voice grew harder. “Describe how your body feels. Exactly.”

  “I… my… I’m wet,” Renee said. “I can feel the damp heat between my legs. It’s like, um, like a warmth. A warm glow.”

  “Like a fire?”

  “No… yes. Almost…”

  Silence. Renee waited.

  “And what else?”

  “My nipples. They’re hard. Tingling.”

  Stefan stepped closer until his lips were brushing Renee’s ear. “Do you want me to touch you, Renee? Do you want me to pleasure you in such a way that the warmth you feel ignites into flames?”

  Renee gave a little gasp. “Yes,” she said weakly. “I do.”

  Stefan rubbed his hand lightly inside Renee’s thigh. He felt her flinch. “Like that?”


  “Does it feel good?”


  “You can feel my hand slowly sliding higher and higher up your leg, can’t you?”

  “Uhuh…” Renee bit her lip to stifle her groan.

  “And you like it, yes? You like the feel of my fingers edging closer to your heat, don’t you. You’re hoping that I’ll keep raising my hand until I’m touching you through your panties.”

  “Yes!” Renee hissed.

  “And if I did that, Renee, would you orgasm for me?”


  God, yes, a thousand times over!

  “But submissives don’t tell their masters what to do, and so we have a problem,” Stefan said flatly. “Because I don’t want to touch you, Renee. I don’t want you to enjoy an orgasm. I want you to learn obedience. And patience. And if I pleasure you by rubbing my hand along the wet folds of your body, I don’t think you would be able to control yourself.”

  He stopped sliding his hand higher; held it just an inch from the lace of Renee’s underwear.

  “Sometimes obedience can be torture. Exquisite torture. Do you understand this?”

  “Uhuh.” Renee could feel her legs trembling.

  “Sometimes submissives must beg for their release, Renee. Have you considered that? Have you ever thought about begging a man to pleasure you before tonight?”


  “But now? Feeling the way you do… feeling so very, very wet and aroused. Does that make you want to beg for relief?”

  Renee swallowed hard. There was a lump in her throat. Her whole body was achingly aroused.


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