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Cry Wolf

Page 9

by Romy Lockhart

  “Don’t keep us in suspense,” Theo says.

  “I’m not a one man woman,” I tell them, feeling a lump rise in my throat as I say it. It’s fecking terrifying to admit you’re different, but if I ever had a chance served up on a silver platter for the one thing I’ve wanted my whole life, it’s now. “I never really have been.”

  “See,” Theo says, slapping Lukas in the chest. “I told you there was a third option.”

  I raise my eyebrow at him before focussing on Lukas. He’s as sullen as ever and I worry that I’ve hurt him just by making my admission. My face heats. I like him a lot.

  Have I just made a colossal mistake?

  “I need to think about this,” he says, coming toward me and hesitating before he kisses me.

  It feels like a kiss goodbye. Lingering, but cut short abruptly when it ends. His gaze cuts through me as he leaves, uncertainty in his golden eyes. I hear the front door slam shut and then I’m alone with Theo, who’s still smiling as if he won the damned lottery.

  “I knew it,” he says, looking me over. “You’re so...”

  “I didn’t say you could live here,” I tell him, motioning to the messes he’s made around the room. “Make yourself at home why don’t you?”

  He shrugs. “You weren’t using this room. And it’s pretty awesome.”

  “It is?” I ask as I look around at the dust sheet covered bits and bobs and shivering.

  “Oh, it is,” he says, pulling a dust sheet down and revealing the metal sculpture beneath.

  It’s an intricate work of a large wolf-like creature, not dissimilar to the monster I saw kill that woman. Only this has a beautiful grace to it. My thoughts start to race.

  Did Da see the creature? How could he not?

  “I don’t understand,” I whisper, touching it.

  “There are others,” he tells me, removing more dust sheets.

  I look around and see variants of the creature all around us. My vision blurs with unshed tears. My father made these. They’re wonderful, but they’re also terrifying. They’re so detailed. They capture the thing I saw so clearly.

  Theo comes closer, puts an arm around me.

  “He believed you,” he tells me.

  I blink and I can see again as the tears roll down my cheeks. This was my da trying to make sense of what I’d seen. I’d described it vividly, and I wouldn’t shut up. He wanted to see it for himself.

  So he did this. He made these.

  “Thank you,” I tell Theo, clearing my throat. If he hadn’t been down here, if he hadn’t shown me I never would have seen them.

  Theo offers to make lunch while I shower and change. I couldn’t care less about cleaning up, honestly, but I do it to clear my head. Crying on a strange man’s shoulder is all well and good, but it’s not something I want to make a habit of.

  I throw on a jumper and leggings afterwards, not bothering to look at underwear. I should really be heading out to the pharmacy, but right now it’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t have the energy to lie about what I’d be going out for.

  So I dry my hair and head back down to the living room where I find the coffee table overloaded with goodies. In an hour, Theo has managed to turn the contents of my pantry into a multi-cultural variety of tapas.

  “Holy shit,” I mutter, as he puts down a pitcher of something pink and fruity smelling.

  “Cooking’s a hobby,” he says, heading back into the kitchen.

  I sit down and marvel at the contents of the dishes. Twelve different things? I’ve barely been making four meals out of the items I’ve been buying.

  “Are those chicken wings?” I point out the plate, frowning. I definitely didn’t have any meat in my fridge.

  “I also bought a few things,” he says, looking a little sheepish. “I used your kitchen when you were working, and I stored stuff in the basement cooler.”

  “I’m impressed,” I tell him, picking up a fork and plate and starting to load it up.

  My stomach grumbles. The lunches out have been the only real meals I’ve had since I’ve been here. This is like an all you can eat buffet of deliciousness, and I feel like I haven’t eaten in forever.

  “Oh my God,” I murmur around a mouthful.

  “Good, right?”

  “Mmm,” I murmur, nodding.

  He sits and we eat. The drink apparently isn’t alcoholic, but it tastes it so I don’t have much. I feel the blood rush to my face as I realize I’m thinking like I’m pregnant. It’s crazier than that. I’m thinking like I want to keep it if I am. Shit. When did that happen?

  “Lukas will come around,” Theo says as he puts his plate down and he stretches out on the armchair across from me. “He’s always been kind of uptight.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing. I put my plate down when I realize most of the food is gone. It looked like so much. I must have made a real pig of myself.

  “That was amazing,” I tell him. “Is this what you do for a job?”

  He smiles. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll do the washing up,” I say, feeling the heat building between us, even from across the room.

  Jumping into bed with stranger number two when stranger number one is kind of upset with me makes me feel weird. I should probably spend less time with Theo until Lukas comes around to the idea, or decides I’m not worth the hassle. Of course, I like that first option more. The second would break my heart just a little bit.

  I pile plates up and quickly take them to the sink. I hear Theo follow me. He puts a second pile down beside the first one.

  “Looked like you could use help,” he says, right before his hands land on my shoulders.

  I’m about to tell him to bugger off when he proves he has serious massage skills.

  “Oh!” I gasp.

  “You’re carrying a lot of tension around up here,” he murmurs.

  “Hmm?” I ask, leaning against the sink as he works wonders on my upper back.

  “I know a few other ways to ease tension,” he teases me, his intent obvious.

  Thing is, my resistance to the idea is going to be easy to crush. Too easy.

  “Oh?” I ask, unable to keep the naked interest out of my voice.

  “There are other places I could touch you,” he murmurs, his arms closing around me from behind.

  The feel of his hard body against mine makes my legs tremble. Am I really going to do this?

  Could it really be this easy to have everything I’ve ever wanted?

  His hands pull up my top and stroke over my stomach lightly before he thrusts them downwards. I part my legs a little more as he cups my sex. He fingers me with one hand, moving the other up a little to rub over my clit. It’s a practiced move, and it damn well works.

  I barely recognise the noises that come from my own throat.

  He kisses my shoulder and I feel it when he smiles, pleased at the ecstasy he’s wringing from me with his hands. Damn smug arsehole. I should hold back just to spite him. If I wasn’t so close to the damn brink I might have tried. I gasp as I start to come, leaning back against him.

  “That’s it,” he murmurs. “Come for me.”

  And I do, for what feels like an age. Then I snap back to my senses.

  “You can stop now,” I tell him, breathing fast.

  “I don’t think so,” he whispers, removing his hands and pulling my leggings and underwear down roughly. “You’re mine, Maggie. I’ve felt that since we met. I’m not letting you shy away from this. Not now.”

  He pauses, as if he’s waiting for me to respond. To say yes, or tell him to feck off.

  “Fine. I’m yours,” I murmur, encouraging the cocky bastard. “So claim me, already.”

  His hands roam over my ass before he places my hand on the sink and positions me bent over a little. I try to catch my breath as his cock presses at my entrance. He grips my hips tightly as he pushes forward. I gasp as he fills me, that same intense fullness I felt when I slept with Lukas makes me wonder if t
here’s something different about dicks where they’re from. Because I’ve never felt anything quite like it in all my years.

  “Fuck, yes,” he murmurs, kissing my neck, and reaching out to clasp the hand wearing his rings.

  He bucks into me in slow, measured movements, making sure I feel every thrust.

  I’m completely as his mercy and I never want him to stop. He moves his right hand between my legs and starts to work his fingers over my clit once more, making me moan in anticipation. I’m tender and swollen and more than willing for his touch.

  He takes his time, and I’m desperate for him to speed up by the time he slowly begins to move a little faster.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Maggie. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw you in that store.”

  His voice is starting to strain and I love hearing it. He’s so turned on he’s almost ready to come. He’s desperate to spill, and trying not to. I love how bloody powerful it makes me feel that my body has that kind of effect over him.

  “Well, I was kind of besotted myself,” I murmur, remembering the instant spark between us in that moment.

  “My kind mate for life,” he whispers. “This is just the beginning for us.”

  I hear it when he loses control, the second before he spills. He strokes me until I come for him, not removing his cock until I’m as spent as he is.

  The trouble with screwing standing up is quickly made obvious when his spend immediately trickles down my thighs.

  “Cross your legs,” he tells me, as I close them.

  My brain can barely function to tell him to feck off with his asinine orders. Just as well.

  He lifts me, bride style, and grins. “Cup yourself before it all drips out.”

  “Feck off,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

  “If Lukas gets you pregnant on the first night and I don’t, I’m never going to live that down.”

  I snort, taking it as a stupid joke.

  “You’ll drip all over your nice carpets,” he warns me as he starts to move.

  I roll my eyes before I put a hand between my legs, keeping the other around his neck. He’s damn strong. Doesn’t even breathe heavily as he carries me through the living room and up the stairs.

  “Don’t lay me down on the bed,” I tell him, smacking him with the hand around his neck when he heads for the bedroom.

  He raises an eyebrow at me and I point to the bathroom.

  “Set me down over there,” I order, sighing when he takes more than a second to move his feet.

  He sets my feet down and I keep myself cupped as he backs away.

  “Now, go warm the bed and I’ll be there in a bit.”

  I close the door in his gorgeous face and go about cleaning myself up. I should probably worry that I just slept with stranger number two without protection, but I probably can wait for the morning to go and get another pill. I’ll see if I can get a doctor’s appointment and get on the pill while I’m at it.

  Considering this keeps happening, and I have a year to while away, I’d better start thinking about playing it safer.

  I’m a little raw by the time Theo closes his sexy green eyes and crashes out, a sleepy, self-satisfied smirk on his face when he does so. I blocked it out every time he mentioned getting me pregnant, but he damn well tried his best to make sure it happened. I mean, I tried to give him head at one point and he refused to let me.

  What guy turns down a blow job? Seriously.

  I get up and go to the bathroom, checking the time on the way. I wouldn’t quite make it to the other town in time now. I should probably be worried about that. Time’s slipping away from me. My window to deal with any potential problems is closing. I wait for panic to crash over me. It doesn’t bother.

  What the bloody hell is wrong with me right now? I didn’t think I was broody.

  I throw on sweats and head down the stairs. I need to call back hottie lawyer and set up the meeting with him, and I left my phone down here. I pick it up and end up leaving him a message, asking him to meet me at lunchtime a couple of towns over, tomorrow.

  I put the phone back in my bag and pick up the clothes by the sink, stuffing them in the laundry basket quickly. Including Theo’s jeans. They look like they got a little dripped on. I see the corner of his wallet and I pick it out, not wanting to run it through the wash by mistake.

  I flip it open and check his ID impulsively. He hasn’t lied about his name. He’s five years older than me, and he’s from a town that’s as rural as Widow’s Walk. He has condoms in the coin section and a wad of cash in the notes part. His credit card is in his name. The platinum one. I can’t find any business cards, or anything that gives any hint to who he is other than an incredibly attractive stranger with good credit.

  I put the wallet down on the table and check his other pockets, turning them inside out. I gasp as the little packet with my morning after pill falls out one of the back pockets. It’s been crushed a bit, but there’s no denying that he took it.

  I frown, thinking back to that morning. He was with me, and he knows where I went, though I made sure I put this in my bag instead of the bag from the store where he might look and see it. He had to have looked through my handbag to find this.

  “That prick bastard,” I murmur, staring at the packet and wondering why I didn’t just take it in the chemists. It would have saved hassle, that’s for sure.

  I look at it for a few seconds before I drop the jeans and go pour myself a glass of water.

  I rip the packet open by the sink and take the box out, trying to hold it steady to read the instructions. My hand won’t stop shaking. I take a long, slow breath, close my eyes and try again.

  Nope. I sigh as I open the box and pop the pill out into my hand.

  I stop thinking. I pick up the glass and promptly use the water in it to rinse the pill from my hand into the drain.

  What the hell, Maggie? You’re not ready for kids. Especially not with two complete strangers who are acting pretty damn weird in general. Even if they do look like underwear models.

  I wait for regret to kick in. It doesn’t.

  I want this? Oh my God. I do.

  I actually bloody do.

  That’s so messed up. It really is.

  I’m still getting my head around it when the doorbell rings. I put the empty glass down and make my way through the living room. When I open the door, I’m too dazed to say a word.

  That’s okay, because apparently hottie lawyer has a few of his own to give me.

  “Maggie, I wasn’t totally honest with you before,” he blurts, as I let the door swing open wider to let him inside. “There’s something I need to get off my chest.”

  “Come in then.”

  I don’t know how it’s possible to be horny when it already feels like I’ve had more than enough cock for one week, but the ravaged flesh between my legs seems to pulse with desire when my gorgeous lawyer runs a hand over his short jet-black hair. He’s flushed in the face and his gaze can’t seem to quite settle on anything as I lead him through to the living room and we sit down.

  The throb between my legs seems to become a little more demanding the moment my ass grazes the seat of the armchair. It’s as if the slightest of movements might make me come, and it wouldn’t a low moan kind of climax. It would be the screaming kind of orgasm.

  I clench my jaw as I settle myself, ignoring the delicious friction when I cross my legs.

  Sebastian clears his throat. “It was a wild coincidence that brought me here.”

  “Okay,” I respond, barely able to give his words any attention.

  Every breath I take has my nipples grazing the material of my cropped sweater. Flashes of everything I just did in bed with Theo rush through my thoughts. He sucked my nipples until they were as raw as the rest of me. Virtually made me come instantly with every little touch after.

  “I know you’ve met Theo and Lukas already,” he goes on, suddenly catching my attention.

  “Oh, I’ve met them,�
�� I tell him.

  “I know,” he says, clearing his throat again. He’s so nervous. Why is that kind of sexy? Is it just because he is, or...

  “Was there something you wanted to tell me?”

  “Did you choose yet?” he asks me, his face flushing even harder.

  “Choose?” I ask him.

  “Theo or Lukas?”

  I blink, and something clicks inside my head. There were supposed to be three of them, but Baz didn’t want to throw his hat in the ring. Baz. Short for Sebastian?

  “Oh hell,” I whisper, staring at him. “You’re the third guy.”

  He seems less nervous the moment I reveal why he’s here. His gaze becomes more focused, more intense.

  “I was sent here for work, and I couldn’t quite believe it,” he tells me. “It made me wonder if there really could be such a thing as fate. Then I met you, and I felt it.”

  “Felt it?” I ask, somehow unable to raise my voice. I’m still on a knife edge of desire and any slight movement could slide me toward uncontrollable orgasm. If he wasn’t so damned gorgeous I might be able to calm myself down.

  “The spark,” he says, leaning forward. “Between us. It was as if time stood still.”

  He runs his hand through his hair once more before he goes on. “I just had to know if you felt it too.”

  “Oh,” I say, shock flooding me. I should probably tell him I’ve already been with both of his friends. That I’m already trying to navigate a tricky situation with them both. Only I can’t seem to find any words to say it.

  “If you don’t feel it, or you’ve already chosen, I’ll leave you alone.”

  He watches me carefully, and I struggle to break the silence between us.

  “This whole thing is crazy, I know,” he goes on, his gaze drifting from my face downward.

  “It is,” I manage to confirm. “It’s so damn crazy.”

  “I shouldn’t have come,” he tells me, starting to stand.

  “Wait,” I blurt, feeling my face flush. It’s insane and I shouldn’t try to drag another person into this, but if there’s the slightest chance that all four of us could make this work, it would be a goddamn fairytale for me.


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