Really the Blues
Page 42
Ace: dollar’s worth, dollar, one, first-rate
Advocate: help to build and perfect
Anywhere: State of possession (is you anywhere? = do you have any?)
Back: adverb used for emphasis (scoffed back = ate very heartily)
Ball: n., a good time; v., enjoy yourself
Barrelhouse: n., low, boisterous dive; adj., the original style of playing jazz, once associated with such low dives
Beat: exhausted, broke
Beat the boards: tapdance
Beat up your chops: talk a lot
Before-Abe: job (the implication being that a Negro’s employment is slavery, of the type that existed before Abe Lincoln)
Beginner Brown: Negro with light brown skin-tone
Bellychord: a pleasing, abrupt musical chord that hits the listener hard
Belly habit: an opium habit that, unlike the head type, affects the addict in the stomach
The Big Apple: New York City
Big bean: Sun
Biggity: swaggering, putting on airs
Bing: jail cell for solitary confinement
Bit: jail sentence
Biters: teeth
Blip: nickel
Blinds: spaces between tender and baggage car in any train
Blow: smoke marihuana
Blowtop: a crazy or violent person
Blow your fuse: go crazy
Blow your lid: go crazy
Blow your lump: find a full outlet for your emotions
Blow your top: go crazy
Blue Broadway: the sky
Boogie-woogie: a happier style of music which grew out of the blues; also, a style of dancing
Boogity-boogity: pell-mell
Bottle babies: drunks
Breadbasket: stomach
Break: a brief ensemble pause by a jazz band so that one player can extemporise a solo for a few measures
Break it up: bring the house down
Break time: get out of tempo
Breeze: go
Bright: morning
Bring down: depress
Bringdown: a depressing thing, a disappointment
Bring time: punch a time-clock, work
Briny: unpleasant, hostile
Broom off: go away
Brown: Negro with brown skin-tone
Buddy ghee: pal
Bug: put in the insane asylum
Bundle: bankroll
Bunk habit: practice of lounging around while others smoke opium, and inhaling the fumes
Bust: arrest
Bust your conk: become extremely happy and carefree
Bust your vest: be big, magnanimous
Buster: something extremely good
Buzz: tell, whisper
Buzz tone: a trumpet or trombone tone similar to that of a kazoo
Bloodhound tip: snooping behavior of a policeman (see tip)
Café sunburn: pallor
Call some hogs: snore
Canhouse: whorehouse
Can’t see for looking: to stare so intently, usually with hostility, that your vision is blurred; to have your perspective distorted due to anger or jealousy
Cap: have the last word, go one better, outdo
Carry: escort
Case: study carefully
Cat: regular fellow, guy
Cathouse: whorehouse
Chances go around: everybody gets his turn, the wheel of chance keeps spinning
Change: money
Chesty: conceited
Chick: young girl
Chicken dinner: pretty young girl
Chimes: hours
Chinch: bedbug
Chippy’s playground: stomach
Chips: money
Chops: lips
Claws: fingers
Climb’s on somebody: marihuana smokers get high; when somebody treats them to the marihuana, the climb’s on him
C-notes: hundred-dollar bills
Clinker: bad musical note
Collar: understand, get hold of
Collar all jive: understand all the subtleties
Coin gold: make a lot of money
Collar a nod: get some sleep
Come on: give a terrific performance, be superb
Comp: accompaniment
Complexy: neurotic
Con: convict; also, consumption
Conk: n., head; v., hit on the head
Conkhouse: head
Connection: contact-man who supplies you with drugs, etc.
Coonsbout: corny imitation of oldtime Negro style of singing
Cop a deuceways: buy two dollars’ worth
Cop a slave: get a job
Cop a squat: sit down
Corn: anything hackneyed, cliché
Cover all spots: cope with all situations
Crack your jaw: talk
Craunch: grind
Creep pad: a whorehouse where the girls are pickpockets
Crib: type of one-room whorehouse in old New Orleans
Croaker: doctor
Cruise: entice
Crummy: obnoxious
Cruncher: sidewalk
Crunchers: feet
Cubby: home, apartment, room
Cuckaburr: acorn
Cut: outdo, out-perform
Cut a brand-new one: affect very powerfully, bowl over, pierce to the vitals
Cut out: leave
Cut some rug: dance
Cut some steps: dance
Cutting contest: competitive get-together of performers
Dance on all setting: crash the gates everywhere
Daniel: buttocks
Deuce: a couple
Deuceways: two dollars’ worth
Dicty: snooty, high-class
Dig: understand, appreciate, listen to, follow, grasp, get
Dim: night
Dime note: ten-dollar bill
Dinner: pretty young girl
Dirty dozens: elaborate game in which participants insult each other’s ancestors
Do a Houdini: disappear
Dog around: follow
Dommy: home, domicile
Don’t lose it: sarcastic expression which really means it’s no good, get rid of it.
Doodlely-squat: nothing, no more than the product of a child who squats to do his duty
Dotey: old, senile
Doublebank: gang up on
Double-o: studious look
Downbeat: conductor’s signal for the band to begin playing
Down under: below the Mason-Dixon line
Down with it: top-notch, superlative
Drape: suit of clothes
Dreambox: head
Dreamers: blankets
Driftsmoke: clouds
Drink: ocean
Drink den: saloon
Drip: rain
Drugg: brought down, depressed
Dry goods: clothes
Dummy up: shut up, refuse to talk
Duster: buttocks
Early black: early evening
Eat up a breeze: eat a lot
Enamel: skin
Evil: unpleasant, obnoxious, hostile, neurotic
Excusing: except for
Eyeball: look, stare
Face: a form of greeting
Fall in: arrive on the scene
Fall out: be tickled to death
Father grab somebody: May the Lord take him away, to hell with him
Fault: blame
Faust: ugly (as the devil)
Fay: n., white person; adj., white
Feds: Federal agents
Fer it: in favor of it
Fillmill: saloon
Final: go
Fish: new inmates in a jail, fresh caught
Fishblack: Friday night
Fishtail: weaving motion of the buttocks during a dance
Fix to: intend to
Flickers: movies
Fly: smart, sophisticated, in the know, alert
Fly right: behave
Foam: beer
For kicks: for pleasure’s sake
Foxy: sly, clever, good
Fracture your toupee: go crazy
Fracture your wig: go crazy with joy
Frame: body
Framer: bed
Frantic: wild, nervous, unusually good
Fraughty issue: unhappy state of affairs
Freakish: homosexual, perverted, weird
Freebie: handout, something gratis
Frolic-pad: place where you have a good time
Frompy: unattractive
Fruit: romance playfully
Full orchestration: overcoat
Funk: stench
Funky: smelly, obnoxious
Fusebox: head
Gallion: slave quarters, Jim-Crow section
Gangbuster: anything especially powerful
Gas-meter: a quarter
Gasser: something terrific that takes your breath away
Gate: form of greeting
Gauge: marihuana
Gaycat: have a good time
Geechee: Southerner from Georgia
Get in your mouth: disturb you, repel you
Get off: express yourself, render a good performance
Get-off chorus: improvised solo for one chorus
Get straight: reach an understanding, pay a debt
Gig: single engagement, club date
Gimpy: lame
Git-box: guitar
Give the office to somebody: to signal surreptitiously
Gizz: short for gizzard
Gizzard: form of greeting
Glim: look at
Glimmer: electric light
Go down: happen
God sure don’t like ugly: you get what’s coming to you
Going to Slice City: going to cut somebody up
Golden-leaf: the best marihauna
Gone: out of this world, superlative
Gone with it: really inspired, completely in control of the situation
Grabbers: hands
Grass: marihuana
Grease: eat
Grease your chops: eat
Grefa: marihuana
Grimy: Sour, unpleasant
Groovy: really good, in the groove, enjoyable
Gully-low: lowdown, unhappy
Gumbeat: talk
Gun: look, stare
Gunboats: large shoes
Gunja: marihuana
Gutbucket: earthy style of music
Hack: keeper in a jail
Half-hipped: not very enlightened or sophisticated
Half past the unlucky: midnight on Friday
Hankachief-head: old Southern mammy
Hamfat: ham performer, a nobody
Hard-cutting: powerful, very good
Hard-cutting mezz: the best brand of marihuana; anything that’s tops
Have a ball: have a good time
Have your hair fried: have your hair treated with hot irons
Hawk: winter
Hawk’s out with his axe: it’s freezing weather
Hay: marihuana
Head arrangement: a musical arrangement by ear, without written music
Head Knock: God
Heeb: Jewish person
Heebies: jitters
Hemp: marihuana
High: intoxicated, or strongly affected by marihuana or other drugs
High-jive: intellectual patter, the smoothest and most elaborate line
Highjiver: smooth character with a very fancy and intellectual line of talk
Hincty: snobbish, stuck-up, full of airs; also, suspicious
Hip: in the know, worldly-wise, clever, enlightened, sophisticated
Hipster: man who’s in the know, grasps everything, is alert
Hit the jug: drink, heavily, often from the bottle; have a drink
Homey: form of greeting between people from the same place
Honeymoon kick: a situation of great intimacy, close friendship (see kick)
Honky: factory hand
Hooked: addicted
Hop: opium
Hopdog: insatiable opium addict
Hophead: opium addict
Hot: angry
Hot for: enthusiastic about, in favor of
Hot minute: brief moment (implying great hurry)
House of many slammers: jail
Hustler: prostitute; also, anybody who makes a living by hook or crook
Hype: v., to deliver a phony but convincing line, to build up a sucker for the kill, to lay the groundwork for a scheme; n., a build-up, a phony story
Hype up: build up (with ulterior motive)
Ice: diamonds
If push comes to shove: if a showdown comes, if things come to a head
Igg: ignore
In front: in advance, ahead of time
In there: very good, sincere, masterful, likeable
Intro: introduction to a musical piece
Issue: a questionable or serious case or situation
Jag: a state of extreme stimulation, produced by marihuana or some other stimulant
Jam: to play collectively improvised music
Jam session: a musical get-together in which all the playing is collectively improvised
Jam-up: very good, most pleasing
Jawblock: to engage in small talk
J.B.: jet black, a very dark Negro
Jeff Davis: an unenlightened person, a hick, from down South; sometimes shortened to jeff
Jim Crow: the symbol of anti-Negro discrimination and segregation
Jim-jam-jumping: extremely lively, vivacious
Jive: v., to kid, to talk, insincerely or without meaning, to use an elaborate and misleading line; n., confusing doubletalk, pretentious conversation, anything false or phony
Jive that makes it drip: clouds that produce rain
John: customer in a whorehouse
Joint: set of instruments used in smoking opium
Joybox: piano
Juice: n., liquor; v., to drink a lot
Juiced: drunk
Jump: turn, become (ex.: jump salty = turn sour or hostile)
Jump: modern corruption of jazz in which short cliché riffs are repeated over and over mechanically and the loud, ringing sock symbol sets the pace
Jump stink: turn sour and hostile
Jungle bum: a hobo who cooks out in the open
Jungles: San Juan Hill section of Manhattan, around Tenth Ave. in the Sixties
Junkie: dope fiend
Keep a lot of rumpus: act boisterously, make a lot of noise
Kick: good feeling, something that gives a lot of pleasure
Killer: anything very powerful, fine
King Kong: cheap moonshine, corn whisky
Kip: sleep (from camp)
Kisser: mouth or face
Kitchen: back of the head, the hair just above the nape of the neck
Kitchen mechanics: domestic servants
Kitten: very young girl
Knock: give
Knock a fade: go away, leave
Knock out some vittles: eat
Knock somebody some skin: shake hands with somebody
Knowledge-box: head
Kyaw-kyaw: sarcastic laughter
Laine: hick, innocent, sucker
Lamp: look at, see
Latch on: get hold of
Late watch: early hours of the morning
Lay: to give, do
Lay down: to recline and smoke opium
Lay it: do something masterfully, do a good job
Lay it on somebody: do something good for somebody
Lay some iron: tapdance
Lay your racket: perform, talk, give a good and convincing account of yourself
Layout: set of instruments used to smoke opium
Lead: melody, instrument that plays the melody in a band, solo chair of a section in a band
Lead sheet: topcoat
Lean your affection on somebody: to romance, to give a line to a girl
Light up: smoke marihuana
Light up and be som
ebody: smoke marihuana and make something of yourself
Like Jack the Bear: worthless, no-account, broke, insignificant
Lily-whites: sheets
Lindy hop: a Negro dance
Line two: one of anything (numbers are doubled to confuse outsiders)
Line your flue: eat
Lip: embouchure, muscular strength and control in the lips needed to blow wind instruments
Liquor-head: drunkard
Loaded: drunk or full of drugs
Loot: money
Lowrate: ridicule, show up
Luck up on: get by luck, come into possession of unexpectedly
Lush: to drink
Lushhound: drunkard
Lushy: drunkard
Mac: pimp
Main saw on the hitch: wife
Main stash: home
Main stroll: Seventh Avenue in Harlem
Make: rob, visit
Make time: beat a rhythm
Make your love come down: Arouse your passion, put you in a romantic mood
Mammy jamming: incestuous obscenity
Mash: give
Mellow: feeling good, especially after smoking marihuana
Messerole: corruption of mezzroll
Mess-around: dance in which hips are swung around in a circle
The mezz: the best brand of marihuana; anything unusually good
Mezzroll: fat sticks of marihuana, hand-rolled, with the ends tucked in
The mighty mezz: see the mezz
Mooch: beg, look, for handouts
Moo-juice: milk
Mop-mop: modern corruption of jazz built up around mechanical riffs
Moss: hair
Most anxious: very fast or excited
Motherferyer: incestuous obscenity
Much: like, be in favor of
Mudkicker: streetwalker
Mug: making faces or subtly clowning during a performance
Mugg: associate with
Muggles: cigarettes of marihuana
Murder Belt: the South
Murder State: Mississippi, or any lynch state down South
Mush: kiss
Muta: marihuana
Nappy: kinky
Nature: potency, virility
Nayo hoss: no, buddy; that’s wrong
Never no crummy: never in bad taste, never offensive
Nix out: eliminate
No stuff: no kidding
Note: notoriety, publicity
Nowhere: insignificant, broke
Nympho kick: nymphomaniac form of behavior, erotic exhibitionism
Ofaginzy: white person
Ofay: a white person (from the pig Latin for foe)
Offtime: out of harmony, old-fashioned, corny, offensive
Old Fireball: sun
One-nighters: one-night engagements
Onliest: only
Oscar: guy, especially a biased and narrow-minded one
Out: oust, get rid of, destroy
Pad: joint, place to enjoy yourself, bed
Paddy: cop
Pay no rabbit: ignore