Really the Blues
Page 46
Goodman, Freddy, 166, 285
Goodman, Henry, 200
Gorer, Geoffrey, 404
Grad, Irving, 198–199, 289, 290, 292, 293
Grand Hermitage Muscovite, Le, 204–206, 210
Grant, Coot, 350
Grant Park, 119, 127
Graves, Judge, 18
Gray, Glen, 100
Green, Charlie “Big,” 275
Greenfield, Fuzzy, 59, 65
Gusick, Ben, 285
Gypsy orchestra, 205
Hagan, Cass, 282
Hall, Minor, 49
Hall, Tubby, 29, 66, 123, 148, 154, 266, 364
Hammond, John, 208, 301, 305, 387
Hampton, Lionel, 304
Hardin, Lil, 29, 30, 49
Harlem, 194, 215, 218, 220–224, 243
Harlem Eye & Ear Hospital, 312
Harlem Uproar House, 302, 303, 306
Harper, Leonard, 222
Harrison Anti-narcotic Act, 101, 228
Harrison (Riker’s Island guard), 323, 324, 327
Hart’s Island band, 329–330, 333–334
Hawkins, Coleman, 247
Hawkins, Erskine, 222
Heebie Jeebies, 128–129, 132, 141, 206
Henderson, Fletcher, 96–97, 149, 153
Herbert, Victor, 64
Hesitation Blues, 43
Higginbotham, J.C., 302
Highhat cymbal, 383–384
High Society, 341
Hill, Alex, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 294, 303
Hines, Earl, 134, 171, 206, 267, 268, 364, 369
Hines, Jimmy, 279
Hipster’s Dictionary (Calloway), 230
Hitchcock, Frank, 64, 66, 69–70, 73, 197
Hobo You Can’t Ride This Train, 272–273
Hollywood road trip, 141–147
Holst, Gustave, 133, 168
Hoofer’s Club, 222
“Hot Chocolates” show, 222, 251, 270
Hot Clubs of France, 207–208, 347–348
Hot jazz, death of, 148–150
Houck, Harry, 349
Howard, Rosetta, 230
How Can You Face Me, 286
Hudson Lake resort, 130, 133
Hudson Theater, 222
Hunt, Tiny, 255
Hunter, Alberta, 27–28
Hurley, Dan, 230
Husk O’Hare’s Wolverines, 114, 115, 125, 360
I Found a New Baby, 167, 310, 364–365
If You’re a Viper, 230
If You See Me Comin’, 310, 388, 389
Île de France, 201
I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead You Rascal You, 250
I’m Gonna Stomp Mr. Henry Lee, 201
Immerman, Connie, 257
Immigrants, The, 153
I’m Sorry I Made You Cry, 201
In a Mist, 130, 134, 206
Indiana Harbor, Indiana, 76
Indian caste system, 411–412
I Need Someone Like You, 256
I’se A-Muggin’, 301
I Want You Tonight, 309–310
Jack Armstrong (radio program), 296
Jackson, Cliff, 313, 387
Jackson, Tony, 48, 51, 171, 268
Jada, 310, 388
James, Elmer, 304, 381
Jam session, 159
Jane (friend), 95–96, 109–110
Jazz, sociology of, 414–418
Jazz critics, 208
Jazz Hot, Le (Panassié), 207, 286
Jazz Me Blues, 368
Jazz me Blues, 167
Jazz musicians, 151
Jazz Record Book, The, 343
Jefferson, Blind Lemon, 55, 267
Jelly Roll, 59, 159
Jive, 231–239, 373–380
Jive culture, 239–243
John Henry, 280
Johnson, Bunk, 351
Johnson, Charlie, 304
Johnson, Jack, 40
Johnson, James P., 153, 248, 261, 268, 310, 381, 387, 389
Johnson, Manzie, 387, 388
Jolson, Al, 52, 157
Jones, Isham, 160
Joplin, Scott, 31, 50
Joyriding, 8
Juke boxes, 224, 225
Jumping at the Woodside, 326
Jungle Kings, The, 167
Kamenoi Ostrow, 115
Kaminsky, Max, 212, 213, 279, 282, 285, 287, 304
Kapp, Jack, 284
Kaye, Dolly, 52
Kaye, Roger, 208
Kelly, Joe, 16
Kelly’s Stables, 167
Keppard, Freddie, 29, 30, 51, 53
King, Pops, 388
King Jazz, Inc., 350, 351
King Kong speakeasy, 262, 265, 283
King (Pontiac Reformatory), 12, 17
King Porter Stomp, 65
King’s County Hospital, 335
Kirby, John, 286, 304, 389
Kiss Me Again, 64
Knockin’ a Jug, 256
Krupa, Gene, 113, 153–157, 160, 162, 163, 166, 168, 171, 190, 215, 254, 256, 279, 280, 287, 304, 364, 365, 368
Ladnier, Tommy, 309–310, 313, 314, 316, 344, 347, 381, 385, 387, 388
Lafayette Theater, 222, 247, 251, 262
Lane, Eastwood, 133
Lane, Lovey, 303
Lang, Eddie, 160, 256
Lannigan, Jim, 114, 162, 168, 315
Lannin, Sam, 191
LaRocca, Nick, 161
“Late watch,” 375
Lay Your Racket, 310
“Lead sheet,” 375
Leary, Dan, 330–331, 333
Le Havre, France, 202
Lenox Club, 250
Let’s Pretend That There’s a Moon, 286
Levy, Jack, 213
Lewis, Joe E., 195
Lewis, Ted, 52
Libuse, Frank, 92
“Light up and be somebody,” 378
Lil (Mike the hophead’s wife), 264, 267, 282
Lim, Harry, 208
Lincoln Garden, 31, 154, 369, 388
Lincoln Theater, 270
Liner-phone Talking Machine Company, 58–59
“Line two,” 376
Little Fats (Harlem), 223
Livery Stable Blues, 13, 161
Liza, 164
Loew’s State, 253, 269
Lombardo, Guy, 225, 282
Long, Eddie, 66
Lookin’ for Another Sweetie, 256
Lookin’ Good and Feelin’ Bad, 256
Lorraine Gardens, 51
Lost, 301
Lots O’Mamma, 72
Louie the Wop, 100, 291
Love You’re Not the One for Me, 284
Lozies, slang, 230
Lucas, Francis, 205
Lugg, George, 304
Luigi’s Café, 99–100
Lunceford, Jimmy, 222, 302, 311
Mackey (hophead), 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 283, 284
MacPartland, Dick, 114
MacPartland, Jimmy, 114, 115, 117, 159–160, 162, 200
Mac the Ragtime Cowboy Jew, 75–76, 81
Maisel, Jack, 285
Maison du Jazz, 204
Makin’ Friends, 189, 198, 201
Mandy, 286
Maple Leaf Rag, 310
Marihuana advocacy, 336–337
Marihuana medical tests, 335–336
Marihuana use, 76–83, 100–101, 102, 176–177, 228–230
Mark (Harlem), 223
Marsala, Joe, 113
Marshall, Kaiser, 350
Martin, John, 404–405
Martinique Inn, 75, 83, 89–90
McDonnell, John, 332–333
McKendricks, Mike, 249
McKenzie, Red, 160–162, 169, 172, 189, 254, 280, 282, 366
McKenzie and Condon’s Chicagoans, 162
McKinney, Nina Mae, 251
McKinney, Samuel C., 312–313, 315
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers, 96, 98, 149
Melancholy Baby, 64<
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Melody from the Sky, 301
Melrose Brothers’ Publishing Company, 65
Mencken, H.L., 111, 118
Mezz, slang, 230
Mezz Mezzrow and His Swing Band, 301
Mezz Mezzrow’s Orchestra, 302
Mezzrow, Bonnie, 72, 97, 126, 181, 201, 224, 257, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 299
Mezzrow, Johnnie Mae, 300, 309, 311, 313, 317
Mezzrow, Milton, Jr., 300, 317
Mezzrow, Milton “Mezz” Bud Freeman on, 369–370
“Negroid” style of, 402–403
Mezzrow (father), 57, 201
Mezzrow-Ladnier Quintet, 388
Mezzrow (mother), 18, 42
Mezzrow (sister), 57–58
Midnight Blues, 57
Midway Gardens, 139, 368
Mike (hophead), 258–259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 283, 286, 294
Miley, Bubber, 358
Miller, Glenn, 160, 200
Miller, Henry, 353
Miller, Ray, 96
Miller, Stew, 145, 146
Mills, Florence, 28
Mills, Irving, 300
Mills, Sidney, 330
Mills Brothers, 267, 268
Milneburg Joys, 341
Milton Mezzrow and His Perculatin’ Fools, 30, 59, 65
Milton Mezzrow and his Purple Grackle Orchestra, 166
Minor Jive, 389
Minsky burlesque house, 213–214, 215, 217, 218
Mitchell, George “Little Mitch,” 123
Mixed band on Broadway, 305–306
Modern jazz, 209
Modern music, 345–346
Monroe, Clark, 320
Moose March, 341
Morris, Fats, 83–84
Morton, George, 223
Morton, Jellyroll, 65
Moskowitz & Lupowitz restaurant, 215
Moss and Fry, 29
“Motherferyer,” 376
Mound City Blue Blowers, 160, 161, 254
Muggles, 256
Music critics, 208
Musicians’ flightiness, 308
Muskrat Ramble, 141, 341, 359
Mutiny in the Parlor, 301
My Blue Heaven, 207
My Gal Sal, 64
Myrdal, Gunnar, 408, 409
Myrtle (Harlem), 223
Nanton, Tricky Sam, 364
Nathan, George Jean, 111, 118
National Winter Garden, 213, 217
Negro song-and-dance man, 404–418
Nelson, Dave, 301
Nervous breakdown, 191–200
Nest, The, 170
New Orleans Creole Jazz Band, 49–50
New Orleans Feetwarmers, 309
New Orleans jazz, 341–342, 357–359, 390
New Orleans Rhythm Kings, 54, 56, 58, 113, 359–360, 369
Newton, Frankie, 301, 304, 389
New York City, 185–186
Niccollini, John, 304
Nichols, Red, 212, 213, 254
Nicknames, 224
Nick the Greek, 21
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 197, 199
Nobody’s Sweetheart, 72, 115, 164, 370
Noone, Jimmy, 51, 53, 84, 112, 119, 123, 124, 148, 154, 170, 174, 360, 363, 367, 369, 371, 372
North, Dave, 114
North Shore Pavilion, 93
Norton, Cincy, 21
Numbers racket, 245
Oberstein, Eli, 270, 301, 302, 303
O’Brien, Floyd, 113, 114, 117, 153, 166, 279, 285, 286, 287, 364
O’Brien, Jack, 204
O’Brien, Sammy, 7–8
O’Brien, Smiling Jack, 51–52
Okeh Distributing Company, 127, 162, 201, 256
Old Fashioned Love, 285
Ole Miss, 31
Oliver, Joe “King,” 49–51, 53, 84, 112, 148, 206, 310, 358, 361, 369, 385, 388
Oliver, Sy, 302
One O’Clock Jump, 326, 327
Opium habit, breaking, 290–296
Opium use, 3, 102, 105–108, 253–259, 260–266
Orange Blossom Band, 100
Orchestra World, The (newspaper), 305
Oriental Rest, The, 104
Original Dixieland Jazz Band, 13, 161, 170
Original Handbook of Harlem Jive (Hurley), 230
Original New Orleans Creole Jazz Band, 29
Ory, Kid, 123, 364
Our Director, 329, 339
Out of the Gallion, 347, 350
Palace, The, 189
Palao, Jimmy, 29
Palmer Roy, 29
Panama, 59
Panassié, Hugues, 167, 206–209, 285, 286, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 331, 332, 347, 348, 381, 384, 388, 389
Panassié recordings, 381–391
Panic is On, The, 301
Paradise Gardens, 121
Paramount, 167
Paris, France, 202–203, 209–211
Paris Symphony Orchestra, 205
Park Central Grille, 200
Pasquale (drug supplier), 176–180
Patrick (drug supplier), 76–77, 82
Patten, Johnny, 70–71
Pearl Harbor attack, 331
Pekin Inn, 47–48
Performers and Entertainers Club, 222
Pettis, jack, 58
Philosophy of the blues, 14–15
Piano player cutting contest, 247–248
Planets, The, 133, 168
Plantation orchestra, 149
Pleasant Joe, 350
Pollack, Ben, 149, 159
Pollack, Monkey, 74–75, 81, 87
Polo, Danny, 113, 138
Pontiac Reformatory, 3, 4, 7, 10–18
Pontiac Reformatory band, 11–14
Poston, Doc, 119, 172, 174
Powell, Johnny, 192–194
Powell, Ollie, 154
Preachin’ blues, 172–174
Prendegast, Gene, 100
Pretty Little Baby, 48–49
Prison. See Hart’s Island; Riker’s Island
Progressive jazz, 209
Prohibition, 21–23
“Pulling my coat,” 379
“Punks and skunks,” 379
Purple Gang, 100, 109
Purple Grackle, 166–168
Race records, 207
Race riots of 1919, 39–40
Radio show references, 378
Rainy, Ma, 350
Ramsey, Frederic, 208
Randolph (trumpet player), 289
Rao, Johnny, 323
Rappolo, Leon, 53–56, 58, 113
Ratoon Pass jamboree, 146
Ravel, Maurice, 123–124
Razaff, Andy, 222
RCA-Magic Key program, 302
RCA-Victor, 270, 285, 301
Real Jazz, The (Panassié), 208
Really the Blues, 310, 320, 387–388
Really the Blues (Mezzrow), 403
Reckless Blues, 1, 122
Record Changer, The, 351
Recording systems, 163
Red Book, 31
Red (Bridewell Prison), 45
Redman, Don, 98
Reformatory. See Pontiac Reformatory
Reisenweber’s, 161
Rendezvous, 153
Revolutionary Blues, 310, 381, 386
Rhythm Boys, The, 157
Rhythm Club, 222, 258
Riccardi, Frankie, 102–103, 109
Ridin’ But Walkin’, 256
Riker’s Island, 318, 321–328
Riker’s Island band, 326–328
Riley, Flash, 303
Rinker, Al, 158
Riverboat Shuffle, 85, 87
Riverside Towers, 211
Roadhouse Home, 71–73
Roamer Inn, 23–26
Roberts, Travis, 329, 333, 334, 338, 339, 340
Robinson, Bill, 29, 223, 251, 264
Rockin’ Chair, 225, 267
Rodin, Gil, 200
Rompin’ at Victor, 389
Rosenkrantz, Timmy, 208
Rosetta, 389
Rothchild, Irving, 92–95
Rothstein, Arnold, 196
Rovech, Mottel, 58
Royal Garden, 31, 34
Royal Garden Blues, 32, 50, 54, 59, 65, 85, 132, 137, 310, 388, 389
Roy (Riker’s Island), 322, 328
Rue Victor Massé, 204
Russell, Johnny, 285
Russell, Pee Wee, 113, 130, 131, 212, 279
Ryan, Jimmy, 348
Safecracking skills, 10
Saint Valentine’s Day massacre, 196
Sampson, Edgar, 302
San Juan Hill, 260
Sarte, Jean-Paul, 407
Sassafras, 31
Savoy Ballroom, 303, 307
Schaap, Walter, 208
Schuken, Leo, 152–153, 153
Schuken, Phil, 153
Schultz, Dutch, 245, 257, 291
Scobel, Elmer, 54
Scott, Hazel, 303
Scott, Professor (Pontiac Reformatory), 11–12, 13
Seeley, Blossom, 29
Sendin’ the Vipers, 286
Serenade to a Wealthy Widow, 286
Shag, 310
Shapiro, Harry, 53, 54
Shaw, Artie, 307
Sheik of Araby, The, 343
Shields, Larry, 13, 161
Shuffle rhythm, 363, 365
Singin’ the Blues, 132, 137
Singleton, Zutty, 148, 154, 157, 171, 223, 250, 252, 254, 266, 303, 304, 308, 309, 310, 313, 363, 368, 381, 386
Sissle, Noble, 309
Sister Kate, 32
Skeleton Jangle, 31
Slattery (Riker’s Island deputy), 322
Slevin, Dick, 160
Smith, Bessie, 32, 57, 58, 121–123, 124–125, 206, 227, 310, 365, 369
Smith, Charles Edward, 208
Smith, Millie, 69–70, 73
Smith, Stuff, 230, 301
Smith, Willie “The Lion,” 247, 248, 286, 301, 303
Snow, Valaida, 251
Snyder, Frank, 54
Sock cymbal, 383–384
Solitude, 330
Some of These Days, 225
Some Sweet Day, 28
Song of the Islands, 225
Sorcerer’s Apprentice, The, 133
Southmore Hotel, 160
Spanier, Muggsy, 113, 139, 167, 361, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368
St. Cyr, Johnny, 123, 148, 267
St. Louis Blues, 31, 32, 208, 225
Stacy, Jess, 113, 139, 368
Stafford, George, 301
Steinburg, Murph, 7, 21, 53, 54, 93
Steppe, Harry, 29
Stravinsky, Igor, 133
Sugar Blues, 51, 164
Sugar Johnnie, 29
Sullivan, Joe, 113, 153, 162, 168, 171, 190, 191, 192, 212, 215, 256, 279, 364, 368, 382
Sullivan (childhood friend), 7, 17, 19
Sunshine, Jack, 285
Sweet Baby Blues, 26
Sweetie Dear, 310
Sweetie Pie, 286
Sweet Sue, 213