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The Thing About Love

Page 22

by Kim Karr

  He pointed to one of the pictures. “She isn’t naked.”

  It was a sideways view. “She’s sitting on the counter wearing a blue garter and eating cake. Luckily the soccer ball under her arm covers up her boobies.”

  His head fell back in laughter. “It wasn’t luck, Jules. I planned it that way.”

  “Whatever,” I scoffed.

  “Seriously,” he said, “don’t you think they’re edgy and hot and just the kind of photo SI would be interested in if they ever wanted to put a bride on their cover?”

  I had to give it to him, he was right. “Yes, I do,” I admitted, and then I pointed to the bride wearing a cameo choker with tons of pearls around her neck. “This one is my favorite.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. It’s in the way you captured her expression. It’s soft but sexy. The way a bride should look on her big day. Like she’s in love. And with the blurred background, she could be anywhere. It’s mysterious and romantic and eye-catching. She makes me want to be her.”

  Jaxson scooped me up and whirled me around. “I knew I could count on you.”

  Just then a husky throat cleared.

  It was Jake.

  There was a dip in my belly as Jaxson set me down. Feeling anxious, I tucked a piece of fallen hair behind my ear and slowly raised my gaze toward the door. “Hi, Jake,” I said, adding a friendly laugh to help ease the tension I was feeling.

  His hair was styled. He was cleanly shaven. He looked edible. He looked like sex. He looked like sin.

  Looking at him made my toes curl.

  In a pressed white shirt, unbuttoned at the top to reveal a smooth expanse of skin, paired with dark slacks, he looked like he belonged on the cover of GQ.

  My knees went weak.

  Under his white shirt, I could see the impressive muscle tone of his arms and chest. And his eyes, they were bright and wide, and for the first time, he didn’t look at all tired.

  His eyebrows rose and his lips curved. “Hi, Juliette,” he said in return, and just as casually as I had addressed him.


  “Jake.” I nudged Jaxson back a bit. “This is Jaxson. He’s ummm . . . he’s . . . he’s going to take the photos at Rory’s wedding,” I finally managed to say.

  Jake strode into the room and held out his hand. “How’s it going?”

  Casual. That was good.

  Not at all jealous. That was even better. Especially since he had nothing to be jealous about.

  “Good.” Jaxson shook his hand. “And just to help clear the air, I’m the guy Jules sent the video that was intended for you. Oh, and I’m her ex-fiancé, but we’re just friends.”

  Jake smirked at him. “The first part I knew, and the second is good to know. I appreciate that.”

  I glared at Jaxson. Did he really have to make that the first thing he said?

  Out of nowhere, Jake swooped down and kissed me, right on the mouth. He might have taken me by surprise, but his lips were always welcome on mine.

  Jaxson started to gather his photos.

  I stared at Jake, unsure whether he was upset or not. But then his eyes roamed my body, and I felt whatever it was whirling in them between my thighs.

  Something magnetic.



  Jaxson patted me on the shoulder and jolted me out of my daze. “I’m headed out. It was nice to meet you, Jake.”

  Jake gave him a nod. “Same here, man.”

  Jaxson looked at me with a curiosity I knew I would be expecting a call about. “I’ll be in touch about the wedding.”

  “And the contest,” I called as he walked out the door. He waved a hand in acknowledgment.

  Jake strode over to the old wooden desk so full of power goose bumps rose to the surface of my skin from the slight breeze he created in his wake. Casually, he picked up the picture that was on it. “Is this you?” he asked.

  I nodded, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment. “I was seven.”

  “Nice veil,” he commented.

  “Yes, it was a pillowcase,” I laughed.

  “And the flowers?” he asked, genuinely curious.

  “They were dandelions from the garden. My father insisted on taking the picture because he knew my uncle would love it.”

  Jake set the photo down and stared at me. “I bet he did.”

  Just then Finn came into the office. “Hey Jake, how’s it going?”

  Jake looked at him from head to toe, but for a completely different reason. “Good, really good, and you? You look much better.”

  Finn set a box full of fabrics, silverware patterns, china dishes, and glass vases down. “Never been better,” he said with sarcasm. “Being the errand boy is the highlight of my life.”

  “Finn,” I sighed. “You know I really appreciate the help.”

  Regret coated his face. “I know, Jules, Sorry. Here’s the first batch of samples you asked for,” he said. “The rain slowed me down. I should be back with the rest within the hour.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Finn redirected his attention to Jake. “I made that call.”


  Finn smiled widely. “He’ll be in Las Vegas next month. He wants me to fly out and meet him at Moon’s Fight Club when he’s there.”

  Jake fist pumped in the air. “Excellent. Let me know if it works out.”

  “I will. And thanks, man,” Finn said as he headed to the door.

  “Finn,” I called.

  He turned.

  “Vegas? You didn’t tell me that? Are you sure you want to go back there?”

  He shrugged. “It will be fine.”

  I stared at him for a long while. Until he gave me a nod, and then turned back around.

  “Everything okay?” Jake asked.

  “I hope so,” I answered, and then gave him my attention. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets and looked so incredibly sexy.

  Feeling butterflies flutter to life in my belly, I strode over to the table and pushed my glasses up before I began to look through the box Finn had brought in. “Should we get started?”

  Jake strode over to me. He pushed my chin up to look at him. “I like your glasses. You look like a sexy librarian.”

  Those butterflies went crazy at the mere closeness of his face to mine. “Librarians aren’t sexy.”

  His eyes blazed with heat. “Then you haven’t been going to the right libraries,” he drawled lazily.

  I held his gaze for a few moments and that burn of desire started to pool in my belly. “Yes, well, clearly we have different interpretations when it comes to sexy.”

  He smiled slowly at me. “Oh, I think we’re on the same page. And just to be clear,” he said, using the phrase Jaxson had used, “I’m really fucking jealous that he had you in his arms.”

  I blinked in surprise. “You know you have no reason to be. Jaxson and I broke up for a reason, and now we are just friends.”

  “Yeah, I know. You’ve both told me. That doesn’t change the facts.”

  “The facts, what do you mean by the facts?”

  He shook the question off.

  I didn’t press him about it, but I did step a little closer. “If I promise to bang your brains out tonight, will that make you feel better?”

  Features etched with determination, he yanked me roughly to him. “Then you better get started before I take you right here on the table,” he said, and then he crushed his mouth to mine.

  I made a noise of surprise in the back of my throat and sunk into his kiss.

  When he finally let me go we were both breathing hard. He smoothed his thumb over my cheek and his eyes went alight with passion. “For the record, I want you wearing those glasses when you fuck my brains out.”

  My laughter exploded and Jake’s did as well. With my arms wrapped around him, I hugged him tightly. It wasn’t the first time I realized that I loved him, but it was the first time I wanted to say it out loud.r />
  I did not.

  Instead, I turned around and sat down at the table to get to work. Jake sat as well, easing back and crossing an ankle over his knee.

  God, he was so sexy.

  Work. It was time to work. I pulled my agenda from the stack of file folders beside me. “Let’s start with type of service, time of service, and roles.”

  “That’s easy,” he grinned. “Non-denominational and I’ve already asked the Chaplin from the hospital to officiate, and he agreed.”

  I clapped my hands together in excitement. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”

  He smiled ruefully. “I just asked him last night, and you and I didn’t really do much talking this morning.”

  Chewing my lip, I remembered vividly what we did. “Right,” I said with a flush. “So, what time do you have in mind for the actual ceremony?”

  He shrugged. “Two?”

  I shook my head. “Since we are having both the ceremony and the reception at Rosewood, I wouldn’t make it too early.”

  “Five then, and I’ll walk her down the aisle,” he said decidedly.

  “Both work.” I made some notations in my planner.

  “See how easy I am?” he remarked.

  I gave a huff of laughter. “Right. Easy. That’s how I’d describe you.”

  “You wouldn’t say I was easy?” His voice was gruff, deeper than usual, and the sudden smile on his lips was absolutely sensual.

  I shook my head. “And moving on.”

  He moved his chair closer to mine. “What would you say I am?”

  A prickle of nervousness tightened every inch of my body as he turned me toward him and stretched his arms on either side of me, caging me in. He was so close, and he smelled of soap and him. And I felt that dizzying sensation slide over me.

  “Smart,” I started with.

  “Okay, go on.”


  He took my fingers within one warm hand and laced his fingers between mine. “Go on.”


  His lips curved as if he was amused. “Would you say I’m a good lover?”

  “I would,” I answered, giving nothing else away.

  He let go of my hand and eased back in his chair, although he didn’t move it away. “I’ll settle for that, for now.”

  Picking up a binder, I handed it to him. “Caterers are next. We have to decide what we are going to serve, and that will help narrow the choices.”

  Perusing it in five seconds flat, he shut it with a grunt. “Can I just close my eyes and put my finger on the menu and be done with it?”

  “Jake,” I held my tone confident. Right now he was my overwhelmed client, not my lover, not a sex god. I squeezed my thighs together at the last one. He was better than good in bed. That was for certain. “You could. But what you should do is look them over and see which one offers the foods that appeal most to you.”

  He opened the binder again and began reading the menus. After about five minutes, he pointed to one. “This one, but why exactly was I looking for what appealed most to me?”

  I smiled at him. “Because it was the only way I could get you to read the menus.”

  He shook his head. “Always a smartass.”

  “On the bright side, we’ve checked one more thing off the list. Only ninety-nine to go.”

  He dropped his head to the table and sighed. “I have no idea how you do this all day.”

  “Because like you, I love my job, and I’m good at it.” I got up and went over to the bookcase to pull down the invitation samples I’d had Finn get earlier during the week.

  When I got back to the table, I set the samples down. Before I could sit down, he grabbed me by the hips. “Let’s take a make out break.”

  “We really should get through some of this,” I whispered, resting my hands on his shoulders and leaning down.

  His eyes started to flutter closed, his eyelashes dark on his cheekbones as his lips came within a breath of mine. “Okay, what’s next?”

  When I tried to move away, he dragged me onto his lap. “Jake?” I questioned looking at him over my shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “Making this fun,” he grinned.

  And fun it was.

  Two hours later, I was still on his lap, and we’d accomplished very little, but the tension between us was thick with knowing and sparking with electric chemistry.

  “Okay,” I finally conceded, turning myself to straddle him. “Let’s go to dinner so we can get back to your place.”

  His eyelids lowered slightly in an unconscious smolder that sent off a rush of tingles between my legs. “That sounds like a really good idea. We’ll drop your car off and you can grab a bag. We’ll stay at my apartment tonight but at Rosewood tomorrow night.”

  I curled my fingers in his hair. “I can’t stay with you every night.”

  He pressed his fingers into my hips. “Sure you can.”

  “Jake, I have to work.”

  He ran his palms between my thighs. “Which has nothing to do with where you spend your nights. Besides, I plan to do two more days of this with you . . .”

  All I could hear was my heart banging in my chest and my pulse ringing in my ears. He was talking, but all I heard was take it slow. Being around him made me feel a thousand different things, and the need to be guarded seemed to easily slip away. “Okay,” I said. “I think that sounds like fun.”

  He placed a little kiss on the corner of my mouth. “I can promise you, it will be much more than fun.”

  I closed my eyes and told myself there was nothing wrong with letting this thing between us go on for as long as we had together.


  We were having fun.

  When he kissed the other side of my mouth, the feeling that washed through me was something much more than fun, though. Butterflies swarmed my belly, my throat tightened, and when he full on kissed me, I felt like he was my home.

  It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  And right then I knew nothing would ever be the same in my life when he left.

  Method To My Madness


  THERE WAS A VERY GOOD chance that if I saw another piece of satin, silk, or lace, and I don’t mean of the sexy underwear type kind, I was going to implode.

  Who the hell knew everything had a sample? Napkins, tablecloths, place settings, even silverware for Christ sake.

  After a solid week of looking at wedding this and wedding that, I was pretty much over it.

  It was tedious.

  It was tiresome.

  And yet, it was also exhilarating.

  Yes, exhilarating.

  Not the selection process—that I never wanted to do again. But Juliette. She had a fire about her when she worked that was an incredible turn on. She was focused, competent, and at times even commanding.

  I scooped up a handful of nuts and watched Juliette lose one last time at Gin Rummy against Mimi.

  She’d stayed here every night over the past week, and while I was at work she ate with Mimi, and they spent time talking about God knew what.

  She was . . . fucking amazing.

  Not just the sexy, doe-eyed, full of life, golden-skinned, shiny blond hair, soft, full-lipped kind of amazing. That was killer enough. But you had to add in the heat and light she just seemed to emanate. And when you did, she was impossible not to fall for.

  Not that I had.

  I popped another handful of nuts in my mouth and took a sip from my beer.

  Jules, as I had taken to call her at times, had taken to Mimi, and even though tonight was my only night off this week, she had insisted we spend it with Mimi. I wasn’t going to argue. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my grandmother, and Jules. I enjoyed seeing them both smile and laugh.

  “Rummy,” Mimi said, her voice was hoarse, and her coloring seemed paler. It was nearly nine, and she should have been in bed, but she insisted she wasn’t ready.

  I got to my feet a
nd strode by the two of them sitting at the card table. All the dogs were lounging in their places, and of course, Daisy was on Mimi’s lap.

  When I squeezed Jules’s shoulder, she looked up. Her eyes were bright with happiness and contentment. “I’m going to grab another beer. Do you want anything?”

  She shook her head no. “I’m good, thank you.”


  She also shook her head.

  “A guy is willing to wait on you and neither of you want anything, go figure.” I grinned at the two of them.

  As I walked out of the room, I heard Mimi whisper, “You’re doing a good job, sweetheart.”

  I had a feeling she wasn’t talking about the wedding planning or the card game, but rather me, and I rolled my eyes. Who the hell knew what she had said to Jules, but I was surely going to find out as soon as I returned.

  In the kitchen, I grabbed another bottle from the refrigerator and was just sinking a lime into when I heard Jules scream. “Jake! Come here, hurry.”

  Alarmed, I rushed back into the parlor.

  Jules was beside Mimi holding her hand with Daisy on the floor beside her. Mimi had slouched down in her chair. She’d gone even paler and her eyes were squinted like she was in pain.

  “Mimi?” I kept my voice even. “Are you okay?”

  She looked up at me and gave me a smile I failed to believe. “I think I’m tired. That’s all. I should probably go to bed.”

  I nodded and called for Matthew to assist me. He was upstairs getting her medications ready, and I could hear him already descending the staircase.

  Mimi’s head dropped again.

  I lifted her chin. This time she was unresponsive and I calmly started checking her over. Her face was clammy, and her forehead was damp with sweat. Her pulse elevated.

  “Let’s get her to the couch,” I directed Matthew.

  He grabbed the blanket that was draped over her lap and headed that way. She looked so frail. Having lost even more weight, I lifted her easily and carried her to the plush cushions. Mr. Darcy came trotting over and put his head down with a whimper.

  Jules gave him a pet. “It’s okay, big boy. She’s going to be fine.”

  When I put a hand to Mimi’s chest, it was dry and hot. “Mimi, talk to me.”



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