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Page 26

by Dria Andersen

  “Are you okay?” She touched his arm lightly.

  He stared into their living room, not moving from the door.


  He blinked and looked down at her. “I’m fine.”

  She nodded, unsure of his mood. Clearly something was wrong. She could nag it out of him, but instead, opted to wait. It had been a week since she’d last seen him. Starting their first evening together with a fight was just ludicrous. She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. The hum of his energy she usually felt along their connection was quieted. He needed power for certain. She guided him into the armchair closest to them.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She didn’t bother waiting on an answer. Keeping one eye on him, she called down to the kitchens and ordered an early dinner be brought to their room and left in the hallway. At the same time, using her magic she started warm water in the bath tub. Coming up behind him, she wrapped her arms around him. Tension rode his shoulders.

  “Let’s go.” She ordered, walking around the chair. She held out her hands and helped him up.

  Leo passively followed her through their bedroom and into their bathroom. Pulling candles from the cabinets, she set about lighting them. She lit three, lining them at the foot of the bathtub. A low thrum started in the air, as the energy from the candles filled the space. She turned and started unbuttoning his shirt. He blinked, his gaze focusing on her hands. It was a predator’s look, full of hunger. His eyes glowed, the magic around his form wavering. His human skin disappeared, and his Eshu form took over. He swayed as she removed his shirt. Alarmed, she checked their connection and realized just how low his energy was. His skin was cool to her touch as she lay her palms flat on his chest. Calling forward her magic, she pulled Leo down for a kiss. She poured power into the kiss, feeding him until his skin warmed under her hands.

  He pulled back, separating their lips. “Enough, ina. You can’t afford to give me too much.”

  Ignoring his concern she pulled him into another kiss. “Open for me, my mate. You’re shielded too tight for me to help.”

  He sighed as her lips skimmed his jaw, his fingers flexing on her arms where he held her. She kissed down the column of his neck.

  “The baby.” He murmured, his grip tightening.

  She bit down on his shoulder. “Will you trust me, please?” Her tongue circled his nipple. “Let me in, my love.”

  He hissed, pulling her closer. His erection bumped against her stomach as she scraped her teeth across his skin. He groaned and dropped his shields. His hurt poured into her hot on the trails of bone deep exhaustion. Her heart ached for him. What had happened in the time when he was gone? Betrayal and confusion littered his aura. Pulling in energy from the candles she’d lit, she used her magic to amplify it and push it into her mate.

  A hungry growl left his mouth right before he leaned down and devoured hers. His tongue speared between her lips dueling with hers. He nipped at her lips and lifted her body. She arched her back as they separated for air. Magic filled the room, and she funneled it to her mate, gasping as his claws ripped through her tank top. He used the sharp tips to cut through her bra. Her moan echoed around them as he plumped her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  He set her body down on the sink and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Hazy smoke clouded the room, the power from the candles surrounding them, tingling across her skin. Shaking hands hindered her as she fumbled to open Leo’s pants. She wanted him inside, needing to release the energy building in her body. Her hair was alit with her magic, the strands blowing and dancing around her face. He growled in frustration at her attempts and batted away her hands. He made short work of their clothes, shredding first his, then her yoga pants. He gripped her hips, careful of his claws. His skin writhed, the whorls on his marbled skin coming to life.

  “Yes.” She hissed as he positioned his cock at her opening. He pushed into her in a single stroke, as her body tightened around him, against the invasion.

  “Gods, the feel of you.” He whispered, catching her earlobe in his mouth. Her stomach tumbled at his words, warmth filling her.

  “Faster.” She canted her hips to take him deeper. Energy suffused her body, and she threw her head back, drunk off the power. She fed it to her mate, his magic rising up and melding with hers.

  “Mine.” He growled, his strokes erratic as they both neared their climax. Her body tightened and pressure gathered in her womb as he suckled one nipple while pinching the other against the back of his claws.

  The edges of her vision dimmed, as an orgasm swept through her body. She exploded, power rippling across their connection. Leo growled, his release heating her womb. Their harsh breaths was the only sound in the room. She waved her hand, dousing the candles and plunging the room in dim darkness. Light from Leo’s skin painted the walls, the amber light dimming with each breath he took as he reigned in his power. Her hair lay across her back in a damp curtain.

  He kissed her softly, lifting her from the sink, still inside her. He walked to the tub, sinking and withdrawing within her with every step. By the time they reached the tub he was hard again. He stepped in the bathtub, and rested her back against the wall. Their lovemaking was slower this time, his strokes leisurely as he kissed her breathless. Their magic steadily climbed, the sex feeding them both energy until orgasm swept through their body.

  He sighed his pleasure, his teeth raking down the column of her throat. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She whispered.

  He pulled out, lowering her legs from his waist. Turning her, he moved her hair to the side as they both sank into the welcoming warm water. Silence filled the bathroom, the only noise coming from their shifting in the water.

  “How did you do that?” He asked moments later.

  “Do what?” A yawn surprised her.

  “I’m going to assume the candles.” He lifted her hands and nibbled on her fingers. “Not as effective as a Haven club night, but certainly a good amount of power raised.”

  “Oh…that. Yeah, they’re not made to replace a feeding, but they do come in handy when you’re on the run, low on energy and can’t get to a Haven. That’s the most power I’ve ever raised with the candles.”

  “Sex helps.”

  She chuckled, yeah, sex definitely helped boost the power in the candles. That’s something she didn’t have the luxury of trying while she’d been on the run. She kissed his hand.

  “I’m happy you’re home. Does it always take that long when you’re out?”

  He snuggled her closer, water slipping over the side of the tub. “How long was I gone?”

  “You don’t know?”

  “Time moves differently in each realm, so depending on where I pick up my charge, and the time I lose in the realms of Azreal, I can never keep up.”

  She shuddered. “I don’t like it.”

  “It’s part of the job, ina.” He trailed kisses along her neck.

  “I know. I still don’t like it.” She sighed. “I know how much you love your job. You’ll have to forgive the occasional nagging about it.”

  He smiled against her skin. “If I can come home to this, feel free to nag as much as you see fit.”

  She pinched his leg. His laugh warmed her heart. Especially after the riotous feelings he’d had earlier.

  “What happened, Leo? Your emotions were all over the place.”

  He stiffened and growled in aggravation. “I ran into my father on the way in here.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Everything I believed about my childhood was a lie. I’ve treated my mother in a deplorable manner, and every excuse I’d used to justify it was a fabrication.”

  She could relate to the sense of betrayal something like that would cause. “Sharine is still here, there is time to repair the hurt.”

  He was silent, his fingers tracing absently along her skin.

  She let it go. He would contact his mother when he was ready. “It seems we
both have faced hard truths these past few days.”

  “Speaking of hard truths. Kedric was sentenced to death.”

  “What?” She whipped around the face him.

  “He was a part of a guild that was actively working to free Ofeeree. He was named with a few other very high ranking Demis.”

  Gods. She put her hand over her mouth in complete shock. “Why would he do something like that? Why choose them over running the kingdom?”

  Leo brushed a hand over her shoulders. “Well, with Kita gone, he wouldn’t get the kingdom. His mother nearly lost their family the crown by taking so long to reproduce. A sterile king would never be allowed to take the crown.”

  “Gods, I never thought of that.” She whispered.

  “I know we couldn’t punish him for the death of your sister, hopefully this will give you some closure.”

  “I don’t care why he died. He’s dead, I can live with that.” She turned back and resettled in his lap. She ran the information around in her mind, waiting to feel something. Some kind of vindication. There was nothing. She sighed. “I can’t even work up a proper reaction after everything that’s happened this past week.”

  “What happened while I was gone?”

  She sighed and told him about her visit to her father’s house, and watching Bea’s confession. He hugged her tight.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you, ina.”

  “You’re here now.” She turned a little and brought his head down for a kiss. “I’ve spent the past week in and out of Xavier’s office. I’ll be happy to not step foot in there for a while.”

  Thinking of his brother’s office made her think of the huge landscape he had behind his desk. She had an idea. “You know what? Now that the danger is past, we should go to Chuita and hang out on the beach for a week or so.”

  “I haven’t been on the Cagyn realm in a few years. That sounds amazing.”

  She sat up, excited with his agreement. “We can take our bonding period there, like a human honeymoon. No comms, just us, black sand and beautiful sunsets.”

  “Hmm, no comms.” He looked into her eyes, a small smile playing along his lips. “Let me talk to Xavier first, but I think it’s a great idea.

  “We can get to know each other, pretend the shitty aspects of our family don’t exist.” She turned around and settled into his chest. She wrapped his arm around her.

  “That sounds perfect.” He rubbed the top of her head with his cheek. “Have I told you how happy I am with our mating?”

  Her breath hitched. “Despite my initial misgivings, I couldn’t be happier.”

  “We’ll make it work, yes? We won’t be like our parents.” His wistful tone brought tears to her eyes.

  Unable to speak past the lump in her throat she could only nod her head.

  “There’s so much in this world we have no control over. We can control ourselves, though and how we treat each other.” He turned her to face him, more water sloshing over the edge. “I swear to treat you with respect, to hold you and our children above all else, even my job.”

  She gasped at his declaration. She knew how much he loved the Amanda. She straddled his lap and cupped his cheeks. “I swear to treat you with respect and to love you and our children until the last breath leaves my body.”

  He closed the distance between them, sealing their vow with a gentle kiss. “I love you.”

  Tears flowed freely down her face. “I love you too.”



  Six months later

  “IF YOU TELL ME TO BE PATIENT one more time, I’m going to choke you.” Liliana growled and threw a small pillow at Leo.

  He laughed and ducked the projectile. He wagged his finger. “What happened to respecting your mate?”

  They were seated in the middle of their living room on pillows. Lit candles encircled them, the soothing smells, supposedly helping them concentrate. From the disgruntled look on his mate’s face, he assumed it wasn’t working. They’d been attempting for the last hour to bond with their son, and Lily had reached her quota for patience close to thirty minutes ago.

  “Why is it easier for you to bond with him?” She pouted and threw another pillow at him. “I’m the one carrying this energy leech.”

  He snickered and ducked the next pillow sent flying. “What did the Kira say? He would feel your tension and run the other way.”

  “Being referred to as an energy leech can’t possibly be helping.” Fallon remarked dryly, entering their apartment without knocking. He carried a tray, no doubt from the kitchens.

  Liliana adjusted to life at Haven as though she were born there. It had taken her no time to get to know the giant staff if took to run the place. She knew nearly all of their names, going out of her way to help wherever she was needed. Everyone who came into contact with Liliana, loved her. A well placed smile, and his mate could get anything she wanted within the walls of Haven. He knew now how she’d survived on Adro all those years alone. Lily talked to people, all types of people, all with the respect she gave to royalty.

  She still nurtured the contacts she’d made while she was on the run, much to his chagrin. Whether it be supplies, information or just a listening ear, it became known that Liliana could find it and get it. Soon there was a line outside their door of people asking her for help. She’d appointed herself their advocate and had moved into an office on the ground level of Haven. She borrowed furniture from other empty offices, and hired an assistant all within a week of them getting back from their honeymoon. That she’d accomplished it all without asking Xavier’s permission amused the whole complex. For the first month they’d all held their breaths waiting for him to go off on her. Instead he’d surprised everyone by having the personnel files sent down to her office. He took it a step further and converted the office next to her into a nursery for when his nephew was born.

  She was spoiled. That was all there was to it.

  Fallon set the tray full of pastries on the dining room table. “You’re so impatient, Trouble.” He walked over to his sister in law and touched her stomach as she stood. The barely there mound moved under his hand.

  She slapped his hand away. “I hate you guys.”

  “She’s grumpy, Fallon. Seems our son already favors me.” Leo handed her a cookie from the tray, knowing the sweet treat would improve her mood. She desperately wanted to connect with their child, but the stubborn bugger was steadily ignoring his mother’s efforts.

  “It’s not fair.” She whined, chomping on the cookie.

  “Ina, you have time. There’s still six months left of your pregnancy, you two will bond.” He gathered her in his arms.

  She snuggled into his chest, sighing in frustration. All was right in his world, as far as he was concerned. He and Liliana were settling into a rhythm with their mating. Sharine and he had finally sat and had a conversation. There was still a distance between them, but they were working on it. His mother and Liliana got along now that a grandchild was on the way. Where she’d been scarce during his childhood, every time he turned around he bumped into Sharine. ‘Just checking on, Lily’ she would say. He was glad the two of them were getting along.

  Every time he thought about his father’s lies he got angry. He hadn’t spoken to him in months, despite his father’s pleas. He needed time to work through it. Ranolph had taken residence in Haven to help Xavier with locating the remaining Kokoro soul, so he saw his father regularly. Eventually he would forgive him…he hoped.

  Liliana tapped his nose. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I have no complaints.” He kissed her, angling his head to deepen it.

  Fallon groaned. “You two are too much for me.”

  “No one invited you into our room.” Leo quipped.

  “I brought your mate sweets, and this is how you treat me?” Fallon put his palm over his heart.

  Liliana shook her head at them. “I can’t wait until you’re mated Fallon. I’m going to wait until you’re looking
deep into her eyes, and unbuttoning her blouse…then I’ll bust into your room just to chat.”

  Leo caught the longing in his brother’s eyes a moment before he hid it behind a smile. It was interesting. He hadn’t realized Fallon was in the market for a mate.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.” Fallon pointed a finger at him.

  He held up his hands. “I’m not thinking about anything.” Except…well, he knew a few single women that may be just the right fit for Fallon.

  “I’m down with whatever plan you’re cooking in that mind of yours.” Liliana kissed the hollow of his throat and left him to pick through the tray Fallon brought with him.

  He didn’t have a concrete plan as yet. He smiled at his mate, but the beginnings of an idea began to take shape in his mind. His brothers deserved the same happiness he’d found. Perhaps he would just help things along.

  What could be the harm in that?

  The END




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