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Darker Shades of Scarlett

Page 1

by Olivia Morgan-Gaines


  Title Page


  About This Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

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  a private masked sex party

  Olivia Morgan-Gaines

  Olivia Morgan Gaines Presents

  Darker Shades of Scarlett

  a private masked sex party

  Mature Content - for 18+ readers only

  This is an erotic fiction novel and contains graphic descriptions of sex which some may find offensive.

  This eBook is meant for a mature adult audience aged 18 and older.

  All fictional characters involved in sexually explicit interactions in this book are over the age of consent.

  Copyright © 2016 Olivia Morgan-Gaines

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this eBook may be reproduced or broadcast in any form without written consent from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and the characters within and the situations that are described are a product of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or otherwise, organizations, events of locales is purely coincidental.

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  If you have not read the first episode you can find it for FREE at your favorite retailer, by just doing a search for Olivia Morgan-Gaines

  What this short story is about

  Darker Shades of Scarlett

  a private masked sex party

  A BDSMerotica Submissive Romance Series

  Olivia Morgan Gaines

  Scarlett has made a place for herself in her career and the lives of her couple. She has a billionaire master and a girlfriend in the form of his wife, Abby. What more could a girl ask for? Abby would run away with her in any given obsessive moment if she was asked. For now, she is more than happy to live with them and share their bed. The trio are secretly committed to each other.

  An event was appearing on the horizon, one she must attend. The thought of not going was too much to bear. Her patience was running low and she needed to get her couple’s affairs in order. Having sent her master away to celebrate his birthday with his friends, and with the surprise she had planned which she could later work into her favor, she had now set the wheels in motion.

  The event she would attend is a private masked sex party which all three of them have been to before, except her couple were unaware that Scarlett was ever there or was watching them from afar. She needed this party. If the situation didn’t change she could miss out on going with her couple. This was one event in her limited social calendar which was the ultimate place for her to express herself and push the boundaries of her relationship with Peter and Abby. The organizer knew her as Ms. Valentine and she wasn’t going to miss out, it was the one place she could really allow herself to explore her sexuality.

  It was time to put her plan into action and get her couple fixed up and ready for action. Not only was she a clinical psychologist at her master’s company, but she also possessed the skills, the know-how and permission from her couple to help whenever she felt it necessary to intervene.

  The stage was set for the performance of a lifetime!

  Chapter One

  Abby explains it again and continues to take in her confused expression which she knows all to well. Scarlett can be nothing other than herself in front of Abby. There is no pretense, the love she has for her is too great. She can’t help but be honest. Abby’s suggestion is out of character with the way she has been behaving lately, hence Scarlett’s baffled expression.

  “Don’t you like the idea? Peter wants to talk about it when he gets back.”

  “I do, but do you, Abby? I thought you were more comfortable staying at home?”

  “I think it will be good for me.”

  “You’re right, it will.”

  “I want us to go. So, what do you think?”

  “It sounds good.” Scarlett more than liked it, she loved it. But, after the last trip out together and with Abby’s vague explanation for her odd behavior she was still waiting for her to talk it over. She had considered they may not venture out ever again. Abby was still mulling over her own experience and refused to talk about it until she had settled it in her own mind.

  Now she was speaking about the party. The only one she had been to with Abby, and as an unexpected guest, was at the annual Christmas works get together at her home. On that occasion, she had been formally introduced to Abby’s husband, Peter. Since that night, she’d had sex with Abby and her husband every day and many times a day. It felt like she was on top of her game, winning an Olympic gold medal in sex.

  “You told me the date wasn’t set, but the invitations were sent out last year.”

  “I know, they only confirmed the date this morning, it’s only a few days from now. We agreed we wouldn’t go when the invite first arrived, but that would have been the last time they asked us. There is such a long waiting list for the party, and if you don’t attend, you’re taken off the list after the second invite. Then you turned up, and well, Peter rang this morning and told me I needed to talk to you about getting my head straight. To tell you the truth, if you are coming, then I can’t wait.”

  Scarlett had been to the party before, and at some point, she needed to tell them. Until then she would have to work on Abby. Peter was right, she had to get her head straight. She was like a broken traffic signal flashing between stop and go. Peter had refused to speak with Scarlett alone on the issue and insisted that Abby be there when they were talking about her.

  Scarlett’s day job involved analyzing the executives of Abby’s father’s company. She provided this type of service for her couple too and helped them through any problems they were having. The relationship was built on trust and her couple gave way to the natural resistance people put up when someone in the family offers such advice. Abby was almost entirely dependent upon Scarlett for tough decisions, but Peter was a different story altogether. He always worked problems into the conversation and let her suggest solutions, and most of the time would use her recommendations. The reward from Peter was giving her a treat that she lived for.

  “As Pete is away until tomorrow, I would like to take you to that restaurant where they have private booths and only serve champagne and finger food.”

  “I like that place, but it’s an hours’ drive to get there.”

  “Well then, we should get ready straight away. I have ordered a car to pick us up at 7.30 pm. Come, we can shower together to save time.”

  “Great idea, but I don’t think we’ll be any quicker.”

  “I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise. I don’t want to turn into bedroom Abby just before we go out.”

  “Okay, let’s get going,” she replies checking her watch - another gift from Abby and one of many - a platinum Lady-Datejust Rolex. Abby told her it had a subtle look about it so she could wear it every day without people making any comments. Abby didn’t do subtle, and when Scarlett found out the price, she knew it was anything but subtle.

  As they got to the top of the stairs, Scarlett asks a fatal question, “What are you going to wear tonight?” Abby stops dead in her tracks. Damn it she thinks.

  Abby br
eezes into her closet and sweeps her hand along the lengthy rail of clothes, “We need more time.”

  “We all want more time, it’s one of the conundrums of life. Please, let me pick something for you to wear. I’m looking forward to having a romantic meal with you.”

  “Okay, I would like that,” she breathes a sigh of relief. Once she has Abby out of the house, she will change into the freakishly confident women the outside world knew. In her workplace, Abby had the respect of her colleagues, including her boss who had to beg her to take the position. The way Abby worked it she had all the men around bending to her will, no one wanted to take her on. Loved or despised, she was feared for the power moves she used to outmaneuver anyone, well in advance of any of her competition. No one dared cross her. The fact that her father was a self-made billionaire did not matter.

  During the two months of their intense relationship, Abby had laid her soul bare to Scarlett and given her full control. She was completely submissive to her will. It was an unreserved and unconditional love affair which the pair shared on equal terms. Scarlett would kill to protect this woman. If only she would open up this evening and talk about the difficulties of being herself away from the house, it was a complete changeover from the Abby she first met. She wanted them both to be happy.

  She chooses a dress which Abby loves wearing and picks the underwear she wants to see her in later.

  “Thank you, baby, I am so lucky to have you.”

  “I only want the best for us, Abby, you know that.”

  “I’d like you to wear the green dress tonight.”

  “Wow, it’s an expensive dress to be sitting down to eat in. I thought that maybe we would….”

  “I don’t care, Scarlett, you are worth it, please, just for me.”

  “Okay, I’ll wear it if you promise to not spend so much money on me from now on. I’m not used to having someone spending their money on me like you do.”

  “Okay, I promise I’ll stop until next week at least.”

  “Abby, no…”

  “But I’ve already bought your birthday present.”

  Scarlett sighs, as Abby stands in front of her naked, with her hands on her hips.

  “Now you listen to me, Scarlett. My father told me last week that you have saved him a fortune from avoiding crucial errors in his business. When I asked him exactly how much, he said it was more than twenty million dollars, in the last 12 months alone. Twenty million Scarlett! He also said there are other areas of the business too, one’s he can’t put a price on where you’ve helped. So, when I buy you an expensive watch and a new Mercedes for your birthday…oh, shit….”

  “A what? Abby, that’s….”

  “Fuck, me and my big mouth, Peter’s going to be pissed. Anyway, that’s the end of it.”

  Scarlett stands there stunned for a moment, then moves to the bathroom to finish undressing from her work suit, the two of them stand there facing each other naked. She knows she must take control otherwise the evening out would disappear in an instant if Abby gets her hands on her.

  “Get in the shower now.” Abby smiles at her, knowing she has got away with it.

  Scarlett knows that smile all too well. Her heart beats fast, and her breathing is labored. She has never been treated this well by someone before, it feels good she must admit.

  Leaving Abby alone in the shower for a few minutes, she prepares their clothes in the adjoining dressing room. At least it will help them get out of the front door in time for the driver. Hopefully, he was their regular guy. Scarlett has an understanding with Steve, she knows his secrets and feels safe in his car. If she and Abby get a little carried away in the back seat on the ride home, she has nothing to worry about with him driving.

  She moves to the wet room joining Abby, she spins her around so she can wash her back, then slaps her butt, pushing her out of the shower, “Get ready, the car will be here soon.”

  “But Scarlett….”

  “No, but, if we mess this evening up, I will tie you up to the bedpost and make you watch me read my book all night.”

  Abby drops her eyes and disappears to get ready.

  Chapter Two

  They are only seven minutes late, which is a new record and to Scarlett’s relief it is Steve. He moves to the front door and waits for them with a large umbrella. She lifts up on her tiptoes and gives him a kiss on the cheek, handing him a large tip which she has wrapped in a piece of paper.

  After they are safe in the back seat, with the heat up high, he starts the car and promises to get them to the restaurant on time without risk.

  “He’s nice,” Abby comments nodding towards Steve.

  “Yeah, he’s a good friend.”

  “Any history?”

  “He has a long-term boyfriend.”

  “So just a fantasy of yours?” Abby gives Scarlett a knowing glance.

  “You mean, would I like to let him….”

  “Of course, don’t we all want a gay man to show us a good time?”

  “I have had fantasized about him and his boyfriend yes, but not anymore, not now all my needs are met with you and Peter.”

  The ride to the restaurant through the drizzling rain was comfortable, and she could sense Abby holding back. The tension hovered in the air. She was keen to speak with Abby about going to the party, and how she could help Abby attend without anxiety getting the better of her.

  She makes small talk - which Abby is hopeless at when they are alone. With others, she is great at talking up nothing, it was part of her job. She can see Abby is nervous right now.

  Steve sees them to the door of the restaurant where a hostess takes over. She has promised to send him a message thirty minutes before they are ready to leave.

  Tonight must be a favorite for females Scarlett notes as the hostess leads them to the back where a private booth awaits. Champagne arrives in an ice bucket and is served into tall flutes by an attractive young woman wearing a very revealing outfit. Abby tells the woman she wants the house special for them both and then her stressful look appears to fade.

  “Tell me all about it Abby. I want to know every little thought, the whole lot, just unload it all on me.”

  Abby’s mouth hangs open, and she takes a long, slow drink from her glass, “Err…,” is all she can muster up after placing her glass back on the table.

  “I’m your friend, lover, and therapist, whatever you tell me I will understand, and love you more for knowing. We are honest with each other. You know once you start it will be okay. We are safe here.” She glances around and cannot see or hear anyone else close by.

  “You’re right, but with this…it’s like we are talking for the first time. I’m nervous about telling you.”

  “What’s going on with you Abby? I need to know.”

  Abby drains her glass and refills hers and Scarlett’s. “You know I love you, baby.”

  “Yes, and I love you too, so come on, start talking.” She always needs encouragement to get her started. Scarlett has learned to dispense with her usual psycho-babble as Abby calls it, and talk to her woman-to-woman in a language which makes Abby feel comfortable. Once she starts, there is no holding back, she has become her closest, and only confident when it comes to the inner-workings of Abby. She knows things about her not even Peter knows.

  “I really want to go to this party. When Peter and I went…it was when it happened the first time. Fuck, what am I saying it was the only time. I keep replaying it in my mind,” her head tilts forward with shame.

  Scarlett takes Abby’s glass and places it down on the table. “Give me your hands.”

  “Once you’ve told me, in the best way you know how to, whatever it is I’m sure it will be better, but take your time to tell me.”

  The attractive waitress returns, and Scarlett smiles as she places their starters on the table with the least bit of disturbance.

  As she leaves, Abby leans forward, “You know this is a unique restaurant, right?”

  “I have notic
ed it seems to be female only tonight.”

  “It is so much more than that. You can take any of the servers home with you at the end of the evening, at a price of course.”

  “It makes sense why so many of them are dressed the way they are. We’ll see what happens a bit later, but some flirting wouldn’t hurt. Is it always females only?” She knew they were getting off subject, but Abby needed to be coaxed.

  “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, I noticed that too.”

  “So, you are interested…I mean you would consider it?”

  “I’m not sure Abby. I guess it would be a yes to the consideration part. That thought alone is enough, but taking it any further wouldn’t be right. Peter…our master wouldn’t like it.”


  “Does this have anything to do with what you want to talk about, Abby?”

  She drops her head gazes at the table again, she is clearly having a hard time confessing whatever is consuming her. She tugs at Abby’s hands to get her attention.

  “Abby, are you sure you have never suffered from depression?”

  Her head snaps up, “No, I have always been level headed. You know my father, he was always there for me and never had a sad time when I was growing up. I promise you, I’ve told you everything, there is not a lot that has gone wrong in my life, apart from…this….”

  “It’s okay, in your own time.”

  “Sure. Sure…oh, Scarlett, I am so desperate that you see me as a good person. I hate you seeing me like this.”

  “I don’t hate you, this is me getting to see you as you really are.”

  “Can you ask me questions, you know like you did before, they were fun, can we?”

  “If she was honest, she could only think of one question to ask, and it was direct and to the point. During the time they had known each other, they had hardly been apart. Other than being at work, they were inseparable, except when she went to New York overnight with Peter and Abby stayed home alone. Oh, no please, Abby, no were the words which screamed through her head right now. Fuck it, she had to ask.


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