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Darker Shades of Scarlett

Page 4

by Olivia Morgan-Gaines

  I shopped at the same time as Abby and found out where she liked to go, then made a point of bumping into her. She knew who I was, Bryce had told her all about me. She was just as interested in me as I was her.

  We met and talked over coffee in town, then she invited me to your house the next day. It was a Saturday, and you were out. She showed me around your house, and when we got to your bedroom, she made her move.

  Initially, I was shocked and pulled away from her, smudging my red lipstick across my face. She grabbed a tissue and wiped it off, as I looked deep into her eyes. From that point onward I couldn’t get enough of her. We made love in your bed, and she told me how she liked being spanked then invited me to punish her.

  We continued our affair for a further week, throughout which she said what she wanted. For two years, she had been looking for someone to make up a threesome.

  Like I said, I wanted this to happen naturally, and it did.”

  “I knew nothing about this.”

  “Women can be like this Peter, men do things a different way too.”

  “Do I talk to Abby about any of this?”

  “Absolutely not!” It’s the reason you and I have secrets, you know Abby’s and now mine. I know how you and I think, we can have a mutual understanding. I want you to be my master. I will only take control like this when I feel we need a fix. I’ll do this on my own volition and for the sake of our relationship, not just my personal needs, but for all of us. The situation which you and Abby got into had little to do with me apart from the fact I could see it causing a problem in our future, so I fixed it.

  You need to trust me. I have nothing but good intentions for our relationship, for the three of us. I would rather harm myself than either of you.”

  He stares at her for a long time before he speaks, “Okay, Scarlett I do trust you, my heart and my head are telling me the same thing. I just need to know what you are up to.”

  “I will tell you, but Abby must not be given any of the finer details.”

  “Agreed. What about the party, are you going to tell me you have a ticket?”

  “I do yes, it will be my third year. I would like you to tell Abby that you got an extra ticket for me, that way we won’t have to tell her the truth about two years ago, and what happened.”

  She watches him contemplating the everything.

  “I get the point, and you’re right about one thing, you and Abby are alike.”

  “Okay Mr. Funck, that’s the end of your session. I have you in my diary again for tomorrow morning, let’s say in your office this time.”

  She stands and politely shows him the door.

  Chapter Five

  Peter’s usual car drops him and Abby at the restaurant, where he tells the driver they will get a cab home as they are going to a friend’s house after their meal.

  They stroll through to the back of the almost empty restaurant. No one looks up or notices them as they take a side door into a corridor leading to a back alley. Waiting is a luxury Mercedes van and a driver waiting with the door open. They climb in and he climbs in after them and closes the door.

  Scarlett sits and waits for them and Steve, her driver, steps between the two front seats and pulls the privacy curtain across then sets the vehicle in motion.

  Peter and Abby are standing, and looking at Scarlett. She pulls apart her coat and her legs, revealing that she is dressed in just her stockings, her bald pussy on show.

  They take the seats either side of her, unable to keep their hands to themselves.

  The van makes a few turns, then settles on a straight road. The interior light flicks on and off a few times.

  “That’s Steve’s signal, you need to get changed. We are on this road for another ten minutes at least, your outfits are hanging there,” she points.

  Steve has put the heater on in the back and Scarlett helps them get undressed. Peter is stiffer than a tent post, she wants to go down on him, but tonight is about control.

  Their ride is checked at the gate, and Steve gave them the prearranged phrase then was asked to wait until one or all ticket holders received the coded text message for the second pass phrase.

  It took about twenty seconds until they were moving again. Steve followed the beacon markers to an underground parking garage where he was directed to an enclosed tented area. He climbs out of the vehicle and opens the side door, keeping his eyes forward and away. They step out, Peter dressed in a heavy black coat and the women in floor length black velvet cloaks. They all wore masks.

  Two large guys approach them recognizing her from her hair color, “Ms. Valentine it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  Abby has her arm wrapped around Scarlett’s and whispers, “Ms. Valentine?”

  “Yes, it’s my name at the party.”

  “I was given a message that I needed to speak to you as soon as you arrived. Do you want your guests to wait for you?”

  “Yes, it’s nothing private, and will only take a minute. What I need is entry for two uninvited guests, one of which is my driver. He will be waiting here for us this evening anyway, so let me know if this is possible as soon as you can, please.”

  “I’ll answer right now. We only have places available for a particular type of guest.”

  She nods and he moves closer and whispers, “Two of our male performers were denied entry to the country today.”

  She had heard that rumor. A broad smile appears across her face, she glances over her shoulder at Steve and gives him a nod - her signal for him to be on standby.

  “You’d be helping us out Ms. Valentine. If can I have the names and cell phone numbers of the gentleman, I will get them safely inside. Are you able to tell me what their particular performance skills are?”

  “From what I know so far, you only have to ask them to do something and I think they would be willing to make you happy. Steve will give you his cell number and his friend Kevin, who is only ten minutes away at our first rendezvous point.”

  “I appreciate your assistance Ms. Valentine. Please leave it with me. I will have someone escort you inside so you can sign in.”

  “Many thanks.” She glances back at Steve, giving him a thumbs up. His face lights up with a wide toothy grin.

  Two more vehicles approach, as they are shown inside the building. They sign NDA’s and deposit their cell phones and personal effects - one of the rules when attending this party. Scarlett empties her shoulder bag to satisfy the security staff she has no recording devices. The only thing in her bag are her two favorite sex toys and two pairs of handcuffs. She puts back the toys and one pair of handcuffs back in her bag once the security guys are happy and shows the other set to Abby, as they step through the red curtains to the themed areas.

  To her relief, Abby appears to be happy and ready for action, as they causally walk past a group of naked people, “Left or right wrist?”

  “For the handcuffs?”

  “Yes, I am left handed and you are right, so what will it be?”

  “I’m not sure what do you think?”

  “If you are right handed, maybe you will want to keep that one free for hand-jobs.”

  “Hand-jobs!” she shouts a little too loudly.

  “Yes, we need to locate some gay men and convince them to let us try it, or show us how it’s done. It’s a little challenge for us tonight. It’ll be great fun, they always say no at first. There’s something erotic about a guy saying no. Anyway, Steve and Kevin are coming in, so we are guaranteed to get our own way.”

  Peter joins them, having deposited their cloaks and his coat. The place has been well heated for the time of year which encourages nudity. Scarlett is considering whether to strip and only wear her mask.

  “I think I want to leave my right hand free,” she finally decides and without a moment’s notice Scarlett locks the cuffs around Abby’s left wrist and her right one.

  “You are now mine, bitch. Never mind ‘should have put a ring on it’ this is our version of being engaged to

  Abby raises her wrist to look at the cuffs, “I take it you have the key, not that I’m going to leave you or anything?”

  “I do, it’s hidden.”

  “I go where you go,” she giggles then whispers, “Have you hidden the key up your bottom?”


  “That’s going to be great fun later. Peter, please could you get us something to drink while we mingle.”


  “Of course, and please hurry, I want us to see everything together this time.”

  The women head off to mingle, watching other couples and groups making out in different stages of undress. The theme this year is masked whores and vicars, and any variation. There are monks, nuns, cardinals and all sorts of tarts.

  “So, tell me about the show Steve and his boyfriend are going to be starring in.”

  “I already told you, you’ll have to wait until then, but I think we are going to get a preview tonight. They told me they were willing to do anything if they got in here tonight.”

  “Will they give us a private show in one of the side rooms if we can give Peter the slip?”

  “I’ll see to it that we do. Now, I have a question for you?”

  “Go on,” she faces Scarlett, her eyes are sparkling.

  “Will you go naked with me?”

  “You want us to take it all off? In here?”

  “Yes.” Scarlett noticed her pupils dilated, “Tell me you don’t have a fantasy about be naked in public?”

  “I…I don’t know?”

  “The only problem would be that I need to take our handcuffs off to get fully undressed. I need you to get the key.”

  “Now I’m convinced, bend over.”

  Scarlett leads her to sofa, and mounts it on her hands and knees. Abby pulls her lace panties down. Two couples stop to watch, and she notices as she looks over her shoulder at Abby, her heart starts to race. She loves the attention.

  Abby wets her fingers in Scarlett’s pussy sending her head flipping backward. More people move closer and a crowd starts to form. Abby can’t help herself and forgets the task at hand.

  “The key Abby!”

  Two women dressed as nuns in miniskirts step around the opposite side of the sofa, and kneels, matching her eye level.

  Abby is finger fucking her as others take up a position sitting next to her. No one is touching her, yet, but she wants them too. She is going to come any second. The nuns are kissing inches from her face.

  “Abby, the key please…fuckkkkk!” Her mouth opens and her bottom lip juts out, quivering. Abby isn’t stopping, working her faster. This is such a fucking turn on, her girlfriend fingering her with an audience, is what goes through her mind. The fake nuns are watching her come face, their lips inches away from hers, waiting for permission. She gives in by kissing one, then the other, her face is a blur with the two strangers who are licking and kissing her. Her make-up is a thing of the past.

  Abby pulls her fingers out of Scarlett’s pussy, slipping her wet finger in her ass, sending a bolt of ecstasy through her, almost making her lose herself. There’s a tug, and the handcuff key comes out.

  The crowd applauds, then disperse, talking excitedly about the spontaneous show they just witnessed. The nuns kiss the top of her head and hang around for a minute or two, then Scarlett waits as Abby unlocks the cuffs.

  “Wow, that was something else!” Abby remarks, still with wide-eyes.

  “Tell me about it. I can’t wait to do something like that again. Take your clothes off and put the cuffs back on.”

  “What about the key?”

  “You know where I keep it, make sure you put it back.”

  The nuns watch as Scarlett and Abby remove their underwear, say something to one another, then start to undress. The nuns haven’t taken their eyes off her.

  One of them asks, “Can we stay with you?”

  “Of course, but I hope you don’t shock easily?”

  “We need someone to show us the way, this is our first.”

  Abby attaches the cuffs around her wrist and the girls grin from ear-to-ear as they happily bounce around.

  “We’re going to get rid of our clothes, we’ll come and find you.”

  “Wow, what a way to pick up women,” Abby comments as the girls run off naked, holding onto their clothes.

  “Come on, let’s find Peter, he is going to be disappointed he missed our performance!”

  “Hmm…it’s going to be your turn next. I think we should find Steve, if he has been let in already, I want to find out what they have planned for him. Maybe we can join the performance?”

  “Oh my fucking God! You are a complete slut Scarlett, I fucking love it.”

  “It takes one to know one.” They laugh, and go back to mingling with the crowd. They spot Peter wearing his bright red vestment. They both know he is naked underneath it.

  They decide to circle him, and watch as he talks with three women. But they are certainly getting their fair share of glances in this section of the party. It’s not surprising as they butt naked apart from their masks and Scarlett’s shoulder bag which is looped up high around her back.

  Abby glances to her left and sees their two new friends parting the crowd as they make their way towards them also naked, wearing their half masks and smiling. Holding up their hands, they too have handcuff themselves together.

  “You got engaged too?” Scarlett asks.

  “They glance at each other and giggle, “What’s next?” They say in unison.

  “My plan is to steal that man away,” she points at Peter as he turns. His eyes nearly pop out of his head. “Then, we are going to find two gay men and try and turn them, are you two game?”

  They look at each other, then back at her and nod.

  “Which way do you two swing?” Abby asks.

  “Any way you want us to.” The two appeared to be in their early thirties, blond and hairless from the neck down.

  Peter has requisitioned a tray of Champagne from one of the servers and appears in the middle of his naked pussy posse. “What have we here?”

  “Well master, this is X and Y, our newly made slutty friends who will do anything to please me. We are A and S tonight, and you shall remain the master. Tonight, we are going to push the boundaries of anything you can dare to think of.”

  Peter has finished handing out the champagne glasses, “I’ll toast to that.”

  They clink glasses, downing them in one and depositing the empty glasses on a passing servers tray.

  Scarlett spots one the guys she met when entering the party, who acknowledges her with a nod. She is not that hard to miss with the color of her hair. She leads her sex posse in his direction. Any inhibitions of her nudity have now totally evaporated. She steps forward to speak with him.

  “Let me firstly compliment you on your outfit. You appear to have set a trend too,” he looks beyond her, she follows his gaze to see there were more people removing their clothes. He looks back at her, “The management thanks you, please come and find me before you leave, I have a message for you.”

  “Thank you, are my other friends in yet?”

  “Yes, and they are being very helpful. Would you like to see them?”

  “I don’t want to leave my party behind, can they come too?”

  “No, not backstage, but I can get them meet you in one of the private rooms over to the right-hand side of the bar. They are not performing for another two hours.”

  “Performing?” she smirks.

  “Yes, they are….”

  “No, don’t spoil it. I made them promise not to tell me their act. I want it to be a surprise.”

  “Thanks again Ms. Valentine. Give me ten minutes to get the room ready for you and your friends, can you hang on until then?”

  She looks back at Abby who is stretching away from her getting Peter to examine X and Y as if he is sizing them up for purchase, the girls are playing along, it looks exciting enough to keep Abby occup
ied. She twists back and continues, “Yes, I’ll be okay to wait.”

  “Right, I’ll have my people look out for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  He leaves, she then spins back around to Abby, noticing that Peter is fondling his potential purchase, Abby still handcuffed to her, and is smiling beneath her mask. Scarlett can’t help but join in. She had already given her permission earlier to the girls. She tilts her mask back and starts kissing one then the other. She points her finger from one to the other as if she can’t decide which one to choose, and takes another turn. Abby joins in, then Peter. A crowd starts to form and so did an idea in Scarlett’s head.

  Chapter Six

  She hadn’t felt like this for a long time. The last occasion was when she played Cinderella in the school production. The sensation she was feeling wasn’t one of fear or any other type of stage fright. It was pure exhilaration and she couldn’t wait to get on with it. She had done a deal with her master and he had given his permission for her to perform. His prize would be four women in his bed tonight, which was a prize for her too. It was a win-win for everyone.

  Abby was a push over, she loved the way the two of them were exploring the endless bounds of their sexuality with limitless abandonment.

  Steve and Kevin took a little convincing at first as they planned their show in one of the private rooms, when they were asked, they huddled together and spoke alone for a minute, but were quick to come back with a yes.

  The handcuffs have been removed with the key well hidden, and they are seconds away from the curtain going up on their performance. As Scarlett glances around at her friends, she wonders how this could have been any better. With the sound of her blood pulsing through her body, Scarlett knows she is going to lose control on stage in front of over a thousand people. She almost can’t contain her excitement.

  In preparation, Peter had just finished hard fucking her off to the side of the stage curtain, giving those around them a real treat. She was so close to popping.

  The host steps through to the stage, and the crowd begin to quieten.


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