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Brin, David - Glory Season

Page 41

by Glory Season (mobi)

  "Or even me?"

  Naroin turned and regarded Maia straight on. Her inspection was long and unsettlingly sharp. After five seconds, a slow smile spread. "You keep surprisin' me, lass. But I'd bet my sweet departed berry on you, despite you bein' no var."

  Maia winced. "I told you before. That was my twin."

  "Mm. So I recall from th' old Wotan days. At least, it's what you two said then. I admit, that wasn't clone-sister sweetness I saw, when she dumped you here."

  Maia managed not to flinch a second time. The reminder was like stretching new scar tissue. The memory was still intense, of Leie's soot-streaked face, peering at her through that concussion haze, murmuring in a low, urgent voice of the necessity of what she was about to do.

  "I'm happy you're alive, Maia. Truly, it's a miracle. But right now you're a smuggy nuisance to have around. My associates have a thing about people who look too much alike, if you know what I mean. Even if they believed me, there'd be suspicions. My plans would be set back. I can't afford to have you screw things up, right now."

  There had been a wet, sticky sensation. Something tingling slathered across Maia's face, and a burning sensation crossed her scalp. At the time, Maia had been semidelirious, frantic to speak to her unexpectedly living sister, unable to comprehend why her mouth was gagged. Only much later, when she had a chance to scrub at one of the island's tiny freshwater springs, did she figure out what Leie had done. Using coal tar and other chemicals from the Reckless engine room, Leie had darkened Maia's skin and hair, altering her appearance in a makeshift but effective way.

  "This won't fool anyone for long," Leie had murmured, examining her handiwork. "Maia, be still! As I was saying, it's a lucky break your captain chose to flee right toward our base. No one'll have a chance to look at you closely before we dump off the first group of prisoners."

  From Leie's remarks, Maia later gathered that the reaver base lay amid this very archipelago of devil-fang peaks. Apparently, the pirates planned to divide their captives, interning some on isolated isles. First to be marooned would be those least dangerous to the raiders' plans—Manitou's women crew members. While sorting through the wounded, Leie had managed to put Maia with that group.

  "You'd never believe what I've been through since the storm split us up, Maia. While you were following your bosun friend around, leading the peaceful life of a deckhand, I've seen and done things ..." Leie had shaken her head, as if at a loss to explain. "You wouldn't like where we're taking the rads and their space-pervert creature, so I've arranged for you to be dropped off where you'll be more comfortable. Just sit tight till I figure things out, you hear me? By summer I'll get you to some town. We'll think up a way for you to help me with my plan."

  Leie's eyes had been filled with that old enthusiasm, now enhanced by a new, fierce determination. Through a fog of injury, pain, and confusion, Maia wondered what adventures had so changed her sister.

  Then the import of Leie's words sank in. Leie and the reavers were going to put her ashore, and sail off with Renna! Kiel and Thalia and the men of the Manitou, as well. That was when Maia started straggling against her bonds, grunting to tell Leie she had to speak!

  "There there. It'll be all right. Now, Maia, if you don't settle down, I'm going to have to ... Aw, hell, I should've expected this. You always were a wengel-headed pain."

  Maia caught a scent of strong herbs and alcohol as Leie pushed a soaked cloth over her nose. A cloying, choking sensation spread through the nasal passages and sinuses, making her want to cough and gag. Events got even more vague after that, but still, she had a distinct image of her sister leaning forward, kissing her on the forehead.

  "Nighty-night," Leie murmured. Darkness followed.

  The memory of pain and betrayal still hurt Maia, darkening and confusing her natural joy to find that Leie lived. But there was another matter. Burning foremost in her mind was one fact she focused on. An innocent, helpless man was being held captive somewhere on one of those other isles, without a friend in the world.

  Except me. I must get to Renna!

  Through the blue funk of her thoughts, she followed Naroin along a trail overlooking the bright sea, walking in silence back to where the reavers had dumped enough food and supplies to last until the next promised shipment. Lean-tos and makeshift tents made a ragged circle, offset from the trees. A cook fire was tended by one crew-woman whose ankle had been broken in the failed battle. She looked up desultorily and nodded without a word, going back to stirring lentils in a slowly simmering pot.

  Naroin returned to her own chief pastime, using sharpened pieces of chert to shave a tree limb into a primitive bow. Not a legal weapon. But then, it wasn't legal, either, for the reavers to have dumped them here. Seizing the Manitou should have been followed by "dividing the cargo," then letting its crew and passengers go.

  The special nature of this "cargo" made that unlikely, especially when it was one eagerly sought by every political force on the planet. When Maia last saw Captain Poulandres, hands bound on the quarterdeck of his own ship, the red-faced man had been threatening to raise hell, building toward a full summer rage by sheer anger. The reavers ignored him. Clearly, Poulandres had no idea what trouble he was in.

  "It's for huntin'," Naroin said about the bow and slim arrow shafts. No one had seen anything larger than a bush shrew on the isle, but nobody complained. Anyway, the authorities were far away.

  Maia threw herself on the blanket she had spread under a rough lean-to, atop a bed of shredded grass and leaves. Of her three possessions, her clothes and Captain Pegyul's sextant she kept with her always. The last item, a slim book of poems, she had found on her person as a ship's boat rowed the captive sailors to internment. During the ride up the creaky winch-lift, she had managed to focus on one randomly chosen page.

  Have I been called? What is the aim Of thy great heart? Who is to be Bought by thy passion? Sappho, name Thine enemy!

  For whoso flies thee now shall soon pursue; Who spurns thy gifts shall give anon; And whoso loves thee not, whate'er she do, Shall love thee yet, and soon.

  A gift from Leie, she realized. Ever the more verbal of the two, while Maia had been the one attracted to things visual—patterns and puzzles. It could be taken as a peace offering, or a promise, or just an impulsive thing, with no more meaning than a friendly pat on the head.

  She flipped through a few more poems, trying to appreciate them. But the gift, however well intended, was spoiled by a lingering sick-sweet odor left by the knockout drug. In her own eyes, Leie might have had good reasons for the act. Nevertheless, it mixed in Maia's heart with Tizbe Beller's ambush, the pragmatic betrayals of Kiel and Thalia, and the awful treachery of Baltha's southerlings. The list invited despair, if contemplated, so she refused,

  Instead, Maia turned to the back flyleaf of the book, made of a slick, synthetic material meant to protect the paper pages from moisture during long voyages. She had discovered another use for the wrapping sheet. By spreading it open and weighting the corners with stones, she acquired a flat surface that she'd scribed with thin, perpendicular lines. Between these, with a stick of charcoal taken from the fire, Maia marked arrays of tiny dots, separated by many empty spaces. Wetting a rag with spit, she wiped away the old pattern and redrew a different version.

  It's more than just a matter of shapes, she thought, trying to recapture insights from last night's fireside contemplation. It had all seemed so clear, then.

  There's another level than just thinking about how an individual group of dots mutates, and moves across the board. There's a relationship of some sort between the number of living dots per area—the density—and whatever next-neighbor rule you're using. If you change the number of neighbors needed for survival, you also change . . .

  It was a struggle. Sometimes concepts came at her, like glowing baubles winking at the boundaries of vision, of comprehension. But crippling her was lack of vocabulary. The notions she fought with needed more than the simple algebra she'd been grudg
ingly taught at Lamai Hold. More and more she resented how they had robbed her of this, arguably her one talent, driving her from math and other abstractions by the simple expedient of making them seem boring.

  It gets even more beautiful if you let the rules include cells farther than next-neighbors, she thought, trying to concentrate. Experimenting in her head was a wild process, hard to keep up for long. Yet, she had briefly succeeded in picturing a Game of Life set in three dimensions, whose products had been lattice structures of enticing, complex splendor, not merely marching crystalline rows, but forms that curled into smoky, twisting patterns, impossible to visualize save for bare instants at a time.

  Maia closed the book and sank back, laying a forearm across her eyes, drifting in a tidal flux somewhere between pure abstraction and memories of hopelessness. The nearby scraping sounds of Naroin, grinding stone against wood, reminded her of something long ago. Of Leie, grunting and levering a device against a huge, ornate door. Then, too, there had been the sounds of wood and metal rubbing rock.

  "It's my turn to try," Leie had said, a long year ago and far away, deep under the cellars of Lamatia Hold. "Your subtle stuff didn't work, so now we'll try getting in my way!"

  Maia recalled the twined snake figures. Rows of mysterious symbols. A star-shaped knob of stone that ought to have turned, clockwise, if the puzzle made any sense at all. . . .

  There was a rustle of footsteps. Real noise, not recollection. A shadow occulted the sun. Maia lifted her arm and looked up to see a trim figure blocking one quarter of the sky. "I found something up there in the ruins," said a voice, reedy and young. It might have been that of a girl, except that every now and then, it cracked, briefly shooting down a whole octave to a lower register. "You ought to come, Maia. I have never seen anything like it."

  She sat up, shading her eyes. A gangling boy stood looking down at her. "The reavers' practical joke," Naroin had called him, and others agreed. Young Brod was a nice enough kid. He was nearly her age, although at five, boys fresh from their mother-clans were childish, almost unformed. This one shouldn't be here at all.

  Officially, Brod was a hostage, taken by the women reavers to ensure cooperation by the sailors of the ship they had hired, the Reckless. But Naroin surely had it right. The young midshipman had been left partly in jest, showing someone's warped sense of humor. "Enjoy yer next glory fall!" one raider in a red bandanna had taunted as the last winch-load lifted away, leaving the "low threat" prisoners stranded together on this lonely spire.

  Maia slowly stood up, sighing because the boy had chosen her to befriend, when she would have preferred solitude. I do need the exercise, she told herself. Aloud, she said, "Lead on."

  The youth's puppy-eager smile was sweet and winter-harmless. She felt sorry for the kid when spectral frost next coated the grass and trees, when the rough sailor women would surely take their frustrations out on him. Even if by chance he was able, that wouldn't relieve the tension. There wasn't a scrap of ovop leaf among the supplies.

  "This way. Come on!" Brod said impatiently, hurrying ahead of her into the trees. Maia took a deep breath, sighed, and followed.

  The sheer island prominence had once been settled. That much had been clear as soon as the last load of internees arrived atop the plateau, hearing the black winch box shut down with an electronic buzz and booby-trapped clank. Early exploration uncovered tumbled, vine-encrusted ruins, remnants of ancient walls. The fringes of extensive edifices could be seen before the summit of the ridgetop was obscured by dense forest.

  Brod had taken it upon himself to continue surveying the interior, especially since Maia and Naroin lost the raft dispute. He had tried to cast his vote along with them, only to learn that a boy's opinion wasn't solicited or welcome. The women crewfolk figured they knew enough about sailing to dispense with the advice of a raw, city-bred midshipman. At the time, Maia had thought it a needless slight.

  "It's some distance up this way, into the thicket," Brod told her, pushing and occasionally hacking a path with a stick. "I wanted to find the center of all this devastation. Did it happen all at once, or was this settlement abandoned slowly, to let nature do the work?"

  Walking just behind him, Maia felt free to smile. When they had first met, he had introduced himself as "Brod Starkland," carelessly still appending the name of his motherclan. Naroin knew of the house, prominent in the city of Enheduanna, near Ursulaborg. Still, it was a kid's mistake to let it slip.. The boy was going to have to shuck his posh, Mediant Coast accent and learn man-dialect, real quick.

  On further thought, perhaps Brod had been left here with the full agreement and approval of his crewmates, to take some starch out of him, or simply to get him out of their hair. Somehow, Maia doubted he was prime pirate material. Maybe he and I are alike in that way. Nobody particularly wants or needs us around.

  The trail continued past tall, gnarly trees and tangled roots, mixed with broken stonework. Brod spoke over his shoulder. "We're almost there, Maia. Get ready for an eye-opener."

  Still smiling indulgently, Maia noted that a clearing was about to open a short distance ahead. Probably a very big ruin, filled with stones so large that trees could not grow. She had seen some like that, during the horseback flight across Long Valley. Perhaps Lamatia Hold would look that way, centuries from now. It was something to contemplate.

  Just as the trees ended, Brod stepped to the right, making room for Maia. At the same time, he thrust out a protective arm. "You don't want to get too close ..."

  At that moment, Maia stopped listening. Stopped hearing much of anything. A soundless roar of vertigo swelled as she halted, staring over a sudden, sheer precipice.

  Steepness, all by itself, wouldn't have stunned her. The cliffs surrounding this island-prison were as abrupt, and higher still. But they lacked the texture of this deep bowl in front of her, which had been gouged with violence out of the peak's very center. The surface of the cavity was glassy smooth, as if rock had flowed until abruptly freezing in place, like cooling molasses.

  What happened? Was it a volcano? Might it still be active? The material was darkly translucent, reminding her of northern Glacier's ancient ice, back in the remote northlands.

  There and there, Maia thought she could perceive blocky fautlines, as if the rock just behind the fused layer was rendered by levels or strata, subdivided into partitions, catacombs, parallel geologic features from the planet's ancient crust.

  Such surfacial contemplations were just how her foremind kept busy while the rest jibbered. "Ah . . . ah . . ." she commented succinctly.

  "Exactly what I said at first sight," Brod nodded, agreeing solemnly. "That sums it in a kedger's egg."

  Maia wasn't sure why neither she nor Brod mentioned his discovery to the others. Perhaps the unspoken consensus came from their being the two youngest, least-influential castaways, both recently jettisoned by those they were supposed to think of as "family." Anyway, it seemed doubtful any of the castaways would be able to shed light on the origins of the startling crater. The women seemed intimidated by the thicket, and avoided going any deeper than necessary to cut wood.

  Naroin delved some distance during hunting forays, but the older woman gave no sign of having seen anything unusual. Either the former bosun had lousy eyesight, which seemed unlikely, or she, too, knew how to keep a good poker face.

  Since last talking with Naroin, Maia had begun dwelling on dark, suspicious thoughts. Even her refuge in the chaste, ornate world of game abstractions grew unsettled. It was hard paying attention to mental patterns of shifting dots, when she kept remembering that Renna languished somewhere among those scattered isles, perhaps one visible from the southern bluffs. And then there was a long-delayed talk to be had with Leie.

  One day followed another. By snaring and shooting small game to supplement the dry-tack larder, Naroin eased some of the tension that had followed the raft-building vote. That project surged and stalled, then plunged forward again with each difficulty met and overcome. Sev
eral solidly built platforms of trimmed logs now lay drying in the sunshine, their bark-strip bindings well lashed and growing tauter by the hour. Maia had begun wondering if Inanna, Lullin, and the others might know what they were doing, after all.

  Charl, a stout, somewhat hirsute sailor from the far northwest, managed to use a long pole to snag the cable hanging below the locked winch mechanism. Believing the reavers' warnings of booby traps, the var delicately managed to loop the heavy cord through a crude block and tackle of her own devising. In theory, they could now lower things halfway down before having to switch to handmade vine ropes. It was a clever and impressive feat.

  None of the escape team's competence at construction seemed to impress Naroin. But Maia, despite her doubts, tried to help. When asked by Inanna to prepare a rutter—a rough navigational guide—Maia tried her best. Ideally, the escapees had only to get out of the narrow archipelago of narrow islets and then head northwest. The prevailing currents weren't perfect, this season. But the winds were good, so if they kept their sail-made-of-blankets properly filled, and a good hand on the tiller, it should be possible to reach Landing Continent in less than two weeks. Maia spent one evening, assisted by Brod, reviewing for the others how to sight certain stars by night, and judge sun angle by day. The women paid close attention, knowing that Maia herself had no intention of leaving the island chain. Not while both Leie and Renna were presumably just a few leagues away.


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