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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 13

by Tia Siren

  “I know you want to get good grades to get into a graduate school, but what do you want to do with your life after school,” he asked.

  I thought about it for the first time in a while. In reality, I didn’t know where I wanted to work or what I really wanted to do. I just knew that I wanted to have a solid education so I could do anything.

  “Maybe I’ll be a lawyer,” I said.

  “I don’t think you’d enjoy being a lawyer,” he replied.

  “How do you know? Maybe I have a hidden talent for objections and law.”

  He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. It was a jarring moment, like every synapse in my brain firing at once. It felt like passion.

  I pulled him in closer as our tongues begged for each other. I jokingly pushed him away for a brief moment. “I object,” I said.

  He laughed and pulled in close again for another kiss.

  I could feel his hands starting to wrap around my back, and I welcomed the touch. With every second he seemed to want more of me, and I wanted more of him.

  I stroked my hand along his side and felt his muscle ripple beneath his shirt. I hooked my hands under his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his bare chest.

  I traced my finger along his pecs and down through his abs. He did the same with my leg. I pulled him down on top of me.

  He tugged off my shirt and kissed me on the neck. His breath sent goosebumps down my spine, and each kiss turned me on more. I unclasped my bra and slid it over my arms.

  He paused for a second to take in the view. I didn’t have large breasts, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. He kissed down my chest and nibbled on my nipple. Both nipples stood erect to the autumn wind.

  I unzipped his pants and worked his member from his jeans. He was sizeable and much bigger than I imagined. It almost made me worry.

  I stroked along his shaft before wrapping my mouth around it. He let out moans of pleasure as I did; I was barely able to fit it in my mouth, but even so I wanted more of it.

  His hand caressed my inner thigh and worked its way under my skirt. He pulled my panties aside and started to stroke along my clit. I could feel my muscles pulsing from his touch. He knew just where to rub, and I could feel waves of sensation jolt through me; starting to build up to something amazing.

  I paused and ripped his pants off. He seemed to like that, as he did the same to my skirt. My thin black panties were soaked through, and I think he could tell. But, he left them on as he positioned himself over the top of me.

  He stroked himself along my opening, wetting his throbbing manhood with my juices. Then I could feel it begin to slide in. He was gentle as he did so, inching himself inside slowly.

  I let out a moan but held my hand over my mouth. There were students still in the campus square downstairs that might hear us.

  He felt amazing as he filled me up, and held himself inside. I clenched my muscles, wanting him to stay inside for as long as possible.

  He then started to gyrate his hips, stirring me up, before slowly moving in and out. It was becoming too much for me to bear, and I could feel that sensation building up again.

  He continued to kiss my neck with his hand massaging my nipple. I dug my hands into the muscles in his back, begging and hungry for more.

  He started speeding up his stride, pumping into me over and over. I stopped being able to think as he continued, then the building suddenly stopped, and I felt tingles all over my skin.

  He kept pumping, and I could felt a release that hit every nerve in my body. Like a firework going off inside me. I did my best to cover my mouth, but I couldn’t even exhale or inhale; the sensation was so strong.

  I still covered my mouth. Then I felt a hot, warm sensation inside me, and I could tell he had gotten off, too.

  I was still in the pangs of ecstasy as he drew himself out of me. I felt so empty after he did so, and I wanted him back inside, but I couldn’t muster the energy to say anything.

  We just lay there, breathless and drenched in sweat. After a moment, I reached down and pulled off my useless panties and tossed them aside.

  “Objection overruled,” he said.


  He followed me back to my room, later that day. I invited him inside, but he said he had practice. I didn’t want him to miss out, but I also didn’t want him to leave.

  It was probably for the best, though. I had to work on my homework for my other classes that I had missed.

  The night dragged on, and I couldn’t take my mind off the early afternoon. I couldn’t believe that I had slept with Hollis, and in a place that I had kept so private up to this point, too. Still, it felt like a thousand thoughts going through my mind all at once. I wondered if we were dating, now, or if this was just a one-time thing to alleviate stress.

  I ended up closing all my books and going for a walk instead. Signs and banners were hung around the block, cheering on the football team. A few oversized images of Hollis’ face were plastered, along with his player number.

  Eventually, I returned home to sleep, and I slept more soundly than I had ever slept in my life.

  Waking up the next day almost felt like I was going to war. Today was the day that Hollis would be presenting in front of the class. I was nervous for him more than I was for myself.

  My heart continued to flutter until I saw Hollis in class. He nodded at me, then walked over and took his usual seat in the back. I felt a little rejection as he didn’t even come over and say hello.

  I was feeling anxious; this was probably a one night stand to relieve some stress, and I thought it might have been something more. I felt so stupid, now.

  Mr. Takahashi took his usual place in the front and began to speak.

  “We have a special presentation at the beginning of class today; Hollis will be exciting us with an experiment of his and his partners design using hydrogen.”

  Hollis walked to the front of the class quickly and gave his presentation. I was impressed at his ability to state the facts in a concise manner, and he showed how much he knew.

  “Ms. Reynolds seems to be a better teacher than I,” said Mr. Takahashi.

  I blushed and hid inside my book.

  “She really is,” Hollis added.

  I got a couple pats on the back from classmates nearby and was surprised by the attention.

  After class had finally ended, I was hoping I could get a moment alone with Hollis, but he marched out quickly and avoided my gaze altogether.

  I sighed deeply as I gathered my books.

  “You did a great job with him, Christine. How did you get through to that meathead?” asked the teacher.

  I pondered what I really did, and couldn’t really think of anything.

  “He’s smarter than he lets on,” I replied.

  He laughed and continued erasing the whiteboard.

  My phone vibrated, and I got a text message from Hollis’ number.

  “Come to the pep rally tonight,” was all it said. I responded and asked why, but never got a reply.

  I wanted nothing more than to just go for a run and forget everything that had happened the last couple days, but I was still extremely curious and needed to know.

  The campus stirred with activity as I followed the crowd towards the local stadium, it seemed everyone was wearing team colors, and I felt out of place.

  Hollis sidled up next to me as I walked, and he grabbed my arm, leading me down a side road where we could talk.

  “What’s going on, why haven’t you talked to me since yesterday?” I asked.

  “I get incredibly nervous, I don’t like to let anyone know, but I just seize up and can’t think of anything else.”

  I could understand where he was coming from. I’ve had to give presentations plenty of times and always ended up a ball of nerves before starting.

  “So Mister super star does get nervous,” I said.

  He let out a nervous laugh. “Christine, listen. I don’t know what’s going to happen between us.
But, it’s the only thing I can think about.”

  I felt a little less nervous after he said so.

  “I really like you, and I’ve never wanted to be with anyone so much. I know that you’re much smarter than I am, and if you really just want to go back to being peers then I won’t try to force anything. But, after yesterday, I don’t think I can.”

  I reached out, grabbed his shoulders and pulled myself up for a kiss. “I’ve thought about the same thing, and I don’t want this to end,” I replied.

  His eyes started beaming with pride as he thought about it. He sighed and looked much less tense after hearing that, as did I.

  “Hollis, they’re looking for you,” shouted a voice from down the street, it was his coach from down the street.

  “Oh, it’s you, Ms. Reynolds,” he added.

  I nodded.

  “Come on, Hollis. We’re about to start.”

  Hollis turned back to me and leaned in for a kiss which I welcomed.

  “You know, I’m going to need people in my cheering section. I know it isn’t your thing, but-“

  “You didn’t have to ask,” I interjected, “I’ll always be in your cheering section.”

  He smiled and ran down the street towards the coach.

  I got a ‘B’ in athletics that year, and it didn’t bother me at all.



  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Clare Hudson, “To Tempt a Mate.”

  To Tempt a Mate – A Dragon Shifter Romance

  “You must be joking,” he said, “after 3 months and not even a phone call, coming all this way and thinking I’d be interested in talking to you.” His tall frame occupied the entirety of the small trailer door and his intimidating stare almost made me turn around. But, I had a reason to be here, and he needed to know what I had to say.

  “Can I come in? This is important and I doubt you’d want a cute girl to freeze to death out here.” I smiled innocently, but it didn’t seem to help my case much. I shook and chattered under my jacket while wishing that I had at least a pair of gloves to warm my nearly frostbitten fingertips. He let out a drawn out sigh and disappeared indoors, I took this as a sign and entered.

  It was small inside, just about large enough for a bed and table. The space heater worked well enough, and with the door closed I was beginning to feel my fingers again.

  “Marcus, I know my timing is bad, but I’m in trouble and I need your help.”

  “Here we go,” he replied, “lemme guess, some guy you’re dating is abusive, or you owe money to some dealer, or you want me to buy you a ticket somewhere? Am I right? Well, I don’t think sleeping with me ONCE is enough for me to even consider us close.”

  “You’re not wrong,” I sighed, “Will you hear me out before judging?”

  “Why should I bother? It’s just going to end with me pointing you toward the door, and me going back to my dinner. You-”

  “Marcus … I’m pregnant.” I interjected. He paused for a moment, staring quizzically then coming to a realization.

  “How pregnant?”

  “About 3 months now.” I replied. That seemed to rattle him.

  “This is bad,” he said, “Emily, I wish you had told me sooner-” He paused and his posture perked up.

  “What is it?” I asked. After a moment I heard something. An engine rattled down the road, soft sounding at first, but becoming louder and closer. Nobody lived nearby for miles because Marcus liked his privacy for some reason.

  As the car drew nearer, Marcus reached under the bed and withdrew a bag while grabbing his shotgun, leaned against a nearby wall.

  “They followed you.” He said.

  ‘Followed me?’ how could they do such a thing, I rented a car with cash under a false name; I left my cell phone behind and kept nothing that might identify me. If they found me, then I could just imagine what Tyson would do after my return and I panicked. I think Marcus could tell I was panicking and he threw a blanket over my shoulders.

  He looked at me with a pair of eyes that I’d never seen before, a soulful look that belied his stoic demeanor.

  “You’ll be alright, I’ll handle this.” He put his bag down, and replaced his shotgun, “I’ll be right back.” Then he walked out into the snow.

  The car pulled up. It was a bit older, but I recognized it. It was one of Tyson’s cars and I knew the person who was driving it. Devon. He was a good man and shrewd, tall and slender but always willing to work hard to make sure Tyson was happy. He was also the first person Tyson liked to send because Devon knew how to get results.

  “You look like you’re a little lost, boy.” Marcus said.

  Devon sidled out of the car and leaned over the car ceiling, giving a long steady look at the window I watched from.

  “This your car?” he replied, gesturing to my rented sedan.

  “I’ve no need to answer trespassers, if you’re looking for the local hotel you might try about ten miles north of…”

  A gunshot.

  It scared every bird in the area dumb enough to stay here for winter.

  Devon walked over to Marcus, laying on the ground and squatted down, I could barely make out the words, “I’ve no need to hear your reply.” He sniffed the air as a canine on a hunt and squared his gaze on the door to the trailer, my only way out.

  “Emily, I don’t like bruising women if it can be avoided, just come out and get in the car. Tyson is furious and you’re the only person that could calm him down now.”

  “Well, go back and tell him I don’t want to talk to him.” I said since stalling for time was the only thing keeping me out of the car while I searched for shotgun shells. ‘Marcus, you useless bastard, why would you keep a shotgun but no shells’, I thought while frantically searching the cupboards and cabinets.

  “Just come out, that shotgun won’t do you much good.” He shouted from outside, “I don’t smell any gunpowder in that trailer.”

  How did he know that? I picked up the shotgun; even if it wasn’t loaded I could maybe try to scare him off. I nudged open the front door, Marcus’ body laid on the ground motionless while Devon eyed me as I left the trailer. I lined the shotgun up with his torso and tried to sound as intimidating as possible.

  “Leave now, or I’ll shoot you. I’m not going back to Tyson, I know what he is and he’s the last person I want to raise a child with.”

  Devon holstered his revolver and started to walk over.

  “Stop there! I’ll shoot!” I said, the barrel of the gun wouldn’t stop shaking, I held tighter but it didn’t slow Devon at all.

  Before I realized, he was pulling the gun out of my hands, he was much stronger than I remembered. I went completely numb, the thought of seeing Tyson again made my mind go blank and my knees buckle as my vision blurred I saw a shadow cast over Devon. A massive form, winged, scaled, and angry but only for a second.

  Suddenly, Marcus was holding Devon by the neck, while naked and steaming. His perfect and muscled form lifting the lanky man with ease. My heart raced and I realized I hadn’t taken a breath in more than a moment.

  “Next time you shoot a man, make sure he’s dead.” Marcus threw Devon over the roof of his car, as if throwing out garbage. I had never seen such a display of strength, and I couldn’t tell if it was fear or raw emotion but I could feel all the blood in my body rushing to my head at once. I almost didn’t make out the last thing he said before I lost consciousness.

  “Emily, we need to talk.”


  I was quite woozy as I stirred awake, the bumps in the road made sure I didn’t stay asleep long. I propped myself up in the back seat where I had been resting and tried to make sense of what was going through my head.

  “Good morning, Em.” Marcus said, giving me a quick glance and a half a smile.

  “I don’t like it when you shorten my name. Call me Emily,” I returned while rubbing my temples in a vain attempt to rid myself of a headache.

  “Fine, f
ine, Emily,” he said, “I’m sure you have a lot of questions that you’ll want an answer to.”

  He was right, a thousand questions flew through my head all at once, but I settled on the one I had to know right now.

  “What are you?”

  He sighed, and after a moment he opened his mouth as if to speak only to close it again and scrunch up his face as if trying to think of the right answer.

  “I’m part dragon. And, before you start asking more questions about it, I’ll be blunt; there’s a good chance that your child – our child will be as well.”

  “Are you serious? You’re a dragon, and my child might be, too? This has to be some kind of joke.” I was laughing now. “Dragons don’t exist according to everyone. I think I’d need some proof before I believe it.” I said, expecting him to recant his obviously ridiculous lie.

  As I spoke, he raised his arm in front of me and scales of golden bronze began to trail down the length of his arm and his hand transformed into a powerful claw. It took me a moment before I realized my mouth was hanging open.

  “This is insane. You’re a dragon? Why didn’t you tell me before I slept with you?” I asked in shock.

  “To be honest, there are few people alive that are capable of producing offspring from dragons, and the number is so incredibly low that I’ve just stopped telling anyone.” He paused. “You’re special, Emily. No dragon has been born in more than 100 years.”

  ‘I’m special’ he said.

  “Okay, so you can fly and breathe fire?” I asked.

  “Not exactly,” he replied. “Flying, yes. Breathing fire, no. It’s not a skill that every dragon shifter is capable of. I’ve only seen one shifter able to do it, and I’m pretty sure he’s dead.”

  Just then a new thought occurred.

  “What did you do with Devon? Last I saw him he was flying over a car.”

  “Devon is fine; mutts like him are quite resilient. He may be down right now but he’ll be back on his feet soon. I took pains to make sure he wouldn’t follow us though.”

  “What did you do?” I wondered.

  “I overloaded his nose with a few things I had laying around. He probably won’t be able to taste anything for a couple weeks.”


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