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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 54

by Tia Siren

  “What are you going to do?” Elizabeth asked, with an edge of worry in her voice. David grinned up at her, though she could barely see him since the only light was that of the silver moon which hung in the sky and cast its pale shine through her windows. And then his head lowered, and his mouth was on her womanhood, and Elizabeth was thrown into a frenzy of bliss and sensuality.

  David had used his mouth on a woman before, she knew that. He was well practiced, and gentle. He ran his tongue along her, trailing it with his finger, and Elizabeth pulled a pillow to her mouth, biting down on it so she wouldn’t scream out and send someone running into her room.

  Before she knew it there was an explosion of orgasmic sensations in her loins, and she felt her whole body shaking. David kept his mouth upon her as she reached climax, grinning against her as she rocked back and forth. Her stomach muscles spasmed and clenched, and she reached down to run her fingers through his hair. When he was sure she was done, he leaned back.

  “Will you be mine now?” he asked.

  “No,” Elizabeth breathed. “I will not.”

  David stood up, working to keep his anger from springing forth. He hadn’t thought it would be that easy, but he had been hoping.

  “Still,” the young woman said, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed. “I couldn’t leave you going home with no release yourself.”

  It was obvious that his member was hard, it pushed against the pleat of his trousers. She reached for him, her hands slow and unpracticed. She undid his trousers and he sprang forth, his penis engorged and bobbing in the air as blood raced through it. David said nothing as he looked down and watched the young girl take him into her hand. She didn’t move her hand, she just gripped him near the base. She was looking at his manhood, as though she had never seen one. It occurred to David that she probably hadn’t, a rare trait in the girl he was usually with.

  “You don’t have to,” David said in a low voice.

  “I know,” Elizabeth said, and then she leaned forward and pressed her plump lips against the head of his penis, kissing it. She looked up to him, and he smiled down to her, and then she opened her mouth, and let him inside.

  She was so virginal, so new, that though she didn’t know what to do exactly, he had never felt a woman feel so good, no matter how he entered into her sexually. She took more of him into her mouth, and then she would pull back, leaving a slick sheen to shine in the soft moonlight.

  David put a hand on the back of her head, helping guide her as she bobbed back and forth. He couldn’t help himself, and it didn’t take him long until he reached climax. He knew many girls didn’t appreciate the taste of semen, so as he came he pulled his hips back, and he shot three long strands of thick white semen onto her exposed breasts.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, looking down at the girl, and becoming keenly aware of just how untouched she had been.

  “Do not be,” she said, looking down at her own chest. When she looked up, he had already pushed himself back into his breeches, and was backing towards the window.

  “Take me for a walk tomorrow,” she said as he left, and he nodded.


  David called on Elizabeth just after lunch, and they walked on her father’s grounds, arm in arm.

  “Last night was like nothing I had ever felt,” she said, when they were well away from the house, and any ears which might overhear them.

  “I can say the same,” David said.

  That made Elizabeth laugh. “I doubt that was the first time a woman has done that to you.”

  “Well, I didn’t mean it exactly like that,” David said truthfully. “I mean it was like nothing I’d ever felt.”

  They walked in silence for a moment. Near the rear of Elizabeth’s father‘s acres, there was a small pond, and they made their way towards it.

  “May I ask you something?” Elizabeth said.

  “You may.”

  “Why have you never shown interest in me? Beyond interest in my maidenhead?”

  David thought for a moment. “It isn’t you. You’re beautiful, and smart, and charming. I think it was the idea of being married. I was used to a certain lifestyle, and I didn’t want to feel as though I had to be different.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Thank you for telling the truth.”

  “I may be a lot of things, but I am not a liar,” David said. They walked on in silence until they reached the pond. The water was a dark green, the surface still except for small circular ripples whenever a turtle poked his head up for a breath of air.

  What happened next, David couldn’t have foreseen. They sat on the grass, Elizabeth folding the skirt of her gown beneath her as she did, so she wouldn’t be lost in the large ring of fabric, and they simply spoke. David rarely spoke with anyone the way he spoke then. They recalled stories from their childhood, so many hours spent together. They spoke of their hopes for the future, their regrets of the past.

  “I want to do better,” David said as the sky turned the soft orange of evening.

  “Then do better,” Elizabeth said.

  David didn’t know what that meant, and he worked it out slowly in conversation with the beautiful girl.

  Hours had passed since the first sat down and they grew hungry. David rose and helped Elizabeth to do the same, and they returned to her home.

  “Will you dine with me?” she asked.

  “I think not,” David said with a soft smile. “I would very much like to, but I feel the need to speak with my father. You are wise beyond your years,” he added.

  “I hope to see you tomorrow,” Elizabeth said, and David took her hand and kissed it.

  “I expect you will,” he said, and then he took his leave.

  David and his father spoke at length that night, sharing glasses of brandy and a couple of cigars. David expressed his desire to learn the industry from his father, and that he yearned to take over at the bank within a year, as his father had wanted. At first, his father seemed hesitant, and David knew he worried that his son was simply trying to get back home, and get an allowance once more. But when David assured his father that he wanted no allowance, and would instead take pay from working at the bank, his father agreed. The two men hugged that night, something they had not done for some time.

  The next morning, David hurried to see Elizabeth. He wanted to share the news with her, and he wanted to thank her. He would be working for the first time in his life later that morning, alongside his father, and if he had not spoken with the young girl, and through her learned what it really took to be happy in life, it would not have been happening.

  While David was on his way to visit Elizabeth, Rupert had already called on her. They sat once more in the garden.

  “I asked your father for you hand,” Rupert said. “Did you know that?”

  “My father did tell me,” the young woman said. They say on the same bench where he had been kissing her in the days previous. He took her hand.

  “I love you with all of my heart. I asked again. He told me you made some wager with David.”

  “I did,” Elizabeth said. She didn’t pull her hand away from Rupert’s, but she felt as if though she should. She liked Rupert, and she knew she could love him. But something about David, she was hopeful he would impress her, hopeful he would make her believe that he loved her, and wanted to marry her, and not into the money her father would give him.

  “I could take care of you. I would never gamble, never whore. I don’t think that could be said about David Weatherby,” Rupert went on.

  “Perhaps not,” Elizabeth allowed with a slight nod of her head.

  “So what is it? What compels you to reject me?”

  “Oh, Rupert,” Elizabeth started. “It’s not rejection of you, it’s yearning for him.”

  Rupert nodded, and let her hand fall away. He stood up and moved to a shallow stone pool, which had large golden fish swimming within it, surrounded by colorful flowers. It was the center of the grand garden. Elizabeth got up and moved t
o stand beside him.

  “Don’t hurt me like this,” she said softly.

  “Hurt you?”

  “I care for you. I do. I love you even. In a way.”

  Rupert sighed. “But not in a way like your love for him?”

  “No. Not yet. Not when I love him so,” Elizabeth said. She felt frustrated, she was sure that no matter how she composed her words, she would never be able to adequately explain her feelings to Rupert.

  He spun away. “I call too often. I am sorry for that. I should go.”

  “No!” she said suddenly, surprising him and even herself. She reached out and placed a hand on his arm. He stopped and turned to her, and there was another shock between them as she leaned forward and up, standing on the toes of her heeled white shoes and placed a soft kiss upon his lips.

  David had arrived moments before and he had assured the old servant who answered he knew how to get to the garden. He was just walking through the doorway and outside when he saw them, standing near the goldfish pool. Elizabeth, the woman he had realized he really did love, the woman who had made him realize what a fool he had been in almost every aspect of his life, was kissing another man.

  Rupert. David knew him, but not well. He had never felt jealous of the man, because he had never coveted Elizabeth, but now he did, and he felt the bitter taste of jealousy well up in his stomach.

  He went out into the garden, and his footsteps caused the other two to separate.

  “David!” Elizabeth said.

  “I should be going,” Rupert said, but David held a hand out to him.

  “Stay, I will only be a moment. Elizabeth, if I may speak to you.”

  The young woman nodded and followed him back towards the home. He had wished to speak about his conversation with his father, had wanted to tell her what his father had said, had wanted to speak with her about the agreement they had reached. But instead he thought of her. He wondered if she would be happy with a man like him, even a changed one. He didn’t think she would be.

  “My father has resumed my allowance,” he said.

  “He has?”

  “I no longer need to marry you.”

  “So that’s it?” Elizabeth asked. She felt an anger rising inside of her. She felt her cheeks grow heated as they turned red.

  “That man over there, he’s the man you need,” David said, and though he wanted to say more, he couldn’t, and he turned and hurried inside.

  Elizabeth was dumbfounded. She couldn’t move for a moment, she just watched him go, and then she was moving, running after him.

  He was already out of the front door by the time Elizabeth entered the hall. She had heard it shut as she was still moving past the dining room. But she ran to it, planning on yelling after him, wanting to let him know she loved him, that he was a fool, and that now she hated him. She wrenched the front door open, preparing to run out into the drive, but he was there, facing the door, reaching to open it again and instead he found her, and she was in his arms, and they were kissing.

  “I cannot lie,” he said, breaking the kiss. “That was a lie, and I cannot do it. Marry me. Marry me, I love you. I never knew I could love like this, but I can.”

  “It was a lie?”

  “I know you love Rupert, but I want that love to be mine,” David said.

  “I don’t love Rupert,” Elizabeth said. Not the way I love you. What was a lie? You telling me to be with him? Why would you do that?”

  “So you could be happy,” David said.

  “You were willing to give me up, the woman you love, so I could be happy?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Yes,” David said, nodding. She kissed him again, deeply, their tongues dancing together in their mouths.

  “Then you have done it,” she said as they finally drew their lips apart.

  “Done what?”

  “I will marry you.”

  David grinned and picked her up, swinging her in a wide circle just outside her father’s home.

  “You will?” he asked. “You promise?”

  “I will,” Elizabeth said again, and they were kissing once more. When they pulled away David’s face was serious, and she felt nervous as he opened his mouth to speak.

  “So which one of us is going to tell Rupert to leave?” he said, and they burst into a fit of laughter.

  David and Elizabeth were married just a month later. That night, they lay amongst burning candles and blankets made of fur on a soft bed.

  Elizabeth felt goose bumps as David ran his manly hand along her naked curves, down the side of her breast, down over her waste and hips, and finding its way towards her inner thighs. She let out a sigh when his fingers found her womanhood. He parted her lips and rubbed her wetness. He kissed her and then slowly inserted a finger. She closed her muscles around it, letting out a small groan. With his thumb, he pressed on her clitoris, which pressured her as he slid his finger in and out. David inserted a second finger and she felt the pleasure against her walls. He fingered her harder and faster until the pressure in her abdomen exploded and she came on his hand, arching her back, gripping the fur blanket.

  But that was not enough. Elizabeth wanted more. She wanted to feel David’s fullness inside her. She reached for his penis. It felt hard and hot in her hand. She opened her legs and guided him to her wet and pulsating opening.

  David slid inside, and Elizabeth groaned. His movements were slow so she could feel every inch of him as he slid in and out of her, teasing, pleasuring. He muscles in her vagina tingled and tightened. She could take no more.

  Elizabeth opened her legs wider and grabbed David’s buttocks between her hands, guiding him to move faster, stronger. And when he pumped with more force, she felt him pound against her clitoris, her muscles clenching around his penis, the pressure building again in her entire body until she exploded once more with a long grown that lasted as long as her orgasm.

  And then David came, his body shaking with pleasure.

  Afterwards they lie together, sweaty and spent, but sated, their limbs entwined. Elizabeth had never felt so happy, and she was sure that her wager had been the last gamble her husband would ever take.

  She had won the game of love.



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  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Sarah Thorn, “Rescued from a Rake”

  Rescued From A Rake – A Regency Romance

  Alice Ashmeer and her friends, Georgina and Sophia, were sitting on the terrace at the rear of Stanley Manor, a large house belonging to Lord Ashmeer. The house had extensive grounds and included a lake that Lord Ashmeer used infrequently for fishing.

  ''It's such a lovely day. Do you think we dare go for a swim?'' Alice asked her two closest friends.

  ''It really is the most tediously hot day. What do you say, Georgina?'' asked Sophia.

  ''Yes, lets. It was so much fun when we swam last year. The lake was so cool and there's never anybody around to see us. Come on, let's be daring,'' Georgina said.

  ''How long has your family owned Stanley Manor?'' Georgina asked Alice as they walked over the lawn towards the lake.

  ''About two hundred years,'' Alice replied. ''My father hates the place. He says it costs far too much to maintain.''

  ''But your father is the richest man in the county. Surely a few pounds for maintenance is of no consequence to him?'' Sophia butted in.

  ''He is indeed rich beyond belief, but he is what people in this part of England call, tight. He keeps his fingers firmly on his money,'' Alice said.

  ''Yes, that's how people get rich, by not spending anything. My father is rich but not nearly as rich as your father is. In fact, in comparison, I would say we are r
eally rather poor,'' Sophia complained.

  The other two laughed at Sophia. They both knew her father was rich enough to own a three thousand hectare estate.

  ''I do so like your dress, Alice. You look prettier than ever in pink. Your father may be the richest man in the county, but my dear, you are the most beautiful woman in the county. You could have any man you want,'' Georgina said.

  ''Nonsense. You two are more beautiful,'' said Alice.

  When they reached the lake, they walked along the shore and stopped at a wooded area.

  ''I do hope nobody sees us. It really isn't lady like to swim,” Sophia said.

  ''Well, I don't care. I'm going in naked this time,'' Georgina announced.

  ''But you can't, what if somebody sees you?'' Sophia asked, horrified at the idea.

  ''There is nobody here. And so what if somebody sees me. I'm just a woman, not a monster.''

  ''Then let's all swim without clothes. It'll be so daring and so much fun. Swimming in undergarments is so heavy. Last year, I was almost pulled to the bottom,'' Alice concluded.

  Alice and Georgina went behind a tree and began to take off their clothes. Sophia looked around nervously, sure someone would see them. When Alice emerged, she walked to the water’s edge and tip-toed into to the refreshing water.


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