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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 65

by Tia Siren

  It was their third day together on their honeymoon and they were just waking up from a nap. Lara had woken up first and she leaned toward her husband and gently kissed his cheek and smiled happily. Her hand gently outlined the contours of his face as she looked at him.

  He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She looked down and saw his arm wrapped protectively around her waist. Lara had never expected in her wildest dreams that she would find herself with such a handsome and protective husband, but she was glad she did. She would have to thank her parents for enrolling her in the elite mail-order bride service someday.

  Eventually, as Lara thought about her life and how a couple of days had completely turned it around Davy started to wake up. He opened his eyes to find Lara’s beautiful face mere inches from his. He smiled to himself before moving closer to her and wrapping his arms around her tight. She looked at him and their faces got closer and closer until he kissed her lips gently.

  “Mmm…” He moaned into the kiss before pulling away. “How about I go get us some mimosas and we can start our day together.” Lara smiled at her husband before nodding her head. Davy kissed the top of her head before getting up. He tossed on his robe and left the room.

  Lara watched as he left the room and then looked around, instantly feeling a little lonely. They were in a luxurious penthouse together and she smiled thinking about all the time they could spend together. She wondered when they would test out of the hot tub.

  Lara got up and wrapped her robe around herself before walking up to the french doors. She opened them and looked outside, watching the blue ocean move in and out with each passing wave. This private island was absolutely beautiful and Lara felt like she never wanted to leave. She smiled happily before hearing the door open up.

  She turned around, expecting Davy to be there with two mimosas but instead when she turned around she saw the girl, Rhonda, standing at the door. Had the girl been on the island the whole time? Lara’s face fell. All her insecurities came to life again. Was Davy seeing this woman behind her back? Was he secretly having an affair with another woman this early in their marriage?

  Lara felt like everything was a lie and she frowned as she thought about everything that had happened. She had wanted to believe. She had desperately wanted to believe that maybe just maybe this man loved her. That maybe he was different from all the other people that made fun of her and abused her emotions. She thought that maybe Davy was different from the rest but now she knew she was wrong. He was just like everyone else.

  As Lara looked at the super model in front of her, she knew she had been a fool for thinking that Davy would ever settle for a woman like herself. It wasn’t fair. She had put so much hope into this one man and now it was all crushed. She could feel tears running down her cheeks.

  “I haven’t even said anything yet and you are already crying?” Rhonda smirked as she walked up to Lara. “Soon enough I will give you something to cry about.” Rhonda suddenly snapped her fingers together and a bunch of men rushed into the room and surrounded Lara.

  They all held menacing looking guns as they surrounded her and she didn’t know what to do. She was scared and even though she felt betrayed by Davy she wanted nothing more than to have him by her side. She wanted him to be there to wrap his arms around her to keep her safe. She thought about his tiger and how his tiger would have saved her.

  The men then pushed her out of the room, leaving Rhonda alone in the sweetheart suite. She smirked before picking up a nearby memo pad and pen. She quickly wrote down a note. She knew when Davy came back he would be in for a rude awakening. No one broke up with her and got away with it. No one ripped out her heart and threw it away without paying for it.

  She smirked and left the note on the bed for Davy to find when he made his way back to the bedroom. He would be shocked to find his wife missing.

  She left, the clicks of her heels tapping against the floor as she slammed the door behind her.

  A little while later Davy entered the room with their drinks and smiled brightly, “I’m back!” He opened up the door and walked inside but didn’t find Lara on the bed as he expected to.

  “Lara?” He looked all around the suite and didn’t find her. He put down the drinks and got a little worried as his tiger got anxious. There was a horrible feeling in his stomach as he suddenly noticed the note on the bed. He read it and his whole world stopped for a moment.

  Rhonda had kidnapped Lara and she would only return her if he paid the ransom by the end of the week. It seemed like Rhonda was a gold digger after all. It seemed like Rhonda was even more heartless than he gave her credit for.

  Chapter 8

  After Davy had read the note, his tiger went nuts. He begged to be let out. His tiger wanted to run off and find Lara. He needed to find Lara. He needed to go out and protect her and bring her back safe and sound. His tiger would not rest until Lara was returned.

  Davy struggled to keep his tiger in check as he paced around the room and tried to figure out what to do. Despite his best efforts, however, the tiger gained control and Davy transformed in the middle of the room. The tiger sniffed the air trying to pick up her scent, but all he could smell was Rhonda’s overpowering perfume.

  The tiger got angry and paced around the room angrily as he tried to figure out what to do. He just wanted to run out and find her but without the use of his nose he would just be wasting time. Anger coursed through his body as he thought about Lara in Rhonda’s clutches. There was no telling what Rhonda would do to her even if he got her the money in time.

  Davy felt like such a fool for leaving her alone in the room and felt like even more of a fool for ever dating Rhonda in the first place. She had been a good time in bed, but that was all she could give him. She was heartless otherwise. Davy beat himself up as he transformed back and sat on the bed with his head in her hands. This couldn’t be happening.

  He had to find some way to save her. He couldn’t just wallow. He needed to find her. Suddenly, and an idea popped into his head and he quickly pulled out his phone and viciously dialed a number.

  Impatiently he waited for the person to pick up the phone.


  “Oh thank God! George, I need your help!” Davy sounded distraught as he yelled at his friend over the phone. His friend was now a head detective in his city and if anyone could find Rhonda and Lara, it would be him.

  “Davy… calm down what’s wrong?”

  Davy explained everything to his friend.

  “Okay… stay put and I will be there as soon as I can. I promise we will get her back safe and sound.”

  For some reason, Davy couldn’t come to believe his words. There was a rock sitting in the pit of his stomach that felt like it weighed a million pounds. He felt sick. He felt like his whole world was crashing down around him. He didn’t know what to do.

  As he waited for his friend he just became more and more worried. A thousand different scenarios ran through his mind as he thought about Lara. He worried about her safety. In this troubled state, Davy learned something important. Not only did he realize that he loved this girl but that this girl was his mate. His true mate.

  Lara was the woman he was destined to be with for the rest of eternity. She was the woman he was destined to protect and love until the end of his days. His tiger roared in agreement. His tiger had known that Lara was the one from the moment they met, but Davy had refused to believe it. At first he didn’t want to believe he was destined to mate with someone like Lara. Then hidden feelings about Rhonda kept interfering. Now there was no doubt. Lara was his mate and one way or another he would save her.

  Eventually, after a couple of days George managed to track down Rhonda. It seemed like Rhonda was keeping Lara hostage in the basement of an abandoned mansion on the island. Before George could stop his friend Davy was already in his tiger form rushing down the streets. He didn’t care if anyone saw him. All he cared about, all he could think about, was saving his wife.

  He ran
as fast as he could and for the first time in a long time Davy and his tiger became one. They had the same mindset and the same goal as they rushed toward the mansion. Soon enough the mansion came into view and he noticed that the basement had a few windows. Without thinking, he propelled his body through one of these windows.

  His tiger landed elegantly on its four feet on the floor of the basement. In the middle of the room was Lara tied to one of the support beams. She was surrounded by a lot of men who pointed their guns at her. Davy almost lost his temper when he saw them.

  He would make these people pay for everything they had done to his wife. Before he could think of a better plan, however, his tiger had taken control and he was lunging toward the closest villain. His tiger ripped out the man’s throat and soon he picked off all the men one by one until the click of a gun made his ears twitch and his heart stop.

  He looked up to see Rhonda pointing a gun at Lara.

  He lost all control and suddenly tackled Rhonda, biting her arm, breaking many bones in his vice like grip on her. He smashed her head against the floor and she fell into darkness.

  With the threat gone he quickly turned into his human form and rushed over to Lara, who was crying. She was blindfolded and he immediately took that off and untied her, holding her in his arms.

  “Shh… shh… Lara… it’s okay… everything is okay… you’re okay and I promise no one will ever hurt you again…I vow to protect you forever.” Lara held onto him and her body shook as her sobs took over.

  He pressed his lips to the top of her head and whispered something he never thought he would admit to anyone, “I love you.”



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  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Clare Hudson, “The Dragon’s Desire”

  The Dragon’s Desire – A Paranormal Romance Shifter

  Chapter One

  Asch scoffed, sitting in the throne room and looking out at the sight before him. He wanted to go out and fly around, but, of course, his father told him he had to go wait for this new girl who was apparently supposed to come today. Asch would rather not deal with this, especially since he didn’t want to get married. Of course, he knew that the reason for doing this is because of his father. That man seemed bent on his son getting married.

  “Put a smile on your face there Asch. It’s not polite to frown when your future bride shows up,” his father said.

  “Piss off dad. I don’t even want to get married. I can’t believe you’re doing this,” he said.

  “Well you’re my son, a dutiful prince, and you do have to get married. I plan on having this woman sweep you off your feet. Who knows, maybe the two of you can learn from one another. It would do you well to learn a few manners,” his father said.

  Asch grimaced. The last thing he wanted to do was to marry this random human girl. He didn’t think it would be fun at all. His family chose a girl named Hilda, a woman who apparently had some value when it came to marriage. It’s not like Asch cared or anything. He would rather not deal with this ordinary human.

  The hall doors opened, and a servant came in.

  “Hello there, Melodious,” Asch’s father said.

  “Hello there, Sir. The girl is here,” the soldier said.

  “Good. Let her in. I hope Asch is ready for the beauty I chose,” his father replied.

  Asch just wanted to get this over with. There was no way he was going to marry some stupid human. He didn’t want to, and already he was counting down the seconds on the grand clock in front of him. It seemed more interesting than any options this pathetic girl could provide for him.

  When she walked in, Asch did have to admit she was pretty. She was curvy in all the right places, with thick thighs and a nice butt. She had a little bit of a pudge, but it wasn’t bad at all, and her large breasts certainly enticed him as well. She looked at him with blue eyes, her brown hair pulled back in a bun. She was in a black dress that shimmered, and although Asch had no interest in marrying, he did have to admit she was pretty hot.

  “Hello there,” she said.

  “Hi. You are?” he snapped. His long, silver hair cascaded down his back, and his lavender eyes gazed upon her. He was dressed in regal garb, and his body looked planted in the chair. She gulped, blushing madly.

  “Hello there. I’m Hilda,” she said. She couldn’t believe how attractive this man was. She agreed to come here to meet the son of a king because their family was going to help her out. Hilda needed all the help he could get. Of course, he did turn her off in a way since he hadn’t even smiled at her.

  “Hi. Name’s Asch. Remember it I guess,” he said.

  “Now Asch, don’t be rude,” his father chided.

  “Whatever dad. It’s not like I wanted to do this or anything. I’m so sick of being told what to do all the damn time,” he said to him.

  Hilda paused. Even though she didn’t really want to do this either, she did want to tell him about it.

  “Well, it’s not like I’m going to do anything bad to you or something of that sort. I just wanted to meet the man I’m supposed to marry. No need to get your boxers in a bunch,” she said.

  Asch stood up, glaring at her with a fixed gaze.

  “I already can’t stand you. You’re not of the same class as me, you have a mouth so you’re going to talk back, and I can’t stand that you’re just waltzing in here and declaring that you’re getting married to me,” he said to her.

  At this point, his father had left, leaving the two of them alone.

  “Well, it’s not like you have to be rude about it either. I know this is hard on both of us, but maybe if you stopped acting like an immature little bitch your future would improve,” she spat back.

  “Me? I’m not the one in here so desperate for something that she has to sell herself off to a kingdom. What a pathetic ordeal,” he said.

  She was fuming at this point. She couldn’t believe that he was treating her in this fashion. Hilda wanted to hit him, to give him a piece of her mind, but she had to hold herself back.

  “Gosh, I already can’t stand you. I was expecting a friendly welcome from the prince of a kingdom, but I guess I’m in for a rude awakening,” she replied. She felt hurt in all honesty. Was it because of how she looked? Was it because she was of a different social class? All of these disturbing thoughts clouded her and she felt insecure. However, she didn’t want him to know that, for if he did, he wouldn’t let her live it down.

  “Well, it’s not like I agreed to this either. I’m just doing this because my stupid father wanted to,” he told her.

  Suddenly, Hilda grew frustrated. She imagined she would be meeting a handsome prince, someone who wasn’t such a douchebag. Of course, that was too much to ask for, and already she was regretting this wholeheartedly. She stomped out, not caring about anything else at the moment besides the anger that she felt from this man.

  The door slammed behind her, and Asch sighed, retiring to his room. This was already getting off to a very rocky start, and he didn’t like her. Of course, things were about to get harder from here, because he didn’t know how she would react to his secret, or if the two of them could go for a few minutes without fighting with one another. He would have to wait and see.

  Chapter Two

  Hilda ran out of there, feeling annoyed by everything. She did glance around at the place, and it was obvious that Asch and his family had money. The halls were gilded, and the audience chamber had designs flanking the ceiling. There were also wide, sweeping windows, so it was almost like she wasn’t even inside. The halls also had that luxurious texture to it as well, with giant bay windows on each side. Least they would have a lot of natural lig
ht in here.

  She went to the guest room that was delineated to her by one of the maids she initially met. There was a giant king-sized bed, with a canopy over it, a dresser for her to put all of her clothes in, and an entertainment system that cost more than what she would probably make in a year. Of course, what bothered her wasn’t the money, nor the splendor, what bothered her was the predicament she was in.

  She was doing this to help her mother. That was really her sole reason for going through this torture. She was going to become a mail-order bride to marry a rich man. Asch’s family had a lot of money, and the perks of being royalty would certainly help her mother. She tried to provide the medical care for her through working two jobs, but it was obvious that it wouldn’t be enough. The bills were coming in, and she planned to use this chance of marrying a filthy rich man to her advantage so that she could help support her mother. She wasn’t expecting him to be an asshole, though.

  She didn’t want to marry Asch, even though she needed to in order to help her mother. He was rude to her, and he didn’t see her as an equal for whatever reason. She didn’t want to marry someone who didn’t see her as a person, but rather as another stepping stone or a person he could take advantage of. That wasn’t the reason she married, and she knew that he probably didn’t see her as anything more than just another person from a different social class who didn’t matter to him. It bothered her, but maybe she would get used to it. She didn’t want to get used to a bastard like him.

  A couple hours had passed, and Hilda thought he would’ve finally cooled down. It had been a while since everything had transpired, so maybe he finally got his head out of his ass and would talk to her like a person. Maybe it was best to speak with him now. It was evening time after all.


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