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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 67

by Tia Siren

Hilda nodded. Her life was pretty much a nightmare come true in most cases. She didn’t know what to do about her mother since it was obvious that she would need more fitting medical treatment eventually. She wasn’t able to pay the bill for the last time she was admitted, and it was starting to worry her. But she didn’t want to stress her sick mother out. It would only make everything worse.

  “It was good. We would have to iron some things out, but it was nice to finally meet him. It was strange because at first we were at each other’s throats, but I think once we sat down and got to know one another, things went better. I think it’ll be okay,” Hilda told her mother.

  “That’s good, Sweetie. Just remember that it will probably be awkward for you at first, but if you’re smart about it, then you will hopefully work out,” her mother replied.

  Hilda nodded. Her mother didn’t know what it was like. She ended up having a kid with a man who ran off. Hilda wasn’t going to say that, though, not while her mother was suffering.

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m still trying to come to terms with how he acts. He’s a bit of a rough one,” Hilda explained.

  “Well just do what’s right for you. Why did you come back so early? I thought that you would be there for longer,” her mother stated.

  Hilda wanted to tell her that it was because of her, but at the same time, she didn’t mean to make her mother feel bad.

  “I was worried about you, and he had a couple of personal issues to attend to,” she replied. She didn’t want to tell her mother either about the fact that the man was a dragon and had to run off to battle.

  Hilda stayed with her mother for the rest of the day until she went to work. She spent the next few days working to make a tiny bit of money, but the only thing that she could think about was Asch. She didn’t get why because up until now she was able to ignore him, but as soon as she got back home, she was starting to feel nervous about what to do next. She didn’t know if it was because of the uncertainty of the situation or what, but she felt like she needed to talk to Asch.

  The feeling that she felt was certainly worry, and she was worried about him. She also realized as well that she did judge him way too fast, and that was her biggest problem. She realized as well that the main issue that she had was the fact that he was off in battle, and she didn’t know if Asch was even alive at this point.

  After three days, the worry overtook her. She needed to see him, and so she called out of work to head over there. She didn’t tell them she was going to visit the man she was supposed to marry, but rather she said that she wasn’t feeling good. It was the truth because she was feeling sick the last few days. Of course, it was sick with worry, which was something that she wasn’t used to.

  She went to the castle, heading for the doorway. The guards let her in, all of them happy that she was here. Did something happen to Asch?

  She went inside the castle, and immediately one of the maids grasped her hand.

  “Are you here to see Asch?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Is he okay?” Hilda asked. She was expecting the worst. After all, it’s not like she wasn’t already dealing with someone who was in pain.

  The maid ran her to his room, and when she got there, she saw Asch. He was battered and bruised, but he was alive. The doctors were tending to his wounds. Asch looked at her, smiling.

  “Hey there,” he said.

  “Oh my God, are you okay?” she asked him.

  “I’ve been better. Got a couple of stab wounds while in my dragon form. I thought I would’ve died, but the doctors helped me. I was rushed back here. My father helped defeat the enemies without me. I don’t know if I’m ready to be king yet, though,” he joked.

  Hilda felt like crying. She was happy that he was alive, but she didn’t want to see him suffer.

  “I’m glad you’re okay. I’m so sorry that I didn’t come sooner. I was with my mother, and then I had to work. I know those are pathetic excuses, but I’m glad that you’re alive,” she told him.

  “Thank you, Hilda. I’m glad to be alive as well. Will you stay with me until I recover back to excellent health?” he asked Hilda.

  Hilda nodded. She needed to stay with him. She was worried about him, about the fate he was about to be given, and she didn’t like to think about how bad things could’ve been, but rather she wanted the reassurance from him that everything would be okay, and that’s what she needed now more than ever before.

  She stayed with him for about a week, and Asch recovered to full health. He recovered very fast, and Hilda was happy about that. It seemed almost like a miracle in a sense because of the fact that he was able to survive all of that and still recover. The nurses and doctors were working hard. Gaius was also near him as well, making sure that his son would stay alive. He was able to quell the war, taking over the other kingdom and getting rid of the insurgents who did defy the kingdom. Gaius was unyielding, and Hilda hoped that one day Asch would realize that he was that strong as well.

  After Asch had recovered, he looked at Hilda with a smile.

  “Thanks for staying with me. I know that you’re going through a lot, but I really appreciate it. I really do,” he said.

  “You’re welcome Asch. I’m glad that I did as well,” she replied.

  There was a pause, and then Hilda looked at Asch with a nervous glance.

  “What’s up?” he asked her.

  “I’m just euphoric that you’re alive to be honest. I was anxious about you. I’ve been worried for a while,” she admitted. It was hard to say, but she did feel that way about him. Maybe it was because he was really a nice guy at the bottom of it all. Asch smiled at her, a loving glance that said it all.

  “Well thank you for worrying Hilda. Say, would you by chance come with me? I wanted to talk to you,” he said.

  She looked at him, pausing for but a moment. She wanted to go with him, to see what was out there.

  “Sure, I’m game,” she replied.

  Asch smiled getting out of the bed and heading to the window. He changed into a dragon, and for a moment, Hilda was shocked she was even doing this. He then pointed to his back, looking directly at her.

  “Get on,” he said.

  She did so, and soon they flew off to a mysterious land. Where were they going? What was it that Asch wanted? There was only one way to find out.

  Chapter Five

  They headed over to a mysterious land a good ways away from the castle. It was a small precipice, only accessible by flight, and when they got there, Asch morphed back into a human. He patted the ground next to him, and Hilda took a seat next to him.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Well, I wanted to apologize. I realized that I made a very hasty judgment on you initially. I’m sorry, I’m a bit of an ass at first, but I do care. I care about you a lot, and the fact that you stayed with me makes me happy,” he said.

  “Same. I’m really sorry for making hasty judgments as well. You’re not a freak, but rather a person that I care about a lot. I was apprehensive about you when you got hurt. At first, I thought that you were an asshole, that you didn’t like me because of a social class difference. But now I realize that I was very quick to judge as well. I’m so sorry,” she told him.

  He looked at her with a glance, nodding in assent.

  “I’m sorry too. I really am. I should’ve been better, and I should’ve been smarter about my judgments. I was an ass,” he told her.

  “I was an ass too,” she replied. She realized at that moment that Asch wasn’t a bad person, just a bit rough around the edges. It was obvious that he did care about her, however, and she felt the same way too. Was this what love was? She was okay with it if that was the case.

  The two of them both looked at one another, realizing the feelings that they did share were a feeling akin to love.

  “I think I’m falling for you, Hilda. And I think this might work,” he stated.

  “I think so too,” she replied.

  The two of them pushed their lips tog
ether, a hasty and unsure kiss. It felt strange, and she didn’t know what to do about all of this. It was obvious that the two of them would need to work something out, and she knew for sure that it would only get better with time.

  The two of them started to kiss and mingle their lips softly with one another, both of them lightly moaning against the other person. Soon, it became a fury of lips, and soon they were hastily kissing and making out with one another. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and Hilda accepted it. He grasped her curvy body, touching it sensually.

  Hilda was amazed at how good this felt. She hadn’t been with a guy in forever, mainly due to the fact she had to take care of her mom. This didn’t feel like an ordinary encounter, but rather an encounter where she would be able to express the love that she had for this man.

  He pushed her down, his lips still against her own, and soon his body started to lightly grind against hers. He let his hands gently massage against the curves of her body, loving the way she felt under him. Hilda moaned, her dark hair spread out in all directions. Asch’s eyes tantalized her, and as his lips continued to dot over hers, he looked at her with a lustful and predatory gaze. She took a fist full of his silver hair, petting it and touching it. He let out a small moan, loving the way that it felt.

  It was hot, she had to admit. She could already feel her pussy wetting with desire, and soon Asch took the liberty to kiss down her body, lightly touching and licking the various areas until he got to her collarbone. He left a mark there, but Hilda didn’t care. She wanted to be branded by this man, to be taken by this gorgeous stud.

  He then pulled her shirt over her head, and Hilda blushed, gasping as his hands reached up to massage her breasts. She moaned, bucking her hips up as he let his fingers dance against the edge of her breasts before letting the pads of his fingers touch the tip of her nipple. She moaned, and soon her body craved more attention. He didn’t waste any time undoing the clasp on her bra, taking off the garment and grasping her luscious and giant breasts.

  She blushed as his hands bushed her nipples, the difference in temperature apparent. She moaned at the sensation, and soon he started to trace his finger against the tip of her nipple before lightly pressing into it. She let out a gasp, screaming out as she felt him continue to use his hands to manipulate her nipples. They hardened at his touch, and soon his tongue flicked over the edge of the areola, touching the puckered area until he got to the bud. He sucked on the nipple, letting his tongue swish over the hard flesh. She groaned, feeling her body start to become undone through just a few simple touches. She wanted this, and Asch did as well.

  He pulled away, pushing his silver hair back and looking at the flushed, breathy sight in front of him. He felt his cock lightly twinge in hardness, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he took things further. He moved his hands down to her pants, taking them off in a swift fashion. She moaned, feeling the cold air against her clothed pussy. Of course, he slipped her panties off within seconds of that, and soon she shivered at the sudden exposure. Asch also took the liberty to shed his shirt and pants as well, the only thing being left on was his boxers. They were already struggling to hold his aching cock, and Hilda moaned in anticipation as she looked at him.

  He suddenly pushed his finger against her clit, moving past the hood to the bundle of nerves. He stroked the area, lightly pawing at it and making her go crazy under him. His other finger ghosted against her entrance, circling around the area. She let out a small series of moans as he continued to do this, pumping his finger in there while his other hand pawed at her clit. It was only a matter of time before she became a screaming, writhing mess, and Asch knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold back for much longer.

  He pulled down his boxers, grabbing a condom from his small wallet. He always had one just in case, and soon he sheathed his throbbing member with it. He spread her legs apart, pushing his throbbing member into her.

  She moaned, feeling his cock fill her up completely. He started to thrust in and out of her, starting off slowly and then moving at a faster pace. She was screaming out, happy that there wasn’t anyone around to hear them as he began to ravage her body, loving the way her wet pussy took him all the way in. the sounds of skin slapping against one another and heavy breathing were the only things the two of them could hear right now, and Hilda was happy to oblige this man and make him go crazy with desire.

  She was already at her edge, and after a couple of moments, she hit her sweet spot, and she cried out in pleasure. She felt her hips buck, her pussy tighten, and soon she came hard against him, loving the way that her body tightened around his aching member before she came hard.

  At that moment, the tightness of her pussy was enough for him. He let out a cry as well, feeling his body start to tense up as his cock spilled its release out. He loved how it felt, and after a moment or so, he slipped out, looking at her.

  “So I guess that was it. It was love,” he said.

  “It sure was. I’m not used to these feelings, but I hope I can get used to them,” she replied.

  “You will. I’m not used to it too. This is the first time I’ve loved another person, and I’m glad that I do,” he replied.

  She nodded, feeling happy with the way everything panned out. They kissed for a while, cuddling up to one another and enjoying their presence.

  The two of them arranged to get married after that. Gaius made sure that Hilda’s mother was taken care of, and soon she was treated by the best medical professionals out there. He made sure that all of the bills were taken care of, and soon her mother was back to health. Her mother was happy to be alive, and she immediately approved of her and Asch together. Gaius was very nice as well, and even Hilda’s mother thought that he was attractive.

  The two of them continued to explore their love for one another, and Hilda realized that she learned something that was more important than anything else. That was acceptance, a concept that she never really realized could be a problem for her. She definitely enjoyed the feelings that she got from this, and she knew that although the path was rocky at first, they would be okay with whatever would come about.

  The wedding was set a year from when they realized their love, and a year came quickly. Her mother had recovered back to health, and she was sitting in the front row, watching as her daughter started to walk down the aisle. She could feel her tears welling in her eyes as Gaius took her hand and escorted her to the front. She didn’t have anyone else as a father figure, and Gaius took care of both Asch and her equally. When the preacher said those words, the two of them knew that this was it, that this was the start of the rest of their lives.

  The ceremony went without a hitch, and Hilda felt happiness in ways she never expected to feel. The two of them sealed their marriage with a kiss, and it was obvious that they would be able to have the life that they both wanted without fail. It would be okay, and it would always be better for the two of them. After all, they would continue to learn acceptance and understand one another thoroughly. It would be a journey they both would enjoy, and after a while they would finally understand the way things were, and they would continue to have a great experience with one another no matter what. After a bit of time, the two of them started to grow to love one another in ways they never expected, learning the core elements of acceptance and understanding their feelings.

  The two of them did an action that was special, and that was living happily ever after. Hilda never thought that she would get to this point in her life, for she always thought that happily ever afters were for those lucky girls, but right now, at that moment, as she got married to him on that platform, she realized that she finally did make her dream come true, and she would live happily ever after - no matter what.



  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Clare Hudson, “The Bear’s Bravery”

  The Bear’s Bravery –A Paranormal Shifter Romance


  The t
wo friends stood side by side, skipping stones into the lake and not saying much. Everyone from the tribe, it seemed, did that as a form of therapy; when words were insufficient to capture heartfelt emotions. Then Eric walked back to the boulder and leapt onto it and just sat there staring ahead, lost in thought. Bradley followed after him and gave him a firm grip on the shoulder as a show of empathy.

  “It might not be that bad,” he said as he tried to console the young man.

  “Easy for you to say; you are over the hill, and you landed a good one,” Eric countered. “Look at me! Do I look at all ready or eager or willing to do any of this now?”

  “You really don’t have much of a choice, man,” Bradley told him. “That’s just the way things are. We have lived like this for centuries, and we aren’t worse off because of it.”

  “That doesn’t make it right,” Eric snarled. “I should be able to choose who I spend the rest of my life with, under normal circumstances. I shouldn’t be forced into it just because I happened to be born this way.”

  “But you were born this way, Eric, and you know well the consequences of not obeying. Our forefathers have been known to protect us, and we get to keep our abilities as a reward for it.”

  “Yeah, well maybe I’m better off without it,” Eric said, heaving an exasperated sigh.

  “You don’t mean that,” Bradley said to him. “You’ll see; you will look back on this moment soon enough and laugh at yourself. Who knows, you might get to save the girl of your dreams.”

  “The rules don’t even make sense,” Eric continued to protest. “Why twenty-five? Why not when I’m forty and don’t care who I end up with. It’s stupid.”

  “Careful now,” Bradley said as he looked around. “You are bordering on blasphemy now.” The two sat in silence for a few moments after that as Eric stewed some more. “Twenty-five is the prime of our lives, and it’s the time when the spirits dole out their richest blessings on us. We are at our best in those years; good strong men who will lead the next generation of bears into this tribe.”


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