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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 70

by Tia Siren


  Several dates later and Eric was growing devastatingly in love with Marissa Evans. He could be seen everywhere with her, and she was not the same woman since. It was after dinner one night that she finally decided she would spend the night at his apartment. Eric’s heart raced like he had never been with a woman before, and she did the same for she couldn’t remember the last time she was with anyone.

  She trembled each time he touched her, and when his lips found her bare skin, it was like electricity coursing through her veins. Eric ran his hand along the length of hers as he pressed himself against her. His lips began tracing the outline of hers, and his hands moved from hers to places on her long forgotten by a man. Her body was firm and taut, and she smelled like a sunny day as he drank in her warmth, making it his own. Her breasts lay bare before him, and he cupped one while sucking the other.

  Marissa twitched when she felt his icy cold tongue, still chilled from the champagne, as it covered her peaks, and she moaned. Her legs started sliding up and down the silky sheets, and she grabbed a handful when he lowered his head and began licking the tender spot at her throat. She held onto him now as he made his way south, carving out a path on her with his tongue, or rather, making abstract art as his head bobbed and weaved as he moved. His thumb found her pulsating center, and as he strummed her like a guitar, he suckled her breast and slid his middle finger inside her.

  Eric started moaning when he felt her juice flowing over him, and he stroked, gently at first, and then more vigorously after. Then, when she started screaming, begging him to take her, he lost control. She held his manhood firmly in her hands, impatient for him, and guided him inside her. Eric bellowed as her walls closed in on him, and then he grew wild. He pressed her legs apart, and then drove into her, directly, then side to side, gyrating as he did. She started moving beneath him, welcoming him, and, at the moment, she gripped him with her walls, he pressed further into her.

  Then he rose up and drew her closer to the edge of the bed, planting himself firmly within her again as the beast was released. He howled as he felt his body tense and the liquid racing inside him, and he grew weak as it spilled inside her.

  Their chests heaved when it was over, and he plopped down on the bed next to her. Her hand found his and she clasped it with her own. He smiled as he looked over at her, and wiped a trail of sweat from her face. And then they slept.

  “There is something you need to know,” he told her in the morning as he got dressed. They had spent the night in blissful slumber. But that was just the first part. Now Eric was anxious about how she would feel when she knew what he was. “Better yet, there is something I want you to see.”

  “What?” she asked, a panicked look now etched into her features.

  “Not to worry, dear. It’s just that, you haven’t met my family as yet,” he told her. “Get dressed.”

  An hour later they were standing in the clearing that separated them from the rest of the bears. “Where are we?” She looked around as she tried to discern her actual location.

  “I may look like this sometimes, but this isn’t who I truly am.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked as they got to the trees.

  “Just keep walking, and listen,” he told her. “For centuries we have lived here, protecting the humans, and we will do so until time is no more.”

  “What do you mean, humans? What are you talking about, and where are we going?” she asked. Then she turned and saw a great black bear resting on four paws before her. Marissa almost tripped as she backed away, and she had every intention to flee until she saw the clothes on the ground. “Eric?” It was then that she stopped and looked into his eyes. “What? I don’t understand,” she said as she looked at him in disbelief. “You’re a bear?”

  Eric grunted then and moved his head from side to side. Then he made a purring sound as he walked up to her. He stared into her eyes and then lowered his head as if he wanted her to touch him. Marissa felt no fear as she did, and then she started laughing. Eric cocked his bear’s head to one side while trying to determine the source of her laughter.

  “And I thought I had issues,” she laughed. She stroked his head when he began rubbing it against her. “I’ll take you in any form you come,” she whispered.

  Eric grunted, and, before her eyes, he resumed his human shape, and it fascinated her to watch him do it. “You aren’t afraid of me now?”

  “How could I be afraid of the man, the bear, who braved the odds to be with me? You saved my life, so now you get to keep me,” she said and reached up to kiss him tenderly on the lips.

  Eric had never felt such joy as he did at that moment. Well, except at the ceremony a week later just before the third moon rose. Marissa walked down the aisle to meet Eric in his native form, and she was almost sure she saw him smile. Michael performed the ceremony, and at the end, he shared a knowing look with Eric.

  “Works every time,” he said as he patted him and walked off.

  Marissa had taken to the bears like she had always belonged, and they received her in the same way. Now she touched the garland hanging around Eric’s neck, the only accessory he wore, as he followed her to his secret place. Once there, he resumed his human shape, and she stared at him as he lay there like a Roman God.

  “So, do you think you can do that thing where...”

  “Not here, Eric,” she said as she looked around for onlookers.

  “It’s the honeymoon spot, my love,” he said and pulled her on top of him. She squealed with delight as she landed on him. “No one will come around here anytime soon.”

  “Ooh, in that case...” She started removing her bridal dress, and he laid there patiently waiting for her to complete her task. “You can get it as long as you like.”

  Eric caught her as she rolled over onto him, and as he held her and their lips collided, he knew he was complete.



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  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Clare Hudson, “To Lure a Mate”

  To Lure A Mate – A Paranormal Romance Shifter

  Chapter 1

  “Kerri Geiser? Mr. Lane would like to see you now.” Kerri stopped typing mid-sentence before looking up at a well-dressed blonde woman standing in the doorway. Kerri felt her skin prick with sweat as she became nervous. Why did the boss want to see her? Had she done something wrong? Kerri got up, a little flustered.

  The secretary looked at her, noting her anxiety, but said nothing. She had escorted many people to Mr. Lane’s office, and it was seldom for good reason. The secretary predicted that this girl would soon be packing up her things. Mr. Lane was always so brutal. You were never safe with him. He could love you one moment and fire you the next.

  “O…okay…” Kerri finally muttered as she ran her fingers through her bright red hair. She looked at the secretary with big blue eyes, biting her lip. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

  Kerri tried to focus her mind on the clicking of the secretary’s heels. She followed the sound down the hallway, all the way to the end. In front of her now was a large black door with the letters ‘Mr. Lane’ tacked to it. They seemed to be made of gold.

  Kerri had worked for Lane Industries for six months now. She was making decent money, enough to afford an apartment and a good life. She couldn’t lose her job.

  The secretary moved forward now and opened the door. Kerri looked at her, again biting her lip. Hesitantly, she walked into the large, luxurious office. She looked around for a moment, seeing the central desk empty. The whole room seemed to be empty. Where was Mr. Lane?

  The door closed behind her, and Kerri jumped. She heard a chuckle coming fro
m the left-hand side of the room. Her head snapped in that direction, and she saw Mr. Lane standing at the back counter apparently making himself a coffee. Kerri looked confused. Wasn’t it his secretary’s job to fetch him coffee? Kerri watched as he gathered some tea leaves and steeped them in hot water. Kerri didn’t expect him to be a tea drinker.

  “No one can ever make tea to my liking, so I just do it myself.” Mr. Lane turned now, looking at the girl. She looked nervous. He knew that look well, and he grinned to himself. “Please, sit.” Kerri’s eyes widened at his words. Before she could make a fool of herself, she quickly sat down on one of the nearby couches. Mr. Lane took another moment to perfect his tea before sitting down.

  “You must be wondering why I called you here today,” he said after taking a sip of his drink. Kerri nodded her head, averting his eyes. Mr. Lane’s eyes were intense as he looked at the girl. “Well, I just wanted to personally congratulate you on your new promotion.” He smiled, seeing the girl’s expression.

  Kerri looked up at him in shock. Her cheeks reddened, nearly obscuring the freckles that adorned her face. Had she heard correctly? She was getting a promotion? She couldn’t believe it. Her boss looked at her with a grin on his face.

  “Y…you mean you are really promoting me?” She asked, her voice meek. Mr. Lane nodded.

  “Indeed, you are now head of the IT department.” Kerri’s eyes widened. She was in a state of shock.

  “T…th… thank you!” She stuttered after a moment. Her heart was beating quickly as she thought about her promotion.

  “You move into your new office next week.” Kerri blushed, thinking about herself in her own office. She had worked in a cubical all her life; now she had her own office.

  “Thank you!” She said again.

  Chapter 2

  After Kerri’s exciting day at work, she rushed to get home. She quickly changed into comfortable clothes before flopping onto her bed. She grabbed her phone and dialed her best friend’s number, impatiently waiting for him to pick up.

  As she waited, she looked at her favorite teddy bear. Her best friend had given it to her on her 12th birthday, and she had never slept a day without it. She was playing with its paw when she heard the sound of someone picking up the phone. She didn’t even give her friend enough time to say hello.

  “Patrick!” She squealed at a very high-pitched volume. Patrick, on the other end of the line, had to keep the phone away from his ear to keep from going deaf.

  “Damn… what is it, Kerri? Are you trying to make me deaf? How am I supposed to be a musician if I am deaf?” He joked around, his deep chuckle coming through the phone.

  “Sowwie…” Kerri muttered back in her apologetic voice. Patrick grinned. She could be such a child at times. “But… but… but… guess what?!” She yelled into the phone again before she could stop herself.

  “What?” Patrick answered once he thought it was safe to put the phone to his ear again.

  “I got a promotion!” She said excitedly, jumping on her bed.

  “No way! That’s awesome! I’ll be right there!”

  Soon enough, Patrick was knocking on her door with a bottle of champagne in his hand. Kerri smiled widely as she saw her friend and hugged him tightly. Patrick leaned down and scooped her up, carrying her into the apartment. He playfully tossed her onto the bed and before pouncing her.

  “Oh no! Big bad Patrick got me!” He grinned and looked at her.

  “That’s right! And do you know what big bad Patrick is going to do?” Kerri shook her head as she looked up at her friend with large eyes.

  Patrick grinned wildly. Suddenly he tickled her. She squealed in surprise, curling up into a tiny ball. She tried to get away, but her friend, nearly six feet tall and well-built was too strong for her. Suddenly he pulled her into a bear hug while smiling to himself.

  He held her for a moment as his heart beat quickly inside of his chest. There were untold emotions hiding in his heart, and he thought about them now as he held her close. He looked down as he felt one of her delicate fingers trace a tattoo on his arm.

  “You got a new tattoo,” Kerri said, looking up at him. “And when are you going to shave off that beard?” She whined at him playfully. He chuckled.

  “What do you want me to look twelve again?” They both chuckled.

  “You were definitely cuter when you were twelve.” She giggled as she said this, looking at her best friend. Patrick looked like a typical bad boy, with tattoos decorating his arms and chest, and a well-trimmed beard. In reality, however, he was a softie and Kerri loved that about him. They had been friends since the second grade, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

  “C’mon, let’s celebrate!” Patrick grabbed the bottle of champagne and opened it, the foam spilling onto his hand. He slurped it up as he heard Kerri giggle. He watched as she ran out of the room before coming back with two glasses. He poured the champagne before lying in bed with her. They then watched a movie together.

  Eventually, Kerri fell asleep on Patrick’s shoulder. He looked down at her and gently kissed the top of her head. He missed spending time with her. She was always so busy with her new job. They rarely spent time together anymore. Patrick thought back to high school when they were inseparable. He missed those days.

  As he thought about this, he looked around and noticed the time. It was still early. He nudged Kerri awake.

  “Hmm?” She asked confused as she rubbed her eyes.

  “We haven’t eaten yet, do you want to go to my place? I’ll make dinner.” Kerri’s face lit up.

  Soon they were at Patrick’s apartment. It was shabbier than Kerri’s. Patrick was an up and coming musician. Therefore, he made significantly less money than she did. However, he made the most of what he had.

  Kerri was sitting at the kitchen table watching Patrick cook now. She smiled to herself as her eyes followed his every movement. For someone so big, he moved elegantly. While Kerri was admiring her best friend, there was a knock on the door.

  “Do you want me to get that?” Kerri asked. Patrick nodded. Kerri walked over to the door and opened it to find a beautiful woman standing in the doorway. She looked confused when she looked down at Kerri.

  “Um… does a guy named Patrick live here?” Kerri nodded after a moment of hesitation. The girl smiled brightly. “Great.” She made her way inside and followed her nose to the kitchen. “I see you are cooking dinner for us.” Patrick looked at the woman confused.

  “Do you know this girl Patrick?” Kerri asked, her voice barely a whisper. Patrick shook his head. The unknown girl hit his arm playfully.

  “Of course you know me! I’m your date remember!” Patrick turned bright red. Recently, he had signed up an online dating site: This much have been his blind date. Patrick looked embarrassed. Kerri looked upset. Patrick was about to explain himself when Kerri stopped him.

  “I hope you two have fun,” she said politely before making her way out of the apartment. As she made her way down the stairs, there were tears running down her face.

  Chapter 3

  Kerri was soon on the streets of Gloster. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she walked down the cracked sidewalk. She didn’t know where she was going, but she felt like she needed to get away.

  She didn’t know what these emotions were. Could it be that she was feeling jealous? Why? She didn’t like Patrick, did she? Emotions took over making her feel weak. She was forced to stop and lean against a nearby wall. She looked around and noticed the dark, vacant streets. A shiver went up her spine. She knew how dangerous the streets could get at night. Fear suddenly overwhelmed her as she felt very vulnerable.

  She tried not to hyperventilate as she stood there, hugging herself as the cold air wrapped around her, biting against her bare skin. As she stood there, her mind reeled back, bringing forth harsh memories. At that moment, she thought of her last boyfriend: Jerimiah. It was a relationship she wanted to forget.

  As she thought abo
ut her bad breakup,, her mind brought back Patrick. She thought about him now. She knew deep down that she had feelings for him, but she was scared. She didn’t want to mess things up with him. She didn’t want to destroy the beautiful friendship they had together. She didn’t want to fall in love again and get hurt.

  All these thoughts and emotions swirled around in her head as she leaned a cold brick wall again. Up the road, a group of men started to walk toward her. She started to panic, but she couldn’t move. She was frozen with fear.

  At that moment, a sleek black car appeared before her. She looked at the car and recognized it instantly. She bit her lip, her gaze shifting from the group of men to the car in front of her. Eventually, she was forced to pick the lesser of two evils. She got in the car.

  The car drove off once she was safely buckled inside. She refused to look at the driver. She looked out the tinted window instead. She didn’t know what to do.

  “What, no thank you for your prince in shining armor? I just saved you from those guys.” Kerri cringed upon hearing his voice.

  She finally looked at him. His hair was dyed white now, and there was a dream catcher earring dangling from his ear lobe. His eyes were bright yellow, and she wondered how much the colored contacts had cost him.

  “Thanks…” She finally muttered under her breath. The man grinned as his hand tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.

  “What, after all this time, that’s all you have to say?” He asked his voice tense. She didn’t want to have this conversation right now. All she wanted to do was forget about this man, but now she was trapped in a car with him.

  “Look, can you just bring me home Jay?”

  “Fine.” He drove faster.

  Chapter 4

  Patrick ran after Kerri the second he got away from Skye. He rushed down the street, looking for her, but he ran in the wrong direction. Eventually, he turned around and ran in the other direction. By this time, he was too late.


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