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Cassidy and the Princess

Page 26

by Patricia Potter

He didn’t tell her that he had, that her mother had convinced him to give her time. “I didn’t want you to have divided loyalties,” he said.

  Her eyes searched his. “You don’t have to worry about that. Not any longer.”

  “I’ve missed you,” he said, knowing his voice sounded like a croak. “More than I thought it possible to miss anyone.”

  Relief seemed to fill her face. And, incredibly, love.

  “Then, you won’t mind if I move to Atlanta?” she asked in a voice that was little more than a whisper.

  “Atlanta?” Suddenly, he had a deep suspicion. “Manny…”

  “I swore him to secrecy,” she said. “I’ve just accepted a proposal from the owner of the ice rink where Joey practices. I’ll coach skating there.”

  “What about…?” He couldn’t finish the sentence. His heart was pounding too loudly.

  “Paul has a new partner. It will take him time, but she has the same goals as he does.”

  “Your mother?”

  “Professional skating is her life. She’s going to manage Paul, along with several other skaters. My leaving opens up new opportunities for her.”

  He couldn’t quite take it all in.

  She hesitated. “Manny said…you would be pleased. But don’t think you owe me anything. It was just time for me to leave and settle down. I want a dog and a house and friends. Manny was the only person I knew outside skating and—”

  “Thank God for Manny,” he said, stopping her torrent by placing a finger to her lips.

  “Then, you are not…displeased.”

  “God, no,” he said. “You don’t know how much I missed you, but I knew how much you wanted…needed to do what you’ve worked for your whole life. I thought leaving you alone would be the best gift I could give you.”

  “The best gift…is you,” she said.

  “I can get a desk job,” he offered. “Or try something else.”

  “No,” she said. “You wouldn’t be you.”

  “But you would be giving up skating.”

  “No,” she said. “I can still do Pro-Ams as a single,” she said. “But what I really want to do is teach. I think it’s what I’ve always wanted to do.”

  And looking into her eyes, he knew it was right for her. He remembered the times she had tried to say that. He just hadn’t been able to accept the fact that anyone could really give up what she had.

  He had been afraid of another failure, of hurting someone else, just as she had been afraid to disappoint those she loved. They both had cheated themselves. But she had more guts than he had.

  Or maybe fate had ordained they make the decision at the same time, each overcoming their own demons.

  He put his arms around and kissed her. Long and hard. Tenderly. Hungrily.

  He heard Joey giggle behind him.

  He looked in Marise’s eyes. They were glowing. Even more than when she’d been on the ice. They were glowing for him.

  He touched her hair and wondered whether this was really happening.

  “Yes,” she said, pulling back and answering his unasked question.

  “I love you, princess.”

  “I didn’t think you would ever say that, Cassidy,” she said.

  “Cassidy and the princess,” Joey said in a wondering voice behind them.

  “Forever,” Cassidy added.

  And he knew that it was true.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0373-0


  Copyright © 2001 by Patricia Potter

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