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Daddy Wolves: Silver Wolves MC Box Set

Page 16

by Sky Winters

  “How do you know she’s not just putting on a little weight?” Aspen snarled.

  “I wasn’t born yesterday, Mr. Lowery.”

  “What is it you want? Who are you?” Aspen asked.

  Grant could tell he recognized him, but hadn’t quite placed his face just yet. He squinted at him as he tried to sort out who he was. Rather than let it linger, Grant decided to just get on with what he came here to say.

  “My name is Grant Harper. I came here not too long ago and asked to join the Silver Wolves pack. You turned me down.”

  “And now, here you are again. Why? The Dire Wolves send you in to negotiate?”

  “No, not to negotiate. To infiltrate.”

  Aspen stopped leaning on the counter and rose to his full height, looking menacingly down. Grant wondered how tall he was. He himself was a little over six foot one, so Grant was bound to be at least six four. He had never seen Aspen’s wolf, but he was betting he wouldn’t want it coming at him on a dark path in the woods.

  “Yeah? How’s that working out for you?”

  “Listen, I didn’t come here to threaten you. I came here to help.”

  “What makes you think I want the help of a filthy dog from the Dire Wolves?”

  “You don’t, but I’m not a Dire Wolf. I mean, I went to them after you rejected me. I lost my pack and needed one, but I’ve never really fit in there despite having gained their trust. Saul sent me to try to get into the Silver Wolves again, to hopefully play upon your sympathies and gain information. Instead, I met Elizabeth and Amanda and decided I couldn’t do that to your pack.”

  “So, you just accidentally met them, huh? You’re here telling me that you set up a “chance” meeting with my family and then came here to double cross your pack because you liked them so much?”

  “No. I’m here to tell you that I’m in love with your daughter.”

  “You love me?” a voice said from behind him.

  Grant whirled around, wondering where she had come from and how much she had heard of this conversation. He never even saw the blow coming as Aspen punched him so hard he went flying back onto the floor and came stalking toward him. Immediately, Elizabeth was on top of him, protecting him from her father’s wrath.

  “No! Don’t hurt him. He hasn’t done anything wrong,” she protested angrily.

  “The hell he hasn’t. He’s a Dire Wolf! He came here to nose around in our business and find out what they wanted to know.”

  Elizabeth froze for a moment and then looked down at him with a stricken look. He might as well have slapped her right in the face from the looks of it.

  “Is that true?” she breathed.

  “Yes, but then things changed. I got to know you and things changed. I came here to talk to your father about how we could best protect your pack,” he replied, rubbing his already aching jaw with one hand as he pulled himself up from the floor and helped Elizabeth up from where she sat looking shocked.

  Aspen looked as if he might explode. Grant knew he was on shaky ground here. He was at risk of being attacked by the entire pack if he didn’t sort this out quickly and get out of here. They would rip him apart. Instead, he found Aspen studying him, trying to size him up.

  “I don’t like you. You have obviously brainwashed Mouse into falling for your bullshit, but I’m not quite so easy. What sort of asshole takes advantage of a girl?”

  “My name is not Mouse. It is Elizabeth and I am not a girl. You need to realize I’ve grown up, Aspen” Elizabeth barked at him, emphasizing his name rather than calling him anything remotely akin to “father.”

  “Elizabeth, it’s not your father’s fault,” Grant told her softly.

  “And you? I can’t believe you! I trusted what you told me. The whole time you were just lying to get close to me, to get information out of me!”

  “That’s not true,” he said.

  “What part of it? What part is not true?”

  “I admit that I started out trying to get to know you because I needed information, but you have become so much more than that to me.” Grant cast a glance toward Aspen and could see his entire head was red with anger. Not only had Grant crossed him, but he had hurt his little girl too and Aspen must, no doubt, be wondering just how far he had gone to take advantage of her.

  “Elizabeth, get out of here. Grant and I have some talking to do,” Aspen said, his voice even despite his obvious anger.

  “I . . .,” she began to say but he held up his hand toward her.

  “No. Just do as I ask for once in your life. I’ve been too easy on you and it’s made you too trusting. Leave before I have to pick you up and put you out.”

  Elizabeth left in a huff, her face a mask of anger and fear, not for herself. He had no doubt she was well aware that her father would never hurt her, but it was a different matter what he might do to Grant. It told him a lot. She might be mad, but she loved him too. Once she was gone, he turned back to Aspen, waiting for what the man might dole out to him, prepared to shift and do the best he could against enormous odds.

  “Tell me what you’ve told the Dire Wolves.”

  “Nothing yet. I’ve only told him that I was making progress in getting into the clubhouse by getting to know the daughter.”

  “How did you even get near her? I have protection on her all hours of the day.”

  “Surely you know that she is very capable of eluding bodyguards if she chooses to do so. She’s a smart girl.”

  “Yeah. Always has been. You know, she lived on the streets until she was almost a teen. I had to kill a man to protect her. Do you think I won’t do it again?”

  “I know you will, but I’m not the one she needs protection from. Listen, I came here from a dead pack. I lost everyone. I tried to get you to take me in, but you refused. The Dire Wolves let me in, but I learned quickly what they were about. A bunch of alpha wolves prancing around and beating on their chests like apes in the jungle, showing off who is the biggest and baddest to anyone who will pay attention. You’re a threat to them and they want you gone. They won’t stop until they make that happen.”

  “We are no threat. They just don’t want it to be too noticeable that so many people have disappeared from town at once. They pick us off a few at a time. We just have to be careful.”

  “Is that what you think? You think the Dire Wolves are hesitant to come in here and wipe you out? They aren’t. They are planning to do just that. They sent me to find out how. They sent me to find out the easiest way to take you down without losing too many men or leaving enough that they would face retaliation.”

  Aspen pursed his lips, lost in thought for a moment. Finally, he looked back up at him and nodded quietly.

  “What is it that you think we should do?”

  “Honestly, I think you should leave, but I know you won’t. So, your only other option is to take them on. Set them up, take them out. Exactly what they had planned to do to you.”

  “Alright. I’m going to trust you. I don’t know why. I don’t know you, but if Elizabeth trusts you, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Double cross me and I promise I will kill you myself, even if I have to come back from my tomb to do it.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “You can go. Tell Saul that you’ve found your way into the Silver Wolves, but you can’t run back and forth from here to there. I’ll find you a room at the clubhouse. You’ll be closely monitored by a few choice members.”

  “I’d expect as much.”

  Aspen waved him off, following him toward the door. As they walked across the front room and he escorted him out the door, he leaned down and quietly whispered, “And stay the fuck away from my daughter.”

  Grant nodded solemnly, knowing that was going to be the hardest part of this. He had meant what he said about having fallen in love with her, but if he had to keep his distance to protect her, he would do so. At this point, she probably wanted nothing to do with him anyway.

  Chapter 16

  The light
was flashing on his cell phone as he sat back down in his car. He took a deep breath and exhaled before picking it up. It was her. He had known it would be. Laying it back down on the seat, he headed for the cabin. He would read them later. It was just too much right now. She was hurt and he couldn’t bear it.

  “When did you become such a pussy?” he asked himself aloud, slamming the car into gear and making a hasty retreat.

  Back at home, he had a beer and tried to relax. He still hadn’t read the messages and wasn’t ready to do so just yet. Instead, he kicked back on the sofa and watched a movie. By the time it ended, he couldn’t tell you what it was or what had happened in it. His thoughts were far away during the entirety of it.

  “Fuck my life,” he grumbled as he retrieved the phone and glanced at the messages. All three were from Elizabeth.

  “I can’t believe you did this to me.”

  “Was I just another notch in your belt then?”

  “Don’t ever speak to me again.”

  It pained him to know he had hurt her so much. He knew in the beginning that he might, but it hadn’t mattered then. Now that he had gotten to know her, had spent time with her, it was different. The last thing he had expected was to love her, but damned if he didn’t. He decided not to respond, to let her be angry. Perhaps, in the course of time, she would learn the truth and forgive him. If not, then he would at least know that he had saved her. At least he hoped he could save her . . . And her family.

  The following day, he returned to the clubhouse to meet with Aspen. Elizabeth was nowhere in sight as Aspen introduced him to his Uncle, and got his blessing for him to join the Silver Wolves, at least for now. It was tense, and he still wasn’t sure he would get out of this alive, but what else could he do?

  “You fuck us over and I’ll rip out your heart boy,” Aspen’s uncle told him.

  “Duly noted,” he responded.

  There was nothing to fear from the old man, he was weak and useless as anything more than a figurehead, but there were plenty of wolves in the pack that weren’t, namely Aspen.

  “Come on. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the pack. Remember, you are not to tell anyone why you are here but me. Amanda will know and, of course, Elizabeth already knows. She’s really pissed at you and I don’t even want to know why, but remember what I told you. Keep your distance.”

  “Got it.”

  “Alright. Let’s get your things and get you in a room then.”

  Sleeping under the same roof as Elizabeth was going to be hell, but he’d manage it. He wasn’t sure if he was hoping not to run into her or to run into her constantly. He really wanted to see her, but to do so might cloud his thoughts. His head needed to remain very clear right now if he were seriously going to help take down the Dire Wolves and live to tell about it.

  “I’m curious, Aspen. If there is a long time curse on the dire wolves, how did Amanda get pregnant.”

  “We don’t know, not yet. She seems to be the only one. Some of the other guys have been giving it a go, as often as possible, though I think some of them are just horny. Anyway, no one else has conceived. Either there is something about her, or the curse has only been partially lifted.”

  “Maybe it’s you?”

  “Nah. I don’t think so. I’m no fucking angel. Before Amanda came along, I fucked half the humans in this county and a few shifters. Not one of them ever got pregnant. Maybe we will find out in time.”

  “Maybe so.”

  “Alright, come on. We’ve got plenty to do if we are going to be ready for the Dire Wolves when they come for us.”

  They spent most of the afternoon and part of the evening behind closed doors with a handful of trusted members. There was no scenario they could discuss that seemed foolproof, but they covered a lot of angles. By the time dinner rolled around, they were all starving and thirsty. Aspen invited him to the kitchen to help with dinner.

  There were already a half-dozen of the female club members inside prepping food. None of them seemed surprised when Aspen came in and jumped in to help. They seemed a lot more interested in the fresh meat that arrived with him, looking Grant up and down appreciatively as he stood awkwardly by.

  “You always help cook?” he asked.

  “Not always, but when I can. I’m a bit of a kitchen bitch. Doesn’t really go with the whole big bad biker wolf image does it?”

  “No, not even a little.”

  Aspen shrugged and began dicing up some vegetables as he spoke. He seemed to not be so wary of Grant now, but no doubt he was still not going to completely trust him for quite some time, if ever. Still, he began telling him about his upbringing and why he loved to cook so much. Then, he moved on to Elizabeth, how he had found her and what her home life had been like, why he wouldn’t let her go back there or into the system where she might end up with someone worse.

  “Do you understand what I’m telling you, Grant?”

  “Yes. I think so.”

  “There are a lot of things that are important to me, but at the top of that list is my family. Elizabeth, Amanda, the baby and my club. Tread lightly.”

  “No problem.”

  “Here, help me cut this stuff up.”

  “I’m no cook.”

  “You aren’t stupid though are you? You can see what I’m doing and duplicate it, right?”

  Grant laughed and picked up a knife nearby, grabbing a handful of carrots and chopping them up. They were busy chatting about their childhoods some more, but Grant hadn’t begun to tell him about how things had ended up for him.

  “You know that one day soon I’m going to want you to explain to me how your entire pack died but you made it out.”

  “I know. We’ll get to it, but it’s a long story and would only detract from what is going on right now. I will tell you about it if you need to know.”

  “Fair enough. Consider it tabled for now. We’ll get to it in time.”

  They were still cutting up vegetables when Elizabeth made her way into the kitchen. She froze in place when she saw Grant standing beside her father. He hesitated for a moment as their eyes met. Hers were red and puffy. She had obviously been crying.

  “Why is he here?” she demanded.

  “He is part of the Silver Wolves now,” Aspen said rather non-chalantly.

  “What? Why? You know what he did!”

  “Elizabeth, not here. Not right now,” Aspen told her.

  She stormed out wordlessly and Grant hung his head, focusing on his vegetables. Aspen took a deep breath before speaking again.

  “I don’t know what you said or did to her, but I think that you might want to consider apologizing soon. Either that, or sleep with one eye open.”

  “I was planning on doing that anyway,” Grant replied.

  “Good idea,” Aspen replied dryly.

  They continued to help prepare food, with Aspen putting the ingredients together as he got them ready. Once everything was in the oven, he took him out to show him around a bit. The one thing that Grant noticed he did not show him was where the entrance to the tunnels was hidden. Looking around, there was nothing that gave it away. However, he did recognize many of the paintings on the wall as those from the books Elizabeth had brought for him to look over that first time they had secretly met in the library.

  Once they were done, they rejoined the rest of the club for dinner. Elizabeth wasn’t there. He assumed she wasn’t hungry until he saw Amanda carrying a plate down the hall. He figured it must be for her. When Amanda returned, she didn’t so much as gaze his way. Apparently, Elizabeth wasn’t the only one that was pissed off at him. He supposed he had taken advantage of her kind nature, as well.

  He sighed heavily and took a bite of his food. Why shouldn’t every Lowery woman in this place be pissed at him? He was just lucky that Aspen could see past that and recognize him for the benefit he could be to the club. At least, he hoped he would be. Otherwise, he might be looking at a rough situation no matter which side got hold of him.

; “The guys will be up a while watching the tube if you want to hang with some of them, get to know them. Otherwise, your room is ready and you can just call it a night,” Aspen told him, standing up with his now empty plate in hand.

  “I think I might just do that. It’s been a long day and I could use some sleep. Early morning followed by a very long day ahead of me tomorrow.”

  “That it is. I’m headed that way myself. Just drop your plate off in the stack inside the kitchen door when you’re done eating. Someone will take it from there. We have a schedule with the rotation for chores around here. Your name will end up on it once they figure out you’re staying.”

  “As long as they don’t want me to cook,” Grant replied.

  “We try to cut down on the risk of being poisoned by not letting strangers cook for us,” Aspen said, walking away with not so much as a chuckle.

  Grant finished off the last of his food and had another beer before heading off to his room. The truth was that he just wanted to try to get what sleep he could. It was going to be difficult knowing that Elizabeth was in the same clubhouse and he couldn’t talk to her, touch her, hold her. He wanted desperately to make things right, but it would have to wait until she was willing to listen. Stripping down to his underwear, he slipped between the cool, clean sheets and turned the lamp off.

  He had hardly dozed over when he heard the door creaking open. He lay still, waiting to see what was going on. The door had been locked, so whoever it was had used a key to get in or picked it. People who weren’t trouble knocked, so it wasn’t a good sign. The door shut behind them as they moved quietly toward his bed. He pounced, grabbing them around the throat and throwing them down on the bed. They were of slight build, but he couldn’t make out much more in the darkness before reaching out to flip the light on. As the room grew light again, he felt the color drain from his face and he let go of Elizabeth’s throat.

  Chapter 17

  “Jesus, Elizabeth. Are you okay? I am so sorry. I didn’t know it was you.”


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