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Daddy Wolves: Silver Wolves MC Box Set

Page 28

by Sky Winters

  “One chance. If she says one more word before these litigations are concluded, I will not hesitate to send her down,” the judge finally said, waving the bailiff back. “That is your only warning. I won’t tolerate that in my court.”

  “Thank you, your honor,” Holly replied.

  She shot a glance in Mystic’s direction, a warning to remain silent or there would be consequences beyond her control. Mystic nodded ever so slightly, letting her know she understood and would behave until they were done here. No good could come of her pissing the judge off any further and she knew that.

  “Does either party have any further evidence or testimony to present in this case?”

  “No, your honor,” both Holly and William replied, practically in unison.

  For a moment, Mystic was amused. She had some errant vision of choreographing class in law school, where they learned to respond to judges in perfect harmony like that. The moment quickly passed as the judge moved on to his final decision in their case.

  “My ruling is that purchases made during the course of the marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Jansen are the sole property of Mr. Jansen, per the pre-nuptial agreement signed by both parties. A full accounting of the items to be retained or returned to Mr. Jansen are set forth in the documents submitted by Mr. Jansen. Are there any further questions?”

  “Yes, your honor, if I may?” William Jansen said, addressing the judge.

  Mystic cringed at the sound of his voice. It grated on her with every word he had spoken during these proceedings, a state of being that only seemed to get worse with every word he spoke. She bit her lip, willing herself to keep silent until the end. Surely, Holly could still change this with an appeal or further litigation of some sort. They had discussed that it might be their only option to continue if this didn’t go her way.

  “Mr. Jansen?”

  “I am asking for an emergency eviction based on your ruling. I’ve not been successful in removing Mrs. Jansen from the premises prior to final legal findings and I’d like to have her vacate within twenty-four hours. Also, I’d like to take possession of the Mercedes I purchased for her immediately. Finally, I would ask that the diamond solitaire and wedding band in her possession be handed over prior to her departure from the courthouse. The set was my mother’s and I do not trust her not to attempt liquidation, something mentioned earlier by her own counsel.”

  Mystic bit her lip harder, trying to maintain control. She was normally very soft spoken, not confrontational at all, but William had pushed her far beyond the limits of human decency. He had her up against a wall and was continuing to batter her. As much as she wanted to be quiet, she soon found that she lacked the ability to do so. Her rage, once again, poured from her like a faucet turned on full tilt before the handle broke off.

  “You worthless piece of shit! Do you not have any human decency at all?” Mystic yelled at Williams from across the courtroom.

  He said nothing, instead turning toward her with that sick little smile of his, which only enraged her further. She had lost control of herself again, even as the judge began to bark at her from the bench.

  “You incredible bastard. Fuck you and everything you ever touch. I wish I could curse you somehow so that you get everything you’ve done to me back tenfold!” Mystic hissed at her soon to be ex.

  “Mrs. Jansen! I warned you. Bailiff, please escort Mrs. Jansen to lockup. Miss Hanover, do you have the rings requested by the defendant in your possession?”

  Holly reached for Mystic’s wrist, trying to calm her with some human contact. It served to quiet her, but she still felt completely at odds with herself and now, as she saw the bailiff making his way toward her, that anger shifted to a sense of helplessness. She could control nothing in her life, not even herself. The bailiff took the arm opposite Holly and began leading her away from the table. Holly nodded to her quietly to just let them take her and then addressed the judge on her behalf again.

  “Yes, your honor. They were turned over to me per the prior request that they be brought to court,” Holly told him as Mystic was led out the courtroom doors and out of earshot.

  Mystic burst into tears as the officer led her down a hallway and a set of stairs to a small precinct located in the basement of the courthouse. She was booked on contempt of court and placed in a small holding cell to await release in twenty-four hours. At least she was alone and not in one of the cells that housed some less desirable tenants. She felt exhausted. Lying back on the cot, she closed her eyes and drifted off. She awakened sometime later by the sound of metal clanging on the cell door.

  “Stand back from the door, prisoner. Chow time,” a burly guard barked at her.

  Sitting up, she blinked the sleep from her eyes and glared at him.

  “I was laying on the damned bunk, asleep. Was all the clanging and yelling really necessary?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you, your majesty. I brought you a lovely dinner entree. Would you like red or white wine with your meal?”

  “How about a bottle of tequila?”

  “Gosh, sorry. We’re fresh out. If you had any sense, you’d be out at a bar celebrating your freedom. Instead, you’re in here eating slop and drinking water.”

  “How about you just give me the water and take the slop back to the pig pen?”

  “Fine with me. You’re going to be hungry come lights out and there are no snacks.”

  “I brought her dinner,” came a voice from behind him.

  “We don’t allow meals from outside,” he said, after whirling around to where Holly stood with a white takeout bag and a fountain drink.

  “No? I’ll just eat it during my meeting with my client then,” she told him.

  “I wasn’t told about any meeting,” he grumbled.

  “Go out and ask your sergeant. He okayed it. I can go back up with you if you like,” she replied.

  “Whatever. I don’t care. I need to check you for weapons first.”

  “I passed through a metal detector just to come in this place. If you lay one finger on me, I’m going to sue your pervy ass so hard, you’ll get busted down to parking lot attendant. My client is not a threat, and neither am I. Now, get out of my way.”

  The guard grunted and carried the tray back out of the cell, waiting until Holly was inside to shut the door. He made his way up the stairs, calling back as he went.

  “I’ll be back in thirty minutes.”

  “I can’t wait to see you again,” Holly shot back.

  She handed Mystic the bag and soda before sitting down beside her on the bunk.

  “What the fuck were you thinking in there?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t thinking. I was just pissed off.”

  “Yeah. That much was obvious. I tried to get you out of here early, but the judge isn’t even entertaining the idea. William even gave him some song and dance about how grateful he was that the judge had giving you a cooling down period so he wasn’t in danger of any violence. He had him asking if he needed to issue a restraining order against you.”

  “What a dick move.”

  “What you did in there, that was a dick move. We have zero chance of appeal.”

  “We had zero chance of appeal anyway.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not, but now it’s less than that.”

  “What am I going to do, Holly? I have no place to live. No job. No money. He even took all my jewelry. Every piece he bought me during the marriage. I mean, I understand him wanting his mother’s rings back. The stuff he bought for me, though. He couldn’t have let me keep that? He cheated on me repeatedly while I was working two jobs to keep us afloat. He finished law school and doubled down on it.”

  “Yes, I know. I didn’t miss out on those drunken 2am phone calls about why he wasn’t home.”

  “I know, Holly. Listen, thanks for all this. I know you did what you could. I’ll figure something out.”

  “You know I have room at my place for you until you get on your feet. The spare bedroom is
yours. I’ve got court tomorrow in a nearby county, but just go on over to the house when you get out and get some rest. I doubt you’ll get any in here tonight. Bob will meet us at the house with his van and we’ll get your personal things from the apartment.”

  “Will he be there?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “He said he will have your things boxed up and placed in front of the garage doors for retrieval.”

  “Why do I have the feeling that I won’t be seeing much of anything in front of those doors?”

  “Because you probably won’t. He’s been very specific in the paperwork on what you can and cannot have. You saw it.”


  Mystic took a few bites of the club sandwich Holly had brought but found that she wasn’t very hungry. She was very near tears again, in fact.

  “Listen, it’s going to be fine. Tomorrow night, we’ll kick back and have some drinks and start to figure out what your going to do to get back on your feet. This will be in your rear-view mirror in no time.”

  “I hope so. I wish I could just erase the whole, ugly episode.”

  “Just try to watch your mouth until you get out of here. Okay? Don’t piss off the guards.”

  “I won’t.”

  “See you tomorrow, chicka. Oh, give me your leftovers. I can’t leave that in here.”

  Mystic put the last of the sandwich in the bag and handed it to her. Holly took it and reached in her pocket, pulling out a candy bar and handing it to her.

  “What’s this?” Mystic asked.

  “Contraband. In case you feel hungry later. Stick it under your pillow.”


  “Well, you know, it’s not every day my best friend goes to jail for the first time.

  Mystic smiled a little and tucked the candy under her pillow. Holly reached through the bars and pushed a little button on the other side. There were footsteps descending the stairs and a jingle of keys as the guard let her out of the cell and locked it behind her.

  “Don’t fuck with my girl, Collins. I promise you, I’ll own you if she has even the slightest complaint about you.”

  “Fuck you, Hanover. I’m a professional.”

  “Yeah, I got that from the “fuck you” at the beginning of the sentence.”

  Mystic sat down on the bed and watched them walk up the stairs. Once they were out of sight, she began staring at the freshly painted ceiling. It was oddly quiet down here, not at all what she’d expected from a jail cell. She lay there most of the night, thoughts whirling around in her head about what she would do when she got out of here.

  By the time she was released the following day, she had no more of a clue about how she would manage than she had in the months she’d had to think about it already. She had dropped out of college after her parents died and taken a job as a cocktail waitress. That had been how she had met William in the first place. They had bonded over shots and the commonality of being adult orphans.

  Walking out to the parking lot, she quickly realized her car was gone. For a split second, she thought it had been stolen, but then she realized he had most likely already taken that too. On the off chance she was wrong and it had been stolen, it might as well go ahead and be his problem. It was more likely that he used his spare key and took it on his way out of court or had someone pick it up. So much for forty-eight hours. Great. She had three dollars to her name and no car.

  “Bastard,” she muttered under her breath as she made her way for the bus stop near the courthouse. She might have just enough to catch the crosstown bus to Holly’s house if she tossed in the change in her pocket.

  And so it began, her journey toward her new life with just her purse, the clothes on her back and the two nickels left over after bus fare.

  Continue Reading Book 1 of the Shifter Surrogate Service Series on Amazon

  Preview of Daddy Dragon: Nanny Shifter Service

  "I don't need to tell you how valuable an employee you've been."

  Anna Clinton sat nervously in the office of her boss, Kenneth Walloon. Kenneth, a round-bellied man in his late forties, with a brown horseshoe of a receding hairline and a thin mustache above his puffy, pink lips, leaned forward, placing his substantial weight on the surface of his desk. The desk groaned and creaked.

  "Thank you," said Anna, still not sure of the purpose of this impromptu meeting.

  Behind Kenneth, the city of New York seemed to sprawl out forever. Despite the strange nature of the meeting, she couldn't help but admire the view of her boss, one of the senior executives here at Flintlock Investments, the massive firm where Anna had been employed for the last several months. The sun was setting, and the sky was brilliant with orange and cream.

  "I don't normally bring my subordinates into my office after hours to discuss matters like this," said Kenneth, his watery blue eyes like tiny marbles behind his thick-rimmed glasses, "but I do like to have little checkups every now and again."

  Anna wasn't sure how to respond. This meeting was impromptu, with Kenneth placing his hand on Anna's shoulder as she packed up for the day, asking her if she wouldn't mind stopping by his office. Kenneth had normally never talked to her unless it was in the form of barking commands, so his inviting tone struck her as strange. But she wasn't about to turn down some one-on-one face time with a boss who she desperately needed to impress.

  "Um, thank you for your time," said Anna, rubbing her hands together.

  Kenneth sat back into his seat, and now it was time for his chair to groan under his weight.

  "I see that tomorrow marks your third month here at Flintlock," he said, looking over a file on his desk. "Has everything been going as you'd hoped when you joined on?"

  Anna took this as her time to shine. Sure, she was just an assistant, barely making enough to afford her room in the three-bedroom apartment in Queens, which she shared with two other girls, but Anna felt she could muster up some enthusiasm. It would look good, after all.

  "Everything has been wonderful," she said, lifting her voice. "I've been learning so much, and everyone's been really nice to me. I can't wait until I get my first year under my belt; I think I'll be able to bring a lot of value to this organization."

  Kenneth nodded, his jowls spreading out with each lowering of his head.

  "Just what I was hoping to hear," he said.

  He picked up the file from his desk and looked it over.

  "This is all very impressive," he said. "Top grades from Penn State, an internship with a great firm, and an attitude that is, overall, extremely professional. I think it's safe to say, a young woman like you could go a long way here. Yes, a very long way indeed."

  "And if there's anything I can do to improve my performance," said Anna, hurrying to add the words, "please, let me know. I'm eager to learn."

  "Eagerness is a virtue here," said Kenneth. "I think it'll take you far."

  Kenneth raised to his feet once again, walking down the length of his spacious office to the front door. Anna watched him over her shoulder, noticing that the hallways outside the office were empty and dark, far from the bustle of activity that was common during the day. It appeared that Anna and Kenneth were the only two people still on the floor.

  Then, to Anna's surprise, Kenneth locked the door. She felt her stomach twitch as he did this, not sure what to make of it.

  Why does the door need to be locked for a meeting? she asked herself.

  "Just want to make sure we're not bothered," said Kenneth, a little smile forming on his face as he made his way back to his desk. "Just want to make sure I can give you all the attention you deserve."

  As he returned to his desk and sat down on the edge of it, the tight feeling in Anna's stomach began to worsen. She was getting a very bad feeling about all of this. Where Kenneth sat, he was only a few feet from her, his position, sitting on the edge of his desk, making him loom over Anna.

  "Now," he said, "in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a man
with a lot of pull in this organization. I'm the sort of man who can get that little butt of yours moving right up the ladder. Consequently, I'm also the sort of man who can keep you right where you're sitting, spinning your wheels for years, still making just enough money for you to get by. I guess, in a way, I'm like the god of your career."

  He chuckled again. His laugh set Anna's teeth on edge.

  "And…I'm happy to do whatever it takes to get ahead," Anna said. "I want to be a valuable member of the team."

  "That, my dear," said Kenneth, "is exactly what I was hoping you'd say."

  With that, he stood up from his desk and walked in a long, lazy circle until he was just behind Anna. The skin on the back of Anna's neck tingled as he moved behind her, and she wondered just what the hell he was doing.

  Moments later, she got her answer.

  Kenneth's sweat-sticky, warm hands fell onto Anna's shoulders, her body tensing at his touch. Then, he began to gently knead her flesh, rubbing the muscles of her neck.

  "So tense," he said. "But I can think of a way to get you to loosen up."

  Anna couldn't take another moment of this. She sprang from her seat, sending Kenneth lurching forward from the movement.

  "Mr. Walloon," Anna sputtered, barely able to speak. "What the hell is going on here?"

  Kenneth stood up straight and shook his head, that little smirk still on his lips.

  "What do you think is going on here?" he asked. "Come on, you're a smart girl, you can figure it out."

  Deep down, Anna knew. But she didn't want to accept the reality of what was happening; that her boss was making a move on her.

  "It looks like what's happening is that you're trying to do…something," she said. "And I don't even want to think about what that is."

  "Oh, please," said Kenneth. "I'll just come right out and say it, then. I want you to have sex with me, right here, right now."

  Anna could hardly believe how bold he was being.

  "But…you're married!" she exclaimed, her eyes flicking to the gold band on Kenneth's ring finger.


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