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Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

Page 57

by Mars Gravity


  Yun Che’s heart rate accelerated. He held his pendant tightly… In his memories of the Blue Wind Empire, he wore a pendant since young and never took it over. Similarly, in the Azure Cloud Continent, he had always worn it. In two different continents, two different lives, he had a pendant that he always wore with him.

  After opening this pendant, there was a little mirror… A little mirror that could not possibly be more ordinary.

  But according to Xiao Lie, the reason his birth parents were chased and killed was because of an item known as a… “Heavenly Profound Treasure”!

  Could it be that it actually is… one of the seven Heavenly Profound Treasures, the Mirror of Samsara?

  If it really was the Mirror of Samsara, it would explain why he went from the Sky Profound Continent to the Azure Cloud Continent and the period from the Azure Cloud Continent back to the Sky Profound Continent…his memories, his life’s transfer, without any breaks! All the questions could have a correspond explanation…

  If it really was the interference from the Mirror of Samsara, then… then… the Azure Cloud Continent that he just went to… the Su Ling’er he had personally embraced…

  Were also real!!!

  His life in the Azure Cloud Continent, disruption in reincarnation, disruption in space and time… everything was real!!

  Su Ling’er… is still in this world! Still on the Azure Cloud Continent that he was familiar with and grew up in!

  Then, his master… perhaps with the reverse flow of time, might still be alive! After all, when Su Ling’er was ten, he was only twelve. At the time, he was still traveling the world with his master!

  “That was Ling’er… that was Ling’er… that was actually Ling’er… She didn’t die… she’s really Ling’er…”

  The sudden facts exploded Yun Che’s brain. All the blood in his body practically began to boil. He looked at both his hands and violently trembled all over… He always thought the Ling’er that he had obviously seen and closely embraced was nothing but an illusion created by the Evil God. Jasmine’s words, combined with his experience with the voice of the Phoenix spirit made him hear the morning bell. His Ling’er had just been in front of his eyes, by his side. He treated her like an illusion and then left just like that…

  Yun Che growled from the bottom of his throat, then fiercely reached out and pounded his head. He was occasionally mad with joy and then occasionally had a nervous breakdown… the Ling’er he was madly in love with was still alive. In his anger and regret, he treated her like an illusion, and didn’t bring her back at all…

  All of Yun Che’s weird reactions had finally started to make Jasmine understand them. Looking at the pendant that he had been grabbing onto in his hand, she suddenly said: “So that’s how it was, no wonder you went to that continent and lost control when you saw that little girl… It’s also no wonder why Sky Poison Pearl fused together with your body…”

  “Don’t tell me, the one who activated the Mirror of Samsara’s power… was you!?”

  Chapter 274: Leaving Heaven Basin Secret Realm

  “I don’t know.” Yun Che didn’t refute Jasmine, but he was unable to confirm it either. After a slight hesitation, he frankly said: “But I actually did transmigrate because I was originally poisoned to death in the Sky Profound Continent, and in the Azure Cloud Continent, I fell off a cliff when I was twenty seven… After waking up, I returned to the Sky Profound Continent, and awoke under the condition in which I had been poisoned to death… All the way until now. And Ling’er, was my most important person in the Azure Cloud Continent, but she had obviously died!”

  Jasmine: “…”

  “These sorts of things actually happened to you!?” Jasmine was truly startled. She had heard of the legends concerning the Mirror of Samsara, but she hadn’t seen the Mirror of Samsara and its powers at all. If what Yun Che said was true, then it would fit perfectly with the Mirror of Samsara’s “passing through the reincarnation cycle” in the legends! Only the Mirror of Samsara could achieve these things!

  “Then, in your memories, was there an item that was always on your body… If I’m guessing correctly, it should be the pendant that you’ve always worn on your neck? I remember when you opened it, there was only a mirror inside…” Jasmine slowly said: “Then, apart from the Sky Poison Pearl, there was actually another Heavenly Profound Treasure on your body! Except, where did you get this Heavenly Profound Treasure from?”

  “I don’t know… it had always been on me. I always thought that reason that I kept wearing it was because it was the only evidence to find my birth parents.” Yun Che shook his head: “The only thing that I want to know now is: since the Azure Cloud Continent is real, then where is it? How do I return there… That was the real Ling’er… I must find her again!”

  “…If I can leave your body and move as I wish, then I can find where the Azure Cloud Continent is within three days, but it’s completely impossible for me right now. Azure Cloud Continent shouldn’t be too far away from the Sky Profound Continent. When my powers reach a certain height, I can naturally see a wider portion of the world… For you, this is the only way to return to that Continent.

  Not too far away… This was in regards to Jasmine’s power level! If it was actually not too far away, how could there be no records of the Sky Profound Continent in the Azure Cloud Continent. Even if Jasmine’s guess was correct, and the Azure Cloud Continent and the Sky Profound Continent were on the same planet, then the distance between the two would certainly be impossibly far, a distance that’s even harder to reach than the sky.

  Jasmine’s final words also tapped Yun Che’s confused brain heavily and suddenly made him clear-headed.

  Right… That’s right! No matter how much I think about it right now, it’s useless! At least the conclusion is that Su Ling’er is still in this world. This was an incredibly pleasant surprise. To meet Ling’er again, the only way was to become strong. As long as he was stronger, strong until the point that he could shun the heavens and earth, then Azure Cloud Continent would appear in his sights, and he could find Ling’er again!!

  Yun Che’s mood became incredibly calm. He breathed in a breath of air and suddenly asked: “Jasmine, if it’s really because of the Heavenly Profound Treasure’s interference that made Azure Cloud Continent’s time flow backwards, then on the Azure Cloud Continent right now, could another Sky Poison Pearl appear?”

  “This is unlikely.” Jasmine faintly said: “There’s also something you’re mistaken about. If the power of the Mirror of Samsara really activated, then the reverse flow of time would be a small part of it. The thing it’s most suited to interfere with is ‘karma’ and ‘reincarnation’. Right now, not only would you and the Sky Poison Pearl not be on it, it’s possible that… they’ve never existed.”

  Yun Che: “…”

  “Karma”, “Reincarnation”… these were illusory and mythical words. They were things that were impossible to touch no matter what. Yun Che never thought that such incredibly illusory things could actually be interfered with. He spread his palm out, looked at the dim pendant, and quietly asked: “If this is really the Mirror of Samsara, then what kind of person… could actually create such an item…”

  “This fact is impossible to trace back to.” Jasmine said: “But the only thing that’s certain is that interfering with ‘karma’ and ‘reincarnation’ is tens of millions times harder than interfering with ‘dimension and ‘time’. When the True Gods existed, there were certainly powers that could interfere with the flow of time, but not one True God had the ability to interfere with ‘karma’ and ‘reincarnation’. Since they were the most fundamental laws since universal order, they should absolutely be untamperable; otherwise, there would be chaos beyond the control and expectation in the universal order. However, the Mirror of Samsara could actually tamper with the most fundamental universal laws… The Sky Poison Pearl fusing with your body, is completely because of the ‘karma’ interference
. It made what should have been impossible, possible. No one knew who created it, and what power created it.

  “There are many legends that involved the Mirror of Samsara. In its history, it fell into many people’s hands until it finally fell into somewhere unknown… But in all these years, I’ve never heard of anyone being able to activate its power. And for the Heavenly Profound Treasures, what was even more unimaginable was that you… You are clearly an inferior human, but you possess two Heavenly Profound Treasures… If it wasn’t for the fact that I have to rely on the Sky Poison Pearl, and the Sky Poison Pearl is fused with your body, I’ll unhesitantly choose to kill you and seize both of your Heavenly Profound Treasures.”

  “Yun Che, what happened to you?”

  A deeply doubtful voice arose from the crisp and cool air beside Yun Che’s ears. He gripped his palms, didn’t put the pendant back around his neck, and stored it into the Sky Poison Pearl. Then, he smiled bashfully at Xia Qingyue: “Nothing’s wrong, I just have some sudden regrets.”

  After swallowing the Evil God’s Water Seed, Yun Che was feeling very intimate with water element right now, and it far surpassed Xia Qingyue. He didn’t feel the slightest bit cold in this world of ice and snow. He gazed at Xia Qingyue all over with a strange expression and said: “I really want to take a look at how surprised your master and everyone else would be when they find out that you entered the Emperor Profound Realm.”

  Without a doubt, after they leave the Heaven Basin Secret Realm, once Xia Qingyue’s profound strength was exposed, there would be huge indescribable commotion. A seventeen year old at the Emperor Profound Realm, that was truly an achievement on a level of the Four Great Sacred Grounds… For a Sacred Ground-class disciple to emerge from a little Blue Wind Empire, perhaps the entire Sky Profound Continent would be shaken.

  Xia Qingyue looked deeply at Yun Che, and suddenly said: “Thank you.”

  “…Why thank me?”

  “Formidable power is very important to me, and it’s something that I’ll chase after for my entire life. If not for you, I wouldn’t have been able to reach my current height. So, thank you…” Xia Qingyue said lightly as she controlled her gaze. Back then, when he was in Floating Cloud City, he was powerless and helpless, so he was always being bullied until he was eventually expelled from his clan with no power to resist the other youths. If it wasn’t for her assistance, his most beloved relatives would encounter hardships… After meeting again, he had already matured into a tree that pierced the heavens. The help that he had given her at the time was ten of millions times more than she had given him.

  “Heh, we’re married, we don’t need to thank each other.” Yun Che grinned and laughed: “If you really want to thank me, hmm… let me see you smile. We’ve known each other for so long, but I’ve never see you smile before.”

  Xia Qingyue lightly shook her head: “It’s impossible for me. Ever since I was four years old, I had already forgotten how to cry, and how to smile…”

  Yun Che was immediately stunned. He saw a dismal confusion flash past both of Xia Qingyue’s eyes. He thought for a while and said: “Then can you tell me why you’re so persistent on seeking power?”

  When he was young, he was full of curiosity about his fiancee Xia Qingyue. When he played together with Xia Yuanba, he would often ask about Xia Qingyue, but Xia Yuanba had the same response every time… she was cultivating.

  Practically all of her time was devoted to cultivating profound strength. Until Yun Che was sixteen years old, he had only seen her a couple of times, and they were all fleeting glances. She had an attachment to profound strength that was incomprehensible for other people to understand.

  Xia Qingyue stayed silent for a while. She reached out her jade hands, cupped some flying snow and gently replied: “Aren’t you the same as me… You, why are you so attached?”

  “For myself, and for all the people I care about to not be mistreated.” Yun Che said without the slightest hesitation.

  “Not be mistreated…” Xia Qingyue’s eyelashes softly closed as she answered with a voice as gentle as fluttering snow: “I only seek… to reunite my family.”

  Yun Che’s heart was moved as he looked at Xia Qingyue with shock. He silently pondered about the meaning of her words for a while then asked: “This ‘family’, does it include me? If you talk about a family, then as your husband, I should be your… most intimate of family on paper.”

  Ice and snow slowly accumulated on Xia Qingyue’s palm, and didn’t melt for a long while. Her jade hands moved slightly and the white snow scattered into all four directions in the frigid wind. She touched the indescribable and bleak pain in her heart that was silently spreading out: “I am a person who’s not fit to have a husband… because I might never be able to fulfill the responsibilities of a wife… There will be a day when I will leave here to go to a distant place, and it might be impossible to return anymore…” She shut her eyes and softly spoke as if she were in a dream: “Once, you were as ordinary as sand and only made me occasionally worry about you. Now, you are as dazzling as diamond, and makes me, who is destined to have no future, feel more and more terrified…”

  Rumble Rumble…

  A deep and distant rumbling noise sounded, and slight vibrations began to arise from the ground. Two rapidly expanding spatial whirlpools individually appeared beside Yun Che and Xia Qingyue.

  “It looks like we’re returning…”

  Before Yun Che even finished his sentence, the two were simultaneously sucked into the spatial whirlpools.

  Chapter 275: Gargantuan Favor

  In the blink of an eye, two days had passed since members of the ranking tournament’s top ten entered the Heaven Basin Secret Realm.

  Several tens of people anxiously stood waiting on the vacant space in Heavenly Sword Villa’s rear mountains. These were precisely the members of the various sects who could not enter the Heaven Basin Secret Realm. Heaven Basin Secret Realm was a completely isolated world, and news of anything that happened in there could not be transmitted, so they had absolutely no idea as to what happened in there during these two days.

  Cang Yue and Xia Yuanba were undoubtedly the most worried of persons there, because not only did Yun Che enter with serious injuries that had not fully healed, his profound strength had not even fully recovered either, which meant that the danger of him entering this unknown area was increased exponentially. In these past two days, Cang Yue could barely eat and could barely sleep. She had long since been waiting in this spot, and anxiously waited for Yun Che’s figure to appear.

  Ling Kun stood in the middle of the open space and silently looked on ahead.


  In the wake of the brilliant radiance brought along by the spatial vortex, a person dressed in white was tossed out. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were worn out, as if he had recently fought a fierce battle… The first person to come out, was surprisingly Ling Yuefeng.

  Ling Kun opened his eyes, and faintly asked: “Any finds?”

  Ling Yuefeng slightly exhaled, and answered with knitted brows: “We were not lucky this time, and encountered Heaven Basin Secret Realm’s harsh winter. Everything was sealed in ice and covered by snow, so there weren’t any great gains.But, I made an astonishing discovery, inside this Heaven Basin Secret Realm, unexpectedly dwells a Tyrant Profound Beast!”

  “Oh?” Ling Kun’s gaze flashed: “What kind of Tyrant Profound Beast?”

  Ling Yuefeng shook his head: “I have only perceived its sound force and did not dare to approach it. Perhaps someone had the misfortune of angering it.”

  “Hmm…” Ling Kun muttered: “There was actually a Tyrant Profound Beast inside. If I knew that, I would’ve went in together with you. Wanting to find a Tyrant Profound Beast, is not that easy.”

  Although Heaven Basin Secret Realm was mysterious, the things that could be found inside were too inferior to Ling Kun. After he had entered once, he had no interest entering again, which was why he didn’t go this

  Zzzt Zzzt Zzzt Zzzt…

  After Ling Yuefeng, were the flickering of many rays of light. More and more people were being tossed out. Even though Ling Yun and Ling Jie were both in tattered clothing, they were both perfectly fine, and also had some findings.

  Members of the various large sects appeared one after another. Very quickly, Xiao Sect’s members were all present, and Burning Heaven Clan’s members were appearing one after another… but in the end, only four had come out.

  Fen Moli appeared with a murderous aura that filled the sky. The moment he appeared, he loudly roared with extreme rage: “Mu Tianbei!! You brute, come out right now!! To actually have murdered my Second Young Master… I will exterminate your entire clan!!”

  Fen Moli’s anger and shout instantly made the members of Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress tremble with fear, and also stunned everyone present… Mu Tianbei killed Fen Juebi? Nobody had heard that there were any grievances between Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress and Burning Heaven Clan. Why would Mu Tianbei kill Fen Juebi… To have killed Burning Heaven Clan’s Second Young Master, had Mu Tianbei gone crazy!?

  “Great Elder!” Fen Juecheng immediately went to Fen Moli’s side, pulled him to the side, and said whispered something with gritted teeth.

  More and more people were coming out, and every time one came out, Cang Yue’s heart would tightly squeeze a little. Xia Yuanba incessantly comforted her on the side: “Senior Sister, rest assured. Brother-in-law is so strong, so he definitely be fine.”


  The last rays of light flashed in the empty space, and Yun Che simultaneously appeared with Xia Qingyue. They stood side by side.

  “Junior Brother Yun!” Cang Yue shouted out with pleasant surprise and immediately let go of all her worries. She sucked in a long breath of air, and hurriedly dashed at Yun Che.

  And at this time, an angry roar suddenly exploded like a clap of thunder: “Despicable junior… Die!!”


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