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Brothers Next Door: A MFM Menage Romance

Page 17

by Samantha Twinn

  Which should relieve me. But I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. As daydreams go, sharing a bed with those men would be Grade-A, top shelf fantasy. Not that I’d act on it. I’ve sowed enough wild oats to last me for a lifetime. I want normal. Boring. I glance over to the Adonis sitting across from me and mentally shake my head. Asher and his partner are a million miles from boring.

  Asher stands up, pulling me out of my wool-gathering, and walks over to his desk as if the bizarre conversation we’d been having never happened. I need to get my shit together. While he’s busy, I excuse myself and go to the bathroom to collect my thoughts. He’s my boss. With anyone else, I would go out there and tell him off. I’m tired of this game he’s playing because I don’t know the rules. But a little part of me, one that I thought I’d buried away, wants to play along.

  Fuck it. I’m just driving myself crazy. I’m tired of dealing with the constant back and forth. If Asher wants to flirt and play games, I can handle it and maybe give a little back too.

  Besides, we’re almost done with my audits. Then I’ll be back in my quiet corner of the office, and I probably won’t see him for another year.

  I open the bathroom door, determined to stop stuttering and blushing. And I probably could have pulled it off, except, when I come back into the room, Leo is standing at Asher’s desk. Having to deal with Asher’s smoldering sensuality is bad enough when you add Leo’s charm and chivalry, a girl doesn’t have a chance.

  “Next time you schedule one of those corporate team building things, you’re going. They had a motivational speaker,” Leo says with a visible shudder. “I’m just glad I got out before the trust falls. I’m pretty sure after the dressing down Jensen got last week, he would have let my ass fall on the floor.”

  I sneak over to my corner of the room, trying not to interrupt their conversation, but Leo catches me.

  “Rose,” he says with a smile. “We missed you this morning.”

  “Missed me?” I say, confused. “Was I supposed to be somewhere?”

  “The whole office is at a retreat this weekend,” Leo explains. “But your asshole boss insisted he needed you. But honestly, who can blame him, if I had you working with me, I’d want to keep you to myself.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Bambi,” Asher whispers loudly in my ear. I almost jump out of my skin because I’d been so focused on Leo, I didn’t realize Asher had been standing behind me. “I saved you from a fate worse than death.”

  Leo laughs and shakes his head in agreement. “He’s right. Let’s never book one of those again.”

  Asher steps away but lingers around my desk. “While you were off being motivated, we worked our asses off. Rose has finished the audit of the receivables and worked up a value estimate.”

  “You’re done, already?” Leo says, unable to keep the shocked tone out of his voice. “I thought you said it would take at least three weeks?”

  “Our girl is good at her job,” Asher says, shooting me a wink.

  Our girl. My mind plays the words on repeat like a stuck LP. I’m so taken aback by Asher’s casual endearment that I don’t even notice that Leo is now on my other side, effectively sandwiching me between the two men.

  “Are you ready to share?” Leo asks.

  A hot flush runs down my whole body. I know he means the report, but with both of them standing so close, my filthy mind goes right to sex. Pull it together.

  “Rose?” Leo prompts again, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  That certainly doesn’t help me focus. His hands are big and warm—scorchingly so. I want to pull away and lean in all at the same time. “I...I still have to write up my final report, but I’m sending an outline of my preliminary findings to the printer right now.”

  Leo squeezes my arm before letting go, and my heartbeat triples. I step out from between them and use the report as an excuse to escape the office that suddenly feels cramped. I thought working alone with Asher was hard, but now that they are together, I can’t stop thinking about our conversation over lunch.

  What would it be like to be with them? Both of men are handsome on their own, but together they take my breath away; Leo with his fair Norse looks and Asher with his dark hair and brooding eyes—like Yin and Yang. I wonder if they are equally polar in bed. Rough and soft. Sweet and dirty. I can understand why so many women say yes to those men.

  Would I?



  “If you don’t have plans tonight, I’d like you to sit in on our conference call,” I say when Rose comes back into the office. “We’re speaking with the Takei board at nine.”

  She’s already put in a good sixty hours this week, and I hate asking her, but Rose has been so involved, I want her feedback when the board presents their counteroffer. Besides, Leo hasn’t shut up about her since I brought her in on this project. He’s been wrapped up with other projects the last few weeks, but I get the impression he’d like to be more involved with our work. Actually, I get the impression he’d like to be more involved with Rose. Not that I can blame him. There’s something enticing about the woman. At first blush, I’d assume she was some innocent Midwest co-ed, but the more I talk to her, more I get to know the real Primrose Morningstar, the more I realize there’s a darkness in her I’d like to explore.

  Rose looks up from the stack of papers she’s carrying and wrinkles her brow. “I’m happy to stay, but I’m not sure why you need me?”

  “I might need you to explain something,” Leo says as he takes the papers out of her hands. “Financials were never my strong suit.”

  Rose shoots him a disbelieving look. She’s smart and isn’t buying his stupid act. I’m not sure what’s been going on with him lately. Usually, he’s more direct and doesn’t play games. There’s something about Rose that has him changing all his normal plays.

  “Ignore him. I’d like your input. You’ve got a better handle on the markets in China,” I add.

  That cute crease between her eyes deepens as that incredulous gaze turns to me, and I have a sudden urge to go over and kiss it away. She doesn’t say a lot, but those big doe eyes are so expressive.

  “They want to discuss a counteroffer, and I need you to tell me if it’s fair,” I say, trying to talk her into staying. “I need you to talk us through the exchange issues and make sure you fill Leo in about the bribe issue you were telling me about.”

  “That’s way above my pay grade. I’m just a clerk.”

  “That’s a cop out. You more than qualified. Besides, the brothers like to discuss things in Chinese. I’d like to know what they’re saying when they don’t think we understand. Now, sit down,” I say, making it a demand rather than a request.

  Regardless of whether or not she wanted to stay, Rose sits back down and licks her lips. Her compliance is so automatic, I can’t help but wonder if she’s into that kind of thing. Would she fall obediently to her knees and take my cock in her mouth if I commanded it? I’m not sure where that thought came from, but now I can’t get it out of my head. And naturally, my dick takes notice.

  As if reading my thoughts, Rose blushes and crosses her arms over her chest. Ah, prim and proper is back. I really like that, too. See, it’s that naughty and nice thing.

  “Great,” Leo says, looking up from the report. “I’ll text Marc at La Rossa and have dinner sent up for all of us. How about six?”

  I look at the clock. That would give us three hours before the conference call. More than enough time to for us to eat, but not enough to time for much else. It’s been a long fucking day, and I wouldn’t mind relaxing a bit before we start the negotiations. A long dinner, one shared with my new favorite assistant, is just what I need; especially, after the cozy lunch, we shared. The longer I spend time with her, the more I’m drawn in. Rose is a puzzle I’m dying to solve.

  “Make it five,” I say. “Or we can always go out. I need some time to decompress, and we can show Rose our appreciation for all the hard work she’s put in.”

>   Not exactly how I would like to show her my appreciation, but it will have to do.

  Rose frowns and shakes her head. “You don’t have to do that. I’m just doing my job.”

  She has gone above and beyond her job and she knows it, but then again, maybe spending a Saturday evening with her boss isn’t high on her list of fun activities. I know there are a dozen other things I’d rather be doing. Most of them involve her bent over the arm of that chair with a lot fewer clothes. Like the asshole that I am, I can’t help but push a little harder to see her reaction.

  “I’m sorry. Are we keeping you up past your bedtime?”

  She meets my gaze and her eyes spark with the fire I hoped was under the surface. “It’s not past my bedtime. As a matter of fact, I can go all night if need be.” She crosses her legs, flashing the lacy tops of her stockings, and leans back into the sofa.

  Leo chokes back a laugh. He shoots me a knowing look as if to say, I think you’ve met your match. “Five it is,” he says with a chuckle and dials the restaurant.

  Over the next few hours, we make short work of her spreadsheets. Leo has a lot of questions, but Rose is quick to fill in the blanks. She starts to relax again now that we are on familiar ground. Her quick wit and wry humor are back.

  The break for dinner is exactly what I need to recharge. Even though Rose and I have been working closely for weeks, I realize that this is the first time all three of us have worked together for any period of time. And I can’t help but notice how well the three of us worked. It’s nice—this working relationship we have going on, but of course, my mind wanders back to the bedroom. Would it work just as well?

  As the night goes on, Rose moves to the sofa, spreading out her work on the coffee table. Leo is next to her, leaning over a spreadsheet. It’s so easy to imagine the two in a more intimate setting. It’s easy to imagine myself right there with them.

  I go over and sit down on the other side of Rose, and that spark of a thought catches fire in my mind. I can see her taking and giving, playing off both of us as if it had already happened.

  “Thank you for all your hard work this week,” I say and squeeze her hand. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Rose says, looking away.

  There’s a sadness coloring her voice, and I’m a bit confused by the change in mood. Just a few moments ago, she’d been relaxed and joking. But now she is withdrawing right before my eyes. I shoot Leo a look. He shrugs, just as confused as I am.

  “I’m glad I was able to help you come to a deal. I hope the board’s counteroffer is acceptable,” she says, glancing over to the corner. “I should pack up my desk and move my things back to my cubicle.”

  I almost smile at her words. She thinks this is the end of things. Little does she know, we’re just getting started.

  “You’ve been a big part of this, and even if we come to an agreement, I’m going to need you for another month. I’ve really enjoyed working with you,” I say, tossing a hand over the back of the sofa.

  “I have, too,” she says, a pink blush coloring those cheeks.

  God! Does she even know what that blush does to me?

  “I don’t know if Asher has mentioned this, but we’d like you to head up the transition team,” Leo says, setting the papers down and leaning back. “We were lucky to have you on this deal. You saved us from walking away. And if things go the way we want, this acquisition is going to make us a lot of money.”

  “I didn’t—” Rose blushes again, then shakes her head. “I was just doing my job.”

  “You did a lot more, and you know it,” I lean in and say.

  This cat and mouse with her is killing me. If we’d met her out at a club or event, I wouldn’t hesitate to find out. But she isn’t just some girl we picked up. Rose is an employee, and I have to tread carefully. But damn, I want to lean in and taste her, make her moan as I devour those plump lips.

  “Asher,” she says on an exhale, “what’s going on here? Why did you really ask me to work on this project?”

  “I asked you to work on this project because of your expertise,” I say without hesitation. “And what’s going on? I’m just telling you how much I appreciate working with you.”


  Leo, picking up on the electric current, leans in too. “Because,” he says and brushes a knuckle down her bare arm, leaving gooseflesh in his wake. “You’re special. Rose, would you like to—”

  Leo’s words are cut short by the ringing of the phone. The heady sexual tension pops, and it’s back to work.



  I check my watch. It’s already past one in the morning. Rose is curled up on the sofa, fast asleep. Our conference call ended hours ago. Asher and I have been going over our notes, but the sale is pretty much a done deal. And it’s mostly because of Rose. She was able to fill in the missing pieces that we just weren’t seeing.

  But that’s not why I feel like I’m on top of the world. No, it has everything to do with the woman quietly snoring in the corner. Fuck, she even does that cute. Tonight I saw it. That spark of attraction I knew would be there. Not just for Asher or myself, but for both of us.

  I’ve always been good at reading people—a useful skill for a foster kid. And the second I ran into Rose in that hallway, I knew she was the woman I was looking for. The woman who would fit perfectly with Asher and me. She’s not just a quick fuck. Rose is the kind of woman we can build a life with. After years of focusing on our company, I’m ready for that.

  Of course, Asher doesn’t think it’s possible. He can’t believe a woman would want both of us for longer than a few weeks. And with his screwed up family, I can understand where he’s coming from, but I know deep down he’s wrong. Rose is perfect. And tonight I saw it firsthand.

  I nudge Asher, who’s looking over the email Ling Takei sent over an hour ago. “I think we’ve worn out our girl. We should call it a night.”

  Asher glances over and yawns. “I didn’t intend to stay this late.”

  “I know,” I say and pull out my cell. “I’ll call the car service, and we can drop her off at home. She shouldn’t be driving this late.”

  Asher laughs. “Good luck. I’ve tried to get her to let me call the car service for her, but she insists on driving. She’s pretty stubborn.”

  He has a look. Admiration? Interest? I’m not sure, but I know there’s something there. If I can get him on board, he’ll see that Rose is different.

  “So, what do you really think of her?” I ask, sitting back in my chair.

  “I can’t believe I let her intern for so long,” Asher says. “I needed her on my team four months ago. As a matter of fact, I think she’s going to do great on the Takei transition team. I’m thinking about offering her the lead.”

  “I’m not talking about work,” I say. Rose makes a little snorting sound in her sleep, and I suppress a laugh. I really wish we were at home. I’d love nothing more than to crawl into bed with her and fall asleep. “I know she’s a damn fine accountant. What I really want to know is what do you think about her… with us.”

  Asher glances over, and the desire is written all over his face. I’d bet good money that he’s thought about the idea on more than one occasion. But he rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head. “She works for us. We agreed a long time ago. No underage girls and no employees.”

  “But she’s different, and you know it,” I say and lean back against the desk. He can deny it all he wants, but the desire is written all over his face. He might not be on the same page as me yet, but he’ll come around.

  “I know she’s different, but that doesn’t change the facts,” he says with a sigh. “Actually, the fact that she’s different makes it worse. I can’t lose her as an employee just to work out my sexual frustration.”

  We are both silent for a long time, sitting there watching Rose sleep. I know Asher can feel it too, the rightness. She fits like no other woman has, and maybe that�
�s why he is hesitant because this woman is a game changer.

  “I’m not willing to give up yet. We need to see where this goes,” I insist.

  With a sigh, Asher pushes away from the desk and starts to collect his things. “This is a mistake, but if this is what you want, to sleep with her—”

  “It’s more than that. I’ve told you, I’m ready for someone permanent. A woman we can build a life with. Maybe even have kids someday.” I look over to where Rose is still sleeping. I can imagine her in that role: wife, mother. “You want this, too. I can see it in the way you watch her.”

  “Just because you want something doesn’t mean it’s possible.” Asher turns to face me, his expression serious. “I don’t know where you get this optimism from. Love is just a lie we tell each other to help us sleep at night. Given a choice, people will always look out for their own self-interest.”

  This is the fruit of the bitter seed his parents planted so long ago. A few years ago, I might have agreed with him, but I’m older now. I have time and distance on my side. My old wounds have had time to heal. Both my adoptive parents are dead, and I never knew my birth parents. So I’ve been able to look back at my own screwed up situation with less pain.

  I realize that things are different for Asher. Asher still has to deal with his parents on a regular basis. And every meeting creates a fresh cut.

  However, even though I realize where these feeling are coming from, I won’t put up with his doom and gloom outlook. I want more. I want more for both of us. Even if I have to drag him along, kicking and screaming.

  “That’s a load of shit, Asher. There are good people out there. Look at us. I’ve always had your back, even when it wasn’t in my best interest. You need to open up and trust.”

  “That’s different.” Asher visibly relaxes, and he reaches over to squeeze my arm. “Our friendship is forged from sturdy stuff. It’s been tested, and the bonds made all the stronger.”


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