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Unlikely Hero

Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “Okay.” Eric didn’t sound too sure about that, but Brock thought it was enough for now.

  He surprised himself, and probably Eric, too, by kissing him on the mouth. Eric’s lips were as soft, as warm as he remembered from earlier, that body lean and angular where it pressed against him. Groaning, he deepened the kiss; his tongue slipped into Eric’s mouth. He felt Eric’s moan as well as heard it, Eric’s tongue sliding against his own.

  Need surged through his body, sudden and unexpected. Brock groaned and slid his hand around Eric’s head, fingers tangling in the raw silk of that soft hair. Eric’s hand slipped up his arms, wrapped around his shoulders. It felt good. Really good.

  He kept kissing Eric, not wanting to think, just feel and enjoy this moment. He could feel Eric’s cock, full, pressed against his thigh, a hot bulge in the soft slacks. He wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. Hell, he wasn’t sure Eric was even up for this.

  He didn’t stop, though. He just let himself get lost in Eric’s mouth.

  “Take me to bed. Touch me. Please.”

  “Anything you want, baby.” He meant it, too. He’d do anything for Eric.

  He leaned them back onto the bed, fingers searching for skin. Eric wrapped around him, the low hum filling his lips. He found the hem on Eric’s shirt and slowly pushed it up, his fingertips moving over skin.

  Eric was soft, smooth, warm under his fingertips. So good. Then his fingers hit the scars. A surge of anger went through him, and his fingers curled into fists.

  “Hey, they’re kinda hot, huh?” Eric pulled back, gave him a wan, worried smile.

  He chuckled and leaned in to kiss Eric. “Once that kid is locked up, then they’ll be hot.”


  He sobered and met Eric’s eyes. “I do.”

  “Okay.” Eric took his hand, pressed it flat against that taut belly.

  “You want me to make love to you?” He would. He wanted to.

  “Only if you want it, too. If you don’t, I’ll just rest close.”

  “As long as I won’t hurt you, I want it, too.”

  “Then love me, Brock. I… I haven’t.” Eric pushed close, lips pressing against his.

  He deepened the kiss immediately, tongue sliding into Eric’s mouth, tasting salt. Eric moaned, fingers pushing into his hair and dragging him in closer. He was careful, not rolling Eric beneath him, but kissing with growing passion.

  Eric wasn’t as careful; those fingers opened buttons and pushed to touch his skin, to touch him. He groaned, arching into the little strokes and pinches.

  “I want you. All of you. God, you’re still so fine….” Eric’s voice trailed off.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Maybe we should just jack each other off.”

  “Let me taste you.”

  Oh fuck, he wasn’t going to say no to that; he wasn’t sure he could. “Okay.”

  Eric slid down, lips soft and hot on his chest, on his belly. Around the tip of his cock.

  “Baby. God.” His hands found Eric’s head again, fingers catching in Eric’s hair.

  “You still smell so good.” Eric opened, tongue sliding over his skin. The things that came out of Eric’s mouth.

  He spread his legs restlessly.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Fingers dragged up along his inner thighs, pressing in deep.

  “I forgot how good you are at this.” Only he hadn’t. Not really.

  “I like it.”

  He hadn’t forgotten that. “It’s good from this end, too.”

  Eric groaned, cheek sliding against his cock, the stubble there barely rasping.

  “Please.” He whimpered, hips jerking.

  “Yeah….” Eric’s lips were perfect—hot and wet and tight and perfect. He looked down his body, watching in amazement and pleasure as Eric’s head bobbed. He’d thought he’d never see that sight again.

  “Daddy! Daddy, I need you!” The scared scream had Eric up and running, leaving him hard and spread on the bed.

  Brock gasped, staring up at the ceiling, trying to reconcile what had just been going on with the terrified sounds Josie was making.

  “Jo! Jo, it’s a dream.” He heard Eric calming her, voice steady and sure.

  He hated those scared little sounds she was making. He should help. Brock got up, nearly tripping over his pants as they bunched around his knees. He shook his head, chuckling under his breath. He got his pants back on and done up and then headed for Josie’s room.

  At least his cock had gone down.

  “Want Daddy Bee!” She was sobbing.

  “Hey, Josie. I’m right here.” He went in and joined them on her bed.

  “Daddy Bee. I don’t want to go away. I want to stay.”

  He opened his arms and she curled up in his lap. “Who said anything about you going away?”

  “The mans. I heared. I did. Daddy said go away.”

  “No. No, honey. We were just discussing options, but you going away isn’t one, okay? You’re staying right here with me and Daddy.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Love you, Daddy Bee. Please. Me and Daddy love you.”

  His heart thumped hard in his chest. “I know, honey. I love you, too.”

  She settled close, tears slowly fading as she settled. Eric looked over at him, smiling a little. He smiled back and reached out, taking Eric’s hand in one of his.

  They stayed like that—together, quiet—until Josie fell asleep again. Sighing, Brock laid her back down and let Eric cover her up.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go to bed.”

  Eric nodded. “I’m sorry.” One of Eric’s arms slipped around his waist.

  He shrugged. “It’s what happens when there’s a kid involved, right? No nookie midafternoon, interruptions in the evening.” He chuckled drily, no real humor in the sound. “It’s been quite the evening, huh?”

  “It’s been… insane. Completely insane.” Eric tugged off his clothes, pulled on a soft pair of shorts. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”

  “And I’m glad you’re here with me.” He tugged his own pants off. “I guess I ought to start wearing boxers as a regular thing, huh?” If Eric was going to share his bed as a usual thing now, that meant Josie was going to be in it a lot, too.

  “If… if we’re sleeping together and the door’s not locked, yeah.” Eric met his eyes. “I’m not comfortable locking her out yet. Not with…. Not after.”

  Brock shook his head and slipped his arms around Eric’s waist. “I wouldn’t ask you to. And yeah, we might as well give in to the inevitable and admit we’re both sleeping in here.”

  Eric leaned in, rested one cheek against his chest. He stroked Eric’s hair, his dick responding, reactivating now that they were alone again.

  “Bed?” Eric pressed closer to him, face lifted for a kiss.

  “Uh-huh.” He closed the distance between their lips and breathed into Eric’s mouth. Eric’s arms wrapped around his neck, that lean body snuggled into his so he could feel every inch. He grabbed Eric’s ass. “You feel good.”

  “I do.” He loved how that tight little ass pressed into his hands.

  “You think we can try again?” He didn’t want to be greedy, but he had been left hanging.

  “I think we might have to. Blue balls is a terrible way to die.”

  That surprised a laugh out of him, and when he was done chuckling he took Eric’s mouth in a happy kiss. Eric fit against him perfectly, body rocking in long, slow motions, cock dragging and pushing against him. He pushed Eric’s shorts down off his hips so they could slide naked together. Groaning, he rocked harder, his hands squeezing tight around Eric’s asscheeks.

  Eric moaned, tongue pressing between his lips, over and over. Brock began sucking on it, his hips picking up the rhythm and sliding against Eric. Eric groaned, his motions a little less smooth, but still there. He let go of one asscheek and brought his hand around to tweak one of Eric’s little nipples, the firm flesh peaked and taut for his fingers. Those pretty eye
s went wide and he almost laughed at how familiar the look was. Some things never changed, for sure.

  He pushed his tongue into Eric’s mouth, getting more aggressive as he became more turned on. Eric met his passion head-on, kissing him back, stealing his breath. He shifted his hold, sliding his fingers into Eric’s hair so he could tilt Eric’s head and deepen the kiss even more.

  Eric’s fingers dragged along his chest, heading to his cock. Brock groaned as his whole body went tight, anticipating the touch. Those calluses had him up on tiptoe, his back arching.

  “Eric. Damn.” He moaned and thrust, pushing his cock through Eric’s hand.

  “Mmm-hmm. I feel you.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  Eric’s grin tasted good.

  “You still want to suck me?” Not that this wasn’t good enough, wasn’t going to make him come, and soon. Because it was. But it wasn’t Eric’s mouth, now was it?

  “Always. Can we move to the bed? It hurts a bit, getting up and down.”

  He grunted and frowned and helped Eric to the bed. “No hurting. We don’t need to do this.”

  “I want to suck you; I just want to lie on the bed while I do it.”

  “Okay, okay. God knows that works for me—I won’t be falling over.”

  “You suggesting I make your knees weak? Still?”

  “That mouth on my cock sure as hell does.” He got Eric settled on the bed and climbed up, lay down on his back, his cock pointing straight up. He’d worry about covering up later.

  “You’re still hot.”

  “Yeah, you’re not so bad yourself, Eric.”

  “Say that when the scars aren’t so bad and I’ll believe you.” Eric settled against him, cheek on his belly.


  Eric’s fingers wrapped around his balls, petting the sac carefully as the tip of his prick was laved and loved on. Oral bastard. Beautiful man. He spread his legs to give Eric more room. One hand behind his head so he could relax and look down at the same time, he wrapped the other one in Eric’s hair.

  Oh yeah, this was where they’d been. Right here. Right here, with his aching prick and that heavenly fucking mouth and…. Yeah. Yeah.

  Eric worked the tip for a little bit before moving down, taking more.

  His toes curled and uncurled. “Fuck, that’s good, baby.”

  Eric’s lips were around the base, the suction sweet, almost perfect.

  “Damn. I’m negative.” He said it as soon as he realized he was about to shoot right down Eric’s mouth. He’d never done anything without a condom, though, aside from with Eric.

  Eric never hesitated, just kept pulling and sucking, humming around his prick.

  He would never hurt Eric, and Eric knew that, so he let loose, let himself sink deep into the blowjob. He pushed his hand into his mouth to keep from crying out loud as he came. Eric sucked and licked, tongue sliding over his prick.

  “Damn. Damn, baby. That was. Yeah.”

  Eric nodded, cheek resting on his belly.

  “Come on up here, baby. I know you must be needing.”

  “I don’t know. You gave me a lot of what I needed.”

  “I mean right now. For your prick.”

  Eric’s laugh made him smile, almost as much as that mostly full cock sliding up along his thigh.

  He wrapped his hand around the silken, hot flesh and began to stroke. “You comfortable?”

  “Mmm-hmm. I love your hands.”

  “Yeah? You like this?” He started twisting slightly as he came up, his palm moving along the hard length. Eric offered him a sound that was very much a yes or a please or something positive.

  Smiling, Brock pressed their lips together. He licked where Eric’s lips met and, as soon as they parted, slipped his tongue inside, tracing the bottom row of Eric’s teeth. Eric had one leg propped against his, spreading enough that those lean hips could rock.

  He fucked Eric with his tongue, mimicking what he wanted to do with his cock and Eric’s ass. He kept tugging, pulling, working Eric’s hard prick.

  “Brock. Brock.” Eric’s head fell back, throat working.

  “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Let me see how good it is.”

  “Oh fuck.”

  He let himself admire the long lines of Eric’s body, of the need in every inch of all those lean muscles. He moved his hand faster, squeezed it tighter.

  “Brock.” A dull flush climbed up Eric’s belly, heat spraying over his hand.

  “Oh, fuck, that’s sexy.” He nuzzled into Eric’s neck, licking the salt off his lover’s skin.

  “Oh….” Eric’s eyes were closed, lips parted.

  He let his hand slowly slide away from Eric’s prick.

  “Thank you. Thank you.”

  Brock chuckled, wiping Eric’s come into his own belly. Eric leaned hard into him, moaning softly, pressing close. He grabbed the sheet and got it over both of them. He’d get up and put on a pair of underwear later.

  Before he could reach the light switch, Eric was sound asleep, curled against him, snoring.

  It felt good, having just come, having Eric curled up next to him.

  Good. Right.

  Between the man and his little girl, Brock figured he was pretty much a goner.

  Chapter Twelve

  BROCK DECIDED to work from home for a while. With Stephanie fielding phone calls, sending out couriers, and manning the desk in the office, everything was pretty much covered.

  So far Eric had done a pretty good job keeping Josie from bugging him, but he could tell they were both starting to go stir-crazy. He wished he could let them go out to the park, but it just wasn’t worth the risk.

  Josie had been whining for the last half hour or so and he’d finally had enough.

  Brock closed his laptop and headed into the living room, where some cartoon just wasn’t holding her attention. “Hey. Who wants ice cream?”

  “Ice cream?” Her eyes went wide, and she sprang up into his arms. “Yes! Yes! Chocolate!”

  Eric looked up from the floor, where he had been occupying her. “Sounds great.”

  “Chocolate for the lady. What flavor you want, baby?”

  Eric rubbed the back of his neck. “What are my options?”

  “Hell if I know.” He grinned and reached out with his free hand. “Let’s go see.” It wasn’t like he bought his own groceries.

  Eric let him tug and haul and soon he had a warm body next to him, Eric reaching to tickle Josie.

  God, they were so domestic.

  The real kicker of it was that he liked it.

  They headed into the kitchen and he opened the freezer. “We’ve got chocolate, mocha, vanilla, and… bubble gum?”

  “Bubble gum?” Eric asked.

  “Bubble gum!” Josie hooted.

  “Hey, don’t look at me. That’s what the package says.” Brock shrugged. “How about a scoop of chocolate and one of the bubble gum, honey?”

  “’Kay, Daddy Bee.”

  Eric wrinkled his nose. “Mocha for me, I think.”

  Brock chuckled. “You don’t want to try the bubble gum? Coward.”

  “You want a nice big bowlful, Daddy Bee?”

  Oh shit.

  “No, I’m going to have some of every flavor, so I’d better have just a little bit.”

  “Oh, nicely played,” Eric muttered, grabbing three bowls.

  Grinning, he took the containers out of the freezer and began dishing them up.

  Josie clambered over to the table, settling in her chair—which, Brock had to admit, didn’t look so terribly out of place anymore.

  He gave her a scoop of chocolate and another of the bubble gum, which was a horrendous pink. Then he dished up Eric’s mocha and his own four scoops—very light on the bubble gum—and settled at the table.

  Josie was telling them some sort of a story—something about snakes and birds and a bear named Piggy, he thought. Eric’s toe was on his pant leg. He glanced over, but Eric was acting innocent.

bsp; Those pretty eyes met his for only a second. “What did Piggy do then?”

  Eric rubbed gently and Brock bit back his groan as his cock jerked, thinking of filling. Eric just beamed. Beamed.

  “Tease.” He mouthed the word at Eric.

  Eric’s eyebrows both lifted. He chuckled and slid his own foot so it rested against Eric’s leg. Eric’s spoon stopped, halfway up to his mouth. Brock grinned and moved his foot back and forth. The ice cream started to drip, and Eric scooped it into his mouth quickly.

  Oh, this was fun.

  The movement of his foot on Eric’s ankle seemed to warm Eric’s skin, the blush creeping up to the neckline of the man’s shirt. God, he was hard. Just from resting his foot on Eric’s leg and the effect it was having on his lover. He had it bad.

  “How’s the bubble gum flavor?” Eric licked his spoon clean.

  Brock bit back his groan at the sight. “Sweet.”

  “Sickly, huh? She loves it.”

  “Yep, that’s about it.” He kept watching as Eric took another spoonful of ice cream, tongue sliding along the metal to take it in.

  Eric chuckled, finished his ice cream, then playfully reached over to pretend to steal a bite of Josie’s mostly melted mess. That flush, though, just kept rising.

  His own cock had gone stupid hard.

  Okay. Okay, cool off. Breathe. Focus. They were at the table with his daughter. Eric’s daughter. Eric’s daughter.

  He quickly ate several scoops of ice cream, his cock starting to go down as he got brain freeze.

  Eric grinned at him, shook his head. “Slow down.”

  Josie cackled. “Slow down, Speedy!”

  He chuckled, rubbing his forehead. “Yeah.”

  Eric leaned over, fingers sliding on either side of his nose.

  “Mmm….” Brock wasn’t sure if that was helping his headache at all, but it was making the rest of him feel good.


  “Yeah. You don’t have to stop anytime soon, though.”

  Of course, when Josie popped into his lap and started using her sticky fingers to help rub his face….

  “Oh. Oh man. Jo! Let’s wash our hands!” Eric was laughing so hard he almost tripped as he led Josie to the sink and moved the little stool Stephanie had purchased over so Josie could reach.


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