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Curves & Curls ~ Bethan's Story (Erotic Romance) (Naughty Nights House Parties)

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by Sophie Shearer

  “Wow, this is fantastic,” she said excitedly. “There are some very famous people here. That’s a Manchester United player over there; it’s a good job it’s not the football season, he’s drinking champagne. You do know who Manchester United are don’t you?”

  “I’ve heard the name, is it a little league soccer team?” he replied innocently.

  “Actually, in England they’re a football team,” Bethan said smiling at his Americanism, “and I’ll have you know they’re major players here in England; but I’m guessing you know that already.”

  Charlie smiled sweetly, confirming what Bethan already knew – he was just joking with her.

  Before she could launch into the history of her favourite football team the waiter came scurrying over, offered them a menu each and explained the evenings special menu items to them.

  Bethan was rather in awe of her surroundings so, when Charlie asked if she wanted him to order for them both, she was more than happy to agree.

  “What do you think about a light salad for starters?” he asked after a quick look at the menu.

  “That’s fine with me.” Bethan replied. The smells of the restaurant were making her feel hungry now.

  “We’ll have two caprese chicken salads to start followed by the Filet Mignon with green peppercorn sauce served separately, vegetables and one large side of French fries please” he said to the waiter snapping the menu shut. “Could you also bring a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon please?”

  “Certainly sir,” the waiter said not batting an eyelid at the unusual request for French fries as he wrote down their order.

  “Is that OK with you honey?” he asked as the waiter went back towards the kitchen.

  “That all sounds delicious, thank you. Look, over there, is that really Nicole Scherzinger in the corner?” Bethan whispered across the table.

  “It sure is. It looks like this is the place to be in Manchester, I guess we were very lucky to get a table.” Charlie replied casually.

  Bethan was thoroughly enjoying being in this fantastic restaurant with a gorgeous looking man. She felt good after the great sex they’d had earlier and was looking forward to having dinner; did life get any better? She didn’t think so…

  The wine was brought to the table, quickly followed by their starters. Bethan and Charlie began to eat with enthusiasm.

  “The salad is simply delicious and sex makes me really hungry.” said Bethan grinning impishly at Charlie.

  “Me too,” he said looking serious. “Bethan, I’ve really enjoyed being with you tonight, would you please let me take you out on a real date tomorrow night? We could go to a show or we could come here again for dinner so you can do a bit more star gazing; anything you want.”

  Bethan was surprised; she had expected this to be another of her one night stands. But whatever his reasons for asking her out again, she was still going with her instincts from earlier that evening, carpe diem – seize the day – again.

  “I would really enjoy that – thanks,” she said smiling happily at him. “But you decide where we go; I love surprises.”

  “Right, I’ll sort something out and let you know.”

  The rest of the evening was spent eating lots of excellent food and drinking a moderate amount of good wine. The conversation flowed easily and they found that, considering they lived in different countries, they had a lot in common.

  “Are you ready for home?” Charlie asked when they’d finally finished eating and talking.

  “I suppose I really should be getting home but I’ve had such a fabulous evening that I don’t want it to end,” Bethan replied, surprised that she had said it out loud. She wasn’t usually that forward and kept her feelings to herself but tonight everything seemed different somehow.

  “Me neither, but I’ll see you again tomorrow. I’ll get the Maître d' to call a cab to take us home; Mike won’t be back yet.”

  In the back of the cab on the way home Charlie took hold of Bethan’s hand, turned it over and kissed her palm gently.

  “I have had the most amazing evening,” he whispered, “I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “Me too,” Bethan said softly, moving closer so she could lean her head against his shoulder.

  “Excuse me Sir, we’re here,” said the cab driver said without turning round, as the car slowed to a stop.

  “Thank you, I won’t be a minute.”

  Jumping out of the car, Charlie ran round and took Bethan’s hand to help her out. He took her in his arms and kissed her chastely on the lips; no-one would have known that a few hours earlier they had been writhing on a bed in a house full of other people having sex, exploring each other’s naked bodies.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow when I’ve arranged our outing to let you know what time I’ll be picking you up,” he said, “Goodnight and thank you for a wonderful evening.”

  “Goodnight Charlie, thank you for dinner; see you tomorrow,” said Bethan happily. “I’m looking forward to it already.”

  After planting a kiss on his cheek, Bethan jogged lightly up the steps of her building.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning Bethan woke bright and early. Her first thought was of Charlie; had it all been a dream?

  How could someone as wonderful as him have wanted her over the other svelte young things at the party who had been looking for a man to have sex with? After all she was a large lady with a body she liked to call voluptuous; but that’s what Charlie said he liked. She had thought last night was just a quick fuck for him but after their evening at the restaurant and the promise of tonight’s outing, maybe he did like her. She definitely liked him and the way he had made her feel.

  She knew she really should get up and ring Jo and Ashley but a few more minutes in bed with her thoughts wouldn’t do any harm.

  Lying there in her warm bed Bethan couldn’t stop the wetness that she felt around her pussy as she remembered the way Charlie had made her feel last night when he had licked and kissed her all over until she came.

  She couldn’t resist reliving the moments when Charlie had pounded her body with his rock hard cock until they came together. Her pussy was already feeling the need to be touched so she reached into her bedside drawer and took out her ‘shag factory’ bullet vibrator.

  She put it in her mouth and wet it with her saliva; she didn’t really need to, her pussy was already wet with desire but it was what she always did when pleasuring herself. She pressed the switch and began to rub it against her already sensitive clitoris. Almost immediately she began to feel the waves of ecstasy beginning to build as her little friend the vibrator, did its job.

  She had to stop the vibrator for a minute and massage her clit gently with her fingers to help delay the orgasm; she didn’t want the delightful feeling to end. Bethan thought this was surely one of the best feelings she could have alone – warm in a comfortable bed with her thoughts of that gorgeous, sexy man and her dexterous fingers and vibrator to help her re-live the moment.

  Switching the vibrator back on, Bethan pushed it easily into her wetness and gasped as it found the spot that would bring her to climax. Smoothly she slid it in and out, at the same time gently rubbing her clit with her fingers until she couldn’t hold back any more. She felt the familiar waves beginning to build in the core of her body and gave herself up to the exquisite pulsing of her solitary orgasm. As the feeling was beginning to subside, Bethan placed the vibrator against her engorged clit to savour the last moments of her climax.

  Wow, thought Bethan, that was one of the best orgasms I’ve had with my vibrator. It must have been the thoughts of last night with Charlie; he’s still a turn on, even when I’m on my own.

  Feeling very good, Bethan lay warm and comfortable in her bed for another ten minutes before getting up and having a long hot shower. I must ring the girls, she thought as she towelled herself dry, they’ll want to know all the details of last night. But she had decided to tell them only a little of her adventures; there are some thi
ngs that she wanted to keep to herself for a while. Maybe she would tell all one day after Charlie had gone back to the States.

  Bethan picked up her phone from the bedside table and took it with her into the kitchen. She put the coffee and water in the machine and switched it on. Whilst it was brewing she dialled Jo’s number.

  “Hi Jo, just checking in to make sure you got home OK,” said Bethan when Jo answered. “Did Ash stay at yours?”

  “Good morning, you hussy,” laughed Jo, “You’re a dark horse. What happened to the ‘I’m not going to do anything – or anyone’? You were off like a greyhound after a rabbit as soon as we got to Jenny’s.”

  Bethan chuckled, “I know, I know, but when we got there I decided to take the bull by the horn, no pun intended, and have a good time. As it turned out, I had a fabulous time both at Jenny’s and afterwards at dinner – and Charlie’s taking me out again tonight – result!”

  “Wow, you lucky devil, although after you left, Ashley and I did something we’d never done before – we had a threesome! It was a real turn on. Hang on; Ash wants to talk to you.”

  “Morning Bethan, I’m really glad you had a good time. Before we got there I was worried we’d bullied you into going but, even if we did, I’m glad because you certainly hit the jackpot.”

  “You’re right I did, Charlie’s really nice. Nice is not really the word to describe him – he’s actually fantastic! We’re going out tonight but I don’t know where; he’s going to surprise me. The only downside is that he has to go back to the States in a few weeks so I’m going to have to make sure I don’t get too attached but it’ll be hard because he really is the nicest man I’ve met in a very long time.”

  Jo was back on the phone and told Bethan that they expected a blow by blow account of tonight’s big date. Before hanging up Bethan promised to ring again tomorrow but only if they swapped stories; she wanted to know all about their first experience of a threesome.

  Chapter Nine

  Bethan made herself a poached egg on toast, poured a large mug of strong black coffee and took it through to the sitting room. Pulling the coffee table nearer to the sofa, she put her breakfast down before making herself comfortable with her feet up and a blanket wrapped round her legs.

  She ate her breakfast sitting in comfort and thought about what she would need to wear tonight but she had no idea where they would be going. If they were going to a theme park or bowling she’d need to wear jeans, but if they were going to the same restaurant as last night, she would need another classy outfit. She hoped Charlie would ring soon so she could go into town to buy something new if she needed to.

  After she’d had breakfast Bethan was still sitting thinking about seeing Charlie again tonight when she heard the snap of the letter box. That’s odd, thought Bethan, the postman doesn’t usually come until around 11.30 on Saturday. She unwrapped her legs and got up to go and see how much junk mail had been pushed through her door today but there was a only a single white envelope on the doormat.

  She picked it up and slid her finger along the top to tear it open. Inside was a single piece of quality white paper, she unfolded it carefully and was surprised to see that the letter was hand written in blue ink – not from a printer.

  The letter said,

  Good morning my beautiful Bethan,

  Thank you so much for the best evening I’ve had in a very long time.

  I have made the arrangements for tonight. We will be going for dinner; not to the same restaurant but an even better one that I’ve been told about.

  If it’s OK with you, I’ll pick you up at around 6pm to give us plenty of time to get to the restaurant.

  I am so looking forward to seeing you again tonight.

  Love Charlie X

  So shopping it is then, thought Bethan.

  Bethan hated clothes shopping and Saturday wasn’t a good day to go into Manchester, it was always so busy. But it was all in a good cause; she wanted to look her best wherever they were going.

  So, after washing her breakfast dishes, Bethan pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater, tied her hair back with a black ribbon and rang for a taxi. She hated trying to find a parking space in the city and even if she did manage to find one, the cost to park in the city for a couple of hours was about the same as for a return journey in a taxi.

  Bethan bought an expensive but beautifully cut black dress. It flattered her curves and made her look very sophisticated – at least she thought so and she hoped Charlie would too. She also bought some new underwear and some black stockings to wear with her black peep-toe mesh Russell & Bromley shoes.

  Satisfied with her purchases Bethan went home to pamper herself before her big date. She had a long hot bath scented with some expensive oil she had got as a Christmas gift a few years ago. After plucking a few stray hairs from her brows she applied an avocado face mask and while it was doing its stuff, manicured her fingers and toes and applied bright red varnish to both.

  She plugged in the hair straighteners and when they were hot enough she set about taming her unruly red mane. It took a while but eventually she was happy with the result; long, straight shiny red hair that framed her face nicely.

  Bethan poured herself a large glass of wine and watched TV for the rest of the afternoon before putting on her make-up and getting dressed.

  At exactly 6pm the doorbell rang. Bethan opened the door and there was Charlie looking extremely handsome in a black dinner suit with a bow tie.

  “You look very smart; where are we going and do I look OK for wherever it is?” Bethan asked.

  “Oh Bethan, you look absolutely perfect, I will be the envy of all the men tonight. But you’ll have to wait and see where we’re going, it’s a surprise,” he replied with a grin. “Come on, Mike is dropping us off.”

  She picked up her silver lace pashmina from the chair next to the door, threw it round her shoulders and followed Charlie out to the car.

  When she realised they were heading away from the city centre, Bethan was trying to guess where they were going but Charlie was tight lipped about it and refused to give the smallest clue about their destination.

  “OK, I give up,” she said, “spill the beans.”

  “You’ll know in about five minutes,” he replied looking at his Rolex.

  So Bethan sat back in her seat as the Jaguar powered along the motorway. When the car turned into the road that led to Manchester Airport Bethan looked at Charlie.

  “I hope we’re not going on holiday,” she said looking worried, “I haven’t got a change of clothes.”

  “Well, we are going to the airport but we’re not going on holiday,” he replied mysteriously.

  The car stopped and Charlie jumped out then helped Bethan out. He waved to Mike, took her hand and led her into the airport, through corridors to a desk where he had a brief conversation with a man in a uniform before going through yet another door. He obviously knew where he was going so Bethan followed without saying a word. That was until they walked across the tarmac to a small private jet with the door open and the steps down.

  “Come on honey, your chariot awaits,” Charlie said bowing from the waist and grinning at her shocked face. “We’re going London to see The Phantom of the Opera in the West End then for dinner at the Ritz and we’ll be back in the early hours.”

  “You’re joking,” she said trying to gain some composure. She had only seen private aircraft in the movies and they usually belonged to crooks, Hollywood stars and very rich people. “You’re not secretly James Bond, are you?” she said, “you are sure acting like him and tonight you’ve even dressed like him.”

  Laughing he took her hand and led her up the steps into the aircraft. When she stepped inside Bethan was speechless, it pure luxury with just three soft leather cream coloured seats down each side of the plane that allowed plenty of leg room, unlike the schedule flights she had travelled on before.

  “The company has the use of this aircraft when I’m in England,” he explained, hand
ing her a glass of champagne “and I thought we could use it tonight to have a bit of fun.”

  “Well, there are worse ways to travel, I suppose,” said Bethan grinning innocently. She took a seat and settled down to enjoy the experience. Wow, she thought, things just keep getting better. No-one will believe it when I tell them about this; hell, I can hardly believe it myself. Maybe I’ll wake up in a minute to find it’s all been a dream.

  Less than an hour later the small jet touched down in London and they were whisked away in a waiting Mercedes to the West End.

  Bethan had an amazing evening, she had been shown another world where anything was possible. Never, even in her wildest dreams, could she have imagined she would be part of this extravagant lifestyle. But she was happy to have had a peek at how the other half live; there had been no waiting around, everything was seamless. They were shown directly to their seats at the theatre; they were shown directly to their table in the Ritz restaurant with the car waiting to take them back to the aircraft when they were ready for the short flight home. She had felt like a princess.

  Chapter Ten

  Mike was waiting for them in Manchester when they landed to drive them back to Bethan’s flat – back to reality; in the Manchester rain.

  “Would you like to come in for a nightcap?” she asked Charlie when the car stopped outside her building.

  “I’d love one, thanks.” he replied getting out of the car. He leaned over and said something to Mike that Bethan couldn’t hear. “Right, come on let’s get inside before we get soaked. We can drink this.” He held up a bottle of Verve Clicquot that Mike must have passed to him.

  Huddled together they ran up the steps. As Bethan’s door closed behind them Charlie put the champagne bottle on the hall table and took Bethan in his arms.

  “This has been the best evening I’ve had in a very long time,” he whispered, “and I have a feeling it’s about to get better.”


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