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Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  Their pizzas arrived piping hot and perfect. She’d balked at getting two large ones, but the guys assured her they’d eat a ton, so she’d shrugged and let them order what they wanted. She’d been fine with anything that didn’t have anchovies or olives, though she’d told them she could pick off the olives if they wanted them. They’d settled on half of one of the pizzas to be without the offensive things.

  It was little things like that that warmed her heart. She’d chosen lemonade since she couldn’t have beer with her pizza. The tart flavor satisfied her, even though she thought pizza needed beer.

  The guys inhaled the pizzas to her three pieces. Normally she’d have been embarrassed at eating so much, but she was eating for two now and refused to let the third piece ruin her good time.

  “Are you sure you’ve gotten enough, babe? You only had three pieces,” Levi said.

  “I’m full. I can’t eat another one. They were big pieces, guys.” Libby drained her lemonade and smiled. “It was really good.”

  “Nothing beats pizza,” Levi said.

  “Let’s go look at baby beds and car seats,” Devin said.

  “Guys, it’s too soon. Let me see the doctor before we start shopping,” she complained.

  “It won’t hurt to look. We don’t have to buy anything yet. Let’s just get a feel for the different kinds. I’m going to want to research them on the internet anyway before we buy them. I’ll want to be sure they’re the safest ones available,” Devin told her.

  She rolled her eyes but was secretly glad he was being so cautious. She wanted the best for her baby, as well. Knowing that the two men felt the same way broke off another little piece of the protective shield she’d held around herself to keep from getting hurt should they change their minds. Despite their assuring her they were happy about the baby and wanted her to move in with them, Libby couldn’t help but worry. One thing she’d learned was that men could change their minds just as easily as a woman could.

  They stopped at a baby specialty shop that was open until nine and browsed the aisles, reading the boxes. Devin took pictures of the ones they were interested in to research them online later. By the time they’d covered the store, it was closing time. Libby was exhausted and ready to call it a night.

  They drove her home and insisted on seeing her upstairs and inside the apartment. She knew they wanted to come in, but she really was tired. All she wanted to do was bathe and slip into bed.

  Levi pulled her gently into his arms and kissed her, his warm lips pressing hungrily against hers before he released her, bumping his forehead against hers before he turned her over to his brother.

  Devin’s kiss was much more insistent, much like the man himself. He licked along her lower lip then sucked it into his mouth before nipping it and letting her go. He smiled down at her and slowly released her to walk inside.

  “Lock up, babe. Get some rest. We know we wore you out tonight,” Devin said.

  She closed the door and flipped the locks before leaning against it to regain control over her body. She wanted them, and that worried her. It should have only been a one-off thing their having sex. Instead, she found that she was still sexually attracted to them. Having their baby hadn’t cooled her attraction one bit. If anything, she seemed even more drawn to them.

  It has to be the baby hormones. Surely I can’t be craving them for any other reason.

  Yeah, she genuinely liked them. They were good men who treated her like a princess, but falling for them wasn’t safe. After the baby came, they’d spend time with her and the child, but there couldn’t be anything more between them. There were two of them. Living with both men on a permanent basis wasn’t right. Was it?

  The more Libby turned it all over in her head, the more confused she felt. She didn’t like one of the brothers more than the other one. She liked them both equally and found that she was beginning to care a little too much for them. Nothing good could come of falling for them. She was headed for a heartache, and that scared her.

  She ran water in the tub and settled in, letting it relax her as she bathed. Once she’d finished washing off, Libby relaxed and just soaked, letting her mind wander as she closed her eyes. All she seemed able to think about though was Levi and Devin. The two men dominated her every thought.

  I’m becoming obsessed with them. I’m going to end up hurt before this is over with.

  Libby relaxed in the tub until the water cooled before getting out and drying off. She smoothed on lotion then climbed into bed to snuggle beneath the covers. She had no doubt as she drifted off that she’d dream of the two men. They had somehow found a way to slip into her subconscious mind so that she thought of nothing else before falling asleep.

  Chapter Six

  The two men insisted on accompanying her to the obstetrician. Though having them there to answer questions about their side of the family was a big help, dealing with them going to the back with her was an embarrassment she could have done without. Needless to say the nurse was confused when both men insisted on accompanying her to the exam room.

  “This is a little embarrassing, but either man could be the father,” Libby finally admitted to the woman.

  “I see,” though she clearly didn’t.

  The entire fiasco had Libby so nervous she fidgeted while they waited for the doctor to come in. It was obvious he’d been filled in on there being two men with her by the nurse. He was nothing but professional throughout the exam and confirmed she was pregnant and appeared perfectly healthy.

  “I’ll prescribe vitamins and folic acid for you to take. How is the morning sickness?” he asked.

  “Not too bad. I have a good appetite with the exception of breakfast,” she told him.

  “Stick to toast or crackers and weak tea. I’d put your vitamins in a cup each night so that the smell of them won’t overpower you in the morning. Works for my other patients to help them keep the pills down.” He smiled. “I’ll see you back in about a month and we’ll do a sonogram.”

  Despite her being nervous with the men being in the room during the physical exam, the visit hadn’t been nearly as difficult as she’d imagined. Levi and Devin each took a hand to lead her from the office. Levi helped her up into the truck before getting in back while Devin drove.

  “Feel like lunch now?” Devin asked.

  “Don’t you guys need to get back to work?” she asked.

  “We have to eat, babe. So do you. How about a sandwich shop?” he asked.

  “Okay. That sounds good,” she admitted.

  They talked about her appointment and the need to run by the pharmacy to pick up her vitamins. Both men had liked the doctor and agreed that she’d picked a good one. She’d talked to several people at the hospital whom she worked with, and the general consensus was that he was the best.

  They stopped by the pharmacy, and then they drove her back to her apartment. Once again, they insisted on accompanying her upstairs and reminding her to lock up behind them. Libby sighed once they were gone. She really enjoyed spending time with them, but they were overprotective to the point of smothering her. She needed to talk to them about it but wasn’t sure how to broach the subject without sounding bitchy.

  She’d think about it and come up with a way to break it to them without hurting their feelings. They’d promised to back off and had for a few days, only calling her twice a day instead of the three and four times before that. It was refreshing to have someone worry about her, but enough was enough.

  She buried herself in work, and the rest of the day passed quickly. So did the next two days bringing her to Friday and the weekend ahead. She sighed as she signed off the computer for the night. Predictably, Devin called thirty minutes later.

  “Hey, babe. How are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. No morning sickness this morning. I’m sure not complaining,” she said.

  “Good. I can imagine getting sick every morning wasn’t top of your favorite things list.”

  “How are y
ou guys doing? How’s the job going?” she asked.

  “Good. That was why I was calling. Well, other than checking on how you were doing. We’re going to be busy tonight. Got a meeting with the owners over some problems we’ve hit completing the project. Can we see you tomorrow night instead?” Devin asked.

  “Of course. I could use a night just chilling with my book. You don’t have to see me every weekend, Devin.”

  “We want to see you every night, babe. If you’d move in with us, it would really make us happy.”

  “I actually have a couple of apartments to look at tomorrow. One is on the first floor and has two bedrooms. I’ll tell you all about it once I look at it.”

  The phone was silent for a few tense seconds. “I know you want your space, babe, but you’d be so much safer with us. You’d have the place to yourself all day while we’re at work, and we’d make sure you had everything you needed,” Devin said.

  “I know. You guys have been more than great. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to move in with both of you.”

  “Are you embarrassed to be seen with two men?” he asked.

  “I haven’t been, but living with you both is different than going out together. I don’t know, Devin. I just need more time. This is all so new to me,” Libby said, rubbing her face with one hand.

  “Okay. I’ll back off some. Just know that even if I’m not asking all the time that we want you with us.”

  “I’ll remember. Thanks, Devin. Hope everything goes well with the meeting tonight.”

  “It will. I don’t think there will be any problems, but we have to let him know what we’ve come up on.”

  “Night, Devin.”

  “Goodnight, babe.”

  Libby hit End and set the phone on the bar. She decided to fix a salad for dinner, adding leftover chopped-up chicken breast for the protein. Twenty minutes later, she sat at the bar and enjoyed her dinner, turning everything about her unique situation over and over in her mind. What would be the harm in moving in with them?

  I’d lose my privacy and some of my sanity dealing with two very masculine and very protective men.

  She’d enjoy the pampering they tended to give her, but the trade off of her independence seemed like a big boulder to the move. Still, if this apartment didn’t pan out, she’d have to seriously think about their offer. She couldn’t leave it too long since she was beginning to show and carrying groceries up the stairs would soon get tiresome and dangerous. How did other women do it?

  Most other women have men to do things for them.

  Yeah, she had two men, but they weren’t living with her. They would do anything for her, but it was limited as long as she lived alone. They couldn’t do everything for her when she wasn’t living with them. They had work just like she did.

  The more she mulled it over, the more she felt conflicted. Independence meant so much to her, but the safety and health of her baby meant even more. She’d see how the two-bedroom apartment on the first floor was before she made such an important decision.

  The next day she and Janice met the building manager at the apartment complex. He showed them the apartment, and at first glance, it looked perfect. Then she realized that there wasn’t a place for a washer and dryer in the apartment.

  “No, we have a laundry downstairs in the basement. It’s free to use. All you have to do is swipe a keycard to get inside. It keeps others from using it that aren’t in the building,” he told her.

  More stairs. That meant she was back in the same position as she was in now. The apartment was perfect otherwise. The bedrooms were nice sizes, and the living area a little larger. The rent was only fifty dollars more than what she was paying presently, but it was closer to Austin and out of her preferred neighborhood.

  Libby would have to really think about it before she made up her mind. The manager urged her to make a decision soon since first-floor apartments tended to go quick. She would talk it over with the guys at dinner that night.

  For an instant, she froze. She found that she thought about them in connection to everything now. This was her decision, but she wanted their input. That should have bothered her, but Libby took it in stride. It was only natural she’d want to include them in the decision. They were the baby’s fathers. Well, one of them was anyway.

  “What do you think?” Janice asked once they were back in the car.

  “I love the apartment, but there are still going to be stairs and it’s closer to the city with more traffic,” she said.

  “I agree. I don’t like you having to negotiate stairs carrying laundry baskets. That’s as bad as carrying groceries up to your apartment now.”

  “The guys aren’t going to like it either,” she admitted.

  “It sounds like they have the perfect setup for you at their place. Maybe you should seriously consider their offer, Libby. It would mean no stairs, plenty of room for the baby and for you.” Janice reached over and squeezed Libby’s hand.

  “I don’t know. Living with them both is going to feel odd.”

  “There are plenty of women who share houses with men. It’s safer and nice to have a man to do things around the place like take out the trash and keep up the yard. Don’t look at there being two of them. Think about how much help you’re going to have,” Janice said.

  “I’m thinking about it. Right now I don’t seem to have much of a choice. It’s this apartment or their place.”

  “Let’s go look at baby clothes,” Janice said with a huge smile. “I hope it’s a girl so we can dress her up.”

  “You’re so funny. Looking at baby stuff will be fun.” Libby grinned at her friend. It would be fun.

  They grabbed a quick lunch then poured over the infant section of several stores with Libby buying several items that weren’t dependent on the sex of the baby. Janice added to her choices several other items including burping cloths and a tiny comb and brush set.

  They carried everything to her apartment with Janice insisting on carrying the packages up by herself. Libby just rolled her eyes and followed her up to her place where they folded everything into a drawer Libby had cleared out for the baby’s things.

  “There really isn’t anywhere for the baby here, hon. You’re going to have to make a decision soon.” Janice looked around her tiny apartment.

  “I know. I’ll think about it and decide in the next few days.” Libby sighed.

  Janice hugged her before leaving to meet her fiancé for dinner that night. Libby rushed around to get ready for the guys. They were picking her up in an hour to take her out to eat. She was excited as always when they were coming to get her. It puzzled her why she was so attracted to two men at one time, but she didn’t let herself dwell on it at the moment. She wanted to enjoy the night.

  * * * *

  Once the guys had walked her back to her door later that night, Libby was exhausted but content. They’d eaten at a steak house then walked along the park in the center of the little community before she admitted that she was tired and ready to go home. Both men kissed her good night and reminded her to lock up behind them.

  She checked the locks once more then quickly showered and headed to bed. It wasn’t long until she’d drifted off to sleep.

  A noise woke her sometime later. She lay in bed trying to figure out what had woken her up when she heard it again, the sound of footsteps in the other room. She panicked and grabbed her phone, fumbling with the buttons as she dialed 911.

  “Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?” the bored voice asked on the other end.

  “There’s someone in my apartment,” she whispered, cupping her hand over the mouthpiece.

  “What’s your address? Can you lock yourself in a bathroom?” the voice asked.

  Libby gave the women her address and quietly climbed out of the bed to pad quietly into the closet. The bathroom opened into the other room. She couldn’t get to it without exposing herself to whoever was in her apartment.

  The woman on the other end o
f the phone assured her that help was on the way, but Libby couldn’t stop her heart from pounding in her chest like a basketball being dribbled down the court at a ballgame. Each pound choked her, making it hard to swallow.

  “Hurry. I’m scared,” she whispered frantically.

  They’re on their way, hon. You should hear the sirens soon.”

  She heard the doorknob to her bedroom click. It took all her strength not to whimper at the sound of footsteps in her room. Seconds passed, and then the door to the closet swung open and a dark figure appeared in the doorway.

  “The closet isn’t going to protect you, bitch. Come out before I make you,” the gravelly voice said.

  Libby refused to budge. He’d have to pull her out. She wasn’t about to make it easy on him. He cursed when she remained where she was. His low growl had her stomach clenching to the point of pain as he reached down and jerked her forward so that she fell on her knees in the closet. Libby dropped the phone so that he didn’t see it when he reached down to drag her out of the closet, her knees rubbing over the shoes in the bottom of the closet, bruising them in the process.

  “Don’t make this harder than it has to be. I won’t hurt you—much.” He laughed as he squeezed her upper arms in his tight grip and grinned down at her.

  In the weak light, his face held all the nightmares of her childhood turning him into a monster from under her bed. She couldn’t stop the tremble that started in the pit of her stomach and rolled over her body like a wave crashing on the rocks. She whimpered and tried to pull free of his punishing grip.

  He flung her toward the bed. Libby stumbled then caught herself and rushed toward the doorway instead. She nearly made it before he lunged and grabbed hold of her hair.


  He used his hold and jerked her back, the sharp pull making her wonder if he’d pull out her hair by the roots. The stinging of her scalp had her crying out in pain. Libby reached up, trying to pull back on her hair to stop the pain. This time when he threw her to the bed he stopped her from fighting with the edge of a knife at her throat.


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