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Page 32

by Ann Raina

  “But by Federal Law you are—”

  “I don’t care for your law. It’s all a secret anyway, isn’t it? I want Matthew out of there alive.”

  “Don’t you think I want that, too?”

  Lady Summerston stared at her. “You’re not telling me he’s one of yours?”

  “Strange as it seems, but yes.” She reached for the telephone and the lady let her.

  “He’s CIA?” Alyssa’s mouth fell open. “But he said…”

  “Don’t judge him by his looks.” Linda waited for HQ to pick up and put her through to Bellard.

  Lady Summerston frowned and anger got the best of her. Her men walked in, suitably armed. “I’ll handle the situation my way.”

  Linda shook her head. “But you don’t have the means to free him!”

  She pointed at the six men standing next to the door. They looked severe, waiting for orders. “I think I do. Bryan, Richard… You need to break into the dungeon.” She cocked a thumb at the monitor. “Five men, armed. They got one of my boys. I want you to break in and free him. Do you have any questions?”

  Bryan took a closer look and took a deep breath. He had been with the army long ago, but a scene like that was completely new to him. “If we break in they might choose to kill the man.”

  “You’ll find the means to prevent that.”

  “That might include bodily harm.”

  “If you say you have to kill those bastards, yes, I thought of that, too.”

  “That’s self-justice! You can’t do that! Wait a moment, sir,” Linda added toward Bellard and stared at Lady Summerston. “You can’t tell your guards to storm the room! Wait half an hour! That’s all I ask!”

  “Half an hour’s a long time for a prisoner, ma’am,” Bryan replied calmly.

  “They won’t expect us,” Richard added and stood upright, lower lip thrust out, telling everybody in the room he shouldn’t be messed with. “We’ll be in without giving them time to react.”

  Lady Summerston nodded. “Bring me George first.”

  Linda resumed her call to Bellard. “Yes, sir, the situation’s got worse. Michael’s in Kamal’s hands, beaten up. Against my advice, Lady Summerston insists on storming the dungeon.”

  “Dungeon? They’ve chosen proper quarters! How’s Michael?”

  “I can’t tell for sure, but he seems to be alive, sir. Send the emergency squad immediately.”

  “How many opponents?”

  “Six at least. I don’t know for sure.”

  “Evac team is on its way now.”

  * * * *

  George Summerston had no interest in Peter’s well-being. If it was for him to decide, he’d grab his lover and some belongings and be gone before Kamal ever crossed the lobby again. Desperate to find Dave, he entered their private quarters. The man’s sweet fragrance was in the air, but he didn’t see him.

  “Dave? Dave, are you here?” He crossed the colorfully decorated living room with its many paintings and pictures, flowerpots and cute little pillows on loveseats. “Dave? Where the hell are you? We need to get out of here!” Sweating, anxious and in horror of Kamal’s repressions he went into the bedroom to pack a few things in a soft leather bag. Suddenly, he heard faint steps. “Dave?”

  “You rang for me?”

  George was relieved to see him and had no mood for his lover’s amusement. He shook him at the shoulders. “We have to leave. Now! It’s too dangerous around.” To his utter surprise, David didn’t move.

  “Have you finally learned to fear your so-called business partners?”

  George let go. “What do you know?”

  Dave smiled sadly at the condescending tone. “Dear, George, I love you with all my heart and I love you with all the faults you have, but do you truly think you can hide anything from me?”

  George went back to the open drawer and stuffed underwear in the bag. “Kamal’s mad. He’ll kill us if we stay.”

  “And you think that you’re safe once you leave the house? Don’t be so damn naïve. That’s my part.” He stood beside him and held George’s left wrist. “You have to take responsibility, George, and not run away from it. You caused those people harm and now you want to run and leave your sister-in-law, the staff and the guests to Kamal’s mercy?” He frowned deeply when George looked away. “You’re a miserable weakling.” He turned when the door flew open. “I guess, your times up.”

  * * * *

  George Summerston entered the room, his face flushing red.

  “He tried to get away,” Bryan stated as calm as before as he barred the exit. “Obviously, he didn’t want to meet you again.”

  “Leave assumptions to me, Bryan.” Lady Summerston’s stare was cold. “Georgie, you never appeared to be the smartest, but this is gross. Do you think they’d have let you get away? Anyway, how many people work for Kamal? What’s the count aside from those in the dungeon?”

  George stared at the monitor, swallowing hard. “You watch them? You watch the couples who—”

  “Answer the question!”

  Behind her, Linda put down the telephone. “My people will be here in less than thirty minutes. With all the equipment needed.”

  “By then Matthew will be freed already. George?”

  “Fifteen.” George took a deep breath. He couldn’t believe what just happened. David had let him down, and his sister-in-law was a voyeur! “The others just work here. They’re not trained to attack anyone.”

  “Fifteen.” Lady Summerston took a deep breath. She felt nauseated by the mere idea of so many terrorists roaming freely on her premises. She faced Bryan. “You heard him. Expect six to be in the dungeon, the rest outside.”

  “Two less,” Alyssa added. Everyone had forgotten about her and now all eyes turned into her direction. “We knocked out Joshua and that boy, Cebrail.”

  “Right. Give the gun to Bryan.”

  Alyssa was more than happy to get rid of the SMG. Bryan took it with satisfaction.

  “Guess, they won’t make much trouble when I get there with this.”

  Linda stood beside Lady Summerston. “Don’t feel too safe with it. Kamal’s not out to play. He’ll shoot you on sight if threatened.”

  “What else do we do?” Bryan turned to his men. “You heard the lady. Let’s go and save the day.”

  * * * *

  Michael heard the shouts, the noise, the shooting from a distance. He felt lifted into a great space amid an infinite black sky. Occasionally, the words got a meaning. He understood there was a shootout taking place. Orders were barked and answered. The hammering of bullets mingled with cries from the outside. Michael felt no alteration of his position and made the conclusion that his freedom was still far away.

  * * * *

  Bryan pulled back toward the stairway, dragging Richard with him. The six-foot-man was a heavy load, but adrenaline and the sheer necessity to save him gave him extra strength while the bullets whined past him. Grunting with effort, he made it to the hall where two men covered his retreat and relieved him of the guard.

  “It’s not possible.” Bryan made an effort to stay on his feet. He had hardly enough air to speak. “We can’t get in. You built this well, milady. Whoever’s inside is able to defend it.” He wiped sweat off his brow as he glanced at Linda. “We’re out of options here. Guess, it’s your turn.”

  Linda Bernstein nodded curtly and pressed her lips tight. She wanted to tell the lady and her men how stupid and stubborn they had reacted, but she knew it wouldn’t alter the situation. She worried for Michael and with every minute passing, his situation got more serious. “My men will be here shortly. Any idea how to break the door without blowing the dungeon?”

  Lady Summerston took a deep breath. After a fire alarm had forced all guests and the rest of the employees to leave the building for the rear side of the premises, she had hoped to be rid of the terrorists within minutes. Now it looked different. She felt beaten and tired, yet she kept herself upright. “There might be.”

  George wet his lips. He had wanted to leave with the guests, but Katherine had forbidden it. “It’s hopeless! I told you so before! We’ll all die!”

  “If you weren’t such a stupid asshole we wouldn’t be in this damned situation! If we’re out to make a stand, you’ll be here and if Kamal doesn’t kill you, I might!” She turned to Linda. “When the basement was excavated there were small windows installed. From the inside they look like pieces of the wall, from the outside there are shutters.”

  “Which means, if I take out shutter and window the fake wall will still be intact.”

  “I guess so, but I’m not sure. If your men are detected before—”

  “It’s a start.” Linda told the chief of the evacuation team her plan and thus ordered them to break into the premises.

  “Commander Bernstein,” the voice of Agent Horten came back, “there’s the risk of being detected.”

  “We’re already under attack. You’re here to speed things up. Move!”


  Linda took a deep breath. “It’s safer to check out the break-in from your room, milady.”

  “No. I’ll stay here until that damned door down there opens again.”

  * * * *

  Kamal heard a faint sound and then hell broke loose. A stun grenade exploded in the dungeon, forcing his men backward. Before his weapon found a target, he was blinded and bullets whipped through the room. He went down for cover, raising his SMG toward the sudden light streaming through the windows simultaneously. He fired, but heard no cry of pain. Then, out of the mist, there were black-clad men with goggles and black hoods around him. Two ripped away his weapon, a third pulled his hands behind his back and handcuffed him. It was done so quickly, he had no time to shout for his men to defend themselves.

  When the mist cleared and he could see again, his men were down, handcuffed, two of them wounded. He cursed in Arabic as he was pulled up on his feet. He got a glimpse of Lady Summerston then he was led out.

  * * * *

  Linda Bernstein rushed into the dungeon the moment the door was opened from the inside. “Is he all right?”

  The agent pulled off his goggles and cocked a thumb over his shoulder. “He’s just been taken off the hook.”

  She hurried on, worry speeding her feet. “Michael?” She squatted beside him. On the other side, a medic checked the wounds on his face and torso and brought Michael back to consciousness with smelling-salt. “Can you hear me?” She waited for him to focus on her and the moment he realized his ordeal was over.

  His voice was but a breath. “You got the cavalry here, right?”

  “Yes.” She found it suddenly hard to speak.


  “He and his men are in custody. No need to worry.”

  “There were more.”

  “Horten’s men took them out. With a little help from the guards.”

  * * * *

  Lady Summerston and Alyssa followed into the dungeon, exchanging glances.

  “Hard to believe that she’s also overpowered by his sex appeal.”

  Alyssa sighed. “No, not really. How is he?”

  The medic looked at Linda and she nodded curtly. “Cuts and bruises, maybe a torn kidney. I’ll know that for sure in a hospital.”

  When Linda stood up as two men arrived with a stretcher, Alyssa took the moment to kneel beside Michael. She put his hand in hers. “I’ll be there if you still want me. Later.”

  His face looked terrible, but he managed a weak smile. “How can you doubt that?”


  “You’re really transferring to a sit-on-your-butt position?” Greenburg shook his head for the umpteenth time. “I cannot believe it! I just can’t! Mighty, you’re made for this job! To be out there, chase the bad guys, hunt ‘em down, arrest ‘em. You know, feel the adrenaline pump through your body and—”

  “I know what I want.”

  “No, my friend, you don’t.” Greenburg dropped the smile on his face and put back the bottle of Budweiser on Michael’s kitchen table. “Remember, it was you who made this success possible. And thanks to you we also know the face behind Kamal’s aggression. We can’t nail him right now, but we’re working on it. And don’t deny it, it’s a great feeling, right?”

  Michael only sighed.

  “I know, love’s a many-splendored thing, but you’re heading toward disaster.”

  “Oh, and that from a friend!” Michael opened another bottle for himself and closed the fridge with a swing of his butt. “Listen, Lester, I’m not blue-eyed, but the whole job told me that I’m not made for this.”

  Lester threw his hands in the air. “Hell, it was the first long-term undercover job! Of course, it wasn’t easy! But wasn’t the homecoming a nice reward?” He wiggled his brows and smiled broadly when Michael tilted his head. “Ah, come on, you loved it! Handshake from the big white chief, congrats from all around, the women lying at your feet…almost. Oh, I know, that was to your liking, my friend.”

  “I can’t deny that. But fact is, Alyssa and I want to be together. In the meaning of being around each other every day. And not for a night in a month. You got that?”

  Lester pursed his lips. “That’s you speaking or just an overflow of—” He caught his tongue before the words slipped and shook his head. “Sorry, pal, I just can’t cope with the idea that you throw away such a career opportunity for a girl. That’s not you.”

  “Not the old me.” Michael took a swig of beer and put down the bottle, his face solemn. “But for the week in the hospital I had time to think. To think about what I want from life. Don’t make such a face, Lester, it’s true. You think that conquests are all I want. Just having fun without obligations. But that’s wrong. I was searching for the right woman. And I know I found her. She’s more than I ever hoped to find in a woman. She’s smart, sexy, lovable. And she’s always there for me.”

  The door opened and Alyssa entered, bags with groceries in both arms.

  Michael quickly turned to help her put them on the worktops.

  “Hi, darling.” Alyssa kissed Michael on the lips, then turned to Lester who saluted her with his beer. “I see, you made yourself comfortable. I bought some stuff for dinner. You guys hungry?”

  Lester grinned. “Well, you talk about food and I shouldn’t be hungry? You’re kidding me! Go ahead. We’ll clean the kitchen afterward. Ouch!” He grinned ever broader when Alyssa slapped his arm. “No more, please, I’m already leaving!” He hurried out. “Michael, you coming?” He looked over his shoulder to see Michael and Alyssa in a deep embrace, holding each other as if they’d drown without the other. The kiss that followed was more than he could bear. He hung his head. “Okay, okay, I got it, folks, no need making an old friend jealous.”

  Alyssa turned to him with an apologetic smile. “We were not…”

  “I know, but, hey, I understand without the demonstration. And I understand you, Mighty.” He shook his head, sighing deeply. “Oh, yes, I do.”

  About the Author

  Ann lives in Germany and writing is one of her favorite hobbies. By now she has published Freedom in Chains, Spice for Your Life and Living for the Act with eXtasy Books. Here is her fourth book, a romantic love story paired with sex and adventure.

  Ann’s email:




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