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Sorcerous Deeds: Special Investigators for the Magickally Challenged. An Urban Fantasy Novella. (Adept Solutions Book 2)

Page 9

by Teagan Kearney

  Chen was slapping Keon on the back, and Nikki and Gemma had huge grins pasted on their faces. The semi-precious stone sat on the table, its blue depths quiescent.

  “Where’s my father?”

  “You’re not the only person who’s been rescuing people.” Nikki, Zhanna, and Gemma exchanged sly grins. “Your father is downstairs with Jason—”

  “Let me tell him,” Zhanna’s exuberance fizzed from her skin as her wings fluttered sending more rainbow sparkles into the room. Without waiting for an answer, she continued in a rush. “Nikki and I released him from those awful succubitches. He was in a bad way, but he’ll recover. You should have seen us, we rocked the best catfight ever!”

  JB shot a glance at Nikki, mouthing ‘succubitches’? “You pair took on two succubi and rescued Jason?”

  Nikki shrugged. “We’ll fill you in on the details later—and that wand, well, that is one multi-purpose item.”

  “He’s part of the team, isn’t he?” Zhanna flew a few loops shedding faerie stars like confetti.

  “Your Great Great Grandmamma would not be pleased to hear of you galivanting around Tropolis.” JB tried to sound severe, but failed miserably. He was just glad to be back and learn that Jason was safe because that meant Gemma was happy.

  “Don’t be a spoilsport, and I’m not telling her.”

  Casanova approached JB. “I misjudged you when we first arrived, but you are honorable, brave and fearless. Queen Leanne will not forget your service. Call on us if you have need. We must depart as the solstice is two days away, and there are preparations to complete for Selendriel's succession and marriage now she is safe.”

  “Wait! Casanova, everyone,” Zhanna called, her high clear voice cutting through the excited conversations. “We must break those links, otherwise life could prove awkward. JB, Keon, and you darling Casanova, return the items you took with you to their owners.”

  JB lifted Gemma’s locket over his head. “I’m relieved they found Jason. Is he okay?” The link with Gemma had done more than helped keep him sane, it had softened the hard shell around the hurt he’d felt at her rejection. “It helped,” he said, holding her gaze.

  Gemma nodded, and stuck out her hand, closing it over her locket as he dropped it into her palm.

  “TVH moment,” Zhanna called, scattering yet another shower of sparkles. “Are the tokens returned?” Chen, Keon, Romeo, and Casanova nodded. “Then I break the links.” Zhanna waved her wand, shattering the crystal, and sending everyone to the floor as shards of lapis lazuli flew through the air. “Oops,” the faerie exclaimed. “Princess Selendriel, I shall miss your cousins, they have been entertaining company. Come, Romeo has created a temporary opening to your world from my embassy, and it isn’t going to hold for much longer.”

  Selendriel approached Keon. “I will never forget Didi, and I know your motive was revenge on Jaigis for your son’s murder, but I will always remember what you did for me.” Then with much bowing, talking of debts owed, and saying of goodbyes, the princess preceded her cousins into Zhanna’s office.

  “I must leave, too,” Keon said as the door closed behind the elves. “I've not had much to do with elves before, but they seem okay. Next time you see them, let them know if they need any help at all, my pack offers their aid. I'm in your debt, too, JB. I’ll be in touch later. You have my heartfelt thanks.” He enfolded JB in a man hug and squeezed hard. He acknowledged Nikki, Zhanna, and Gemma. “Thank you, all.”

  “Come on,” JB said to Valak, who’d stood to the side, avidly taking in the various exchanges. “I’ll show you where you can sleep for tonight. First though, you can get cleaned up, and I’ll arrange those history lessons for you with my father.”

  “And the—”

  “One thing at a time,” JB said. He wasn’t looking forward to arranging for Valak to lose his virginity, but he had a week to figure it out, or avoid the issue altogether if possible.

  “I’ll come with you.” Gemma headed over to the door. “I want to take Jason home, though I might need a little help getting him down the stairs.” She glanced up at JB.

  “No problem, and no, Valak, I’ll do it.” JB hid a grin at the rush of enthusiasm in the youngster’s face.

  The demonling had a lot to learn about hiding his motives.

  “Jason can take as long as he needs before returning to work. Paid, of course. Zhanna’s right. He is part of the team.” JB studied Jason sitting pale and emaciated with his eyes closed in the front seat of Gemma’s car. “How is he?”

  “He’ll be fine. Zhanna told me what you asked Nikki to do. You’re one of the good guys, JB. I hope we can be friends—proper friends that is?” She held out her hand.

  He resisted the urge to pull her close and plant a long kiss on her lips, taking hold of her outstretched hand instead. “Friends it is.” He watched her drive away, remembering the intimacy of the connection and feeling its absence. He didn’t move till her car vanished into the traffic.

  Chapter Eighteen: Summer Solstice, Sunday, 20th, June, 1 pm.

  A marquee sat in the middle of the manicured lawn, a lily on a sea of lush green, its swooping white silk walls trembling in the soft summer breeze as laughter and lively conversation drifted across the gardens. Inside, intoxicating perfume from the white roses and stephanotis centerpieces scented the air as friends and relatives relaxed, sipping Dom Pérignon from crystal champagne flutes. The five-star feast had been served on vintage gold-edged china, and eaten with gold plated cutlery on snow-white tablecloth-covered tables. The cake had been cut, the first dance performed, and the guests danced and mingled or sat at tables, listening to the intoxicating rhythm of the mariachi band.

  JB danced with a cousin of Juan's. The brown-haired soft-eyed beauty was unable to tear her gaze away from his dark handsome face, especially as he was making an effort to be charming.

  Valak partnered one of Nikki’s younger cousins, whose quick grimace said he’d trod on her toes yet again. The demonling was oblivious and totally entranced by the black curly-haired half-imp, who stared up at him, equally captivated by his attractive looks—despite his faltering feet.

  “Why did Casanova and Romeo do this for Nikki if they already paid JB?” Gemma’s eyes roved the tent, pausing as she glimpsed Chima dancing with his plus one, a buxom blonde. She continued checking out the dancers, powerless to look away till she found JB. He must have said something amusing as his partner threw back her pretty head and laughed. She swallowed and looked down, wishing she could forget the intimacy they’d shared when Zhanna’s link had been active.

  “This isn’t about wealth,” JB Sr. told her, “it’s about gratitude. By giving Nikki this gift, they honor all of us.”

  Nikki’s original plans had been a ceremony at the civil registrar’s office followed by a reception at Tropolis’s best restaurant, the Oasis. However, the day after the princes and Selendriel departed, the management of the Bois de Chêne, a picture-perfect estate with extensive gardens, had contacted JB to confirm the booking made by Cathair Casanova Lamaenor for their Five-Star Wedding Experience. He was informed that transport had been arranged for every member of the guest list, and the marriage service itself would take place in their private chapel.

  Nikki had been overwhelmed, hysterical, calm, and then hysterical again, before accepting she would be having a spectacular day, even if it wasn’t the one she’d planned.

  JB Sr., Gemma, Zhanna and Jason sat near the top table occupied by Nikki, her mother, Juan, his parents and their close relatives.

  Gemma wore the strapless gray and pink floral full-skirted midi dress and strappy heels delivered to her apartment that morning. She would have left the designer dress in its glossy box except Zhanna had phoned saying the elves would be deeply upset at the breach of etiquette her rejection of their gift would constitute. This left her no choice and Gemma had ungraciously surrendered.

  JB, his father, Valak and Jason all sported white tuxedos, crisp white shirts and black pants provided a
s part of the elves’ appreciation package to the team for bringing their precious Princess Selendriel home.

  “How are you holding up?” Zhanna asked Jason, who sat with his chair close to hers. The Faerie Queen had heard about her ambassador’s foray into Tropolis and forbidden her to change again. The consequence of such extravagant use of fae and elven magic could be fatal. Zhanna might end up being stuck as a human, and the result would be a creature that appeared human but was an empty shell. However, at Zhanna’s earnest request, she granted permission for her to draw on the elven magic for the hours of the wedding and reception. So Zhanna once again appeared in her expanded form. Without camouflage paint hiding her features, the tilt of her thickly lashed gold tinted eyes, the rose blush on her pale gold cheeks, and carmine hued cupid bow lips—let alone the faint luminescence emanating from her skin—meant those who saw her were immediately entranced. Her slenderness was highlighted by the scarlet sleeveless high necked lace mini dress she wore. Only if you studied her carefully, would you notice the slight flicker around her edges, and a slight increase or decrease in size every now and then.

  Jason leaned toward Zhanna, breathed in her scent and focused his attention on her. “Better than I ever thought I could be a few days ago. All I remember was meeting that demon in a bar and looking into her eyes. You saved my life.” Jason was slowly regaining his former strength.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Zhanna replied. She had needed an unprecedented six solid hours of sleep to recover once the elves went home.

  The chiming of a fork against a glass had everyone turning toward Nikki, who was calling for everyone’s attention. “All the single ladies gather in the dancing area.” She indicated the large space in front of the top table.

  “That’s you.” Zhanna gave Gemma a sharp look.

  “And you.” Gemma retorted.

  “She’s going to throw the bouquet, and if it hits me at the wrong angle, it could go straight through me. That might disturb some of Nikki’s new relatives. I think you’re scared.”

  “Of a bunch of flowers?”

  “Yes. Imagine what a proper relationship with someone would be like. Chima’s over there with his latest girlfriend. What happened?”

  “We decided to go our separate ways. Besides, what do faeries know about human relationships?”

  “You’re like Hansel, except you leave a trail of—”

  “Gemma!” Nikki’s voice cut through the giggles of the women waiting for her flowers. “I’m not throwing it without you.”

  “Faeries and their stories,” Gemma groused, standing up and smiling with gritted teeth. She glanced around the marquee, caught sight of JB’s eyes on her, and looked quickly away.

  “Right here, Gem!” Nikki pointed at a spot in the center of the front line.

  “Why not just hand it to me?” Gemma muttered, keeping her grim reaper smile as she moved to the front, and waited with her hands held stiffly by her sides.

  “Okay,” Nikki turned her back to the guests, clasped the thick bunch of lily of the valley and gardenias in both hands.

  Squeals of excitement erupted from the group of eager young women stretching their arms and bouncing on their toes, ready to grab a share of the bride’s good luck. “Here it comes!” Nikki swung her arms high, and with a swift flick of her wrists tossed the bouquet over her head.

  Every eye tracked the green and white flowers as they arced through the air and struck Gemma’s chest with a solid thump before dropping on the floor as she made no effort to catch them.

  A mad scramble ensued as those nearest her dived to the floor, vying to get hold of the bouquet as Gemma backed slowly out of the group.

  Nikki laughed, pointed at Gemma, and mouthed, “You next,” and drew a heart in the air.

  Gemma mimed a finger across her throat, then stuck two fingers above her ear, and mimed pulling a trigger, before she returned to her seat laughing.

  “She got you!” crowed Zhanna. “Destiny has spoken, your fate is sealed.”

  “More faerie stories,” said Gemma, but two high spots of color on her cheeks betrayed her attempt at nonchalance.

  “Thanks, Dad, for taking Valak off my hands.” JB flopped down next to Gemma, leaned back and popped a piece of polenta toast topped with olives and ricotta into his mouth.

  “He has a genuine interest in the Cycles, and don’t worry, I’ll arrange the other matter before he returns home.” JB Sr. snorted. “Though it looks like he might be sorting that out for himself.”

  They looked over to where Valak continued to lurch around the dance floor.

  “I saw Nikki earlier giving him an earful, so I don’t think he’ll try anything too adventurous,” JB said.

  “He’s far more demon than you’ll ever be, JB. He’s being brought up and groomed by Ascepius. Don’t let that cute exterior fool you.”

  “Yeah, but he did good this time. Hey, here comes the blushing bride.” JB smiled affectionately as Nikki approached. “You look stunningly beautiful.”

  Nikki lifted the hem of her wedding gown, a thickly sequined and bead embroidered strapless top over a long ivory silk organza skirt, revealing a brand-new pair of black studded combat boots. “Gotta keep something of the real me! I wanted to thank you—”


  “Yes, again. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for this, JB.”

  “The elves arranged this, not me. I only gave you the week off for your honeymoon, then it’s back to the same old painstaking detective work.”

  Zhanna lifted her beer tankard full of sugar water into the air. “A toast!”

  Jason mirrored her, lifting his beer.

  JB handed Nikki Valak’s untouched glass of champagne—he’d left it on the table, too eager to find a warm female body to dance with—and lifted his own.

  “To elves, faeries, imps, demons, humans, and mixed bloods everywhere,” Zhanna cried.

  JB raised his glass. “To a long and happy life, whatever that means, to my father, my friends,” he clinked glasses first with Gemma, then with everyone else, “and to Adept Solutions!”



  Thank you very much for reading Sorcerous Deeds, Book Two in the Adept Solutions Series.

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  Books by Teagan Kearney:

  The Kala Trilogy

  Healer’s Magic

  Vampire’s Bane

  Demon’s Nemesis

  The Adept Solutions Series

  Hekate’s Chalice

  Sorcerous Deeds

  Hidden World Trilogy

  Veiled Planet

  One Summer in Montmartre

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