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Tangled Paths

Page 3

by Kimi Flores

  Thank god my dad invested my money, otherwise I wouldn’t have shit anymore.

  Satisfied with their work, both guys wiped the grease off of their hands, picked up their discarded shirts from the floor, then Josh pulled down the rolling garage door. "Shower then pizza?" he asked as the shirtless brothers made their way to his ranch house.

  "Is that even a question?" Brad punched Josh on the arm.

  "Ow, fucker." Josh swung at his younger brother, attempting to hit him even harder, but Bradley slipped away before Josh had a chance.

  Walking backward, Brad jerked his body side to side with his fists in the air as if he was getting ready for his brother to come at him. "You're losing your touch."

  Josh gave a dismissive nod, planning to get even later.

  "Remember when Mom used to tell you to stop screwing with me because I'd be bigger than you one day?” Brad smirked at him. “Well that day is now, shithead." He flipped Josh off before spinning around, slamming into the flagpole in front of the house, then falling flat on his ass with an ‘oomph’.

  Josh busted up. “Anyone ever tell you karma’s a bitch?”

  Brad turned his bloody-lipped face toward him with a glare.

  Strolling past him, Josh let the screen door slam behind him. Yep, that karma sure is a bitch, but she seems to be on my side today.

  “That was delicious,” Bri moaned, dropping her napkin onto her empty plate. The spinach, artichoke, and cheese baked pasta dish Leah served for lunch was to die for. It almost made up for her shit-tastic morning.

  She was having a hard time shaking off her foul mood after the early morning wakeup call from her mom. Sitting in her brother and sister-in-law’s dining room with Dani, Leah and Caleb’s wife, Abby, Bri knew she wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding her feelings. When Leah asked what was going on, she had to lie, saying she was just tired. However, hanging out with the girls was helping to change her outlook especially because today was the first time they’d gotten together since Leah came back from her honeymoon.

  Dani agreed with Bri’s comment about the food. “Yeah, I’m gonna have to starve myself all week to make up for that lunch.”

  Leah patted her sister’s forearm. “You worry too much about calories, Dani. Mami didn’t raise no salad eatin’ chicas, ya know.”

  “Well, I’m not worried today. I’ll be pissed off though in a few days when I can’t zip up my jeans.” Dani pushed her empty plate away with one hand, touching her stomach with the other.

  I hate that Dani’s so concerned about her weight. Thanks to her mother, Bri spent way too many years worrying about what she looked like. Bri dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin before taking a sip of her strawberry lemonade. “I haven’t had a good home cooked meal in forever. Stefen is one lucky man.”

  Leah raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t Dani cook for you? Our mom taught us the same recipes.”

  The leather on the dining chair squeaked when Bri jerked her head to the side, eyeing her roommate. “You cook? Why don’t you make food at home? You know how much I hate eating out.”

  Abby sat across the table from them, staring at her four-month-old son, absentmindedly adding, “Dani makes the best cheese enchiladas I think I’ve ever had.”

  Dani narrowed her dark brown eyes at Leah, then Abby. “Thanks a lot.” Then admitted to Bri, “It was kinda a thing I did with my dad before he passed away, then with my mom when we lived together. It’s way easier to just come over here and eat whatever Leah makes anyway.”

  The bracelets on Bri’s wrists jingled when she pressed her hand to her chest. “Well I’m all for helping if it means you’ll make me food. I’m a shitty cook, but I don’t mind chopping stuff and cleaning up.”

  Dani answered sarcastically, “I already do your nails, what more do you want from me?”

  Bri automatically looked down at the fresh manicure Dani had given her before leaving their condo today. The little mustache drawings Dani added on the tips made Bri smile. “Fine. I’ll take the manicures, but wouldn’t mind a nice meal every so often too.” She huffed, faking irritation.

  Leah took her last bite then stood to snag the sweet baby from Abby’s arms. “Huy, let me have this gorgeous little man.” Baby Max blinked as Leah swayed back and forth, giving him loud kisses on his chubby cheeks.

  Bri’s heart swelled, a tiny tear forming in the corner of her eye. Every single time she saw a baby, she teared up. As much as she’d love to have her own one day, she knew it would be the most selfish thing she could ever do.

  I don’t know the first thing about being a good mother. My child wouldn’t stand a chance.

  “Hey, you okay?” Leah sat in the dining chair next to her, holding Max in one arm and running a comforting hand on Bri’s forearm.

  Dammit, can’t stop the tears. Bri sniffed, wiping her hands timidly on the long summer skirt that covered her thighs. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just hormonal when I see babies.” She reached over, placing her palm on Max’s soft back.

  “You sure?” Leah tilted her head to the side, not buying it.

  Wiping under her eyes with her cloth napkin, Bri looked around the dark wooden table and tried to reassure everyone looking at her. “Really. I’m fine.” Sniffing again, she changed the subject as she asked Leah. “So tell us, how’s married life?” Bri lifted her hand. “But please spare us the gory details since my brother is involved, and I just ate.”

  She wondered if the beautiful black stained table was sanitary to eat on after some sexed up night.

  Leah stared at her, then smirked and shook her head. “For the most part, it’s even better than I imagined. There’re still some things I’m getting used to, but I guess that’s normal.” Leah shrugged the shoulder opposite of where Max laid, on the verge of falling asleep.

  Bri knitted her eyebrows together. “You guys lived together before you got married, though. What do you still have to get used to?”

  Leah pursed her lips, hesitating before continuing. “Well for starters, he pees with the bathroom door open, while he continues to have a conversation with me.”

  Bri, Dani, and Abby laughed out loud before Dani gave her two cents. “Yeah, that’s totally normal. I’ve never lived with a man and a few have done that with me too. He didn’t do that before you were married?”

  Leah frowned. “No, he was more private with that stuff before.”

  “It’s totally normal, Leah,” Abby chuckled. “Caleb started that on our honeymoon. It doesn’t even phase me anymore. Plus, he’s seen me in much more compromising positions.” She eyed her son. “He literally saw my blood and guts during the C-section.”

  Leah grimaced. “Well, I’m definitely not ready for Stefen to see my blood and guts, but I guess we’ll get there someday.”

  Excited, Bri chimed in, “Are you guys talking about kids already?” Oh, I can’t wait for those two to have babies.

  Shaking her head, Leah admitted, “No, not at all. We love kids, but we’re not ready to be parents yet. We’ll just help out with this little guy and Madison for now.” Leah leaned down, kissing Max on top of his head.

  Bri imagined Stefen was probably as freaked out about screwing up a little human being as she was. Then again, he was the one that took care of her growing up. She was sure he would make a great dad one day.

  “Where is Madison anyway? I haven’t seen her all week.” Bri cherished Caleb’s daughter. When his first wife died from cervical cancer, Stefen and Bri came to help take care of Madison. She was only a year old at the time, and now she was about to go into second grade. Where had the time gone?

  “She’s at a friend’s birthday party. Poor thing, I feel so bad for her now that all my attention is on my little boobaholic here.” Abby giggled. “She’s such a great helper though and loves her baby brother.”

  Leah interrupted, “Oh that reminds me, Stefen and I want to take her to the aquarium to go visit all the creatures she conned us into supporting last year.”

  Bri laughed, �
�Yeah, all she has to do is look at you with those big brown eyes, and she can get ya to do anything.”

  Abby grunted, covering her chest with her hands. “Oh man, let me have him. Time for my little man to eat.” She leaned over, picking Max up and cradled him in her arms.

  “He’s asleep though,” Leah complained.

  “It’s him or me, sister. If I don’t feed him now, these things are going to explode.” Peering around the table, she asked, “Do you mind if I feed him here? I can go in the other room if you guys want.”

  Visualizing the whole boob explosion, all three women shook their heads, agreeing that she could do whatever she needed to. The moment Abby let one of those ginormous suckers out of her button-up shirt and bra, Bri gasped. “Holy shit, that’s one humongo boob, Abby.” It came out of her mouth before she could stop it, but thankfully Abby laughed along.

  Abby raised an eyebrow and nodded. “I know. They were massive before, but now they’re just ridiculous. Do you know how difficult it is to find a pretty nursing bra big enough to hold these watermelons?”

  Max pecked like a baby bird once he felt her skin on his lips. She adjusted herself, squirting him in the eye before he latched on, but when he did, relief immediately covered Abby’s expression.

  “I can’t even see his little face. Aren’t you afraid you’ll suffocate him?” Dani craned her neck, and Leah smacked her arm. Although Dani was in the medical field, she specialized in working with geriatric patients, not nursing mothers.

  Abby frowned, lifting herself off her poor baby’s face then wiped his eyes with a clean cloth baby diaper. “No, he’s fine.”

  A light knock sounded from the front door, echoing through the open space of the living room and dining room. Leah’s chair scraped on the tile as she pushed away from the table, smoothing her palms down the sides of her jeans.

  Bri strained her neck to see who was knocking as she picked up her glass to take another drink. After peeking through the peep hole, Leah grimaced and complained, “Hijo de puta, what does this bruja want now?”

  Dani snickered as her sister flung the door wide open, tossing out Spanish cuss words.

  "Hello, Mrs. Crawford,” Leah grumbled with a small bite to it.

  What’s that about?

  "Oh hello, Mrs. Hunter. I wondered if I could borrow some coffee. I seem to have run out, again." An older woman, wearing a very loud and vibrant floral dress, stood in front of Leah, craning her neck until her eyes landed on the group at the dining table.

  Who’s the nosey hag?

  Leah threw her hand on her hip and groaned, "My husband is not here, Mrs. Crawford.” She added in an over exaggerated, sing-song tone, “But I’ll be happy to give you more coffee." Leah snatched the container from the woman's hand, storming past her guests to the kitchen. Cupboard doors opened and slammed shut before she reappeared, stomping back to the front door.

  Everyone at the table silently watched the scene as it unfolded.

  With a scowl on her face, the woman thanked Leah before cocking her eyebrow and adding, "That’s a very good-looking man you are married to. You better keep an eye on him."

  Bri’s head snapped to Dani, who’d started to get up from her seat, muttering, “Oh heeeeell no. This vieja did not just say that.”

  Before Dani could do anything, Leah slammed the door in her visitor’s face, startling Max before she stomped back to the table.

  Bri put her glass down. "What the hell was that about?"

  Furious, Leah plopped down on the chair. Blinking hard, she threw her napkin back on her lap and rested her elbows on the arms of her seat. "I don't know if I'm more pissed at that woman or my husband."

  Shit, what did Stefen do? "Do I need to sucker punch him in the nuts?” Bri teased. “Won’t be the first time I’ve had to. I love my brother but he deserved every hit."

  Dani snickered beside her, and Bri just eyeballed her.

  Leah settled in her chair and started to explain. "Last week, when we had that small earthquake, Stefen bolted out of bed, grabbed me, and threw me over his shoulder like he was a freaking fireman saving a damsel in distress.”

  Abby gushed, “Aww, that’s sweet. He was trying to save you.” She moved Max away from her breast, covering herself as she burped him.

  Leah rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Yeah, I’m not done yet. So, we go bouncing down the stairs in the dark. I was still waking up and figuring out what was going on. Next thing I know, we’re standing on the sand in front of the house as the neighbors are running out their front doors. Just before Stefen puts me down, I realize he’s bare-ass naked, and I’m only wearing panties. No top.” She made a popping sound to emphasize the ‘p’.

  Despite Leah’s irritation, laughter erupted all around the table. Dani smacked her thigh with the palm of her hand, attempting to catch her breath. “Son of a bitch,” she cackled. “And we all know how much you hate being naked in front of people. Well, except in front of Stefen, of course.”

  Leah smacked her sister on the arm as Abby and Bri’s laughter calmed down into giggles.

  “It’s not funny.” Leah scrunched up her face. “Mrs. Crawford had just moved in next door the day before and was already eyeing Stefen. He put me down and I tried to stand in front of him while covering myself, but she saw him anyway."

  Oh, this is too good. Bri was failing at hiding her amusement. "What did he do while that old cougar was gawking at you guys?"

  Throwing her arms across her chest, Leah narrowed her eyes. "He turned and waved at her. Didn't even bother covering himself up."

  Bri took another drink and clicked her tongue. "Yep. That sounds like my brother. He's never been self-conscious. He used to embarrass the hell out of me when my friends came over and he strolled past my bedroom in his boxers. A lot of my so called friends came over just to get a good look at him."

  Good thing I loved him.

  “Well I’m getting tired of her coming over just so she can screw him with her eyes. He thinks it’s funny but it pisses me off.” Leah breathed out her irritation when they heard the door that led from the kitchen to the garage open then shut. Male voices vibrated down the hall before an unsuspecting Stefen appeared.

  Bri looked at her sister-in-law’s fiery glare, then at her brother’s bright smile. She smirked back. Run, man. While you have a chance.

  He either didn’t notice Leah’s expression or was putting on a show for everyone else as he approached his bride, his hazel eyes met Bri’s matching ones as he smiled lovingly at his sister along the way. “Hey girls, did you enjoy your lunch? We brought some dessert." He motioned toward Caleb walking behind him, carrying a bag from one of their favorite local bakeries.

  Caleb went straight to his wife and baby, embracing them before swiping Abby’s auburn hair to the side and sweetly kissing her full pouty lips. Bri swallowed hard. The only time she ever yearned for her own husband was when she saw how her cousin and brother interacted with their wives.

  I need to stop thinking about it, though. It’s dumb to want something I’ll never let happen.

  Leah tightened her eyes as Stefen moved closer to give her a kiss. He paused before following through with a peck on her lips. "Did I miss something?"

  "Your girlfriend next door was looking for you again," she answered bitterly.

  The dumbass had the nerve to break out in a huge grin.

  Dude, even I know Leah better than that.

  Bending forward, he held onto the arms of Leah’s chair and chuckled. "Did she ask for sugar or coffee this time?"

  This was getting uncomfortable with the daggers Leah was shooting at him. He moved in closer, but Bri unfortunately heard what he whispered in Leah’s ear. “You know what your jealousy does to me. Wanna go upstairs?”

  Dammit Stefen. Keep it in your pants while you have guests. Bri turned her head, pretending like she didn’t hear anything but felt the heat rising up her neck. Those were not visions she wanted.

  “Ow,” Stefen grunted.

  Bri turned back throwing Stefen a satisfied grin, as he rubbed his chest.

  Ha. Serves him right.

  He shrugged. “Worth a shot,” he said easily.

  Bri just shook her head. That’s my brother. He has no shame.

  As much as that had irritated her, she was also over the moon happy that those two finally got together. Now if they would just get to the baby making part, my auntie heart would be complete.

  Caleb kissed Abby again before grabbing his sleeping son, holding him over his wide shoulder with one arm.

  Lightly clapping her hands together, Abby’s mouth broke out into a huge grin as the green rings around her blue eyes danced with excitement. “So my husband here kept this from me because he knows what a fangirl I can be.” She gazed lovingly at her husband before looking around the table. “Come to find out, the one and only Bradley James is the actor starring in Caleb’s movie.” She squealed.


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