Tangled Paths

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Tangled Paths Page 12

by Kimi Flores

  The guys looked at each other and all started laughing again. “You'll see,” Josh said.

  What does that mean?

  “You'll drive this one.” He rolled the bike out of the garage, while the other guys and Alison did the same with their own. “You already have the other protective gear on, right?” He scanned her body like he was mentally checking things off a list. “Here, put this helmet and goggles on.” He handed them to her. “We don’t screw around when it comes to safety.” Patting the seat, he instructed, “Okay, get on and I'll show you what you need to do.”

  Biting back a grin, she internally rolled her eyes. He assumes I don’t know. I’ll show him, she thought, smirking.

  Bri shot Paul and Alison a look, shaking her head slightly. They caught on and smirked back.

  Straddling the bike, she pulled her hair out of its bun, shook her head, then grabbed the lip gloss she had tucked under her bra strap. She applied the shiny gloss and took a very satisfying look around at all the boys watching her. Smiling to herself, she put the helmet and goggles on.

  Josh caught on and shot dirty looks over his shoulder. “Don't let us keep you,” he barked out to Bradley and Tanner.

  Everyone but Paul and Josh hopped on and took off. Josh stood next to Bri, explaining how to turn the bike on, shift, add gas, brake. He was so cute while he tried to explain to her as though she was a five year old. She only half-listened. She was tired of acting like a ditz who didn't know how to do this stuff. Bri was ready to show him that she wasn’t his student.

  “You mean like this?” She started it up and took off. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the bike kick up dirt as she sped off. Josh’s mouth practically scraped the floor and Paul was bent in half, laughing his ass off. She let out a loud cackle.

  That. Was. Awesome.

  She tried to catch up to the other guys, but they had too much of a head start. Alison kept riding as Brad and Tanner started free styling. Bri almost wiped out watching them. It was fascinating. They jumped the dirt ramps, flinging their bodies up in the air, separating from their bikes, and then jumping back on before the bikes hit the ground.

  How do they know how to do that?

  Bri slowed as she watched them, trying not to eat it as Josh and Paul zipped past her, doing their own free styling.

  It wasn’t a total surprise that Josh could do a few tricks. She’d heard that he did his own stunts when he starred in a few motocross movies.

  I guess not everything in the gossip columns is a lie.

  After parking the bikes in his garage, the guys stood around inside, removing their gear. Bri took off her helmet and goggles, fluffing her sweaty hair before wrapping it into a twisty bun thing. Even with dirt all over her face, she looked incredible.

  Josh still couldn’t believe she already knew how to ride so well, until Paul told him that he was the one that taught her and Alison, back in college. Apparently they were quite the threesome until Josh came into the picture.

  Stop dwelling on the past.

  “I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. I’ve got some chicken marinating in a cooler by the barbeque. Brad, you can do the honors of cooking,” Josh volun-told his brother.

  “Fine, twist my arm why don’t ya?” Bradley smirked, the way he did for his fans.

  “Save your blinding smile for the cameras,” Josh teased. “Alison, mind making the salad?” Even though it was just a bunch of vegetables thrown in a bowl with dressing, all the guys loved the way she made it.

  “Sure no problem. Bri can help me this time.” She threw Bri a conspiratorial grin.

  “Yeah sure,” Bri replied easily as she started to undress.

  His attention was immediately drawn to her as she took her shirt off, revealing that skimpy sports bra again. Her skin was red and wet with perspiration. Damn, she’s hot. But as hot as she was, he had to clench his fists to keep from covering her with a towel. Especially when a cool breeze passed across her chest.

  Stepping close enough for only her to hear, he asked under his breath, “Do you mind putting your shirt back on?”

  Grimacing, she wiped away the few rogue strands of hair clinging to her sticky neck. “No way. I'm hot and sweaty. I'm taking the pants and boots off as soon as possible too.”

  She opened the button fly, unzipping the pants while Josh’s body vibrated, silently trying not to freak out.

  Why am I acting like this?

  Fanning herself with her hand and blowing air on her skin, she asked, “Do you mind if I rinse off somewhere?”

  Grabbing her hand, he quickly yanked her away from Tanner and Brad’s gawking stares. “Of course not,” he yelled over his shoulder as he led Bri toward the house. “You guys can take the bathrooms downstairs.”

  They walked through the open front door, and he guided her up the stairs to his room when something hit him.

  Wait, why am I taking her up here? I’ve never had a woman in that room before.

  The Neanderthal in him knew the answer. He didn’t want her taking a shower downstairs where the other guys were. He wanted her all to himself in his private space.

  What’s wrong with me?

  Mentally slapping himself, he decided to just go with it. What the hell? They were already at his door. “Do you have a change of clothes?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Yeah, I have a bag in my trunk, but I left the keys in the room downstairs.”

  “Don’t worry, I'll get them for you.”

  She stepped through the doorway when she seemed to realize where she was. “Your room?”

  “Yeah,” he said lightly, like it was no big deal. “It’s the nicest bathroom in the house, so I figured you could shower up here. I have plenty of clean towels, but I’m afraid I don’t have any soap that doesn’t smell like a guy.”

  “That’s okay,” she chuckled. “I just want to get some of this dirt off of me. Aren’t we going swimming? Alison mentioned you guys jump in the pool after you ride.”

  He caught her eyes roaming his room, until they landed on his king-sized bed.

  She probably assumes I’ve brought a bunch of women here. If only she knew the truth.

  “You and Alison can,” he offered. “We’ll probably eat, then the guys and I need to help install a new corral out back. I wanted to have it ready before everyone gets here tomorrow.” He opened a cupboard between his room and bathroom, retrieving a fresh towel. He handed it over as she peeked around the corner, scanning the bathroom.

  Oh crap. What was I thinking? There isn’t a door that separates the shower from my room.

  “Wait here,” he said quickly. “I’ll be right back with your bag.” He ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time before he tripped on his boots and fell on the bottom step.

  “What are you doing, dipshit?” Brad asked, standing above him.

  Josh bit back a growl. “I was trying to get Bri’s keys before Alison and Paul went into the bathroom connected to that room over there.” He pointed to the closed door. “Dammit, they’re already in there.” Getting up, he unbuckled his boots and popped them off, setting them by the door.

  He heard a knock when he noticed Brad at the guest room door, asking Paul for the keys. The door opened, a hand came out, then the door quickly closed after the keys were dropped into Brad’s hand.

  Casually strolling over to Josh, Brad was about to hand the keys over but stopped. “For the record, I get why you’re acting like a pansy ass. That is one smokin’ hot girl you’ve got up stairs.”

  Josh snatched the keys up. “It’s not like that. At least not yet, so please don’t scare her off by letting her hear you say shit like that.”

  Backing up, he held his hands up. “Hey, I get it. Just don’t wait too long to make your move, otherwise Tanner may beat you to the punch.”

  He knew Brad wasn’t kidding. Tanner and he had tried snagging girls from each other many times before. But Bri was different.

  I’ll have to make sure he knows there’s no screwin
g around with her.

  Jogging outside, he opened her trunk, noticing a small bag and a pair of flip flops. He grabbed the sandals and the bag, closed the trunk and headed back upstairs. Knocking on the door, he waiting for her to respond.

  When she told him to come in, he was definitely not prepared for…Holy shit. Bri was sitting on the bench at the end of his bed, wearing nothing but that bra and tiny shorts. Her face was dirt free and like so many times before, she took his breath away.

  Okay, I give. How do I make her mine?

  After lunch, everyone relaxed in the early afternoon sun on the chairs that surrounded the freeform swimming pool. The conversation was relaxed so Bri figured this was a good time to ask her question. “I have to ask you Tanner, how are your dirt bikes for work?”

  “You don’t follow professional motocross, I take it?” Tanner smirked, glancing past her at Josh, who was reclining against the back of the lounge chair she and he were sharing. Bri sat on the edge, while his bent legs hung over the sides. It was such an intimate way to sit but she couldn’t say no when he’d asked her to join him. She only hoped he didn’t suddenly get up and launch her onto the ground.

  She shook her head. “No. I like riding, but I don’t follow any sports.”

  Josh leaned forward, his breath tickling her skin as he spoke over her shoulder. “The reason why my arrogant friend here is asking is because he’s top of his division and his stupid ass is probably wondering how you don’t know that.”

  Tanner took a final swig of his drink, pointing to Brad who was sitting next to him, then Paul sitting with Alison, and finally Josh. “Taught these guys everything they know.”

  Cocking his eyebrow, Paul kissed Alison’s shoulder, running his hand down her arm. “Actually, we all learned together, you just took it to a professional level.”

  Tanner lifted his chin. “Where did you learn to ride, Bri?”

  “I don’t mind taking credit for that.” Paul lifted his finger. “That’s how we met.”

  Jerking his head to the side, Josh asked, “Really, that’s how you met?”

  The chair lifted a little when Bri shifted to the side to see him better. “Yep. I was dating this real winner who rode all the time. Apparently he got tired of me bugging him to take me along because, after all, I’m a girl and shouldn’t like that kind of thing.”

  Josh frowned. “Says who?”

  “My mother, his mother, him, all his friends, need I go on?” Oh, I may have shared too much there.

  Breathing out, she tucked her legs under her bathing suit cover-up. “Anyway, so he had his buddy drive us to a popular spot in the middle of the woods. Once the bikes were ready to go, his friend left. Chad turned around, told me to figure out how to get home, and then took off.”

  I’m sure my mother had a hand in that. She always hated that I was a tomboy.

  Brad and Tanner shook their heads in disgust

  “What an asshole,” Josh said, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

  “Luckily, my knight in sweaty gear came to my rescue, riding up on a dirty bike.” Bri smiled at Paul. “I recognized him from school. He was there with some friends, showed me what I needed to do, then I took off after that asshole. He was a little shocked when I drove up, and he had the nerve to get mad when I dropped his bike down in front of him.”

  “Ouch,” Tanner blurted out, then amended, “Sorry, I know you had a good reason, but the thought of a bike hitting the ground hurts no matter what.”

  Brad got up, strolling over to the cooler.

  With the same look of disgust, Paul said, “I never liked that guy. He thought the rules didn’t apply to him or his friends. I still don’t get why you kept dating him after that.”

  Alison swatted his leg.

  Embarrassed, Bri snuck a peek at Josh whose jaw was still tight. “Our families were friends,” she said, “but I eventually broke up with him.” Well, after Stefen found out what happened and beat the crap out of him.

  Alison eyed her, well aware of the whole story. She attempted to save Bri from further humiliation. “So, does everyone have their transportation booked for Catalina?” She looked at Paul and shrieked, “I still can’t believe we are getting married next week.”

  Brad pointed to Tanner as he walked back from the cooler with another bottle of water. “We’re driving down to San Pedro and catching a helicopter from there.”

  “I’m probably going to do the same. I get seasick so there’s no way I’m taking a boat,” Bri admitted.

  “You’re coming up early with us, right Bri?” Alison folded her legs on the chair, while Paul held onto her.

  “When are you getting there again?” Bri asked. “I only reserved my room from Friday to Sunday.”

  “Early evening on Wednesday. I’m sure the resort has plenty of rooms.”

  Josh hadn’t said anything for a little while, and she was afraid to look at him.

  He’s probably wondering why I let guys take advantage of me after that last story.

  Josh spoke with the slightest shake to his voice. “Why don’t you go up with me? I’m planning on chartering a plane from the airport in Santa Barbara, so we don’t have to take the two hour drive to the harbor before flying over.”

  Mulling it over for a second, she loved that he’d asked her in front of everyone. “Okay, but will you let me pay for half?”

  He motioned for her to scoot back as he slowly stood up. “We can talk about that later, but for now I’ve gotta get these guys to work.” She moved further back as he stepped away from the chair. The hem of his shirt lifted when he stretched his arms up, giving her a good look of his taut stomach.


  “Come on guys, let’s see who the real men are.” He motioned for them to head out to where the fence was being installed. Grumbling, each guy got up and followed.

  Josh started to walk away but stopped. Turning, he strolled back up to her and bent forward. His cheek made contact with hers as he whispered in her ear, “By the way, girls who ride are hot as hell. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  He kissed her cheek, then smiled as he ran to catch up with the guys.

  Smirking, Alison asked quietly, “What was that about?”

  “I don’t know,” she said weakly. “But if he doesn’t watch it, I’m gonna fall for him all over again.”

  Bri sighed as she sat on the small stool, in front of the rustic vanity. The bridal chambers at the vineyard were supposed to have the most amazing light. So where the hell is it? Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she fussed with her hair, making sure everything was in place. She was well aware of the fact that she’d been doing that the last ten minutes while Leah was on the phone.

  Leah leaned back on the Victorian couch next to Bri, attempting to calm the bride down that was supposed to be meeting them today. “I’m so sorry Chase called it off. We’ll talk later about details. It’s not something we need to handle right now.” Leah used a soothing tone. “Okay. We’ll talk next week then. Bye.”

  Huffing out a breath of air, Leah turned to Bri. “Man, I’m glad she’s not going to marry that bendejo. He flirted with every female around when we first met. When he gave me his card, the jerk made sure I knew I could call him anytime, and it didn’t have to be about the flowers. He’s obviously used to getting whatever he wants. Stupid pretty boys.”

  Bri rolled her eyes. It was the same old story. “What is it with these jackasses, and why are women so drawn to them?”

  “I don’t know,” Leah muttered. “Maybe it’s the thrill of taming the bad boy, but I wouldn’t know anything about that,” she said with mock innocence.

  “Yeah, sure you don’t,” Bri scoffed. “My brother was a perfect angel when you met.” Both women laughed at Bri’s smartass comment.

  Leah tossed her cell into her purse on the couch. “Anyway, we obviously aren’t meeting her today, so we have a little extra time. I still have to go talk to Zachary and work out the details, cancel the wedding in his bo
oks. I’m glad to help him out, but I really hope he finds a new coordinator soon.” She stood, stretching along the way.

  I should talk to him about that. Bri had begun to think that maybe she could help until he found someone.

  “Do you mind if I get a head start and go to Josh’s?” Bri tried to feign a neutral look, but when she mentioned his name, her tummy fluttered and a grin broke free.

  Curiosity covered Leah’s face as she brought her chin to her chest. “What’s that look about?”

  “What look?” Bri really tried to hide her excitement, but knew she was grinning.


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