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Falcons Landing

Page 8

by Fields, MJ


  He looks over his shoulder.


  He smiles a slow sexy as sin smile. “Lights are back on. I need to get this job done and you need to go get cleaned up for work. You’re covered in saw dust, saliva, and the sweetest cum I’ve ever tasted.”

  “Are you for real right now?”

  He looks at his watch. “You got an hour before you need to be behind that bar. When I fuck that tight little pussy, it’s gonna take me that long to get all the way in, another hour to make sure you like it enough that you’ll be begging for more. I’ve tasted you, Squirt. That pussy is mine while I’m here. You good?”

  He turns around now, I assume to see my reaction.

  I look down at my sore tits and gasp.

  “When that fucker, who may or may not have some sort of x-ray vision, is staring at your tits tonight, he’ll see they’re taken.”

  “Oh my God,” I say not sure if I should laugh or tell him he’s a freaking Neanderthal or feel excited about the possibilities.

  “Phoenix, I’m not fucking around.”

  I have no words, not one.

  “Get going before I make you call in.”

  I walk out of the barn and yell, “NO!”

  I hear footsteps and his groan, “Fuck.”

  I want to cry, I want to cry because I worked my ass off to buy my dream vehicle, my red Jeep Wrangler, and it had a tree laying across it.

  I look back at Gage and I know I am on the verge of tears.

  “It’ll be okay, Squirt,” he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “We have insurance.”

  “But, but it’s my baby,” I say and he laughs. “It’s not funny.”

  “No, I guess not. But it’s something that can be fixed.”

  “But I have to go to work,” I say, stepping away from his warm comfort and towards my baby.

  He walks around it with me. “Easy fix, looks like it’s just the soft top.”

  “And a freaking tree Gage,” I look up at him. “A freaking tree is in my Jeep.”

  “That’s a freaking problem,” he says with a laugh.

  “It is,” I say, trying to be pissed at him, but failing miserably. Because his laugh, his smile, both are contagious.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  He looks back at the wood, then me. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Gonna get you some working wheels.” I follow him to yet another barn, one I haven’t ventured into since being here. “You drive stick?”

  I have a smart-ass remark on the tip of my tongue and he looks back.

  “I’ll teach you.”

  “I hope so.”

  He stops dead in his tracks and turns around.

  He has that look again.

  So damn sexy.

  “When are you off again?”

  “Two days,” I tell him and my stomach does that thing again.

  “Good. I’m gonna get shit done around here and then I am going to tear you apart.”

  “You’re trying to scare me,” I say quietly.

  “No, Phoenix. I’m just telling you like it is.”

  Gage and Phoenix’s story, Hammered, is coming April 24th!



  Men of Steel Introduction

  In March of 2013, I started a weekly post on Facebook. Every Friday I put up a chapter of what is now the beginning of Jase, book one, in the Men of Steel series. My page grew and so did the e-mails and inbox messages asking for more.

  In April, I put it all together in a novella adding more just to see if my readers would embrace something a little different from me. It was an overwhelming yes.

  It was the first time I ever wrote from the characters POV. The POV changes between male and female, within each book in the series, giving us the ability to see both sides to the story.

  It’s hard to explain how I felt, but I’ll give it a shot. I felt numb watching the numbers and rankings climb. I felt that the last year and a half of my life spent not sleeping was worth it. You, the readers, did that for me. You gave me the push to follow this dream full-time. It was apparent that everyone liked Jase as much as I did. I then wrote a little end of summer novella, Jase and Carly. Cyrus and Zandor followed. Each of these books have been in the top fifty on lists including, New Adult and College, Fiction, Romance, and Coming of Age. They also have been most seen hanging out in the top ten on Amazon’s Erotic list and with each release they pop up on it again. Being on the ‘Naughty list’ is pretty damn awesome!

  Xavier is the last of the Steel brothers, in the series, and was released in April 2014.

  None of the brothers are the same and from the responses I receive, each gets better. I happen to love all their alpha, bad boy, twisted, tattooed, pierced and naughty ways. So I can’t pick one.

  I love these brothers and wanted to give you all a chance to see them together. A chance for current MOS lovers to see where they started and new MOS readers to get a taste of them before joining us on this journey.

  I am now putting them all together in hopes to spread the word of all things Steel.

  Speaking of Steel, make sure you pay attention to three characters within these books. Abe, Dominic, and Sabato all have a fan base and a story to tell.

  Chapter One


  I stood in front of my new pad and smiled. Got it for a steal. It was a hurricane special. Meaning the place was destroyed by Sandy and the owners wanted the fuck out of dodge. Can’t blame ‘em, the shore didn’t seem the same anymore.

  Fuck it. Life was about to become one big party and just in time for summer break.

  I heard the roar of a vehicle heading down the normally quiet street, with the music thumping.

  My brother, Jase, pulled in and jumped out. Abe, his best friend and honorary Steel, was with him.

  “You gonna stand there all day or are we gonna get this party started?” Jase asked as he opened the hatch. “Help me out, bro.”

  “Fuck, did you two knock over a liquor store?” I asked and grabbed one of the boxes from the Jeep.

  “That’s your house warming gift.” Abe patted my back.

  “Jack?” I asked looking in the box.

  “Hell yes,” Jase laughed and pulled a bottle out of the front of the Jeep.

  “It’s a quarter of the way gone, Jase.”

  “Got thirsty.” Jase took a swig and handed it to me.

  “You drinking and driving?”

  “You channeling Momma Joe?” He laughed.

  “Nope, just really don’t wanna be scraping your ass off a road, Jase. Or anyone else ‘cause you couldn’t wait ten fucking minutes.”

  “Save it, Cyrus. I’m not fucking wasted.”

  He was getting pissed, but I didn’t care. His shit was getting old. His new found ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude sprung up when our family’s restaurant was destroyed by the hurricane and we started the tattoo shop.

  “You don’t get to give up, Jase …”

  “Shut the fuck up, Cyrus. Not a fucking word or I leave! And let me tell you that wouldn’t be in your best interest.”

  I started towards the house and yelled over my shoulder. “Why’s that?”

  “Pussy. Lots of it. Abe hung up flyers at NYU announcing a get-together on the Shore tonight.”

  “I put the public beach address on it. Less than an eighth of a mile to your left. We build a bonfire and they come to it like moths to a flame. All we have to do is sit back and enjoy,” Abe laughed.

  “And that’s it. We build it, they will come?” I laughed.

  “Over and over again,” Jase grinned.

  “You’re staying the night?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  Jase and Abe followed me out to the back deck.

  “Damn this turned out nice.” Abe sat two cases on the bar. “One weekend and you got this done?”

  “When we get our minds made up
, there’s no stopping us.” I cracked open a beer and handed it to Abe. “Pretty damn impressive huh?”

  My brothers, Jase, Zandor, Xavier, and I spent a weekend building the ultimate back deck. It was thirty foot by thirty foot, bigger than some of the houses around here. We added built-in seating, a fire pit and a bar, of course.

  “A hot tub would make it even more impressive.” Jase took a drink.

  “But this is perfect.” Abe walked down the steps and out onto the sand. “We got boards here yet?”

  “Not yet. Zandor was gonna bring them after he closes the shop. We can wake up in the morning, piss off the deck and head out.”

  “Xavier know about this yet?” Jase grabbed the bottle of Jack and to a swig.

  It was my baby brother Xavier’s twenty-first birthday and we were planning on going out tonight, then catching a cab and bringing home whatever we snatched up at the bar. But I thought the bonfire sounded like a better idea. “Nope. He’ll be by in a couple hours.”

  “Who’s coming?” Jase asked.

  “I invited Falcon, he helped rebuild this place. Zandor will love seeing him again. That’s it though, no one else. Six of us is enough.” I took a drink.

  “Four bedrooms, Cyrus. Four bedrooms and six guys. I think you over invited. Abe was planning on taking the couch.”

  “Falcon can have the deck.”

  “Fuck that, I want the deck. That way they have less to walk to get the hell out when I’m done,” Jase snickered.

  We all laughed. “Then the deck is yours.”

  “Yeah, especially if that Pam shows up.”

  “She’s not coming. We’re on a break,” Jase smirked.

  “Which is code for Jase picked a fight with her a few days ago. Told her he was done so she’d leave him the hell alone,” Abe laughed.

  “She knows the drill. We fuck. Then we don’t.”

  “Then she shows up and sucks him stupid and he ends up with her for a week straight,” Abe pointed out.

  “You two need to adopt my rule. Three rides and no more. No strings, no hurt feelings, just get rode wild, and then you’re out.” I crossed my arms and nodded.

  “How the hell do you do that? I mean, I wanna see the look on a girl’s face when you explain your rule to them,” Abe laughed.

  “At first it’s a shock. Then it’s curiosity. And then it’s on. No big thing.” I sat down and leaned against the bench back.

  “I like to get to know a chick for a while before I make the assumption that she’s not a keeper.” Abe sat down.

  “Let me give you some advice, Abe.”


  “When you’re at a bar and a chick is rubbing her snatch up and down your leg, you can safely assume she’s in it for a good time. When you whisper in a girl’s ear, ‘Wanna fuck?’, and her nipples perk up, you can assume she wants to get laid as much as you do. Then, when you tell her the drill and she doesn’t walk away, you know you’re in for a hell of a night.”

  “What if she’s good? What if you want more?”

  “Abe, it’s all pink on the inside man. Wet, warm, and God willing, tight. The next one is no different. Pussy is pussy.”

  “So no love?”

  Jase laughed. “Sure there’s love. I love getting my dick sucked dry.”

  “Yeah and I love a girl screaming my name.” I held up my beer and Jase tapped his to mine.

  “I love shooting a load in her face,” Jase added.

  I laughed. “And I love when she licks it off.”

  Abe laughed and rolled his eyes. “What happens when you’re sixty or seventy years old?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ll still love all that,” I answered.

  “No shit!” Jase roared.

  “We need house rules ‘cause, so help me God, this place will not turn into a place to bring a date. I want nothing but good times here. Not the drama that relationships and feelings bring. My house, my rules.”

  I stood up and walked in the house. I saw the box the stove came in that had been laid flat so the wood floors didn’t get scuffed when we moved the fridge in.

  I tore off a big piece, grabbed a Sharpie off the counter, walked out back, and sat at the table. Abe and Jase came over and sat down.

  ‘House Rules' I wrote in block letters at the top. And started to write.

  “No shoes?” Abe laughed.

  “None. I don’t want my floors scuffed up. They just got done.”

  “I agree with the no shoes thing. Look at a bitch’s feet. If their toenails are fucked up, imagine what their pussy looks like,” Jase cringed. “Skank.”

  I laughed and so did Abe.

  “Okay, no shoes stays. What other house rules should we add?”

  “Bring your own condoms.”

  “Fuck that, bitches will be poking holes in ‘em,” Jase growled.

  “There’s that, and we Steel men need the extra large happy hat. Now, what else?”

  “I think that’s a great idea. House rules.” I looked behind me and Momma Joe was walking out with a cake in hand.

  “Momma Joe, nice to see you.” Abe stood up and kissed Momma on the cheek. “You brought cake?”

  “It’s my baby boy’s birthday and he chooses to spend it with his brothers instead of dinner with his momma. Yes, Abraham, I brought cake. Italian wedding cake to be exact.”

  I looked at Momma and she was giving me ‘the look.' You know, the one only a momma can give? The one that instantly induces guilt and shame, yeah that one. It didn’t work on me anymore.

  “Thanks Momma, now we just have to worry about dinner.” Jase gave her a quick kiss on each cheek and took the cake.

  “I made dinner for my boys. It’s already in the kitchen. It just needs to be warmed.”

  “You’re the best, Momma.”

  “Now, you be the gentlemen I know you can be. No nonsense. I love you all. Even you Abraham.”

  “Love you, Momma.” I kissed her and walked her out the door.

  Chapter Two


  My last appointment for the day, a walk-in, actually, but I couldn’t say no. Cash was cash and I needed it to put into my baby. My ’68 Cougar was sitting in my buddies shop and everything but the tranny was done.

  The woman was pretty hot. Nice rack and, apparently, I was gonna be inking one of those beautiful bouncy breasts. She brought a picture in and everything. I flipped the sign to closed and locked up.

  “You sure you’re ready for this, Brandi?” I asked as I took the picture she had brought in.

  “I heard you were the best,” She blushed.

  I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “You heard correct.”

  “No strings, he doesn’t find out, you won’t be calling …”

  “Brandi. I’m here to show you exactly how you should be treated. What goes on with your husband and you isn’t my business. Come on, let’s get started.”

  “I’m nervous,” she whispered from behind me.

  “I promise it only hurts for a minute.”

  “It hurts?”

  “It’s a needle. It stings.” It always amused me that people, mainly women, came in asking for a tattoo and then seemed nervous because, gasp, it’s gonna hurt. “I’ll be gentle.”

  “And you won’t tell my husband?”

  “Brandi, first of all, I would never. Second, don’t you think he’ll notice a bandage on your breast? I mean …”

  I stopped when she started crying. “He doesn’t touch me. He … he’s having an affair.”

  “Stupid man.” I hugged her, because that’s what you do.

  “No, it’s me. It’s my fault. Ever since we had our third child, I’ve let myself go. I’m fat. And tired all the time and …”

  “You are beautiful. Come in and sit down.” I opened the door to my room and flipped on the light.

  “Here?” She pointed to the table.

  “Yes, that’s where we’ll start.” I grabbed a tissue and handed it to her. “So, he’s cheating
and you’re staying. Could you explain why you’d do that?”

  “My children love their father. I love him. I just need to get myself back in shape. Take care of myself.”

  “Does he know you’re aware of his infidelities?”

  “No. No. I know it seems ridiculous, but I’m just not ready to confront him.”

  “Not ridiculous. You are blaming yourself. Do me a favor, Brandi, look in this mirror and tell me what you see.” I handed her a mirror.

  “Wrinkles, red blotches …”

  “Sad eyes, but beautiful. Stand for me.” She did as I asked and I took her hand and led her to the full length mirror hanging on the back of the door.

  I positioned her in front of the mirror and stood behind her. “I see black hair that shines.” I pulled it back away from her face. “Framing a face that is beautiful, yet sad.”

  “I don’t,” she whispered.

  “Oh, Brandi, you are a very beautiful woman. Your neck is long.” I ran my fingers down it and she moaned. “Your shoulders, stunning.” My fingertips lightly slid down them under her collar.

  “Oh,” she whimpered. “Oh?”

  “Zandor. My name is Zandor,” I whispered.

  “Right, right, I remember.”

  “Of course you do.” I took my hands away. “Now, let’s get started.”

  “I think I’ve changed my mind. I don’t know if I really need to do this.”

  “That’s perfectly fine, Brandi. Can I ask what made you change your mind?”

  “I’m … I don’t want you to see me.”

  “I see.” Or don’t see, I thought to myself. “I can assure you I am completely professional.”

  “It’s not that. You made me feel desirable. You made me feel sexy again.”

  “You are very desirable and sexy.” I sat on the edge of the table. “He’s missing out.”

  She lifted her shirt. “Tell me what you see now.”

  “Soft skin that begs to be touched.” I stood and slowly walked to her. “Beautiful, full tits that want to be caressed.”

  She pulled her bra off. “Now?”

  “Erect nipples that are reacting to the praise they deserve.”


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