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Rock My Body

Page 15

by Lee Piper

  Whoa. I mean, uh oh.

  The guy looked at me as though he was on death row and I was his last meal. I clenched my thighs together, blushing at how soaking wet I had become.

  I’m gonna need another shower at this rate. God, I hope he doesn’t notice.

  His pupils dilated.

  He noticed.


  And if it was at all possible, he suddenly looked even more famished.

  Someone needed to feed the poor man.

  Dominic licked his bottom lip, shaking his head. “The things I could do to you.”

  Okay, so his erotic admission did not exactly help matters in my downstairs department. In fact, it made things a heck of a lot worse because I could have sworn one of the revelers at the welcome celebration let off a party popper.

  I needed him. On me, in me, whatever.


  “Do them. All of them.”

  Did I actually just say that? Out loud?

  His gaze darkened.

  Yep, sure did.

  “I mean it, Dominic. I’m not in the mood for games, so either man up and show me what you want to do to me or leave.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  Smiling, I inched closer, my voice huskier than usual. “Glad to hear it.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  I moved until I was pressed flat against him. God, he felt good. And his smell… I let out a soft exhale. “Yes, I do.”

  Slowly, I skimmed one hand up his bicep, amazed that the simple gesture could have such a profound response. Dominic bit back a groan and I felt his erratic heartbeat pounding under my palm as it flittered across his taut chest. Even his mouth parted when I snaked my hand around the back of his neck.


  “Angel, I don’t—” He growled when my fingers delved into his hair. It was by far the sexiest sound in the whole world. It echoed within me, awakening every last particle that was not already on the verge of a catastrophic meltdown.

  “The other women, they know what they’re getting themselves into. They can walk away, but you—”

  Despite trembling legs, I stood on the balls of my feet, my lips a hairs breadth away from the mouth he wanted to deny me. Mint. Always mint. My goddamn favorite. “I’m not a child, Dominic.”

  He hesitated, his piercing blue eyes searching mine.

  And to be fair, he had good reason to. After all, did I know what I was doing? Not really. Was it all going to end in disaster? Probably. Would that stop me? No. Heck no. I needed him too badly.

  “Kiss me.”

  He did. With a strangled groan, his lips claimed mine. It was as though someone turned the radiator dial up to eleven because an inferno engulfed us and I could feel the burn. I relished it. It felt powerful, raw, beautiful.

  Fingers, hands, lips and tongues, they were everywhere yet nowhere. Close yet distant. At some point I must have climbed the man like a ladder because my legs were wrapped around his lean waist, strangler vine style. There was a moan—his or mine, I couldn’t tell.

  Movement. We were moving.


  The pungent smell of crushed rose petals filled the apartment.

  Right. The kitchen.

  I was hastily placed on the countertop, it had been cleared. A low voice rumbled, “Lie down, angel.” I clamped my eyes shut, fearful that if I opened them again, none of this would be real.

  Thank you, God.

  Goose bumps broke out over my skin at the sharp coldness of laminate against my bare shoulders. I gasped but laid there regardless. Truth be told, I would have done anything for Dominic in that moment—a bed of nails? No problem. Terrifying but true.

  With a sinful growl, he kissed me again, deeply.

  My head spun, my skin blazed and when Dominic’s lips left mine I whimpered. I kid you not, the lack of contact shot through me like a lance.

  “Shhh,” he crooned, as his hands skimmed down my neck and worshiped my cleavage. Those talented, dexterous fingers left rivers of molten heat burning me from the outside in. When they finally reached the towel, there was a short pause and to be fair, I was surprised the damn thing was still on. However, after a ragged breath, the material opened and fell away. I lay naked before him.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” Dominic’s hungry eyes roamed my body, his jaw working hard. With an anguished groan, he dropped his head, capturing one of my hard pink nipples in his mouth. It was lucky the sucker didn’t asphyxiate him, I was that turned on.

  Sweet Lord.

  I cried out, arching my back and reaching down to grasp his hair, desperately needing something to hold on to. His merciless tongue teasing my pebbled peak had me seeing stars where the off-white ceiling plaster used to be.

  “So. Fucking. Good.” Dominic hummed, systematically alternating between licks, nips and sucks.


  A large hand kneaded my other breast, its calloused fingers grazing my sensitive skin, sending shockwaves through my body. Finally, his mouth broke away from its sensual onslaught. He palmed both, pushing them up and together before licking the valley between with a surreptitious swipe of his tongue.

  “Dominic, I need you. I—”

  “I know, angel.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “So fucking glad I rocked up when I did.”

  As his mouth descended on me once again, my hands slid down his back. Dominic moaned softly before nipping my soft flesh. I almost sobbed. Not at the way his teeth sank into the underside of my breast—that sensation went so far beyond good it turned holy—but at the way his firm muscles contracted and elongated under my exploratory touch. It was insane how strong he was, how perfectly formed. Truly it was.

  At last, I reached the hem of his t-shirt. Gripping tightly, I yanked the material up and over his head in one fluid motion.

  Dominic recovered from the shock of my unexpected movement to grin down at me. “You could’ve just asked.”

  I was mute. Honestly, there were no words. In the name of all things logical, there was nothing to be done except ogle the man.

  And ogle I did.

  Holy. Fuck.

  A half-naked Dominic standing between my open legs was the most delectable sight I had ever seen. If only I had a camera.

  I shook my head.

  Dominic’s eyes grew pained. “Don’t.”


  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  But he didn’t answer. Instead, he dipped his head and kissed his way down my ribs and stomach, his touch ravenous, his lips unforgiving. The overall effect teetered the precipice of exquisite pleasure and pain. My eyes widened as he intentionally placed first one, and then the other of my legs over his broad shoulders. Pausing, he stared at me, his eyes so dark they were almost black. “You might wanna hold on.”

  The guy was deadly serious.

  So I gripped the edges of the countertop, almost certain there would be indents by the time we were finished.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Dominic’s fingers deftly slipped between the slick skin of my pussy before moving downward and sliding inside. Deep inside. “Christ, Riley,” he groaned.

  I moaned. A lot.

  His fingers rhythmically worked me, and I almost came on the spot when his mouth lowered, his tongue at long last darting out, lapping my clit.

  Oh, my God.

  Dominic purred while his lips, tongue and fingers played me like some grand maestro. And that wickedly talented virtuoso knew my every want and need before I even recognized it myself—he was a freak of nature. At times he grew tender, his hot tongue softly caressing my swollen flesh. While at others he was merciless, his mouth voraciously gorging itself on my willing pussy.

  And throughout it all, I moaned, writhed and bowed, never entirely sure if I was trying to escape the pleasurable anguish he elicited or exacerbate it. Either way, heat unfurled at the base of my spine and slowly spread its way th
rough my trembling limbs.

  This was going to be one heck of an orgasm.


  He groaned.

  “Dominic, I’m—”

  “Let go, angel. Let me feel you come against my mouth.”

  I came.

  With a sharp, anguished cry my entire body detonated. Head back, eyes closed, wave after wave of exquisite release surged through me, annihilating me completely.

  “Fucking gorgeous.”

  I barely registered his voice, it seemed so far away. I just lay motionless in a hazy, semi-comatose state, trying to gather myself together after that epic obliteration.

  And then it all changed.

  My body gradually registered an empty coldness because Dominic no longer stood where he had moments before, and even though the towel was miraculously wrapped around me once again, it retained no warmth.

  I sat up.

  My hair must have been a disaster, but it was nothing compared to the carnage on the kitchen floor. Roses, petals, stems, leaves and broken shards of glass were scattered everywhere. It looked like a horticultural massacre of the worst kind.

  Sorry, Robin.

  Oh, my God, Robin. What must Dominic think of his overenthusiastic declaration?

  I honestly couldn’t tell because his back was to me, though it seemed he had only noticed what lay at his feet. Regardless, I could distinctly see the tension in his coiled muscles and came to the conclusion that whatever he was thinking, sucked. Hardcore.


  He remained motionless.

  “What’s going on?”


  I clambered off the countertop, clutching the towel close to my chest. After placing a hand between his shoulders I was shocked to discover his skin had turned cold. “Hey.”

  “Get dressed.”

  The abruptness of his voice gouged me like a knife wound, piercing deeply. Surely, an artery had just been severed? I mean, how had we gone from molten heat to arctic blizzard in such a short space of time? I was so confused.

  “I said, get dressed. We need to leave.”

  Turning away, I blinked furiously and stumbled back to my bedroom, completely unconcerned if my feet were torn to shreds by the splinters of shattered glass scattering the floor.

  I’m not going to cry, I’m not. I won’t give him the satisfaction of my tears.

  I took a steadying breath.

  Dominic Mondez can go fuck himself.

  Chapter Eleven

  I’m losing this game so…

  No rules,

  They make no sense anyway.

  —MONDEZ, “Rules”

  Dominic and I sat through yet another long and awkwardly silent car journey, though this time to the airport. Each of us was cocooned in our own bubble of spite-filled hurt, refusing to be the first to burst it by speaking. And what happened once we arrived… Well, let’s just say it was weird.

  As soon as we dropped off Dominic’s guitar and our luggage, we headed to the bar and walked up to two of the most breathtakingly handsome men in the airport. They were leaning against a wall, looking all gorgeously self-assured. Of course, I recognized them, one was the drummer and the other the bass guitarist from Mondez. On stage they were a visual feast for the eyes, but in person—sigh—they were an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  As soon as Dominic saw them, he transformed into a completely different person. And I mean completely. The man I knew, the one who had turned taciturn and distant lately was suddenly poof, gone. Instead, before me stood the physical embodiment of jovial cheerfulness.

  It was painful to watch.

  “Finn, Tyler,” Dominic boomed. He slapped the taller one on the shoulder before dragging him in for a rib-crunching man-hug. This guy had blond shoulder-length hair which hung in the kind of loose waves a hair stylist would have been proud of. Anyway, he eagerly reciprocated said man-hug with plenty of fist-pumping and body-shoving in return. With all the exuberant arm flailing, I noticed that both of his were completely covered in tattoos. They looked amazing.

  The shorter guy—Tyler, I think—had blond scruffy hair and forest green eyes. Where Finn was covered in ink work, this man showcased more piercings than I ever knew existed. Not only did he have an eyebrow ring, but there was a nose, lip and spacer earring too, the combination looked sinfully hot. As I stared at him longer, I came to the realization that he was not short at all, he just appeared so next to the two gigantic mounds of hunk and muscle next to him.

  How am I going to get through this flight without completely embarrassing myself? I mean, they are three of the sexiest guys on the face of the planet, for God’s sake. This is going to be such a disaster.

  Sadly, before I could turn and run, I noticed something odd. Both Finn and Tyler kept shooting furtive glances my way and it stopped me dead in my tracks because it could only mean one thing.

  They had no idea who I was.

  They did not know I was heading to Melbourne with them, they did not know Dominic and I saw each other nearly every day. Heck, I bet they did not even know I was Grace’s best friend.

  They did not know me at all.

  Surely, Dominic mentioned me at some point? Surely, my name came up in conversation? I mean, men talk, right? So, whatever happened to the, “Hey Dominic, you stalking or acting like a total dick toward any impressionable girls lately” conversation?

  It had not happened.

  Wow. What a blow to the self-esteem. Doctor Powell was going to have a field day with that one. She would be able to deconstruct my emotional vulnerability for at least two sessions, I was certain.

  I sighed, choosing to stand slightly apart from them while suddenly finding the loose thread on my red cashmere top extraordinarily interesting. Finally, Finn turned to Dominic and asked, “That your girl?”

  My head shot up. “Oh, he’s not—”

  “She’s not—”

  Both Dominic and I froze, refusing to look at each other. I tried to pretend our hasty denial was not yet another nail in our relationship’s already fastened coffin, but I still could not stop the twinge of hurt that pierced through me. Again. This was shit, and I was now pretty sure the color of my sweater matched my face.

  I actually want to die.

  Tyler’s shoulders started to twitch and it wasn’t long before he was laughing so hard I could actually see his tonsils. And tongue ring.

  Dominic sighed and half-heartedly gestured for me to move closer. I gritted my teeth and did as he asked, though only because I was tired of being laughed at. So, standing at a respectful distance from the guy who not an hour before had had his head between my thighs, I murmured to the two men, “I’m Riley, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Tyler finally calmed down enough to speak, though his smile was wide. “Hey.”

  I gave a weak wave.


  Turning, I faced what was surely the delectable combination of a seventies rock star and an underwear model. With a strong, angular jaw peppered with light stubble, lush lips, high, angular cheekbones and a straight nose, the guy was simply gorgeous. His most arresting feature were definitely his eyes, they were grey, and I’m talking, soulfully so. They were the kind of eyes that demanded your deepest, darkest secrets, yet shared nothing in return.

  I needed to keep my wits about me with this one.

  Bizarrely, despite all their combined sexiness, neither Finn nor Tyler made me feel even an inkling of what Dominic did. It was like he was true north and I was a compass needle, I could not see anything else.

  Fuck my life.

  Anyway, the man in question shifted impatiently next to me. When I finally broke eye contact with Finn and looked over at him, he was glaring.

  “Let’s go.” He turned on his heel and stormed off in the direction of our departure gate.

  This was gonna be a long flight.

  I didn’t know whether to be relieved or insulted that Dominic and I were not sitting directly next to each other. The
re was an aisle between us, but it might as well have been the Amazon River for all he cared. You see, there was a gorgeous redhead pressed firmly up against his right-hand side and she had two of the largest breasts in the history of mammary glands. I kid you not, they were huge. She also seemed quite proud of her bulging assets, using them at every opportunity to oh so casually brush up against Dominic’s arm.

  She was going to wear a hole in his sweater if she wasn’t careful.

  The guy was in heaven.

  I, however, was in hell.

  Mostly because as soon as we seated ourselves he turned his back on me and engaged her with inane conversation. Like, for the entire three and a half hours. Redhead seemed more than pleased with the attention. I hated her instantly.

  To my right sat Finn and Tyler, the latter put on some headphones as soon as we sat down and the sounds of heavy rock beats emanated from his direction for the remainder of the flight. The former sat silently, staring at his hands as though deep in thought. Or was it prayer? I really wasn’t sure. I just hoped he was not a nervous passenger because I had enough pent-up anxiety to fill the cabin as it was.

  I tore open the in-flight magazine. Normally, the images of exotic destinations and beautiful people transported me to my happy place, but today they just pissed me off. After all, it was hard to concentrate on sea villas in Bora Bora when every few minutes a deep chuckle, followed by a shrill, giggling squeal pierced my eardrums.

  Redhead was fucking annoying.

  I slammed the magazine shut. God, I needed a holiday, one without rock musicians and their voracious, womanizing ways. No, scrap that. I needed a complete life overhaul. Maybe if I moved far enough away from Dominic and my parents I would start to feel sane again? Doctor Powell might call it avoidance but I thought the term self-preservation much more suitable. It didn’t matter really, we would be able to debate the label during our session on Monday.

  I was not looking forward to it.


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