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Rock My Body

Page 22

by Lee Piper

“Maybe it was through passion, dedication, and drive?”

  Mae snorted. “If you’re referring to her bedroom habits, then I’d say you were right.”


  “Speaking of…”

  “Mae, I’m sure she—”

  “How was sex with Dominic?”

  I paused, caught off guard. “Oh, ah…” Then I blushed furiously, channeling my inner burns victim in the process. “It was…” After exhaling a long sigh, I finally admitted, “The most amazing experience of my life.”

  Mae squealed, and I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear, fearful for my hearing. “I knew it. Tell me everything.”

  Resigned to the inevitable, I did. I recounted from Dominic’s unexpected arrival at my hotel room door, through to the lingering kiss just before he left a few hours later. To say they were the best few hours I had ever faced was officially the biggest understatement of all time.


  “I know, right?”


  “Mae, I get it. It was wow.” Agitatedly, I ran one hand down the side of my face. “The only problem is, what do I do now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it was jaw-dropping, categorically, one hundred percent the best sex of my life. I now want him more than anything else in my entire existence and I’m pretty sure he feels the same way, but unless Satan himself buys a snow plow, a relationship isn’t in the cards for us.” Shaking my head, I muttered, “At least, not with his stupid one-night-stand rule in place. I mean, who does that? And more importantly, why on earth would he do that?”

  Mae swore under her breath.

  We were both silent for a moment, no doubt pondering the ridiculous situation my libido had gotten me into. Yeah, I was totally blaming hormones instead of my nonexistent common sense. There was less guilt that way.

  “I’ve got it.”

  “What? A debilitating crush on an emotionally comatose man? No, you don’t, Mae. I do.”

  “No, I mean, I know how you’re going to keep busy until your head catches up with your vagina.”

  “Okay, now you’ve completely lost me and can you please stop talking about my vagina? It’s freaking me out.”

  But she continued on as though I hadn’t spoken. “Remember when we both got blind drunk at our work Christmas party last year?”

  I shut my eyes, refusing to dwell on the embarrassing memories from that evening. Why did she have to bring it up? The less I thought about that night, the better. “The one in Margaret River?”

  “Yeah, when we had one too many red wines and you ended up curled in a ball on my lap bawling your eyes out while I sang you Miley Cyrus lyrics.”

  I swore. A lot. Even the irate driver on the street below would have been impressed with my originality and flair.

  “You went on and on about how you liked your job at the hospital but it didn’t feed your soul.”

  Flashbacks to mascara smeared cheeks, red wine stained teeth and random pieces of toilet paper littered throughout my hair came to mind. I pressed fingers to my mouth, softly exclaiming, “Oh, God. I used those exact words, didn’t I?”

  I could almost hear her smile. “Yep.”

  I swore again.

  “Anyway, you’re going to do it. You’re going to feed your soul.”

  “What? You’re crazy. Mae, I really don’t think—”

  “No, Riley. No more bullshit excuses and no more thinking you’re not good enough. Get that toned ass of yours off the couch and into gear. Make something awesome happen. Those new mums aren’t going to exercise themselves, you know.” She stopped for a moment. “Okay, so some of them might exercise themselves but they’re the stupidly motivated ones, freaks of nature, ignore them.”

  Now it was my turn to fall silent.

  Is it possible? Could I do this? Could I finally start living the life I’ve always wanted instead of the one I felt I should?

  A tentative smile teased the corner of my mouth, growing wider and wider with each passing second. “You know what, Mae?” I murmured slowly. “I think you’re right.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “It’s time to feed my soul.”

  “Yep.” Her mouth made a loud popping sound, emphasizing the ‘p’.

  “I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna start up an online personal training business. It’s going to target new mums and will help them both recover from birthing and encourage them to get back into exercise again.”

  “Girl, you might want to work on a catchier job description. Just sayin’.”

  But my mind was whirling too fast to be offended. I had so much to do, I needed to research what was already out there, create a business plan that capitalized on a gap in the market, organize an innovative marketing strategy, contact a website designer… An exhaustive list began to formulate in my head and I was beyond excited.

  “I’ve gotta go.”

  “That’s my girl. But before you do, don’t forget—”

  But I had already hung up, my smile now a mile wide. With this new business venture, forgetting Dominic was going to be a breeze. I wouldn’t have a chance to stop and take a breath, let alone pine after him like some lovesick teenager. I was going to get over him in record time. For real.

  Famous last words.


  The remainder of Friday was spent nose deep in my iPad. I brought it with me thinking I would be passing the time watching Netflix, not researching the personal training industry. But I was. And I loved it. Just the thought of being able to combine my knowledge of midwifery with a passion for exercise gave a thrill almost comparable to finally seeing Dominic naked.


  Anyway, I didn’t even notice how many hours had passed until the sky outside darkened and it suddenly registered—somewhat belatedly—that I had not even showered or eaten yet. To be fair, I really did not want to wash the smell of Dominic off my body. Yes, I was well aware this made me sound slightly obsessive. I mean, I knew we were never going to have sex again, so my subconscious kindly decided to prolong the moment until I would have to wash his heady, masculine scent off my skin. Sue me, I was rolling with it.

  After a lengthy shower, I was toweling myself dry when a sharp knock sounded.


  My eyes frantically searched the bathroom for something to throw on. Nothing. All of my clothes were unhelpfully packed in my suitcase in the next room and by the sound of the repetitive barraging, this person was not in a patient mood, at all.

  “Double shit.”

  The knock thundered once again, though this time even louder if it was at all possible. It was a miracle the thing was still on its hinges. I ran into the hallway and, hallelujah, threw on the first thing I found that covered up all the essentials. Wrenching the door open, I wiped bedraggled strands of hair out of my eyes before freezing stock-still.


  Okay, so my voice sounded way breathier than intended and there was very little to be done about my already hardening nipples—those girls had a mind of their own whenever he was in front of them. I figured crossing my arms over my chest would draw attention to them, so cleared my throat instead, hoping the distraction would suffice. It didn’t. His eyes leisurely scaled my body from head to foot, lingering hungrily on my breasts.

  “What are you doing here?”

  But he ignored me so I took his silence as an invitation to openly ogle him too. Dominic’s short hair was wild, as though he had been running his long fingers through it, and there was sand-colored stubble peppering his strong jawline which I suddenly needed to feel between my legs.

  Bloody hell, Riley. Calm your farm already.

  I swallowed.

  Dominic’s tight black t-shirt practically begged me to tear it off his chest with my teeth, and those dark, ripped jeans had no place looking that damn fine. None at all, it was cruel.

  I gave a soft moan. God, help me.

  On his feet were scuffed combat boo
ts and when my gaze finally flittered back to his face, those blue eyes of his were so dark they had almost turned cobalt.


  “Nice outfit.”

  “Oh, I ah—” I stopped and looked down, realizing that in my haste I had thrown on the hoodie he lent me at the airport yesterday … and nothing else. Granted, it was big enough to reach midway down my thighs, but it suddenly felt like I was standing before him naked.

  Maybe he has x-ray vision? Jesus, what a terrifying thought.

  “Do you, um, want it back?”

  “Fuck no. Looks better on you.”

  It was official, my downstairs department was a panting, slobbering mess. What a disaster. I was supposed to be getting over this guy, not futilely wishing he would lick every square inch of me. I shook my head, outwardly trying to maintain some semblance of rationality and calm.

  “Do you want to come in?”

  He nodded, and I stepped back as he walked past me, not for one second believing the casual brush of his arm against my breasts was an accident. Cocky bastard.

  Dominic moved into the second room and began pacing in front of the couch. Curious, I sat and watched him stalk—cheetah style—before me.

  And watched.

  And watched.

  After ten minutes of silence, in which time I steadily grew more and more dizzy, I had had enough. As sexy as the guy was, I could not keep gawking at him like he was a runway model. “Okay, what’s going on? You’re wearing a hole in the carpet.”

  Dominic took a deep breath, and I tried to ignore the way his pecs expanded with the movement. “Jimmy wants us to record a full-length album.”

  I jumped to my feet, equal parts shocked and excited. “Dominic, that’s amazing news, congratulations.” I paused, mid-squeal. “Who’s Jimmy?”

  “Adrift’s band manager. Nice enough guy, great taste in music.” He smirked. “The boys and I had a meeting with him this morning. He wants us to stay on in Melbourne, record our album and then tour with Adrift over the summer.”

  I tried so hard to keep my smile in place as realization slowly dawned on me. “Hang on a second, you’re staying here?”

  He nodded.

  “In Melbourne?”

  He nodded again.

  “And then you’re going on tour?”


  “Oh.” My heart pounded and I was pretty sure my smile turned into an alarming grimace-like contortion. “But what about afterward? You’ll be coming home then, right?”

  Dominic was silent, his impenetrable gaze locked on me and I hated not being able to read his expression. The skin on the back of my neck prickled, never a good sign. Finally, he murmured, “Riley, we’re not coming home. We’re moving over here, permanently.”

  It was lucky the couch was right behind me because my knees gave way and I dropped like a dead weight onto the cushions. “Oh, okay.” I nodded, I think. “That’s great. That’s really, really,” I tried to clear my throat before whispering, “great.”

  Dominic began pacing in front of me again, only I could not look at him. I could not do anything except stare at the white knuckles of my clenched fists while desperately begging the rising panic to dissipate.

  It was not working.

  “I’ve gotta do this, you know?” His voice sounded muffled and far away, like he was talking under water. “I love working on cars but it’s not gonna get me where I want to be. I’m not gonna stay in some dead end job out of fear, I’m not some dumb punk too stupid to take a chance.”

  My vision grew dark and there was no escaping the rasping breaths which burned the back of my throat.

  “I mean, think about it, Riley. When else am I ever gonna get this opportunity? I’ve got balls, damn it, I’m gonna fuckin’ use them.”

  Maybe it was the reference to his balls, maybe it was the fact we would never run together or hang out ever again that had me wrapping shaking arms around myself. I wasn’t sure. Either way, it felt as though I was going to fall apart if I did not hold my agony-riddled insides together. I swear, they hurt that damn much. It wasn’t until Dominic crouched in front of me, his strong hands gripping my shoulders, that my muddled brain registered I had been rocking myself back and forth like some crazy woman.

  “You all right?”

  I barely heard him. My body was in the process of shutting down, my skin burned hot and clammy while my breathing—or lack thereof—turned into outright hyperventilation.


  I swear, my heart was going to explode it beat that damn fast, and the short, gasping breaths I barely managed did sweet fuck all to calm me down.

  There was nothing but black.

  It surrounded me, suffocated me and I was slowly drowning in its endless murky well, completely terrified.

  This is it, I’m actually gonna die. Oh, the shame, I’m gonna haunt people for the rest of my days dressed in nothing but Dominic’s sweater.

  Far off in the distance, I heard muttered oaths followed by the sound of running water. There was sudden movement and then the painful sensation of pinpricks stabbing my body, everywhere. They hurt like hell. A harsh scream sounded and limbs thrashed, only they were restrained by a vice-like grip.

  A grunt, followed by, “For fuck’s sake, Riley, hold still,” hissed in my ear.

  It finally registered. Dominic held me under a cold shower, my back plastered to his front as his arms pinned mine to my sides and a stream of frigid water saturated us both.

  I blinked beaded droplets out of my eyes and slumped back into his strong frame, shivering and exhausted.

  “If I let go are you gonna kick me in the junk again?”

  I did not even have the energy to reply and Dominic—I assumed—took my silence as agreement before releasing one arm from around me to change the temperature of the water so it warmed our chilled skin.

  He slid down onto the floor, taking me with him. With his back against the charcoal tiles, Dominic positioned me between his legs and maneuvered my body until I was resting against his chest, my head on his shoulder. We both sat in silence for a long while—me slowly trying to pull myself together while Dominic… Well. Who knew?

  But his deep, calming breaths and rhythmic heartbeat relaxed me until I felt composed enough to speak. My voice was soft as I whispered, “I’ve ruined your boots, sorry about that.”

  Dominic lifted his left foot, inspecting his sodden combat boot. “Shit happens.” He placed it back on the tiles again as the water continued to rain down on us.

  “And your clothes, I’ve probably ruined them too.”

  “They’re fine, they’ll dry.”

  “Not to mention—”

  “Riley, it’s fine. Forget about it.” He let out an exasperated breath that tickled the side of my neck, before falling quiet once more.

  I shut my eyes and let the warm water wash over me. Doctor Powell was going to give me so much grief when I told her about this panic attack. In the heat of the moment, I completely forgot everything she taught me. I sighed.

  “Does this shit happen often?”

  My eyes popped open. As much as I really did not want to go into detail about my anxiety, it seemed only fair to answer Dominic’s question after what I had put him through. Poor guy, I probably scared the bejesus out of him.

  I nibbled my bottom lip. “Not as much anymore. I get the occasional one here and there, mostly when I’m tired or overly emotional about something but they’re not usually so … epic.”

  “Not like the one you just had?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “What would you have done if I wasn’t here?”

  I wouldn’t have had a panic attack in the first place. Duh.

  Rather than voicing that unhelpful thought, I shrugged one shoulder instead. After all, it was pointless upsetting him when he had gone to such drastic lengths to calm me down and heaven only knew if his junk was ever going to be the same.

  Focus, Riley.

  With a low
growl, I was suddenly whipped around until I straddled Dominic’s lap. My hands grasped his shoulders until my head caught up with the rest of me. Blinking away the dizziness, I noticed two blazing eyes piercing me with their stare. Once again, I had to remind myself to breathe—though for a very different reason this time.

  Don’t even go there, Riley. Honestly, it’s a waste of time, energy and endorphins. Move the hell on.

  Apparently, my fingers suffered from selective hearing. They traced the scowl lines on his face until his features softened under my touch. “Dominic, it’s fine.” I gave a small smile. “I see a psychologist who’s given me some coping strategies and on the whole they’re really effective.”

  His gaze narrowed, calling bullshit.

  I grinned wider, wondering how someone as gorgeous as Dominic could be so ridiculously cute at the same time. “I just forgot to use them, that’s all. But if it makes you feel any better, I’m seeing her again on Monday and will tell her about it, okay?”

  He grunted. It was adorable.

  “How is it that I’m the one comforting you, anyway?”

  “Because I’m the one with a bruised ball sack.”

  I blinked and shifted slightly, registering the fact I was conveniently sitting oh so close to said ball sack. With no underwear on. Trying not to groan out loud became a priority, a top priority.

  After clearing my throat a few times, I somehow managed to mumble, “Oops.”

  His lips quirked up in the corners but then instantly sobered. “I’m really fuckin’ sorry for upsetting you like that.”

  Dominic’s gaze was so genuine I had to look down. Only, as soon as I did, I realized I was staring at his package which—because fate was an eternal prankster who loved messing with my head—was clearly outlined through the soaked material of his jeans. I looked away.

  “I just didn’t want you hearing about it from anyone else. It would’ve been a dick move and I couldn’t do that to you. To some other chick? Sure.” He tucked a bedraggled lock of hair behind my ear. “But not you.”

  I shut my eyes, wishing he had not used the word dick. It seriously wasn’t helping matters. In fact, the only thing I could now think of was how phenomenal his dick would feel thrust inside me, over and over again.


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