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Spellbinding His Ranger

Page 28

by Shannon Pemrick

  He touched her between her thighs again with a finger and she sucked in a tight breath. “Takashi, don’t.”

  He didn’t pull away, but did stand to look her in the eye. The intensity kept her desire simmering. “Why not?”

  She took a controlled breath, trying to find the strength in her legs again to stand upright. “This isn’t in-game. I do need a moment’s rest before round two.”

  He pulled his hand away, resting it on her hips and kissed her. “At least I’ll get a round two out of you. I want to hear those beautiful sounds from you again.”

  She chuckled, kissing him back as she placed her hand on his chest and then nipped his chin. “No one said there can’t be more than a round one. We do have all night.”

  He groaned when she nipped his collar bone and slid her hands across his chest. Mercedes’ attention migrated south, her barely functional legs lowering her to her knees. She fussed with his trouser button and worked them off his hips. His boxers were next, though she took her time, kissing his navel to tease him. Takashi sucked in a deep breath of anticipation and rested both hands on the back of her neck, but didn’t apply any pressure.

  She worked him free, his manhood eager for attention. She dragged it out for a moment more with quick, feather-light touches with her fingers, and kissing just below his navel. Takashi’s hands twitched and Mercedes grinned. She wrapped her hand around his member and stroked, nipping the soft skin below his navel. Takashi hissed and his hands balled up in her hair. She grinned and then eased her lips over his throbbing manhood.

  “Mercy…” he groaned.

  She was tempted to pull away, to tease him for picking such a name for her if he complained, but decided what she was doing was more fun. Mercedes sucked and slid his shaft in and out of her mouth with rhythm.


  The sound of him moaning her name, or plea, she couldn’t be sure, a renewed hungry desire flared inside her. Her rhythm picked up speed. Takashi groaned out her name more, his breath laboring. He rocked his hips, his hard member swelled more.

  Then suddenly, he jerked away. “Not yet.”

  Mercedes grinned. “Well, if I knew you were begging, I would have been more mindful.”

  Takashi rested his fingers under her chin and encouraged her to stand. He pulled her close, his erection pressing into her stomach, and kissed her hard, searing her blood and making her see white. When he pulled away and let go, she took a step back, fanning herself.

  “Well then…” Mercedes grabbed a hold of his tie and took steps toward her bedroom. “I do believe that means this needs to be finished elsewhere.”

  Takashi’s hungry gaze locked onto her, a half-smile spreading across his tempting face, and followed her into the other room. Mercedes led him over to the bed and encouraged him to sit down while she opened a drawer to her nightstand, but he insisted on coming up behind her and trying to distract her. His hands dragged along her sides and arms, and he kissed the back of her neck. His hands migrated down and slipped between her thighs again.

  She sucked in a tight breath. “You know, if you keep doing this, you’re not going to get to finish your round one.”

  Takashi chuckled in her ear. “I count my rounds differently, since I need longer breaks. Let’s just say, I’ve gotten my round one, so we’re on an even playing field.”

  Mercedes pulled out the condom from the box she had been searching for. “Well, then I say we need to have a friendly one-v-one match to find out who the winner of round two is.”

  “Does it have to be a competition? I’m more of a fan of collaboration.” He nipped her neck and continued to pleasure her. “It’s more rewarding.”

  She hissed and held up the condom. “Then you’re going to need this.”

  “Prepared, were you?” He chuckled. “Not that I’m complaining. Means I don’t have to run back and grab mine from my wallet.”

  She glanced back at him. “I’d say you came into this expecting more than me.”

  “No”—he spread her legs apart, forcing her to rest her hands on her nightstand—“but I’d rather be prepared. It’s why I have a pair of spare clothes in my car.”

  Mercedes bit back a moan. “You sound like Shira. She’s the one who went out of her way to give me this box of protection before I went down to L.A. She said I ‘might need it.’”

  Takashi bent her forward and bit her shoulder blade, his fingers still stoking the fan of her slick heat, though stopping in time to keep for from going over the edge. “I’m going to guess you left them here without her knowing.”

  Mercedes bit her lip, trying to distract herself from giving in. “Guilty as changed.”

  Takashi chuckled and bit her other shoulder blade. “Just so you know, I’ve wanted to bend you over my desk for some time. I’ll take this as a suitable replacement situation for now, though.”

  She swallowed, her brain getting overloaded. This forward side of him really turned her on far more than she thought it would. “Lamp will be in the way in the long run. Bed would be better.”

  Takashi angled her over the bed and bent her over, her knees pressing into the edge of the mattress. “As you wish.”

  “Also…” She took a concentrated breath, heat pulsing through her. “I’d also like that to happen.”

  He grinned and reached around to play with her breast. “Good.”

  She took a deep frustrated breath and held up the condom again. “Dammit, Takashi, are you going to use this or not?”

  “In a moment.” He stared rummaging through the nightstand drawer. “Possibly. You did say you wanted to try a one-v-one.”

  “I told you not to do that.” She bit her lip. “And you said you were into collaboration.”

  He slipped a finger inside her, making her moan. “I’m not too good at listening, and your idea sounded fun after thinking about it; even more so when I decided not to tell you.” He pulled out a bottle of lube she had stored in the drawer. “Besides, we’re going to need that.”

  Takashi went about removing his tie and hung it on her bed post. This left his beaded necklace around his neck, and as she glanced back at him, she was enjoying it on him more than the tie now. “And we’ll need that later.”

  Mercedes bit her lip, dirty thoughts playing in the front of her mind, turning her on more. He rummaged through the nightstand again and pulled out her vibrator. Her face flushed hotter. It wasn’t wrong for her to have it… The fact he took it out specifically—

  Takashi placed it down on the dresser. “And we’ll need that later as well.”

  She swallowed, excitement tingling through her spine into her toes. Takashi leaned over her and took the condom finally. He tore the package with his teeth as he removed his fingers from her to help him easily roll the rubber on. Mercedes heart pounded in her ears as she spread her legs more to make it easier to accept him.

  Takashi kissed her back three times before penetrating her, his breath hitching. Mercedes moaned into her comforter and clutched it with her hands, embracing the feeling of him filling her. Takashi thrust hard, and she couldn’t stop the moans of pleasure. He continued, finding a rhythm and digging his fingers into her hips. Mercedes’ moaning continued, any words she attempted coming out as incoherent gibberish.

  Her time with him in the game two weeks ago felt amazing, but this was different. Even beyond the fact that this was real life, this night with him was far more amazing and pleasurable than before.

  Takashi reached around her, slipping his fingers between her legs and teased her sensitive pleasure point. She moaned louder, need building into her core, demanding more. She rocked her body, meeting his thrusts and touches, increasing both their pleasure as skin hit skin. Mercedes’ blood simmered and her pulse beat in her ears. Her breathing labored as she came to the cusp of climax.

��shi…” she managed before ecstasy rolled over her. Her screams of pleasure deafened her and her mind swam as her climax rolled through her entire being.

  So overcome by her own release, she barely heard Takashi groan out his. His thrusting slowed as her screams died down. He bent over and rested his forehead on her back, and then he grew still. The only sound that could be heard was their heavy breathing, both nearly in sync with each other.

  Once Takashi finally caught his breath, he pulled out of her, allowing her to roll over and sprawl out on her bed, embracing the sensation. He kept an appreciative eye on her as he disposed of the condom and its wrapper in a nearby waste bin before climbing on the bed with her. She snuggled into him, enjoying the feeling of his warmth and strong embrace around her.

  “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve been allowed to have,” he mumbled into her hair. “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.”

  She looked up at him with a sleepy smile. “You’re just saying that because I let you screw me.”

  Takashi chuckled and dragged the back of a finger up her false arm, sending a million sensations through to her brain. “That helps, but it’s not the major contributing factor.”

  Mercedes watched as he gave her artificial arm more attention. “You really don’t mind that I have this?”

  “Of course not.”

  Her brow rose as she looked up at him. “What, do you have some sort of fetish or something?”

  A grin spread across his kissable lips. “If being enthralled by everything about you is a fetish, then yes.” He looked down at her arm. “So, you have a fully upgraded model now?”

  Mercedes nodded. “This is the full replacement model. After testing, Narissa removed the upgrade model and installed this one. I feel everything like I would a real arm.” She chuckled. “Correction, not everything, as it’s fiberglass vs. skin at that point, but close enough.”

  “How are you feeling about it all?”

  “More whole than I have in a long time.” She kissed him lightly on the lips. “And you… you add to that greatly as well.”

  He caressed her cheek and kissed her deeply. “I love you.”

  Her heart leapt at the words and she kissed him back. “I love you too.”

  Takashi pulled her into a tight hug, and the pair lay there in bed, naked and listing to the sounds of each other’s heartbeat.


  Takashi stirred, his head heavy. A muffled pounding on a hard surface pulled him from sleep. He sucked in a deep breath and reached out his arm for the warm body that lay next to him, except he found nothing but warm blankets. His eyes snapped open and he looked around to find Mercedes out of bed fumbling with the buttons of the shirt she threw on—his shirt, he noted—her eyes groggy with sleep. She smiled at him and then left the room, nearly tripping on the shoes she had kicked off sometime last night.

  His head still foggy, he looked at the clock, reading 9:03 a.m. Takashi rubbed his face to wake himself up. Who could be at the door at this hour?

  The front door opened and Mercedes groggy voice spoke, “Dad? What are you doing here?”

  “Mercedes, why are you not dressed yet?” Jayce asked.

  Mercedes sucked in a deep breath; Takashi could only assume she was trying to wake up. She spoke again, “What are you talking about?”

  Takashi rolled out of bed and searched for some pants, an uneasy feeling falling over him.

  “What do you mean ‘what are you talking about?’ Today is the anniversary of your mother’s death. We always go to her grave together.”

  She groaned. “Shit, I forgot. I’m sorry.”

  “You forgot?”

  Takashi threw on some jeans he’d retrieved from his car sometime last night as Jayce’s voice rose an octave.

  “How could you for—” Jayce’s words caught when Takashi emerged from the room, still rubbing his face to wake up more. “What is going on here?”

  Mercedes brow furrowed. “You know Takashi, Dad.”

  “Yes, but why is he here, coming out of your room?”

  She crossed her arms. “Besides the fact that I’m an adult and can have whomever I please at my house?”

  Her father’s face reddened. “That doesn’t explain why he’s coming out of your room, half dressed. You said the two of you were friends.”

  “We are,” she said. “And as of recently, he’s now my boyfriend.”

  If the tension in the room weren’t so thick, Takashi would have allowed himself to enjoy those words.

  Jayce’s eyes darkened. “You forgot about your mother because of him? You’d really put him before—”

  “Shut up.” Mercedes’ fists clenched. “Just shut up. How dare you try to twist Mother’s memory into your own twisted prerogative? Have you really forgotten what she told us? Well, have you?”

  Seeing the mix of emotions flowing out of her, Takashi wished to close the distance between them and pull her into a tight embrace; to calm her and reassure her everything was going to be okay. But his feet kept him in the doorway.

  “I remember,” she said, continuing without allowing her father to speak. “The last thing she said to me was to keep living my life. To not let her memory get in the way of that life. ‘It’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to remember, but please don’t let the past get in the way of your future.’”

  A mix of emotions played across Jayce’s face, and within Takashi himself. Takashi understood her father’s position, his grief over his lost wife playing a big role in his actions, but Mercedes had a valid point. Not only was moving on what her mother wanted, but even as hard it was to do, Mercedes was trying, and it wasn’t fair that her father was chastising her for it.

  Tears welled up in Mercedes’ eyes. “She made us both promise we wouldn’t live in the past!”

  Takashi couldn’t just stand in the doorway anymore and watch this—not with her like this. He came up behind Mercedes and wrapped her up in his arms. She hid her face in his chest but refused to cry.

  Takashi looked to Jayce. “Give us fifteen minutes and we’ll meet you outside.”

  Jayce gave a small nod, his eyes rather distant and his voice coming out hollow. “I’ll give you as long as you need. I’ll be in my car.”

  Her father left, closing the door behind him, giving Takashi the opportunity to focus on Mercedes. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, taking a deep breath and wiping a tear from her eyes. “Yes. That was just upsetting. He’s never acted like that before.”

  He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Grief is a difficult monster to control. All we can do is help him the best we can, and get him to understand it’s not wrong to move on, promise or no promise to your mother.”

  Mercedes smiled. “Thank you.”

  Takashi kissed her on the lips. “You don’t have to thank me. Now, let’s get ready and go together.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  She looked away. “I don’t know… I just thought you may want to go home instead.”

  Takashi made her look at him. “I want to be part of your life, Mercedes. Every aspect of it, even the sad parts. And I did know your mother somewhat. I think it’s overdue I go see her too.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I guess a quick shower is in order so as not to keep my dad waiting.”

  Takashi grinned and lifted her up in his arms. Mercedes squeaked. “To reduce water usage, and reduce shower time, we should shower together.”

  She giggled. “I don’t think that’s how it ends up working out.”

  He hushed her as he carried her back into the bedroom. “You’re not supposed to say that out loud.”

  Mercedes laughed more but didn’t fight him.

  A warm wind blew, bringing the
promise of rain, unsurprisingly. Mercedes walked behind her father, flowers in arm. Takashi walked beside her, his hand resting on her lower back. All three remained silent. It’d been like this since they’d climbed into the car with her father.

  Last night had been amazing. Takashi had been amazing. And without fail, he’d been there for her this morning. As she figured would happen, the shower they’d taken delayed them more, Takashi taking the time to ‘remove all stress’ from her, but her father didn’t comment on their tardiness. He barely acknowledged them, lost in his own thoughts.

  Even now, he showed her words had struck a chord with him. She hoped he was going to be okay. This day, along with a few others during the year, was hard on him, but she’d assumed her father had healed more than he obviously had. She didn’t want his heart to be the death of him, and didn’t want him dying alone, but if he insisted on holding on, there wasn’t much she could do to help him.

  The trio came to a dark headstone detailed with flower carvings and gold engravings, reading:

  In loving memory


  Jayce T.Allyson J.

  2052 -2056 - 2094

  Old, dried out flowers from the last time the grave had visitors rested against the headstone. Her father cleaned them up, letting Mercedes set down the new ones. She then knelt down in front of the grave, her father always giving her first chance to talk to her mother. Takashi knelt down beside her.

  “Hey, mom, I’m here.” It should have felt weird speaking to her in front of Takashi, but it didn’t. “I know it’s been a while. I’ve been busy living my life, like you said I should. It’s not easy, but I’m trying.”

  She glanced at Takashi. “And you’ll never guess what happened recently…”

  Minutes passed as she talked to the gravestone, recapping her testing of the new arm and her and Takashi finally coming together. Neither Takashi nor her father said anything, giving her this moment she needed.


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