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Kpop Club

Page 10

by YR Choi

  “Well your dad is obviously a very wise man!” said Andrew. “Come, I know a good place.”

  They continued walking until they reached a modest looking restaurant where an elderly lady was sat, waiting for customers. She jumped up to welcome them and took them straight to a table by the window.

  Andrew poured them a glass of barley tea each and laid out their chopsticks and spoons.

  “The ajumma here makes the most amazing bindae ddok – it’s the best you’ll ever try,” he said.

  “Wow, that’s a bold statement,” said Krystal.

  “Trust me.”

  Andrew ordered and it wasn’t long before the Korean pancake arrived.

  “This is ridiculously good!” said Krystal.

  “Best you’ve ever had?”

  “Annoyingly, it is!” said Krystal, sticking her tongue out at Andrew.

  “Told you,” said Andrew with a cheeky smile, as he tucked into his food.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about everything and nothing: from Kpop Club’s launch; to their favourite TV shows; to how weird Sebastien’s “call me oppas” line was. Time flew by and Krystal didn’t want the day to end; she could feel herself properly falling for him.


  Blood, sweat and tears

  The following Monday was the start of three months of blood, sweat and tears, as the girls prepared for their debut. Every waking hour was spent in the studio repeating the same dance moves, over and over and over again until the girls were completely in-sync. It was hard work and long hours, and meant that they bickered at times. But, it was never long before the girls made up, and in turn, the bonds between them grew stronger.

  Whilst the girls put in the hours in the studio, the marketing team at KYM Entertainment worked hard to spread the word about the group. Kpop Club now had their own dedicated website at, their own Facebook page at, and all the girls had their own Twitter accounts.

  Amazingly, Kpop Club was becoming a well-known band despite not having released any material. This was partly down to their newly formed fan group that called themselves the, Klubbers.

  Krystal’s personal life moved forward steadily as well. Since their first date, Krystal and Andrew’s connection was undeniable and everyone could see it. Unfortunately, the Andre Project went on tour in the first week of her training and so they had to keep in touch through Kakao Talk, Skype and email. They talked every day however, and were officially dating.

  Krystal spent some time with her dad and Rebecca between rehearsals and this really helped her to stay focused and happy. During those times when, exhausted from a long day, it all seemed too much, they were the ones that kept her grounded and positive with their words of encouragement. She was lucky, it was much more than most of the girls had with their families being so far away.

  She still thought about her mum every day but that was normal. She knew she just had to keep going and hopefully make her mum proud. On the whole, life was pretty good.

  The days were long but time flew by and soon enough KYM’s pep talks changed from starting with “in a couple of months…” to “in a couple of weeks…” and then eventually “in a couple of days…”


  The big day

  Having accomplished a great deal in a short space of time, the day of their big debut on the SKS Music Platform show finally arrived. The girls jumped in the Starship and made their way over to the SKS New Wing Hall in Yeouido-dong where security promptly ushered them backstage. To Krystal’s delight, her dad, Rebecca and Hyerim onnie were waiting with KYM in one of the dressing rooms.

  “I thought you’d want them here,” said KYM, winking to Krystal.

  “Thank you very much, oppa,” said Krystal, with a smile.

  Krystal said a quick hello to everyone before Rendezvous and the styling team began to work their magic. Halfway through her make-up session, Krystal suddenly started to feel very sick. Her heart was beating extremely quickly so she got up out of her chair and walked over to KYM.

  “Oppa, can I talk to you in private really quickly?”

  “Yes, of course,” said KYM, leading her out into the corridor away from the others.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m frightened to death and I feel really sick – I can’t stop shaking,” said Krystal, looking down at the floor.

  She had lost all colour in her cheeks.

  “I know how nerve wracking this is for all of you, Krystal. You have to trust me though, it’s going to be just fine, okay?”

  Krystal nodded, but remained staring at the floor.

  “I was exactly the same as you when I did my first performance – I wanted to run a 1000 miles and bury my head in the sand. But you know what my manager said?”

  “No, oppa,” said Krystal.

  “He told me to remember that the only thing in life worth worrying about is living without love – there’s really no point in worrying about anything else. And it’s true! What’s the worst that can happen tonight? You could have a bad debut show but you’d still have another chance to put things right and your dad and Rebecca and all of us would still be here for you. Am I not right?”

  “Yes, oppa - you are, thank you.”

  “Good – that’s my girl! Now, let’s do some breathing exercises – this will help you feel a bit more normal. Trust me, once you get on that stage everything will fall into place. Now, take a deep breath in slowly, just through your nose – now exhale slowly through your mouth.”

  KYM guided Krystal through the breathing exercises until she looked more composed.

  “How are you feeling, Krystal?” said KYM.

  “Better, thank you – I’d just like to go to the bathroom to splash some water on my face if that’s okay?”

  “Of course it is – take your time and come and join us when you’re ready.”

  Krystal thanked KYM and made her way to the ladies toilets where she stood staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. She splashed some water on her face and continued with her breathing exercises before eventually closing her eyes in an attempt to focus. She pictured her mum singing and after a while, she started to feel better. Krystal took one final deep breath and ran back to the changing room where the styling team helped her get ready.

  From that point on, everything started to move very quickly. The hall was now full of people and Krystal could hear the hosts introducing the start of the show. The crowd was screaming in anticipation.

  KYM gathered the girls together and gave them some final words of advice.

  “Girls, this is it. You have worked so hard, I’m so proud of you. All you have to do now is do what we’ve been doing day in and day out in practice. Remember to focus on bold dance moves, executed cleanly. Do your breathing exercises and don’t strain your vocals unnecessarily. Most of all, enjoy it! Everyone let’s put our hands in together, on the count of three, Kpop Club Fighting.”

  “1, 2, 3, Kpop Club Fighting!!!” screamed the girls, throwing their hands up in the air.

  Krystal felt the adrenalin pumping through her veins.

  “Okay, let’s do this!” said KYM, leading the girls out to the waiting area at the side of the stage.

  The girls stood with their arms around each other, waiting for another group to finish their performance. Then, almost to their disbelief, one of the hosts made the big announcement.

  “And now with their debut song, Plastic Eyes, everyone please welcome, Kpop Club!”

  The concert hall erupted in screaming and clapping.

  Krystal took a deep breath in and led the girls out onto the stage where they took up their starting positions. The Plastic Eyes backing music started playing and like magic, Kpop Club sprung into life. The girls glided from side to side, twisting their hips in unison and switching positions effortlessly. After about 10 seconds of dancing, Krystal rotated her way to the front of the group and began singing her solo.

  I’m real, t
he real deal

  I want you to show me how you feel, feel, feel

  Are you for real, real, real?

  Been around the world

  Seen trouble all around

  Seen superficial lies

  The crowd screamed so loudly that Krystal could hardly hear herself sing. She caught a glimpse of a girl in the crowd holding a banner.

  We love you Krystal!

  The girls rotated again and Krystal slid to the back of the group and stood still in a pose whilst April, Maya and Priya performed a small routine. The girls rotated again, their bodies perfectly in-sync. The chorus came in and they began singing together.

  In plastic eyes, your plastic eyes

  KYM howled with joy as he watched from the side of the stage.

  Hannah made her way to the front of the group and began her solo.

  I’m the real deal, the real real deal

  I’ll show the world how I feel

  No superficial lies

  Just as the chorus came back in, Krystal noticed a group of Klubbers in the crowd, dressed in white t-shirts with pictures of globes on them.

  No plastic eyes, no plastic eyes

  The crowd went ballistic and started singing along and waving their glow sticks in time with the beat. The girls worked their way through the song and received a standing ovation. They bowed to the audience and skipped off stage, waving and blowing kisses as they went.

  Krystal ran straight over to her dad, wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big squeeze.

  “Darling that was brilliant, I’m sure your mum was watching and is very proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Dad,” said Krystal, giving him another big bear hug.

  “I got you some flowers, darling,” said her dad, handing her a bouquet of pink orchids.

  “Thank you! These are like the ones in Mum’s picture!”

  “Who do you think gave them to her, darling? They were her favourite.”

  “I love them, Dad! I…”

  Before Krystal could finish Rebecca smothered her with a hug.

  “Well done, darling!” said Rebecca.

  “Thank you, Becs!”

  The other girls jumped up and down with joy as well. KYM came over and shook Krystal’s dad’s hand. Krystal couldn’t quite believe what was happening – it was the biggest rush of her life. For a minute, time slowed down and all she could hear was the sound of the crowd. It wasn’t until KYM made an announcement that Krystal was brought back down to earth.

  “Girls, that was epic! Everything went like clockwork, you nailed the moves, the vocals were on point – well done!”

  The girls beamed with joy.

  “Thank you, oppa!” said the girls in unison.

  “I want to take you all out for BBQ kalbi to celebrate so please go and get changed – we’ll clear up all the stuff and then we can head straight there.”

  “Yes, boss!” said everyone before heading off to get ready.

  KYM walked over to Krystal and handed her a small jewellery box.

  “Krystal, someone asked me to give you this,” he said.

  “Thank you,” said Krystal, as KYM walked away to help the styling team pack-up their equipment.

  Krystal stepped out into the corridor and immediately opened the jewellery box. Inside, was a gold necklace with a little koi fish pendant and a note underneath.

  Krystal. Congratulations! I know you will have done great. I can’t wait to see you soon! Andrew Xx

  Krystal starting bawling tears of happiness; she felt a mixture of joy and relief. All the disappointments she had had with auditions, all the new things she had to learn, giving up living with her dad - it had all been worth it. She was doing what she loved, she knew her mum would be proud of her and she’d found Andrew.

  Just then, Rebecca and Hyerim onnie walked into the corridor.

  “Krystal, what’s the matter, darling?” said Hyerim onnie.

  “Oh, I’m fine thank you, onnie. I was only crying because I’m so happy. I’m so glad you made it today as well – I wanted to say a big thank you to you again!”

  “You’re most welcome!”

  “Now! Let’s get in the van so we can celebrate! KYM says he’s starving and I could definitely eat some kalbi right now!” said Rebecca.

  “Deal!” said Krystal.

  The trio rounded up the others and jumped in the Starship. When they got to the restaurant KYM ordered 4 different cuts of beef along with a number of different jjigaes and a selection of delicious side dishes. The group ate and drank until they were uncomfortably full and very merry. Just before it was time to go, KYM stood up to address the table.

  “Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that you did an excellent job today and I’m so proud of you all. The initial reviews are outstanding and I can’t wait to see how the single does! The Haon singles chart will be announced next week and I’d say we’ve got a good chance of doing very well. Anyways, let’s forget about all that for now and toast what you’ve achieved to date. Everyone, kombae!”

  “Kombae!” yelled everyone, as their glasses clinked.


  Next steps

  KYM sat down, took a sip of mineral water and motioned to Ben.

  “Yes, you sir,” said Ben, pointing out into the audience.

  “Moon Tae-Sung from the Korea Standard. Congratulations on Plastic Eyes reaching number one on the Haon chart. How are the girls responding to all the positive press?”

  KYM cleared his throat.

  “Thank you. We’re very proud and honoured to have made it to number one. I had a good feeling about this song and luckily, I was right. The girls have responded very well – they’re delighted but the important thing now is that they keep their feet on the ground and continue to work hard.”

  Ben gave another journalist permission to speak.

  “Kim Jihae from the Morning Calm Post. Congratulations as well – when will Kpop Club’s first album be released?”

  “Well, the mini-album was released yesterday and we’re about to start promoting that on the usual music shows. The team back at KYM Entertainment is currently working with the girls to produce their first full length album, which we estimate will be released in the summer.”

  “Lee Tae-Ryong from the Incheon Insider. It’s reported that the girls each received a bonus of $10,000 for Plastic Eyes reaching number one – can you confirm that this is true?”

  “Yes, indeed. At KYM we believe that our artists should be rewarded for their success and they have each pocketed $10,000 for their debut single.”

  “Ban Seung-gyun from the Ulsan Observer. Kpop Club has started brilliantly, where do you go from here?”

  “There is plenty more to come from Kpop Club. The first album is going to be really innovative and will be aimed at the international market as well. The girls have started to get a lot of media attention and it’s my job to make sure that they aren’t overwhelmed and that we harness this attention for their good. Whilst we’re confident that Kpop Club will bring out a number of albums together, we’re also exploring the idea of each of the members bringing out their own solo albums. Still, it’s early days yet and all will become clearer with time. For now, we need to focus on the next 6 months leading up to the first album.”

  Ben stood up to address the room.

  “Thank you everybody, I think that’s enough questions for today. Please remember that you can get the latest news on Kpop Club on our website at and our Facebook page .”

  “Yes, thank you everyone for coming, and watch this space!” said KYM with a cheeky smile.

  To be continued…

  Check out for the latest news on the Kpop Club series!!



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