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The Dragon's Lover

Page 102

by Emilia Hartley

  Nick couldn’t help but sense her wariness, seeing her slightly widened eyes and quick breathing. She was basically trusting two complete strangers, so he could understand her caution. He tried not to let the way she smelled affect his senses, forcing his eyes back on the road. Jasmine and lavender. “So, what are you planning to do in Dornwich, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Not at all,” Jo replied, still trying to calm her nerves. “I work for an Art Gallery. I have to meet a client, to try and convince him that we’re the best gallery to display his work.”

  “Where is it?”

  “It’s called Liberty Art. It’s in Thorpes.” She saw his mouth drop open in surprise. “Yes, I know. My boss likes to cut expenses in any way he can!”

  “But that’s a three-day drive at least! Couldn’t he just have paid for a flight?”

  She shrugged. “Apparently driving and staying in old motels was cheaper.”

  “It can’t have been by much!” he exclaimed, driving down a slightly bumpier road.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Nick blew out a long breath, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. "I reckon your boss should start treating his employees a little better," he growled, his lip curling. The bear started to growl, but he forced it to be silent.

  Jo glanced at him, surprised at the fierce expression on his face and the steely glint in his eyes. His frustration for her, over how she was being treated, made her feel almost glad that she’d hung up on Brian. She did deserve better, didn’t she? "Maybe I will treat this as a vacation after all," she muttered.

  "That sounds good to me." Settling the bear's fury, telling it that they couldn’t do anything to her boss, Nick concentrated on the road. Pulling up to the small cabin, he caught Jo's quiet ‘thank goodness'. He grinned, relieved that his anger was gone and the bear quiet. "Turns out I'm not a serial killer after all."

  “I wasn’t thinking that,” she retorted, the redness in her cheeks giving her lie away almost immediately.

  He said nothing, just flashed her another wide grin before turning off the ignition and getting out of the car.

  The cabin was certainly rustic. Encircled by trees on three sides and a clear view of the road on the fourth side, it was entirely surrounded by beautiful sights, sounds, and smells. Jo took in a huge breath, appreciating the scent of pine. "This looks amazing."

  “It’s not much,” he commented, handing her the key. “But it does us on the weekends, when we want…a few days away from town. Please, go on up. I’ll get your bags.”

  Taking the key from him, Jo tried not to feel the electricity that shot up her arm as their fingers brushed. Climbing the three short wooden steps, she unlocked the door and make her way inside.

  The sight made her catch her breath. The log cabin was absolutely stunning. The first level had comfortable sofas and chairs surrounding a fire, and on the other side sat a table, chairs and almost an entire kitchen! Walking a little further in, Jo discovered a tiny reading corner, partially hidden by an entire wooden cabinet of books. I wouldn’t have thought they’d be readers, she thought to herself. Climbing the wooden staircase to the second level, she spotted two beds in two small rooms, with a bathroom in the middle. The entire cabin was both practical and beautiful. She hadn’t expected anything like this!

  “What do you think?” Nick’s voice echoed through the cabin and she came down the stairs to greet him. His eyes flared as he watched her stunned expression, her eyes filled with surprise. He liked that she was happy.

  “This is absolutely beautiful!” She cocked an eyebrow at him, her hand on her hip. “Are you sure you’re charging me full price?”

  Nick wanted to smooth a finger over that eyebrow but stuck his hands in his pockets instead. “Don’t worry about that, I’m just glad you like it. Listen, I’ve put your bags at the door and I’m going to head straight back to help Tom with your car.” He glanced away for a moment, before looking back. “I was wondering if you’d like some dinner later? I mean, the refrigerator has plenty of things in it, but there’s a fantastic Chinese takeout in town.”

  He licked his lips, as though unsure about what he’d just said, throwing her a quick glance. There was something flickering in his eyes, and Jo was sure it wasn’t just a hunger for Chinese food.

  "I guess so," Jo replied, after a second of hesitation. "That would be nice." No matter how much her inner warning light was flashing, Jo simply couldn't turn down the offer of spending more time with this man. Ignoring her worries, Jo watched as that feral smile crept over Nick's face, his gray eyes flashing with a sudden new light. His nose twitched as he listed off some of the takeout's best dishes, making her smile. "Why don't you choose for me?" she asked, trying a coy smile. "I'm sure whatever you choose will be…delicious." Glancing at him as he grinned at her, she looked away, heat creeping into her cheeks. That word could easily be used to describe him.

  His body tensed, fighting the urge to sweep her into his arms right there and then. Settling the bear, he glanced up at her. “There’s wine somewhere, as well,” he said, forcing himself to walk towards the door. “Make yourself right at home. I’ll be back later.”

  "See you later." Jo couldn't help but watch him walk away, his entire body rippling. He slammed the door, calling an apology before his footsteps faded. It was as though he kept forgetting that he was strong, or something. Remembering to lock the door behind him, Jo wanted to hug herself with satisfaction. This place was amazing and she couldn't believe that she'd almost turned down the opportunity to stay here.

  "And he's coming back tonight," she murmured, walking over to the window and seeing him climb into the car. The man was practically a giant next to her, strength in every sinew of his body. Giggling as she watched him slam the car door shut, she wondered why he didn't seem to feel the biting wind. "Maybe his muscles keep him warm," she joked aloud, hoping she'd be able to get another look at what lay under his shirt. To her surprise, his head whipped around and he caught her gaze from through the window. A dangerous smile spread across his face as he waved at her as the car pulled away, but she didn't wave back. Standing back from the window, she felt the heat in her cheeks. "He didn’t hear you say that,” she said to herself, trying to calm her frantic heart. “Stop being ridiculous.”

  “I don’t like this,” Tom grumbled, the moment Nick got back. “It’s too dangerous for her and for you!”

  “Don’t be stupid,” Nick insisted, pulling on his gloves. “If anyone – or anything – approaches, they’re going to know that she’s human. Why would they go near her?”

  “What if they use her to get to you?”

  Nick growled in frustration, his body tensing. “Why would they? We’ve not seen any of them for a long time. Jo’s just someone we’re helping out anyway.” His hands itched, his tension rising. He wanted to shift, to battle it out with his brother. Talking never did either of them any good.

  “That’s because they’ve gone to try to work on how to get to you. They said they would be back.”

  “Will you just drop it? We’re both alpha bears, remember? We can protect ourselves!”

  Tom said nothing, struggling to keep his own anger under control. He could sense his brother’s frustration, his warning to stay away from him. Silently, he went back to work.

  Since childhood, Tom and Nick had known that they were from a shifter family. The ability to shift had started when they were young – about the same time as they’d started to walk - but it had taken years to master. Now both of them could shift at will and were comfortable in both their skins.

  Because they were from a long line of alphas, it had made them both prime targets for other bear packs but Nick and Tom had always refused. When they were young, their dad had sat them down and explained their responsibilities. They were to keep their shifting abilities secret, protected. Humans wouldn’t understand, he’d told them. Their dad had rightly predicted that others would want them in their pack. Alphas were good for fighting and for
dominance. Both Tom and Nick had made a promise to never join a new pack. They would stick together, and that was all they would need. So far, their refusals had never caused problems, but now one pack had made it clear they weren’t going to accept it.

  “Stop worrying,” Nick grunted, seeing Tom’s grim face. “They haven’t been back for a long time. If anything happens to Jo or the cabin, the security camera will let me know.”

  “Fat lot of good that’ll do her, if you’re here and she’s there.”

  “I’ll run fast,” Nick retorted, impatiently. “Anyway, I’m going back tonight.”

  Tom’s eyebrows lifted so high they almost disappeared into his hair. “You are?” His voice grew louder, brimming with anger. “Why?”

  “I said I’d bring her dinner.” Despite his attempt at nonchalance, Nick still had to clear his throat as a slow flush crept into his cheeks.

  “I see,” Tom said calmly, his fists clenching. “And am I getting to come along?”

  “You can if you want to,” Nick replied, without missing a beat. “We’re getting Chinese.”


  “This is the life!” Jo exclaimed, relaxing in the bath. The cabin was incredible and she’d decided to make good use of the bathtub. She’d been more than a little surprised to find bubble bath stashed away in a cabinet, wondering if perhaps this was where either Tom or Nick took their dates. The thought of Nick having a girlfriend made her heart sink. There was no reason why he wouldn’t, Jo admitted to herself, sinking further into the water. Just thinking about him brought heat to her face…and to her core. Closing her eyes, she thought about the strong, lean body she’d caught a glimpse of, imagining what it would be like to have him here, with her….right now.

  Pushing the image away, Jo forced herself to think about something else, allowing the water to soak into all her tired muscles. This was the only good thing about her trip so far. Determined to enjoy her few days, she'd even gone so far as to block Brian's number. Their recent conversation had made her angrier than she'd ever been before with him, wanting to throw the phone to the floor and stamp on it for good measure. She'd not been able to put up with his ridiculous accent, hanging up on him while he was still talking. She'd unblock him after she'd met the client, of course, but Jo knew that Nick was right. She shouldn't let him treat her like that! When she got back, there were going to be some changes. Either that or she'd quit.

  The water was cooling. Getting out of the bath, Jo dried her hair and dressed quickly. Opting for her sweats instead of another smart outfit, she paused for a moment, wondering what Nick would prefer her in. Would he get the wrong impression if she opted for her sweats? A slow smile spread across her face. Maybe she wanted to give the wrong impression! And perhaps just a tiny bit of make-up, since the dark shadows under her eyes were never attractive. A slight fluttering in her belly as she thought about Nick warned her that she was already far too caught up with him. Admitting to herself that she certainly wasn't a ‘one-night stand' kind of girl, Jo couldn't help but think that perhaps for Nick, she could make an exception. Just once.

  Waiting for him to come back was sweet torture, as her thoughts drifted casually over what it might be like to be with him. He was strong, aggressive almost, and Jo was surprised to find that didn’t put her off. In fact, she quite liked it. The glint in his dark eyes when she’d talked about her boss had both thrilled and terrified her, catching the way his hands had gripped the steering wheel.

  Startled by a knock at the door, Jo pressed a hand to her cheeks as she got up, hoping he wouldn’t guess the way her thoughts had been turning. “Hi, come in,” she said, noticing the way his gaze flicked over her and a slight smile played around his lips. “I hope you don’t mind, I already opened the wine.”

  “Glad you did,” he replied, running his hand through his hair, his jaw tightening. “Fancy getting me a glass?”


  Letting out a long breath, Nick dumped the food on the table and clenched his hands around the top of one of the chairs. He could smell her excitement already, and it had almost thrown him completely. What had she been thinking about? Him? Them, together? The bear was already growling, almost demanding that he take her. The red stain around her lips had been a punch to the gut, and he had to force the bear down. It’s wine, not blood.

  “Thanks for getting dinner.” Handing him a glass, Jo walked back to the kitchen and rummaged through the drawers until she found some plates and cutlery. “It smells amazing.”

  The bear grew quiet, waiting for him to make a move on Jo. She was different now, relaxed and happy. He liked her happy. "Best takeout in town!" he replied, laying out their food.

  Sitting down at the table, Jo smiled awkwardly as he refilled first her glass. “It feels a little strange, if I’m honest, making myself at home in a stranger’s cabin.”

  “Not at all,” he replied with a grin. “I hope the bath helped.” She used a mixture of essential oils and pheromones.

  Jo paused, her fork halfway to her mouth. “How did you know I had a bath?”

  Oh. "Uh…your hair is still a bit damp and I figured you'd prefer a bath over a shower. Especially after the day you had," he fumbled, seeing her relax. Why aren’t you being more careful? You can’t give yourself away.

  “Right,” Jo laughed, feeling even more ridiculous. It wasn’t as though he had a camera in the cabin or something, watching her – although that idea… Forcing her mind back on the food, she picked up a cracker. “This place is amazing,” she mumbled, working through the sudden awkwardness. “Do you, uh, bring other people here?”

  The corner of Nick’s eyes crinkled as a hint of laughter filled his gaze. “If you’re asking if I have a girlfriend, the answer is no.” His strong hand cradled the wine glass gently, swirling it around before taking a sip.

  “I wasn’t asking that,” Jo protested, barely able to take her eyes from him. “It’s just such a beautiful place, I thought…” She closed her eyes briefly, aware that he was still smiling at her. A surge of desire mingled with embarrassment confused her even more. She tried covering it by bringing the glass of wine to her lips.

  Fighting the urge to reach across the table for her, Nick sat back and tried to relax. He could hear her breathing quicken and caught the way she licked her lips just once too often. Shifters don’t touch humans. You’re too strong for her. Clearing his throat, he tried to change the subject. “Do you enjoy your job?”

  “Mmm,” Jo mumbled, non-committal. “It has its good points.”

  “Except for your boss,” he quipped.

  “Yes, exactly!”

  He watched her steadily for a moment. “Then why not leave? Quit?”

  A sigh left Jo's lips as she put her glass down on the table. "Believe me, I've been thinking about it." Returning his smile and ignoring the way her stomach turned over at the piercing darkness that suddenly filled his gray eyes, Jo turned the question back on to him. "Have you always been a mechanic?"

  “Yes, most of the time,” he replied, deftly spearing a piece of chicken. “Tom and I, well, we always planned to start a place of our own.”

  “You seem very close,” Jo commented.

  He snorted. Shifters have to be. “We share a special kind of bond, I guess. We’re good friends as well as brothers, so it just seemed the right thing to do to set up a business together. The land this cabin is built on belonged to our dad, but we had to buy the mechanics.”

  “That sounds great,” Jo commented, quietly. She wondered what it would feel like to be content with her life, to be happy. All she had was work and any free evenings were spent alone in front of the television, making her way steadily through a bottle of wine. Hoping that this evening would be different, Jo let her gaze slowly travel up Nick’s body as he got up to clear the dishes.

  A short time later, glass in hand, Nick studied Jo quietly, as the light from the fire flickered over her face. She was watching the flames steadily, one elbow on the edge of the sofa, h
er head resting on her hand. Her legs were curled underneath her and the nearly finished glass of wine was held lazily in her other hand. She was the picture of relaxation but the bear knew better. Now and again, she’d glance at him, her breath coming a little faster if their eyes met. Her hand was scrunching her hair over and over again, which was probably something to do with trying to get a hold on what she was thinking.

  She wants you.

  Nick shook his head, stretching back into the armchair. He couldn’t touch her. She was too delicate, too fragile. He needed a shifter to mate with, not a human. Humans were weak, shifters were strong. So why are you still here?

  He couldn’t leave, not now. The urge to have her was too strong, despite the warning in his heart, despite the rules. His breath coming faster, Nick eased himself out of the chair, took the glass from her hand and sat down next to her, watching the way her pupils dilated as she looked at him.



  Nick's mouth was on hers before she could say another word, her gasp captured by his lips. She couldn't do anything except cling to him, as he slowly moved her backward onto the sofa. She'd been wanting this, needing this, but now that it was happening, Jo found herself completely helpless, only able to cling to him as his tongue slipped into her mouth, tangling with hers.

  Passion roared to life as his lips slipped over her cheek and down her neck, nuzzling into the little hollow at the base of her throat. Nick groaned with raw need, a kind of desperation in his kisses.

  She was trembling, he could feel it. Trembling from the force of the need that was rampaging through her, the scent of her arousal pushing him into an almost frantic state. He bared his teeth, scraping them gently down her neck and shoulder, the beast in him was demanding more. The blanket was still around her chest, and with clawed hands he tore it from her, throwing it to the floor. The noise that came from his throat was more bear than man, but thankfully Jo didn’t seem to notice.


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