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A Life in Letters

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by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  Tono-Bungay (Wells), 18n, 20, 144, 384

  “Too Cute for Words” (Fitzgerald), 292, 294n

  Torrents of Spring, The (Hemingway), 131n, 133, 138, 145

  Town and Country magazine, 117

  Towne, Charles Hanson, 119

  Tracy, Spencer, 339, 347, 352

  Trail of the Lonesome Pine, The (Fox), 95n

  Train, Arthur, 76, 137, 140

  “Transatlantic” (Howard), 92

  Transatlantic Review, 80, 82, 97, 115, 132

  Transition, 173–76, 201

  Treasure Island (Stevenson), 20, 57, 58

  Trial, The (Kafka), 389, 474

  Triumph of the Egg (Anderson), 49

  Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare), 46

  “Trouble” (Fitzgerald), 301n

  Troy, William, 278n

  Truex, Ernest, 66

  Tully,Jim, 157

  Turn of the Screw, The (James), 57

  Turnbull, Andrew, 440

  Turnbull, Frances, 348, 368–69

  Turner, John Hastings, 57

  Tuttle, Frank, 101, 104

  Twain, Mark, 49, 122

  Twentieth Century-Fox Studios, 326, 425, 435

  “Two for a Cent” (Fitzgerald), 54, 261

  “Two Old-Timers” (Fitzgerald), 428

  “Two Wrongs” (Fitzgerald), 260

  Twysden, Duff, 144n

  Ulysses (Joyce), 58, 61, 132, 156n, 275

  Undertaker’s Garland, The (Wilson and Bishop), 47, 52

  United Artists, 72, 425

  Universal Studios, 326, 425

  “Up in Michigan” (Hemingway), 151

  Upton, Mrs., 5

  Valentino, Rudolph, 126

  Valmont clinic (Switzerland), 177, 198, 207

  Van Dyke, Henry, 57, 137n

  Van Vechten, Carl, 117, 132, 160, 193, 329–30

  Van Winkle, Courtland, 243

  Vanderbilt, Emily Davies, 474, 475

  “Vanished Girl, The” (Fitzgerald), 321

  Vanity Fair (Thackeray), 115n, 255, 383, 390n

  Vanity Fair magazine, 53, 63n, 101, 190, 261

  Variety, 459

  Vassar College, 315, 325, 345, 351, 357, 361–62, 366, 368, 370, 371,372, 385, 388, 391, 406, 407, 436, 439, 441, 448, 450–52, 454, 455, 458, 463, 465, 480

  Vegetable, The (Fitzgerald), xx, 14n, 27, 62n, 64n, 66, 92, 104, 111, 408n

  Veiller, Tony, 425

  Verlaine, Paul, 45

  Verses in Peace & War (Leslie), 21n

  Vidor, King, 158, 174, 188, 297, 425

  Villon, Francois, 45

  Virginia Quarterly Review, 376, 445, 471

  Virginians, The (Thackeray), 144n

  Von Cramn, Baron Gottfried (tennis player), 337

  “Wait Till You Have Children of Your Own” (Fitzgerald), 261 502

  Waiting for Lefty (Odets), 390n

  Walcott, Helen, 7

  Walcott, Stuart, 18

  Waller, Edmund, 371

  Walpole, Hugh, 20, 34, 63

  Wanger, Walter, 385, 386, 404, 425, 435

  War and Peace (Tolstoy), 18, 76, 388

  Warner Brothers, 94, 425

  Warren, Charles Marquis, 337, 402

  Washington, Kenny, 421

  “Way of Purgation, The” (Fitzgerald), 12–13

  Weaver, John V. A., 48, 109

  Weber, Peggy, 191

  Weidman, Jerome, 389

  Wellesley College, 372

  Wellington (Guedalla), 390

  Wells, H. G., 12, 17, 18, 20, 33, 35, 101, 144

  Wescott, Glenway, 99, 104, 106, 119, 152n, 263

  West, Andrew Fleming, 345

  West, Nathanael, 395

  West, Rebecca, 191

  West of the Water Tower (Croy), 118

  Wharton, Edith, 56, 57, 68, 119, 124, 125, 132, 247

  What Maisie Knew (James), 55

  What Makes Sammy Run? (Schulberg), 474n

  What of It? (Lardner), 79n, 109, 117

  What Price Glory? (Stallings and Anderson), 127, 174

  “What Price Macaroni?” (Fitzgerald), 114

  What’s in It for Me? (Weidman), 389n

  Wheeler, C. N. B., 243

  Wheeler, John N., 81, 83, 93, 132

  Wheelock, John Hall, 474

  “When This Cruel War” (Fitzgerald), 430

  While Rome Burns (Woollcott), 261

  Whipple, T. K., 16

  Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 130

  White Monkey (Galsworthy), 92, 93n

  Whitman, Stephen French, 56, 57, 111

  Whitman, Walt, 45, 472

  Whitney, Richard, 455

  Wife of the Centaur (Hume), 81n

  Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 434

  Wilde, Oscar, 15, 17, 465

  Wilder, Thornton, 158, 164, 175, 182n

  Williams, Blanche Colton, 62

  Williams, Jesse Lynch,’57, 121, 137

  Williams, John, 190

  Wills, Helen, 337

  Wilson, Edmund (“Bunny”), xix, 2, 38, 68, 90, 100, 101, 112, 113, 117, 122, 142, 160, 171, 174, 191, 201, 226, 280, 481

  letters to, 11–13, 15–18, 28–29, 43, 46–52, 54–56, 58–61, 63–64, 76–77, 109–10, 155, 199, 226–27, 250, 391, 471–72

  Wilson, Margaret Canby, 119n, 199n

  Wilson, Woodrow, 99, 137, 449

  Wiman, Dwight, 192

  Winchell, Walter, 337

  Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson), 120, 132

  Winner Take Nothing (Hemingway), 259n, 262

  Winter Carnival (movie), 326, 385, 393n, 435

  “Winter Dreams” (Fitzgerald), 121

  Wisdom Tooth, The (Connelly), 182

  Wise, Tom, 63

  Wizard of Oz, The (movie), 337n

  Wolfe, Thomas, 185, 199, 200, 217, 275, 277, 278, 280, 281, 318, 354, 360, 376, 400, 445, 472, 474, 475, 481

  letters to, 253, 332

  Woman of Andros, The (Wilder), 182

  “Woman from 21, The” (Fitzgerald), 434

  Woman’s Home Companion, 36, 76, 136, 139n, 173, 261

  Women, The (movie), 325, 383, 424, 435

  Wood, San, 406, 425, 435

  Woollcott, Alexander, 261, 361

  Woon, Basil, 143

  Wordsworth, William, 12

  World Crisis, The (Churchill), 208n

  “World Peaceways” (radio program), 289n

  World War I, xix, 3, 4, 13–22, 51, 431, 449

  World War II, 412n, 445, 449, 463n

  Wright, Harold Bell, 258

  Wrong Box, The (Stevenson), 58

  Wylie, Elinor, 134, 194n

  Yale University, 40, 65, 85, 243, 281n, 338, 343n, 361, 370, 371, 457

  Yank at Oxford (movie), 435

  Yearling, The (Rawlings), 358

  You Can’t Go Home Again (Wolfe), 472n

  Young, Francis Brett, 108, 118

  Young, Loretta, 339

  Young, Robert, 339n

  “Your Way and Mine’ (Fitzgerald), 139n

  “You’re the Top” (Porter), 289n

  “Youth” (Conrad), 359

  Youth’s Encounter (MacKenzie), 20

  Zaza (movie), 446

  Ziegfeld, Florenz, 411

  Zola, Émile, 118, 120, 304, 332

  Zukor, Adolph, 334

  Copyright © 1994 by the Trustees Under Agreement Dated July 3, 1975, Created by Frances Scott Fitzgerald Smith

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  Charles Scribner’s Sons

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896–1940.

  A life in letters / F. Scott Fitzgerald; edited by Matthew J.

  Bruccoli; with the assistance of Judith S. Baughman.

  p. cm.

  Includes index.

  ISBN 978-0-684-80153-7

  1. Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896–1940—

  Correspondence. 2. Novelists, American—20th century—

  Correspondence. I. Bruccoli, Matthew Joseph, 1931–

  II. Baughman, Judith. III. Title.

  PS3511.I9Z48 1994

  813'. 52—dc20

  [B] 93–31011 CIP

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