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No Exchanges, No Returns

Page 19

by Laurie Kellogg

  This was what she’d wanted, wasn’t it? For David to tumble head over heels for Casey? Brianna just hadn’t expected it to happen so fast.

  Nonetheless, the speed at which her ex-husband had gotten involved with her sister simply proved they were meant for each other from the beginning.

  Lord, forgive her. Brianna buried her face in her hands. It was time she faced the facts about herself. Attracting the opposite sex was the only thing she’d ever excelled at.

  As much as it tore her heart out that the man she’d married was already getting over her, she couldn’t hold it against David. She couldn’t even lie to herself that it was because she was still so in love with him.

  Heck, she’d engaged in an old-fashioned make-out session with Marc last night—something she’d never do if she still loved her ex-husband. On the other hand, it also didn’t mean she’d stopped caring entirely. Her feelings had simply evolved into the deep fondness one has for a close friend.

  If she were completely honest, she’d have to admit the angst she felt over her ex’s passion for her sister was spawned more by her battered ego and sibling rivalry than grief over losing David’s love.

  A bittersweet smile tugged at her lips. She was happy for them. Really. She just prayed everything didn’t fall apart after they found out about her surgery—as Marc predicted.

  A brain tumor wasn’t something she could hide forever.


  They’d done nothing wrong. He refused to feel guilty about making love to Casey.

  Hell, in Biblical times, a man was expected to take his brother’s widow as his wife. So, shouldn’t it now also be perfectly acceptable for him—a divorced man—to get involved with his ex-sister-in-law?

  David stomped down the back staircase and into the kitchen, wearing just his pants. The heat from the oven roasted his face and chest while he removed the overcooked chicken inside.

  So, if he was innocent of any misconduct, why did the idea of his ex-wife guessing he’d made love to her sister make him feel like a heel?

  It had been almost three months since Brianna left him. If he’d been with any other woman tonight, he’d feel no compunction about letting his ex know he’d moved on with his life. In fact, he would probably send her a singing telegram announcing he’d just had the most extraordinary sex of his life.

  Closing his eyes, he mentally replayed the incredible way Casey had used her tongue on him. How her unschooled hands had roamed over his body. The way she’d ridden him with the enthusiasm of an apprentice jockey mounted on a thoroughbred the first time.

  That she hadn’t much more experience than most virgins had made it twice as exciting for him. No woman had ever turned him on or pleased him the way she had. He opened his eyes and sucked in a cleansing breath, attempting to squelch the fresh erection the memory stirred.

  Anyway, Brianna had forced them into this situation, so she had no right to object if he fell in love with her sister.

  His hand froze as he turned off the oven. Was that the problem? Was he falling in love with Casey?

  Or was he so blown away by her eagerness and the abandoned way she responded that he imagined feeling something that wasn’t real?

  He’d already mistaken lust for love once. He didn’t want to do that again. But he also didn’t want to ignore the possibility of a future with the mother of his child. Nor did he want to give up making love to her.

  What they’d shared both times was more than just physical. His intimacy with Casey had gone beyond touching and pleasing each other. He’d told her things he’d never admitted to anyone—not even himself.

  Sadly enough, it simply drove home how much had been missing from his marriage. If he’d ever opened up to Brianna the way he had with Casey, maybe things would’ve worked between them.

  Unfortunately, he wasn’t ready to make another commitment. And Casey’s reaction to the Lexus proved she was a long way from being willing to make their relationship public knowledge. He needed to go slow, or he’d scare her into leaving.

  He turned toward the arch leading to the center hallway and stopped short, spotting the paint job he hadn’t noticed earlier. He studied the oatmeal color Casey had chosen for the walls. The painters had used some sort of special finishing technique that made the surface look as if it were covered in suede. The overall effect looked classy and understated.

  He wandered through the living and dining rooms, each painted in a matte finish similar to the color of the SUV he’d bought. The area below the chair rail in the dining room was painted a darker grayish-tan. It was all extremely tasteful and neutral enough to be classic and timeless. He couldn’t wait to see the rooms filled with all the furniture she’d ordered.

  “Do you like it?” Casey asked behind him.

  “Very much. It’s different.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d go for the taupe walls.”

  Ahhh. That’s what that color was.

  “I figured big rooms like these could handle something a little darker.”

  He turned and wrapped his arms around her. “What’d Brianna have to say?”

  “Not much. She just wanted to know how I was doing.”

  “So? How are you doing?” He tipped Casey’s chin up and stared into her big blue eyes. “Dare I hope this evening has convinced you to simply enjoy what we have in the privacy of this house? No one else has to know we’re sleeping together. Besides, according to you, they all think we’re lovers, anyway.”

  “So that makes it okay for us to have an illicit affair?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Illicit implies we’re doing something wrong.” He cupped her soft cheek in his palm. “We haven’t done anything to be ashamed of, Tinkerbelle. I’m only suggesting we keep our relationship private because you’re concerned about what strangers will read into our involvement.”

  She turned away and strode down the hallway to the back of the house. “If that’s the case, you really should throw out that dinosaur of a phone and get one with caller ID. How long have you had that one?”

  “Since college,” he said, following her into the kitchen. “It works fine, so I didn’t see any reason to throw it out.” Until now.

  He grabbed her arm and stopped her. “Listen, I know we agreed the other night was a mistake. But, damn it, I’m havin’ a hard time seeing it that way, now.”

  “Are you?” She spun and faced him. “When Brianna called, I got the distinct impression you felt guilty.”

  “I did. But not about making love to you. Tonight was the best it’s ever been for me. That’s what I was feeling guilty about.”

  “Oh.” She stared at him a moment and licked her lips. “My sister gave me the impression the two of you were pretty compatible in the bedroom.”

  “We were. Sex was always great with Brianna. But it’s different with you. I feel more connected when we make love. Maybe I’m simply more tuned in to you because you’re so small, and I feel more protective.”

  “Or because I’m carrying your baby?” she suggested.

  “Maybe.” He reached out and twirled a tendril of her hair around his finger. “You may not know it, but sex is very beneficial for pregnant women.”

  “Uh-huh.” Her tone said she wasn’t buying it.

  “Seriously.” He pressed her back against the counter. “Orgasms help tone the PC muscles which makes for a shorter labor. Plus, the oxytocin and endorphins released during climax are passed to the baby, making for a happy fetus.” He knelt at her feet and slid her shorts and panties down to her ankles. “So you could look at our sleeping together as therapeutic for both you and our child.”

  “Your selflessness amazes me, sir.” Her mouth curled in a smile as she asked in a sugary Southern accent, “You’d actually donate your precious time and studly talent to helping little ol’ me train for delivery?”

  “Absolutely.” He grinned up at her, pulling one bare foot out of her clothing. “No sacrifice is too much for my child. My body is yours to work o
ut on any time.”

  The flare of heat in her gaze indicated his suggestion to use his penis as her personal training equipment excited her. “Well—” She gasped and grabbed the counter behind her as he nudged her legs apart. While he gently stroked her slick crease with one finger, she stammered, “Seeing as our b-baby’s happiness is involved, I wouldn’t be m-much of a mother if I refused your magnanimous offer, would I?”

  “That’s right,” he murmured, kissing the curls between her thighs and growing rock hard again from her eager whimpers and the musky scent and taste of their mingled juices. “And I know you want to be the very best mommy you can be.” He flicked his tongue at her and raised his right hand, vowing, “With your cooperation, I promise to be a most relentless coach.”

  Chapter 12

  Two weeks later, Casey inhaled the heavenly aromas filling David’s kitchen. Unfortunately, all her hard work would probably be consumed in less than two hours.

  She’d prepared half a dozen different hors d’oeuvres and frozen them to be baked that night—mini bacon quiches, tiny triangles of spanakopita, stuffed mushrooms, and David’s favorite—pigs in the blanket with honey mustard dipping sauce, all to be served with cocktails.

  Added to that, she’d prepared another half dozen cold finger foods from shrimp with cocktail sauce to raw vegetables and spinach dip.

  Even though Samantha had quit working at the preschool a few weeks ago, Casey had still invited her and her husband, Nick, to the party. Although, Sam had gone into labor two days ago and delivered a healthy son.

  The two certified teachers and five aides Casey employed had all arrived with their husbands and dates—except for Andy, who’d come alone—and were mingling in the living room. According to the women, the men had all griped about attending the preschool’s dinner party until they’d heard Emma would be accompanied by her quarterback husband, Alex—or as his fans and teammates called him, Ajax.

  Mattie had invited Innes McKinnon as her date, which meant including his granddaughter who’d been helping Casey in the kitchen.

  David popped a smoked salmon pinwheel into his mouth. “Mmmm. What’s in this?”

  “It’s just a flour tortilla spread with whipped cream cheese—layered with lox, thinly sliced cucumber, and fresh dill—rolled up and sliced,” Casey told him. “They’re really easy to make.”

  “I don’t care. They’re awesome.” He held out the chilled platter to Holly. “Would you like to pass these around to the guests while I serve everyone drinks, Holly-berry?”

  The child nodded enthusiastically before gliding out of the kitchen, the full plate on her forearm like a professional waitress.

  Counting Paul, who’d also come stag, the guest list totaled nineteen, including Casey and David—a perfect number, seeing as the extra long table she’d ordered for the over-sized dining room would seat a maximum of twenty.

  David pressed close behind her and whispered in her ear, “Mattie’s a miracle worker. Innes and Holly only moved in with her a little over a week ago, and I already see a big change in both of them.”

  “That’s wonderful. Holly’s a doll.” Casey bent over to pull a tray of hot hors d’oeuvres from the oven. As she straightened, he stepped behind her and massaged her shoulders, making her moan softly.

  “Now, aren’t you glad you stayed here with me? I doubt Mattie would’ve given you a backrub every night.”

  Casey smiled back at him. “I guess living here has a few perks.”

  “Don’t get me started,” he growled and swatted her on the rump. He grabbed the ice bucket on his way to the living room, looking way too scrumptious in his blue and gray sports shirt and charcoal trousers.

  “You’re sleeping with him, aren’t you?”

  Casey nearly dropped the hot cookie sheet and glanced over at Andy who’d wandered into the kitchen while they weren’t paying attention.

  “W-What makes you say something like that?”

  “I’m not blind, Casey.” Andy scooped a glob of guacamole onto a tortilla chip. “The two of you can’t keep your hands off each other. Not to mention, you have the look of a woman who’s getting plenty, if you catch my drift.”

  Plenty was an understatement. David had proven to be as relentless a sex coach as he’d promised. For the last two weeks, she’d woken up every morning cuddled in his arms and discovered he liked making love at dawn even more than he did at night. Her face flared with heat as she recalled the tender way he’d loved her over and over and made her come time and time again.

  “Should I worry about losing my job as your childbirth coach?” Andy mumbled past a mouthful.

  “No. We’re not going public with our relationship. It’s nothing serious. So I’d appreciate if you’d keep qui—”

  “You’re having his baby, for crying out loud. How much more serious can it get?”

  Casey transferred the hot hors d’oeuvres onto a platter and shrugged. “What I meant is it’s just physical between us.”

  “Don’t you mean it’s just physical for him?”

  Okay, so maybe it was more than that for her. And God help her, deep in her heart a flame of hope flickered that it was for him, too.

  “When I suggested you sleep with him, I meant once—I didn’t mean for you to start some long-term, one-sided affair. You’re falling in love with the man, Case. Have you considered how you’re gonna deal with this when and if he decides he’s ready to move on to someone else? Or worse yet if your sister realizes what an idiot she was?”

  She’d thought about it more times than she could count. But, on every occasion, she’d come to the same conclusion. “I refuse to worry about the future. I’d rather have a few months with David than spend the rest of my life wondering what could’ve been.”

  Andy snorted and helped herself to a cheese puff. “That sounds like a classic case of denial.”

  “No.” Casey laid the empty cookie sheet in the sink. “It’s more a case of admitting I’m happier than I’ve ever been before. I plan to enjoy whatever time I can with him.”

  In truth, she was far more worried her sister would suddenly change her mind about wanting David’s baby.

  “If you’re that happy, shouldn’t you be doing whatever you can to make this permanent? Maybe he’ll surprise both of us.”

  “I am. That’s why I’m willing to settle for whatever he’s capable of for now. I just don’t want to pressure him. But I also can’t let myself count on anything. It hurt too much the last time I thought he might be interested in me.” Casey jabbed her finger toward Andy for emphasis. “You, of all people, should know how I feel.”

  “I do.” Andy mumbled past her mouthful, licking her fingers. “That’s why I’m worried about you.”

  “Maybe you should try living in the moment for a change.”

  “We’re not discussing me.”

  “Who says?” Casey planted her fists on her hips. “Mattie told me Paul stopped in at the school three times this past week and asked you to dinner, and you turned him down every time.”

  “You know I have classes on Monday and Wednesday nights. And Thursdays I’m coaching you.”

  Andy had sacrificed the first three years following high school to help her mother support her younger brother after their father walked out on his family. Now, after nearly six years of night classes, she had only a few credits left to complete her degree in business—which meant Casey would probably lose her friend as an employee soon.

  “So what’s wrong with Tuesday or Friday through Sunday? Face it, Andy, you’re scared to death of caring about anyone again.”

  “Maybe I am. But the expert in female anatomy is hardly the kind of man I’m willing to take a chance on. All he’s interested in is getting naked with me.”

  “Really?” Casey arched her aching back and peered into Andy’s face. “It seems pretty odd that a man who’s only interested in sex would cancel his usual Wednesday golf game to help chaperone a bunch of four-year-olds on a field trip to Sesame Plac

  Casey picked up the plate of hot hors d’oeuvres and patted Andy on the shoulder. “Do yourself a favor and give Paul a chance. If for no other reason than to have some fun for a change. You work way too hard.”

  Trying not to waddle from the ache in her back, Casey strolled toward the living room and called over her shoulder, “Besides, you never know—the so-called expert might even teach you a few new things about yourself.”


  The men all huddled around Alex discussing football. David leaned against the archway, listening to the conversation while he nibbled another triangle of spanakopita, savoring the mingled flavors of spinach, onions, and feta cheese wrapped in flaky phyllo pastry.

  He watched Casey circulate through the party, making sure the guests were enjoying themselves. She looked both innocent and sexy in a white ruffled sundress that accentuated her golden tan.

  Brianna had always kept their company entertained with her singing, amusing anecdotes, and sparkling conversation. Conversely, Casey kept a lower profile, chatting with each person individually while she tempted them with one gourmet culinary offering after another. Her genuine warmth and hospitality made everyone feel welcome and free to stuff their faces.

  He just wished she hadn’t pulled out all the stops tonight. She’d been pushing herself way too hard all week, preparing everything for the party. When he’d agreed to it, he’d never considered how much work it entailed.

  Brianna had always had Casey doing most of the behind-the-scenes work while she socialized and dazzled their company.

  “You ginna marry the lass?” Innes McKinnon’s voice dragged David’s attention away from Casey.

  He smiled at the old man’s plate piled high with an assortment of finger food. “Maybe someday. I want to be sure before I rush into anything.”

  “What’s there to be sure about?” Innes mumbled past a stuffed mushroom. “Matilda told me all about yer situation. Everyone can see you care fer Casey.”


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