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The Devils Harvest: The End of All Flesh.

Page 6

by Glen Johnson

  “Don’t swear.” I found myself saying.

  I knew children were terrible for swearing. My own two nieces, who are eight and twelve, swore like state-troopers. Supposedly picking it up from school – my older sister said. Even though she swore at them constantly, never once thinking it was because of her they spoke that way.

  Instantly I was rewarded by his evil Cheshire cat grin. Suddenly his expression changed to an innocent look, making his face appear almost angelic. His head lowered, hands held together, he started muttering with the cigarette still in his mouth, “Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.” Then he gave a loud snort of disgust. “Better?” he asked. “Whatever chokes your fucking chicken,” he said removing the fag butt.

  He was already on his second cigarette. But he didn’t use anything as an ashtray; he simply flicked the ash onto the rug.

  “And for your information, saying that Minor Doxology makes me feel like I’ve been throat raped!”

  What the hell, I thought.

  “You look like shit,” he said matter-of-fact, changing the topic of conversation in an instant.

  I didn’t bother to answer. It was a statement not a question. I sat opposite clicking on the small minicorder. It then dawned on me that I hadn’t heard the tape from the night before.

  When I looked up he had one finger right up his small nose, oblivious to the fact I was watching him. He rolled it and flicked it into the fire.

  “Nice shoes,” he commented.

  Not comprehending what he was talking about – knowing the shoes had been thrown in hours ago – I looked into the dancing flames. The pair of red shoes were just sat there, flames licking all around them, untouched – the red plastic coating was all still unaffected, as was the blood.

  I wiped sweat from my forehead. Hungry I thought. A drop of whisky wouldn’t go amiss.

  “So let get on with it shall we?” he said, sucking deeply on the cigarette with his small thin blue lips.

  I looked up, noticing for the first time that smoke was trailing out from the deep wounds around his ripped throat. A few bubbles of blood popped.

  He noticed what I was staring at.

  “I know,” he said, lifting the cigarette up between small fragile fingers, which seemed to have colourful felt-tip pen marks all over them. “These things will kill me.” He laughed, giving off a childish giggle, his feet kicking the chair at his joke.

  I ignored him. I leant forward and checked on the tape recorder. Still the same side of the first tape.

  This seemed to bring him around. His small features now composed, bringing a concentrated look to his childish face, brows creasing together making him look much older, a worried look that his years shouldn’t have known. He looked up at the ceiling, while drawing hard on the cigarette that seemed out of proportion to his small now greying face.

  “Where was I?” he seemed to ask himself. Crossing one small arm over the other. “Ah, yes. Eve.” He soon had his hand back towards his mouth. “As I was saying it was because of her many of us fell. If you want to use that word.” Another cigarette from the packet in his small breast pocket.

  “Of course they had gone against His wishes. Every tree in the garden they could eat from until their fill. But from the Tree of Good and Bad they were not to eat.” He started his childish giggling again. “Of course He knew what they had done. Knows all things. Omnipresent you know.”

  I simply nodded. Engrossed at such a simply story that I had heard hundreds of times before, but this small figure seemed to give it a new air. I was captivated.

  “He went down and went walking among the trees. Seeing how they would both react. They hid from Him. Thinking that mere leaves and twigs would hide their presence. He asked why they were hiding. They simply stated that they were embarrassed because of being naked.” Once again he giggled at using the word naked, his spasmodic laugh shaking his small body.

  “He wanted to know how they knew they were naked. ‘Because of the Tree,’ they had simply said.” The smile returned. “Then the shit really hit the fan – as the saying goes.

  “They were thrown out of the Paradise. He made them furs to cover their private parts. From the sweat of their brows they were now to work. Turn the unfruitful ground into wheat for bread. Up until then everything was provided for them. Now they had to work to eat. No state benefits back then,” he giggled.

  I needed the toilet but didn’t move. I was, as I said before, engrossed. Almost as if I was being hypnotized.

  “Now they were imperfect. Before they disobeyed they would have lived forever. Perfect, not growing old and suffering. But they disobeyed the only rule that had been set up for them. They began to grow old. He had drawn His power away from them.” He turned around trying to make himself more comfy, kicking off his two oversized Homer slippers to the Turkish carpet.

  “See if they had done as they were asked things would’ve been different. For them and everyone else.” He waved his hands around. I knew he meant mankind in general.

  “But they had sinned – lost perfection. No children had come along yet. If they had things might have turned out differently. But they were imperfect, so their children would be also. Like a jellymould, once it’s been hit,” he jerked his small hand in a violent gesture sprinkling ash everywhere, “then all others after it would have the dent. All imperfect.

  “Their rutting and grunting eventually produced more little naked creatures. Cain and Able soon came along. Like themselves, imperfect, dying from the instant they emerged from between Eves legs. The one thing all mankind have in common – death. My gift.”

  He stared at me for a full minute. “Cain! Get it?” He was of course referring to my last name. I ignored the comment. He gave another snort and continued.

  “They had now drawn away from Him. They could feel and see themselves getting old. Like an electric fan they had been unplugged from His power source. For a while it kept spinning, but inevitably it runs out. Old age took them, as it takes you all.” That sadistic grin.

  “I was cursed to crawl on my belly. But I had yet to be thrown out of heaven. I still appeared now and then to cause more trouble. Raise more questions many others were thinking but didn’t voice. I simply used the gift He had endowed us with – free will.

  “That’s when my name was changed. I was now called Satan; meaning resister, and Devil; which means slanderer.” He shook his head sadly. His face hid behind a cloud of swirling smoke. “I was once referred to as The Highest of all Angels. The Morning Star. The Brightest in the Sky.” A tear ran down his cheek. “I gave my heavenly name to my first born son.”

  A son? This intrigued me, but I didn’t want to interrupt him. I knew he would tell me in time.

  “People don’t seem to grasp that I was a perfect angel like all the others. Made the same, all the same feelings. Tens of millions of us standing around watching His creation. Some of us wanted more, needed more. I simply made that obvious. The fact that many more joined me proved this fact. He was paying more attention to His new earthly creations, we were old news.

  “That also brings up many other questions. Where did Fire and Brimstone come from? Hell? And it’s a long story, everything in its proper place.” He started coughing. The small lungs to fragile to be taking in so much unfiltered smoke. He soon recovered. Cigarette straight back in his small blue lipped mouth, which was now starting to peel around his upturned grin.

  I never did find out the answers to those questions.

  “I could now come and go. Before only being able to leave if being sent on an errand. But I passed between one realm and another like there had been a revolving door setup just for me. It was like child’s play. So easy. He couldn’t stop me. Not yet. Because I had raised questions, answers needed to be given. If He destroyed me there and then all the others would have asked themselves, ‘maybe he was right.’ Only time could settle things. So I made good use of my t

  “He tolerated this. How could He not? We had free will. Its just I was the only one at that time gaining benefits from it.” He gave a long yawn that showed all his small teeth, with far too many missing gaps and metal fillings. He regained his composure before continuing.

  “Over time with my travelling back and forth I witnessed a lot. Of course I could – like them all – see everything from up there if I wished. But I preferred to be walking among mankind. Sometimes in different bodies. Mingling, causing problems. Nothing as serious as my first rebellion by causing the First Pair to lose their lives. I simply sowed the seed of rebellion in others I met.” His head turned upwards as if the memory was a tangible thing for him.

  “Cain, now he was a good subject. An open canvass to work on. The first killer. The first new sinner since his mother and father caused all their problems by listening to me.” He gave me a long hard look, as if willing me to challenge his claim.

  “Both brothers had arranged a sacrifice for Him,” eyes swivelling upward. “Cain had all the fruits of the field. Abel –” he spat the name –“had a perfect young tender lamb, all ready to send up as well.

  “I had been nudging and preparing Cain for so long.” Pride seemed to be thick in his voice. “Cain was jealous. I had sown jealousy among them. He liked Abel’s gift more. Cain drew Abel away and struck him down dead.” The perverse giggling once again.

  “Of course Cain wasn’t killed for his heinous crime, instead he was branded on his forehead, as a warning to others, and sent away for his punishment. But I had succeeded in making man sink to a whole new level. And I loved it. They were like puppets to be manipulated at my will.

  “Soon they spread like a virus upon the earth. Their rutting and grunting producing more and more little sacks of flesh and bones, which would inevitably die – given time.

  “I found myself spending more time down among them. Hiding and wandering around in the shadows, fermenting chaos.

  “Of course I had two brothers down upon the earth I could have a wee chat with, when the time became available, what with all my trouble stirring. The Cherubim ordered to stand at the gate of Eden, protecting the garden to stop Adam and Eve’s descendents from gaining entry,” he then said matter-of-fact. “That was until the flood came and Eden was destroyed.”

  He continued with his story.

  “They stood either side of the turning flaming sword. It’s called a sword but of course it wasn’t, just a turning stick really. But of course like everything it was simply symbolic. See if it was a sword that would mean He created the first weapon of war. Swords weren’t invented then. He called it a sword in His Book so the simpletons of the time would be able to associate with the object.

  “Of course my two brothers were more than happy to chat with me, tell me everything they knew. That was until the flood came and swept almost everything away. They both returned to their heavenly positions when the flood started.

  “See I was staying away for longer periods of time. Spending more time among man.” His twisted little smirk returned.

  “But now something far different was about to take place. At this time I could materialize, become flesh and blood. That was until He forbid it. That’s why I use these bodies to appear before you.” He gestured a small hand towards the body he was occupying at that moment. “Of course we can materialize as many other things. But everything in its place.

  “I used my fleshly body for a sin of my own. I lay with mortal women. I found a whole new world of pleasure I didn’t know existed.” He thrust his small pelvis in a widely exaggerated manner.

  “That’s when it happened. Up until then all the others just watched. Even though their hearts were also turning black. Thousands then joined me in wandering the world of mortal man. Thousands of once perfect angels, like I once was, were now giving up their privileged positions to lay with females. My very own legion of demons.” His little body snapped to attention as if hearing words I couldn’t even being to comprehend. He started to talk as if reading from something; I knew he was about to quote from the bible because this was how he went yesterday while occupying the hooker’s body.

  “Then the sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose.” A wide smile spread across his small dimpled face.

  “Those first few years, when we discovered we could have sex, were amazing. Now that was one huge fuckfest!” He closed his eyes, as if reliving the memories.

  “Time’s up,” he stated as if I was at the psychotherapist and my time had just run out. He took one more long hard drag upon his dwindling cigarette, before tossing it into the flames. He turned his gaze upon me.

  “Tomorrow night I will tell of how my children were born. Giants they were. How my most beloved of children – Lucifer – was brought into being, and how he used mere man as his slaves. How our giant offspring – the Nephilim – in turn created even more powerful children. How great wars were fought, one against the other. And ultimately the cause of why He brought about the Great Flood that swept them all away.” He gave me one of his predatory smiles before his small head simply rolled to the side, eyes wide and seeing nothing. He was now dead.

  I was annoyed at myself when I realized the minicorder’s tape had run to completion and I hadn’t even heard its soft click to remind me to turn it over.

  So I sat quietly for an hour, trying to remember everything he had said, writing it down in my spiral notepad. I was also shocked to note that once again hours had passed while I listened to this extraordinary story unfold, and while I caught up with my note taking.

  At least the small body would be easy to carry outside, I thought. I felt a little saddened that I was becoming hardened to doing such things. A means to an end. And the fact that I had sat there for so long, while a dead child was in the seat opposite me, also made me sad.

  As I suspected the body was almost weightless. I first slipped the over sized Homer slippers back on the child’s cold feet before lifting him easily outside.

  Three bodies now all in a neat row.

  How many more, I thought?

  Then it grasped me; I hadn’t actually read the bible in more years than I cared to remember. I wanted a small insight into what he would talk about the next night. So I could prepare questions, make it more like an interview rather than a one sided conversation.

  Rummaging through an old chest of draws in one of my four spare bedrooms I found what I was looking for. A Gideon Bible, one I had found in one of the many hotel rooms I’d occupied. But unlike all the other times – all the other Gideon Bibles – this one I took. I can’t explain why. Thinking back I believe it was just after my second divorce. And so much had been taken from me; just for once I wanted to take something that didn’t belong to me. Like my wife had done with a lot of my money.

  I went back to my seat with a tall glass of Macallan 12 year old Re-Awakening, single malt whisky and a corned beef sandwich, and settled down to do some reading. That’s the problem with being a writer, I get to the stage where all I seem to be reading is my own work, checking to see if it was up to the normal standards before sending it to my agent.

  I flicked through the first few pages. In the beginning and all the stuff, which I’ve already heard. But for some reason I wanted to read it anew. With my feet on the footstall I started to read from the beginning – Genesis, chapter one, verse one.


  The next thing I knew my back was killing me. Looking up at the clock I realized a few hours hadn’t passed, but rather, it was a whole new day. I had fallen asleep cradling the red-bound stolen bible on my lap.



  I was tired of feeling like I was losing my mind. But at the same time as saying that, so much needed to be accomplished before he returned tonight. I realized I was becoming obsessed with the story. Like a potent drug I needed more. It was consuming my every waking thought. />
  I had absorbed loads of information from my stolen bible. Last night before my eyelids became too heavy I had jotted down many questions that I wanted him to answer, and would ask when he returned tonight.

  I found that the bible did talk about the angels who’d left their assigned positions in heaven, and had come down to earth and slept with females. How the bible, in Genesis chapter six and verses one through to four stated, that these unearthly liaisons resulted in giant men being born to the women. Even saying they were mighty ones of old, the men of fame. These giant offspring of angelic rebels ruled and roamed about the earth for over a hundred and twenty years, before God brought the flood and washed them away.

  The bible says that God found only one man and his family worthy upon the whole earth to be saved – Noah. God had said: “The end of all flesh has come before me, because the earth is full of violence as a result of them, and here I am bringing them to ruin together with the earth.” I presumed it meant the nephilim – the giants – Gibborim Nophelim.


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