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Suburban Tales - Scarlett

Page 4

by Hayden Baxter

  "He could charm the knickers right off me this one." Veronica slurred.

  "If you had some on Vee!" The barman laughed and went to get the drinks.

  Scarlett went to walk into the gents but stopped as she had gone through the first door.

  The second door was half open and she could hear some sexual noises in there.

  Peering through the crack between the hinges she could see a guy standing with his back up against the wash basin, and his right hand holding on to it.

  She stood there watching until she saw a head Bob up and down half way down the guy standing up.

  Even more interested now she moved closer to the crack to get a better view.

  With each head Bob she contracted around her egg which was amazing as she had never watched a live show before.

  Her breaths became shallow and faster, as if she were holding her breath so the guys inside could not hear her.

  The pleasure became intense and she pushed on the door by mistake.

  "Who's there?" a guy’s voice came from the bathroom.

  With her cover blown she walked in saying.

  "Don't mind me boys, please carry on."

  Now she saw both of them.

  The guy on the sink was bald and late forties, the guy on his knees was Jamie!!!

  What the FUCK! She thought and the surprise must have shown because Jamie looked at her and said. "Don't I know you?"

  Not wanting to give her real identity away she regained herself and replied.

  "I don't think so," then closing the door carried on.

  "As I said please carry on, I was enjoying the show."

  Jamie looked at Scarlett as if he was working out a crossword, then broke away and turned to the guy standing.

  "Trevor, do you want me to stop?"

  Trevor looked at Scarlett also then stroking the side of Jamie's head said.

  "No, no, I was almost there Jamie."

  "Can you stand against the door, three is a enough for a party." Ushering Scarlett to the door.

  Scarlett did as she was asked and held her heel against the bottom of the door.

  Jamie now proceeded to massage Trevor's cock in his hand, while looking at both Trevor and Scarlett in equal amounts.

  Scarlett's right hand found the round door knob and instinctively started rubbing it at the same speed as Jamie was working.

  Sliding his hand down the shaft and pushing the balls down to make the cock that bit longer, he licked up the seam and inserted it, into his mouth.

  Scarlett pushed against the door knob, feeling it push in between her butt cheeks.

  Watching Jamie sucking away, Scarlett was amazed at his technique and paid attention in detail as it was better than hers, before saying. "Can you swallow all of it?"

  Pulling away but still massaging Jamie replied.

  "No I'm not a sword swallower." Then went back to it with vigor.

  Scarlett's knickers were now so wet because of the egg and the door knob made her legs tremble.

  Trevor let out a large sigh, with his eyes closed Scarlett could see Jamie swallow then pull away and stand up.

  Trevor still standing there with his manhood hanging in the wind.

  Jamie stepped toward Scarlett, sliding up to the side of her and reached his hand down near her arse.

  His face was right next to hers and she could smell a mix of aftershave, saliva and cum.

  Her heart stopped, expecting something to happen...

  That was it for her and she came and stepped forward.

  Jamie grabbed the doorknob and said quietly in her ear.

  "Excuse me honey, I hope you enjoyed the show!"

  Opening the door, he left.

  Jacen had paid for his drinks and with the tray in hand, went to go back to the table.

  Veronica touched his arm as he turned.

  "Come and have a dance with us, when Barbie starts."

  Looking to the stage in the corner, Jacen could see someone setting up a microphone on a stand.

  "Maybe? My date will be back soon and I need to get these to the table."

  He pulled away from her grip and headed for his seat, still smiling to himself about the old tart who had been flirting with him.

  Scarlett was now alone in the toilet cubicle.

  Holding the egg in her hand, she looked at it, marveling and how it had made her feel.

  Her knickers were completely sodden now, so she took them off and put them in her clutch bag.

  Standing up a heady alcohol rush made her wobble and she had to steady herself.

  She laughed out loud as she just thought about what she had just experienced.

  Walking out of the toilets she text Kate. [You will not believe what just happened!]

  Still smiling she headed back to Jacen at the table.

  Chapter 9:

  Barbie and Ken

  Scarlett returned to the table with a look of disbelief on her face.

  Jacen was sitting there holding his tequila in hand, as Scarlett approached he picked her one up and passed it to her.

  Without sitting she put salt on her hand, licked it and necked back the shot, before grabbing the lemon slice from the table and biting into it.

  Jacen raised his eyebrows and quickly copied.

  Both of them slamming their shot glasses down, they said in tandem.

  "You won't believe what just happened!?"

  Scarlett laughing said " no you go first," and sat down on the chair opposite Jacen.

  Jacen explained how he had just been accosted by Veronica and offered a night of fun with her and Mandy, and how amusing it was that she thought his name was Johnson.

  Now it was Scarlett's turn to raise her eyebrows, until Jacen pointed them out, sitting at a table near the stage.

  "Aren't you a lucky boy then Johnson!" She said with a smile before sipping on her red wine to take away the after burn of the tequila.

  "I bet they know a few tricks I don't," she continued with a grin.

  "I could always watch and learn" Still playing with him.

  "Oh, you fancy watching then." Jacen asked.

  "Funny you should say that." She replied.

  "My story is that... I walked into the toilets and caught a guy giving another guy a blowjob!" miming the act discreetly as she said it.

  "What the fuck?! What did you do?" Jacen enquired.

  "I joked and asked if I could watch... They said YES!"

  "Well then what happened?" he continued.

  "So I stayed and watched them, can you believe it?" She said shaking her head.

  "Did you enjoy watching them then?" He asked intrigued.

  "Well I was in a bit of shock to be honest but it has made me really really, horny."

  As she said this, she moved on to the sofa and passionately kissed him all over his face, neck and caressed his body.

  Suddenly blood swelled to Jacen's cock, he hadn't see Samanther like this in a very long while and he loved it.

  Their embrace was suddenly cut short, as the Rocky theme blasted through the speakers, which made them jump.

  The lights on the small corner stage came up and a smoke machine chuffed a plume of smoke.

  Out through the cheap glitter curtain, came a six-and-a-half-foot drag queen.

  "Oh, that must be Barbie." Jacen said to Scarlett as the pub erupted into applause and whistles.

  Barbie had long yellow blond hair, that cascaded down her back and curled up at the end like a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  Wearing a sequined pink dress which looked like an over the top Jackie Kennedy outfit that was very short in length.

  Her pink patent peep hole stilettos with tiny white laces on the front finished the look off.


  "Wow look at her legs!" Remarked Scarlett. "I wish I had legs like that!" She continued with admiration.

  "Hello BOYS!" Barbie shouted out in a camp tone, then putting her hand to shield her eyes from the lights looked around the bar.

p; "And girls I suppose." She said in a mocking snarling voice.

  "My name is Barbie, and I love being played with!" Eyeing up a group of men standing just off to the right of the stage.

  "Honey you can play and bend me anytime!" She said pointing to one of the group.

  "As I said, I'm Barbie but during the week." Turning her head away from the crowd.

  "I'm Ken!" She said looking over her shoulder in her deep voice.

  The backing track to Barbie Girl started and she broke into her rendition playing both parts.

  Most of the revelers got up and started dancing and clapping.

  As the music played, Scarlett still wrapped around Jacen said.

  "I have something for you."

  Reaching over for her clutch bag, she opened it and asked Jacen to open his hand.

  Jacen did as he was told.

  Scarlett placed the object in his hand and closed his fingers around it.

  Jacen felt it was soft material but also damp.

  "I want you to wear these!" She whispered into his ear.

  Jacen moved his neck back and looked down to his hand.

  He could now see they were a pair of lace knickers.

  "I want your cock rubbing up against my juices." Scarlett continued in his ear and now rubbing his crotch again.

  "Now go and put them on my naughty boy!" She said with a wicked look in her eye.

  "Will they fit?" He asked as he stood up.

  "Tighter the better I say," as she slapped his arse.

  With the knickers clenched in his fist, Jacen made his way towards the toilets.

  Scarlett had a big grin on her face again as she watched him leave before looking for her phone...

  Chapter 10:

  Heard and not seen

  Barbie's set was now in full swing; she was banging out a cacophony of big show tunes.

  The crowd in the pub were loving it and space in front of the stage was now packed with bodies, jumping and gyrating.

  Samanther hadn’t been out dancing for ages and found herself now in the middle of the throng.

  Mandy and Veronica had also joined in to the party.

  "Your Johnson is a bit of sort." Veronica said to Samanther as she elbowed her in the arm.

  It took a moment for her to realize what she was going on about then replied with a smile. "He has his moments, but I guess I am lucky to have him?"

  "I would sit on his face any day, if you gave me the chance." Veronica added.

  Trying not to laugh out loud. "I'll let him know." Samanther replied and carried on dancing.

  Jacen was now in the toilet cubicle, he was finding it hard to get his jeans off in such a small space, without stepping on the piss wet floor with his shoes off.

  Managing to get them off a placing them on the ledge behind the cistern, he now stood there naked from the waist down, standing on his shoes to protect his socks from getting wet.

  Suddenly he heard the door to the toilets open.

  Feeling very vulnerable, he stood frozen like a rabbit caught in headlights for a second, hoping and praying the cubicle door was not going to be pushed as the lock didn't look very secure.

  Barbie had just finished a rendition of Wham's, I'm your man.

  "Thank you so much." She said

  "You are a lovely crowd, and I see a lot of regulars!" She continued winking to another group of guys on the dance floor.

  "It is also nice to see some fresh faces too." Looking at Samanther.

  "Hello honey, what's your name?" She asked.

  Samanther answered, "Scarlett."

  "Oooh Miss Scarlett, in the ballroom with the Professor’s plums and his lead pipe." Barbie announced to the crowd which got a huge laugh.

  "Sorry honey, you look amazing! Given the chance you might even turn me." She carried on shaking her head to the group of guys.

  Jacen was had now managed to put Scarlett's knickers on.

  They were a bit tight and his balls were trying poke out from the sides.

  Jacen was amused at how damp they were and thought she must have been really turned on all night.

  The guys who had come in has finished at the urinals and were now washing their hands.

  "I'm sure I know that bird with the red hair." Jacen heard over the top of the cubicle door.

  "Let me check on Tinder." The guy carried on.

  Jacen wondered if they were talking about Samanther, so listened more carefully.

  "I knew it!" The first guy said "look!"

  "That does look a bit like her but she has brown hair in that picture." The second guy chimed in.

  "Her name is not Scarlett, it's Sam!"

  Jacen nearly fell over and put his socked foot on the wet floor, as he leaned nearer the door trying to listen.

  "She looks fitter with red hair." The second guy continued.

  "She’s sitting with some bloke in the corner, I might go a chat to her and see if she's interested." The first guy suggested as they walked out and letting the door swing behind them.

  Jacen was now confused, half naked and had a wet foot.

  Putting his tight jeans on and doing the belt up, he could feel the damp knickers as he moved.

  As he inserted his wet foot into his shoe, his mind was all over the place.

  Was Sam on Tinder? If so, what has she been up to?

  He was still a bit horny, and the night had been so good so far, he didn't want to spoil it.

  Washing his hands, he decided not to mention anything yet.

  Walking down the corridor, he could hear Barbie blaring out, Gloria Gaynor's classic, I will survive…

  Chapter 11:

  Murder on the dance floor

  Reaching the empty table, Jacen looked about for Scarlett.

  He finally saw her on the dance floor next to Veronica and Mandy, they were in the middle very close to the stage, cutting drunken shapes and singing along with Barbie.

  Feeling pleased that Samanther looked like she was really happy, he downed his drink that was still on the table and walked over towards the heaving dance floor.

  As he traversed through the thronging melee of party revelers, Scarlett noticed him and beckoned him to join her.

  Fighting his way passed the last people, he inserted himself into the small space that was next to Scarlett.

  "You made it back then?" "I thought I was going to send Veronica and Mandy here out as a search party to find you." Scarlett said loudly over the music, wrapping her arms around him.

  "Those cubicles are really small you know." He replied

  Scarlett moved her hands down his back, as she did she lightly pressed her nails in, until she got to the top of his jeans.

  Pulling his pelvis towards hers she slid a hand in under the belt and jeans.

  "How do my knickers feel?" She asked as she felt them residing inside his jeans.

  "Surprisingly comfy, but still a bit damp." He said into her left ear and kissed her neck.

  "Well I know you like wearing them on occasions!" As she said this she twanged the G-string part of them on the crack of his arse.

  Suspired by this Jacen replied. "How do you know I have worn them before?"

  "You're not very good at putting things back, my darling plaything." She with a laugh.

  "I know a lot of things; you think I don't know!" Scarlett continued and patted him on the backside.

  Their clinch was interrupted by Veronica cutting in and saying.

  "My dear can we have a dance with the lovely Johnson?"

  Scarlett laughed again and spun Jacen around so he faced Veronica and Mandy.

  "You have my permission to play with him, but don't break him I need him fully working later." Scarlett said and with both hands on Jacen's buttocks and pushed him towards the gleeful looking cougars and then said to Jacen.

  "Now play nice with the ladies as I'm going to watch from here."

  Looking back over his shoulder at Scarlett, he was suddenly caught in a dirty dancing routine in bet
ween Veronica who was stroking her hands up and down his legs from behind.

  Mandy was in front of him rubbing her large breasts over his chest, while holding onto his wrists and raising his arms above her head.

  Jacen mouthed HELP to Scarlett, but she just giggled at the spectacle and pointed to the women who were now moving their way down his body and groping what they could.

  Scarlett was so amused but also oddly aroused to see her man in the grapple of a couple of other women.

  She suddenly found a pair of hands on her own bum...

  Turning around she found herself almost lip to lip with Jamie.

  His hands had stayed where they were and he was now feeling the tops of her thighs.

  "Hello Sam" he said in his deep husky voice.

  Scared that she had been recognized all she could say was "hi..."

  "I thought I knew you, when we met in toilets earlier." Jamie said as they were still face to face.

  "Do you fancy a trip to the toilets again? Just the two of us?" He asked in a slow deep whisper.

  "But you're gay? Aren’t you?" She shot back.

  "No I'm bi silly." Jamie laughed as he moved his hands closer together at the tops of her legs.

  Jamie moved his head to one side so he could see over to Jacen dancing and getting mauled.

  "Bring your boy along if you want?" He asked...

  The crowd erupted into rapturous cheering and applause as Barbie hit her final big note.

  Samanther would have normally buckled under the pressure of the confrontation, however tonight she was playing a different role and took a deep breath.

  Scarlett firmly moved Jamie's hands away.

  "Jamie that is a really interesting proposal and if it was another time. I would fuck you so hard I would make straight!" She said looking him straight in the eye.

  "I'm on a night out with my husband and I don't need any complications do you understand."

  "Have a fun night big boy" and she turned around just as Jacen came up to her laughing and trying to remove the still grappling grasps of Mandy and Veronica.

  "Who was that?" He asked try to look over her shoulder.

  "Oh he was trying it on with me, but I told him where to go." She replied a bit too quickly.


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