War of the Whales: A True Story

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War of the Whales: A True Story Page 49

by Joshua Horwitz

  Risso’s Dolphin (Grampus griseus), 256

  Roberts, John, 332, 338, 342, 343, 345, 347

  Rockefeller, Nelson A., 120

  Rocky Point, whale beached at, 9–11

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 342, 347

  Rose, Naomi, 219, 336

  and Bahamas strandings, 151

  and Humane Society, 114, 121, 315

  and letter to Navy Secretary, 114

  and LFA sonar, 289, 297

  and midfrequency sonar, 315

  and NRDC protest, 114, 121

  and press conference, 222, 248, 250

  and ship shock test, 121

  Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius, 154

  Rothenberg, David, 398

  Roughead, Gary, 323, 324

  Rowles, Teri, 73–75, 77, 106, 267, 268

  Royal Island, minke whales stranded near, 13

  Royal Navy:

  dolphins stranded by sonar exercises of (2008), 351

  dolphins used by, 286

  sonar study issued by, 305

  whales stranded by sonar exercises of (2006), 308

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 286, 319

  Russia, whaling fleet of, 227

  Sabey, Andrew, 287, 293, 295–96, 298, 299


  Chinook, 350, 354

  wild, 349

  San Diego:

  Navy home port in, 117, 123

  SeaWorld in, 121

  Sandy Point, whale beached at (2000), 11–13

  Sanes, David, 138–39

  San Juan Island, see Pacific Northwest

  Save the Whales, 93, 223

  and humpback songs, 96, 224–26

  and Navy researchers, 202, 209, 224

  as never-ending quest, 344–45, 347

  and ship shock test, 116, 121

  saving the planet, 95, 119, 182, 347

  Scalia, Antonin, 332, 338, 339

  Scammon, Charles Melville, 91–92, 213

  Scherr, Jacob, 93

  and Mitsubishi, 94, 95–97

  Schevill, William, 53–54, 201–2, 212, 234, 264

  Science, 162, 225

  Scientific American, 224

  Scott, George C., 239

  Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 17

  and Acoustic Thermometry, 164, 165, 166, 167–68, 175–76, 373n14

  and Munk, 154–55, 157

  and NRDC, 168–69

  and nuclear nonproliferation project, 167

  Sealab, Project Arion, 234–35

  sea lions:

  Navy collection of, 242

  Navy threats to, 116

  on recovery missions, 237


  hunted in Canada, 96

  Navy threats to, 116

  Navy work with, 16

  Sea Technology, 171, 173

  Seattle Aquarium, 214–15

  SeaWorld marine parks, 121, 215–17, 223

  Secretary of the Navy:

  as arbiter among Navy branches, 136–37

  and Bahamas strandings, 136, 141–42, 267

  conference call of, 142, 145, 146–49, 152–53

  and Fleet Command, 136, 137

  media statements by, 136

  and midfrequency sonar lawsuit, 318, 324, 327, 345

  NRDC inquiry about LFA sonar to (1995), 172–73

  NRDC letter about Bahamas strandings to (2000), 98, 113, 114–16

  public and political fallout handled by, 136–37, 141, 267

  and settlement mediation, 305

  temporary shutdown ordered by, 150, 152

  and White House strategy meeting, 326

  sei whales:

  communications of, 54

  killed by whalers, 375n1

  September 11 attacks, 272, 285, 291

  Shamu (orca), 215, 223


  cookie-cutter, 7

  lemon, 11

  and stranded whales, 11

  tiger, 11

  whale defenses against, 31

  whales attacked by, 7

  Sharpton, Al, 139

  Shearman & Sterling, 122

  shrews, echolocation by, 27

  shrimp, snapping, 54

  Sidenstecker, Maris, 116–17

  Sikorsky Seahawks, 57

  60 Minutes, 229, 231, 244–46, 270

  The Six Million Dollar Man (movie), 240

  Skinner, B. F., 376n3

  Smith, Greg, 130, 131

  Smithsonian Institution, 250–54

  and investigative team for Bahamas strandings, 74

  mammal specimens collected by, 251–52

  US Army contract of, 42, 364–65n2

  Smits, Jimmy, 139

  Society for Marine Mammalogy, 77, 178, 220, 252

  SOFAR channel, 49

  Solomon Islands, black market in dolphins, 22


  acoustic cueing, 143

  acoustic modeling, 265, 274, 299

  and Acoustic Thermometry, 164–69, 171–72, 175–76

  and acoustic warfare, 145–46

  active systems, 46–47, 143–46, 148, 153–54, 177, 277

  audio evidence of, 310

  and biological investigations, 268

  coining of term, 365n1

  documentation of threats to whales, 255, 270, 289–90, 293, 299, 314

  and echolocation, 46

  effects on human divers, 177

  environmental laws breached by, 172

  force field of sound produced by, 299

  and Heard Island, 158–64, 372n13

  international campaign against, 306

  legal limits on, 296, 299, 302–3, 306

  LFA program of, see Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar program

  and Magellan I and II, 169, 170–75

  and marine mammal strandings (2003), 309–11

  midfrequency active sonar, 143, 273, 284, 290, 310, 313–16; see also midfrequency sonar lawsuit

  Navy investments in, 288

  Navy’s court record in cases of, 327

  and Navy’s “need to operate,” 305–6, 323–24

  passive, 47, 276–77

  public awareness of threats from, 308

  and regulation process, 145–46, 289

  and settlement mediation, 303–6

  sonobuoys, 52, 107, 131, 141, 150, 276

  sound levels increased in warm water, 265, 274, 277–78, 290

  technical problems in, 300

  testing of, 113, 116, 131, 140, 168, 269, 272, 273

  transmission frequency 250 hertz, 170

  whale sensitivity to, 142, 162, 163, 165–66, 176, 178, 255, 270–71, 273, 283–85, 287, 288–89, 293, 299, 302, 331, 350–51, 372n13

  and whale strandings, see also specific sites

  Songs of the Humpback Whale, 225–26

  SOSUS, see US Navy

  Sounding the Depths: The Rising Toll of Sonar, Shipping and Industrial Ocean Noise on Marine Life (NRDC), 179–80

  Souter, David, 332, 338

  Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami, 22, 72–73, 74, 122, 147

  Southern California:

  alternative arrangements for Navy in, 326

  Exxon seismic surveys off coast of, 375n4

  Marineland of the Pacific, 202

  marine sanctuaries in, 116, 124, 321

  offshore Navy training exercises, 321–25, 342, 352n

  underwater Navy testing, 116–18, 122, 123–24

  Southern Right-Whale Dolphin (Lissodelphis peronii), 283

  South Pacific, nuclear bomb tests in, 155, 227

  Soviet Union:

  and Cold War, see Cold War

  collapse of, 147, 242

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 50

  dolphin research in, 235

  marine mammals trained by, 379n5

  Sputnik launched by, 205

  submarines of, 46–47, 50–52, 143, 153–54

  Sowerby’s Whale (Mesoplodon bidens), 136

  Spain, whales stranded off coast of, (2006), 308

  Spallanzani, Lazzaro,

  sperm whales:

  (Physeter catodon), 100

  brain weight of, 204

  deep-diving, 28

  ear anatomy of, 104–5

  killed by whalers, 227, 344

  migration of, 344

  Navy threats to, 116

  sonar sensitivity of, 372n13

  stranded on Nantucket, 102–3

  as toothed whales, 27

  whale oil of, 226

  Splash (movie), 20

  Spong, Paul, 227–28

  spotted owl defense, 117

  Sputnik, 205


  evolution of, 27

  as food source for whales, 27–28

  Stalin, Joseph, 46

  Stevens, John Paul, 333, 342

  Stevenson, Adlai E., 118

  Stewart, Brent, 121, 124

  Stewart, Jimmy, 95

  Stone, Frank, 75–77, 122, 130, 131, 149, 174

  Stone, Harlan F., 334

  Strait of Hormuz, Navy action in, 114, 139

  Stringfellow Acid Pits case (1980s), 330

  submarines, 45–55

  acoustic signatures of, 51–52

  and active sonar, 46–47

  antisubmarine exercises, 130–31, 275, 288

  antisubmarine warfare, 17, 57, 143–44, 148, 154, 156, 160, 161, 174, 199

  and climate change, 160

  and Cold War, 17, 46–47, 52, 143, 153–54, 267, 364n5

  dive depths of, 28

  “hunter-killer” attack subs, 51–52

  and nuclear missiles, 47, 49, 51

  and passive sonar, 47

  quiet attack subs, 148, 153–54

  rogue, threat of, 148

  in “Silent Service,” 55

  snorkeling, 46

  Soviet, 46–47, 50–52, 143, 153–54

  sperm whale oil used in, 226

  torpedo strikes, threat of, 148

  US Navy, 45–55, 275–76

  weaponry of, xvii-xviii, 47, 52, 57

  worldwide navies, 148

  supertankers, 179

  Supreme Court, US:

  amicus briefs submitted to, 331, 332–33

  appeals to, 315, 327–28

  conservative justices on, 330

  decision of, 342–43

  dissent in, 343

  environmental cases decided by, 382n1

  high drama of, 337

  Korematsu v. United States, 334

  legal precedent set in, 331, 343

  and media stories, 331

  and national security, 334

  and Navy sonar case, 327–28

  and negotiated settlement, 345–47

  NRDC v. Winter, 328, 330–34, 336–40, 342–45

  oral arguments before, 332, 336–40

  political rulings of, 345

  and solicitor general, 328, 337–38

  and Stringfellow Acid Pits case (1980s), 330

  Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik, 370n4

  Tanzania, attack on US embassy in, 271

  tectonic plates, shifting of, 69

  Telemundo, Mexico, 97

  Texaco, 83

  Thomas, Clarence, 332, 339

  Three Mile Island, 85, 290

  tiger sharks, 11, 64

  Tilloo Cay, Navy destroyer at, 32–33

  Titanic, 46

  The Tonight Show, 226

  toothed whales:

  echolocation of, 46

  evolution of, 27

  strandings of, 68

  Tors, Ivan, 207

  Totenberg, Nina, 337, 340

  Trident missile submarine base, 242

  Truman, Harry S., 17

  Tuffy (dolphin), 236

  Tunney, John, 118

  turtles, 222

  Twiss, John, 162–63, 218

  Tyack, Peter, 372n13, 374n17

  and Acoustic Thermometry, 173

  and LFA sonar, 175, 176, 288, 289, 297, 300, 374n17

  and Magellan II, 173–74

  and ONR, 175, 312

  and whale tagging, 312–13

  UC Santa Cruz, 15–16, 114, 133, 202, 240, 257

  UN World Heritage Commission, 96

  US Air Force:

  dumping toxic waste, 330

  man-in-space program, 234

  US Army, Smithsonian contract with, 42, 364–65n2

  US Coast Guard, 309

  US Endangered Species Act (1973), 92, 172

  US Energy Department, 157

  US Fish and Wildlife Service, 41–42

  US General Accounting Office, 171

  US Navy:

  and accountability, 125, 132, 134, 315, 343, 346

  and Acoustic Thermometry, 164–69, 171–72, 173, 175, 373n14

  Antisubmarine Warfare Division, 154, 156, 174

  astronauts trained by, 234

  and AUTEC, 19, 58, 107, 110, 140, 262–63

  AWACS, 43–44

  Balcomb’s service in, 33, 43–44, 45, 50–55, 131–32, 230

  budget of, 74, 76, 147, 160, 164, 242

  and Cole bombing, 271

  combat readiness in, 136, 138, 147–48

  competing branches in, 136–38

  and Congress, 74, 75, 76, 147, 160, 235, 307, 315, 320

  and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 325–26

  Criminal Investigative Service, 172–73

  Deep Ops recovery, 236–38

  destroyer at Tilloo Cay, 32–33

  destroyer in Great Bahama Canyon, 33, 56–57, 58–59, 107, 132

  dolphin work of, 16, 232–43, 286

  and echolocation research, 199–200, 202

  and environmental laws, 75–77, 114, 116, 122, 124, 125, 138, 140, 172, 249, 289, 302–3, 307, 316, 320–22, 326, 327, 331, 333, 343, 346

  Environmental Readiness Office, 122, 138, 174, 317–18, 325

  espionage within, 154, 242

  evidence denied by, 253–54, 262–63, 284, 289, 309–10, 311

  exemptions to legislation for, 307, 315, 319–20, 322, 347

  explosives testing by, 351–52

  flag officers of, 75

  Fleet Command, 131, 136, 137, 140, 174

  fleet exercises, 76

  Fleet Sonar School, 44, 45

  as giant deployment machine, 323–24

  interim report released by (2001), 272–73, 283–85, 289–90, 300, 304

  investigations funded by, 134

  investigations obstructed by, 73, 98, 273, 304–5, 314

  Keyhole spy satellites, 274–75

  lawsuits against, 115–17, 121–25, 176, 242, 285; see also Low Frequency Active sonar; midfrequency sonar case

  “letter of cooperation” issued by, 267–68

  Littoral Warfare Advanced Development, 98, 147

  LSD research of, 207

  and Magellan II, 169, 170–75

  marine mammals “harassed or harmed” by, 116, 162, 320, 321, 322, 331, 338, 351, 372–73n13

  and marine mammal strandings, 111–12, 130–32, 136–37, 153, 175–76, 182–83, 223, 230–31, 253–55, 283–85, 308, 309–11, 351

  marine mammal training and research, 16–17, 123, 138, 209, 232–43, 235, 284, 286, 311

  and MARMAM postings, 72–73, 253

  merit system of, 43

  and midfrequency sonar lawsuit, 317–18, 321–28, 330–31, 337–40, 342–43

  mine-detection training, 236

  mine-warfare range, 350

  and national defense, 146, 172–73, 202, 242, 249, 286, 323

  and national security, 117, 148, 174, 284, 288, 289, 300, 302, 303, 304, 305–6, 307, 318, 319–20, 323–24, 326, 331, 334

  and NATO, 138

  Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS), 233

  nighttime exercises conducted by, 59

  NRDC v. Winter, 328, 330–31, 337–40, 342–43, 345

  Office of Environmental Readiness (N-45), 75–77, 130, 136, 318, 323, 324

  ONR, see Office of Naval Research

  Pacific Fleet, 117, 319–21, 323, 381n1

  pilot rescue
systems of, 16, 49

  political clout in, 74, 266, 285–86, 315, 345

  and press conference (2000), 229, 252

  public opposition to actions of, 116–17, 138–39, 149, 175–77, 183, 285, 286, 327, 352

  and public relations, 116, 125, 146, 149, 230–31, 267–68, 273, 284, 327, 331

  research programs funded by, 178–79, 198, 201, 266, 284, 312, 346, 350, 374n1

  restraining orders/injunctions against, 303, 320–21, 322–23, 326–27, 342

  retired admirals in, 145

  and RIMPAC, 381n1

  safety measures of, 346

  SEALs, 238–39

  secrecy in, 33, 45, 50, 55, 111, 134, 160, 170, 172–73, 176, 230, 235, 253, 266–67, 308, 314, 318, 346, 366–67n9

  Secretary of, see Secretary of the Navy

  and separation of powers, 326–27

  and settlement negotiations, 303–6, 324, 345–46

  “ship shock” program of, 116–18, 121–25, 152, 165, 167, 171, 173, 174, 288, 315, 335

  and sonar, see sonar

  SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System), 44, 45, 47, 49–55, 143, 145, 153–54, 159, 173–74, 263, 366n5, 373n15

  “stovepiping” in, 137–38

  submarines of, see submarines

  and toxic waste dumping, 125, 138–39, 265

  training exercises (map), 322

  Undersea Warfare Training Ranges, 351–52

  underwater biological sounds catalogued by, 53–55

  underwater testing by, 15, 113–14, 116–18, 122, 152–53, 350, 351

  unlimited access to oceans demanded by, 287, 289, 300, 304–6, 351–52

  unusual mortality events (UMEs) of, 18, 71, 73

  victory vs. surrender in, 327

  vulnerability to attack, 271

  war games of, 57, 98, 139, 148–49, 265, 268, 270–71, 274–80, 285, 368–69n1

  and White House strategy meeting, 325–27

  women in, 366n5

  USS Buckley, 48

  USS Caro, 275

  USS Caron, 57, 59, 66, 249

  USS Cole, 271, 272, 275, 276

  USS Donald Cook, 271, 275, 276

  USS George Washington, 49–50, 139, 271, 274–75

  USS Hawes, 271, 275, 277

  USS John Paul Jones, 116, 125

  USS Saluda, 47, 48, 49

  USS Shoup, 309–10, 311, 353

  USS Simpson, 275

  Vancouver Aquarium, 212, 214, 227

  Vieques, Puerto Rico:

  Navy waste dumped in, 138–39, 140

  out of bounds for Navy exercises, 265, 322–23

  public protests in, 139, 150

  Vieques Fishermen’s Association, 138

  Vietnam, Navy dolphins in, 238–39

  Vietnam War, antiwar movement, 42

  Voyager I, 226

  Walker, John Jr., 154, 242, 369n2

  Wall Street Journal, 382–83n3

  Walsh, Mary, 245

  War Manpower Commission, 203

  war on terror, 271, 272, 285–86, 287, 288, 291

  Washington, George, 342

  Washington Post, 273, 283, 287, 331

  Water Cay, beached whale on, 59, 64–65


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