The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle

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The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle Page 9

by Piper Phoenix

  Sawyer put his arm around her while her tears dampened his shirt. The fact that he was comforting her when she’d been the one to mess things up made her cry even more. She wished more than anything she would have been upfront from the beginning. She wrapped her arms around him even tighter, afraid that if she let go he’d disappear forever.

  Sawyer hugged her back, just as tightly. “Traci?”

  “Yes, Sawyer?” she said trying to stop her tears.

  “I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it… I think, I think before this I had started falling in love with you.” He didn’t stop hugging her.

  Traci pulled back sharply, looking into his eyes to see if he was lying, “Sawyer?”

  They gazed into each other’s eyes, time seemed to stand still. Traci’s eyebrows were pinched together as she was trying to read his mind through his eyes. He let out a growl that encapsulated so many feelings. Sawyer was angry with her, he was jealous of Cash but what ultimately won out was his need to have her. He pressed his lips to hers hard and demanding. Traci kissed him back as if he was her oxygen.

  They fell back on the bed as their tongues twirled against one another. Sawyer’s fingers were on her cheeks stroking her soft, damp skin. He swiped away her remaining tears. She wanted to tell him she didn’t deserve him. She wanted to be forgiven before moving forward, but it felt right. That maybe this was how it was supposed to be, and this is how they would heal. But in reality, Traci feared if she said anything, he’d come to his senses and stop things before they went any further.

  “Christ, I’m an idiot,” he said softly kissing her neck.

  Traci didn’t know what to say. It was her that was the idiot. She hadn’t seen it, but she should have. Sawyer was so kind and sweet since the beginning, it was something she hadn’t been used to, “You’re not.”

  “I hadn’t been with anyone else after I caught Cash with her,” he said between kisses, “I hadn’t dated or even really talked to girls. I told myself I didn’t have time. I was too busy. Until I saw you. You’re the first.”

  Traci felt even worse after hearing that. History had repeated itself on his second attempt and all because she couldn’t control herself. She hadn’t been looking for anything more than a good time. A relationship had been the furthest thing from her mind, but it had found her.

  It was strange though because it also made her feel special. She couldn’t take back what she’d done, but he hadn’t given up on her. He was here with her now, she had to hope that meant he was giving her a second chance. It had to mean something.

  He ran his fingertip along the side of her arm stopping at her wrist. He threaded his fingers between hers and brought her hand up to his top shirt button. They slowly worked together to unbutton his shirt, gazing intensely into one another’s eyes. He let go of her hand and tore his shirt off tossing it onto the floor.

  As she tentatively caressed his bare, silky chest she saw the fire burning in his eyes, he had passed the point of no return. Her hands were all over him, feeling every tight muscle. She pulled him closer, so she could skim her fingertips down his back.

  Her hands found their way down to his belt and she kissed his hard chest while she unhooked it. She swiftly slid the leather strip out of the loops gripping the big buckle with both hands. She worked fast afraid if she paused, even for a second, he’d stop her, but he didn’t. Instead he reached down, undid his pants and slid them off, letting it drop to the floor with a thud. Sawyer rolled onto his back and pulled Traci on top of him.

  He grabbed the hem of her shirt and rolled it up exposing her bare tits. He left her shirt hiked up while he grabbed her breasts and lightly tugged at her already erect nipples. Traci turned her head to the side and moaned. The moment felt almost too intimate. Sawyer removed her shirt and pulled her down on top of him, she felt the heat from his skin burn against hers.

  Sawyer’s hand slid down the curve of her back where his fingers swiftly found the zipper of her skirt and as if he was teasing himself, he slowly pulled the tab downward. The room was so quiet you could hear the grinding sound of the zipper. He yanked at her skirt desperately trying to wiggle it off. Once it was low enough, she kicked it off aggressively. With all the emotions running through her, it all felt so intense, she needed him more than ever.

  She straddled him and pressed her soaked panties against his solid cock. There was no doubt in her mind he could feel her arousal through his boxer briefs. Traci gripped his erection over his underwear, dying to feel the thickness. When he moaned at her touch she slipped her hand inside and began to stroke him, loving the feel of the soft, silken skin of his cock against her palm.

  Sawyer removed his underwear, his need for her was apparent. Traci slipped out of hers following his lead. There they were completely naked staring at each other in the lit room. “You are so beautiful,” Sawyer choked out.

  “And you are so fucking hot,” she purred. He had her on her back before she even finished her sentence. He lifted and parted her legs with ease as he yanked her whole body down to meet his anxious cock. She was so wet with an animalistic need for him that he was able glide into her while he held her legs open.

  They both watched as he entered her clenched pussy slowly, savoring the feel of every inch he stuffed inside. She cried out his name when he was completely inside. Traci hadn’t ever felt anyone so deep inside her. She held his hips as he was about to start his movements.

  “Wait!” she begged.

  “What is it?”

  “Just need to get used to you,” she said biting her lip.

  “Am I hurting you?” Sawyer asked looking concerned.

  “A little. I’ll be fine. You are just so big! Go slow.”

  Sawyer started to pull out some of his length. She swallowed hard and let out a blissful moan. He stuffed himself back inside. He watched her expressions making sure to take care, with each thrust he was able to go faster and harder.

  “OK?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine now,” she breathed, and he instantly started thrusting into her with everything he had. Fueled by every single emotion he’s experienced since having met her. She cried out and was reaching for him or the bed sheets, or anything, she needed to hold onto something. Traci felt dizzy. It felt as though she could feel him inside her stomach. It made her feel like her whole body was being fucked. Every ounce of her being ached for him. “Oh, God! Yes! Sawyer, yes! Oh my God!” she cried out, and he pumped even harder.

  Her pussy clenched down on him as she felt her orgasm rising. Her legs tightened around his hips, they felt weak, like they were going to give up, but Sawyer held her tighter. He pressed into her and rolled his hips grinding himself against her clit. Each time her body pulsed threatening to release.

  He rocked her harder and faster, she couldn’t take it any longer. Her body tensed up and gave in, releasing her orgasm all around him. She cried out as she came. Her body quivered as he deepened himself into her. He let out a primal moan as he released his orgasm.

  He collapsed down onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. Sawyer sweetly kissed the top of her head while she tried to regain control of her mind and her breathing. She had just experienced the most amazing orgasm of her life. The whole experience was so hot, and so intimate, it was almost too overwhelming.

  “That was amazing,” she said as her breathing was returning to normal. Traci looked at him, something stirring inside her, “Stay with me tonight?” she asked.

  Sawyer smiled, “I will.”


  When they woke up the next morning they were still wrapped in each other’s arms. Traci smiled and breathed in, feeling intoxicated with the smell of Sawyer’s day old cologne mixed with the faint scent of sex. She almost couldn’t believe how happy she felt. Sawyer stirred and glanced down her with sleepy eyes, but his smile as bright as hers.

  Traci buried her face into his chest playfully hiding her smile, mildly embarrassed she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. She was sur
e she was so light and carefree she’d be able to walk on water. She was in her own personal heaven and she didn’t want to leave. Until a flash of what she had done to Sawyer blinded her and the smile faded. She vowed to herself that she would do whatever it took to make it up to him.

  Everything she was feeling and everything she’d done washed over her changing her mood all too quickly. It was all so intense, and overwhelming. Nausea started blooming in the pit of her stomach and the room started to close in on her. She couldn’t breathe. She was confused by what was happening to her.

  Traci popped up and started to get dressed, “I have to go.” She pulled on her still damp underwear and her tank top.

  “Everything OK?” Sawyer said propping himself up on his elbows.

  “It’s fine I just forgot I have something to do, and I’m running late,” she said trying to locate her skirt and boots.

  “Um, OK,” he said as he stood up and started dressing, “You sure you’re OK?”

  “Yes,” she said giving him a weak smile.

  “I can drop you off wherever you need to go.”

  “Great. Perfect. Thanks,” she said as she slipped into her boots, “Ready?”

  “Yep,” he said, the smile gone from his face.

  Sawyer drove her back to town. Neither of them had said much of anything. Traci was stuck in her head debating whether to have him drop her off somewhere random in town, or bite the bullet and have him just drop her off at her house. She wondered if it even mattered at this point. He knew her name, if he wanted to he could track her down, it wouldn’t even be that difficult. And maybe he already had.

  When they got into the small town Traci directed him towards her parent’s house. It was easy for him to guess which house was hers when he saw her car parked out front. He slowed his truck to a stop at her driveway, “This your place?”

  “My parents,” she said feeling the warmth from the redness in her cheeks.

  “Can I see you later?” he asked, seemingly not caring in the least who she lived with. He grabbed her hand before she slipped out of his truck.

  “Sure,” she said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before she hopped out of his truck and ran into her house. She quietly closed the door behind her, stopped and caught her breath.

  “Traci?” her mom yelled from upstairs.

  “Yeah just me,” she said and disappeared to her bedroom before she could ask her questions about where she’d been. Not that she’d be angry, but she was just that nosy.

  * * *

  Three days passed and Traci still hadn’t talked to Sawyer. She hadn’t known how to, or what she would say but she knew she had to and soon. He’d called every day since and sent a few texts. She’d wanted to respond to everything, but she felt stuck. She’d sent him a text asking if he’d meet her at the bar later that night and two hours later she received a response. Her heart skipped a beat when she read that he would be there.

  She knew she could have talked to him sooner. Traci didn’t even want to know what he had thought happened when she disappeared for a few days. It had been so overwhelming. Everything that had happened between the three of them and then having sex with Sawyer, and not just any sex, the best sex of her life. She hadn’t been happier than she was in that moment but still she felt confused. So she did what she did best. Ran away.

  She had needed time to figure out her feelings. They were a tangled disorganized mess that she hadn’t been ready to start fixing. Not to mention many of those feelings had been new to her, she hadn’t felt them in all her life. She didn’t know what it all meant.

  As she sat on the barstool waiting for Sawyer she knew. Somehow it had all just made sense. She was poking at the beaded up water on the side of her glass when someone sat down next to her.

  “Howdy, Traci,” he said. She instantly recognized the smooth voice.

  “Hi Cash,” she said not looking up. She was too afraid of what might be stirred up right after she had just finished putting the puzzle pieces that were her feelings back in the right order.

  “I just wanted to say, that I’m sorry for everything that happened.” She could tell by his voice that he wasn’t looking at her. Not that she could blame him since she still hadn’t looked at him either.

  “Me too.”

  “I’m leaving town for a while,” he said.

  “I’d assumed you were already gone for your job, where was it? Montana?” she said with a neutral tone.

  “Nope, just sleeping in the truck. Sawyer kicked me out of the trailer. Told them I’d be a couple days late.”

  “I see.”

  “Traci, I uhh—”

  “—Don’t say anything. I’m going to try to work things out with Sawyer. I’m sorry.” She tilted her head taking a quick glance. He was looking straight ahead, she didn’t think he even noticed her peeking at him.

  “I’d guessed as much when you were gone. Wish things were different,” he said the disappointment in his voice clear.

  The door swung open and Traci looked up just in time to see Sawyer look at them sitting there. He turned and slammed the door as he exited the bar. Fuck! She thought. He must have thought she was going to tell him that she was choosing Cash.

  She jumped up as fast as she could leaving Cash and her purse behind. Her boots clicked against the floor as she ran after Sawyer. She flung the door open and scanned the parking lot looking for him or his truck. He was about to pull himself inside of his truck.

  Traci practically sprinted over to him and grabbed at the fabric of his shirt trying to stop him. Sawyer yanked his arm away from her and she lost her grip.

  “I told him I want to be with you!” she yelled when it was clear he didn’t want to talk to her. “I love you!” she said realizing only at that minute that it was true. She loved him. She knew she wanted to be with him, and she knew she really cared about him, but she had only just realized it was love at that moment.

  She smiled at the realization. Sawyer stood frozen. He became a statue while his mind tried to comprehend the words he’d heard. “What did you just say…?” he asked. She knew by the look on his face that he had heard her, but that he wanted to hear it again.

  “I love you,” she said feeling a rush from saying the words out loud again. She was buzzed, giddy, and she laughed at herself.

  Sawyer picked her up and spun her around as he held her body tight against his. “I knew the first minute a saw you. Say it again,” he demanded playfully.

  “I love you!” she said loudly not caring who would hear. Saying the words out loud made her feel free. Normal. Happy.

  He seductively slid her body down against his until their eyes met. The big smiles they shared faded and were replaced with the raw passion, lust and love they had for one another. He kissed her hard, pressing her back against his truck. He aggressively slipped his tongue into her mouth while she wrapped her legs around him. They all too easily forgot they were in a public place until a couple of older men walked by and whistled.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said nodding towards his truck.

  “I’d love to,” she said, “just need to get my purse.” He lightly smacked her ass as she turned to go.

  Traci was almost skipping as she made her way back to the bar. When she reached the door she turned to look at Sawyer. He was resting against his truck, hands in his pockets and his feet crossed. He looked so sexy, not only because of how gorgeous, tall and muscular he was, but because of how happy he was. She gave him a little wave, and he beamed back at her.

  She walked over to where she had left her purse. Resting on top of it was a cocktail napkin which she almost just tossed aside until she noticed it had been written on. All it said was ‘Goodbye Jane’ and with that she knew Cash was gone. There was still a small flutter in her stomach, but it was small, very small.

  Traci mindlessly stuffed the napkin in her purse and made her way back to Sawyer. When she got to his truck, he walked around with her and opened her door for her. A tr
ue gentleman. He hopped in and started the truck. She scooted over into his arm and they drove to his farmhouse.

  They walked hand in hand into Sawyer’s house. He led her in through his massive kitchen. Even though she’d seen it all before she still looked around amazed by the house. He scooped her off her feet and carried her into his bedroom.

  “You can snoop later,” he said with a chuckle, “Right now you’re coming with me.”

  She couldn’t wait the short distance to his room before she started smoothing her hands against his shirt and kissing his neck. She breathed in his intoxicating scent of soap and cologne.

  Sawyer lowered her onto the bed and tore his black t-shirt off tossing it across the room, as he dove onto the bed. He kissed her with an insatiable hunger. Traci kissed him back with the same passion. He leaned back and watched her as he ran his finger down her lips. She took it into her mouth, mimicking what she’d do to his cock. She licked and sucked it while she kept her eyes focused on his.

  He slipped his finger out and ran his hand down into her shirt finding her nipple already hard. He caressed and cupped her tit, flicking at her nipple. He kissed her neck and Traci arched her back, moaning into him. She ached for him.

  Sawyer took his hand out and dragged his palm roughly against her stomach, slipping it down inside her jeans. She felt his cock pulse against her thigh as his finger found her throbbing clit.

  “No underwear?” he asked a sinful grin finding its way across his mouth.

  Traci shook her head and bit her lip. He let out a moan as his finger slipped inside her oh-so-ready entrance. He watched her as she writhed and tightened on his finger. Traci removed her shirt and started grabbing her tits and pinching her nipples while he fucked her with his rough farmer fingers.

  When she started to clench down on his fingers, he stopped, “I want you to come with me inside you,” he said as he undid her pants and dropped them to the floor. He grabbed her neck pulling her to him and he kissed her feverishly while he took off his pants.


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