Bees in America
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Arnold, George. See also rehabilitation clients
“Arrival of the Bee Box” (Plath)
art. See also music; photography; specific authors and titles
Arthur (monarch of England)
artificial insemination. See queen rearing
Asia: American policies and 164; honey exports to; and lost wax art; varroa mite and. See also Japan; Leung Chung.
Atchley, Jennie
Avedon, Richard, In the West, 202
back to nature movement
Bacon, Francis
barter economy: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenthcentury; twentieth-century
“Beatinest Boy, The” (Stuart)
beauty. See cosmetics
Bee Alert Team
bee and honey house inspectors
bee caves
Bee Culture,
bee gums. See also hives (traditional)
beehive. See hive
beehive (metaphor): as social metaphor
“Beehive, The” (Pastorius)
beehive beverages
beehive oven
Bee Hunting: A Book of Valuable Information for Bee Hunters (Lockard)
bee industry
beekeepers: in colonial villages; eighteenth-century; English; nineteenth-century; twentiethcentury; twenty-first-century
beekeepers’ associations: American Beekeeping Federation; American Honey Producers Association; Kentucky Beekeepers Convention; National Beekeepers Association; National Beekeepers Convention; National Beekeeping Federation; North American Beekeepers Association; National Honey Board; Round Rock Beekeeping Association;
beekeepers’ periodicals: The Beekeepers Item,; Bee World; Illustrated Beekeepers Journal; Ladies Home Journal,; Mrs. Tupper’s Journal; National Bee Journal; Progressive Bee Culture; The Southland Queen; See also American Bee Journal; Bee Culture; The Beekeepers Item
beekeeping industry; late twentieth-century; nineteenth-century; twentieth-century. See also apitourism; honey industry; pollination industry; queen and package bee industry
Beekeeping in Africa (Seyffert)
Bee-Man of Orn, The (Stockton). See also children’s literature
“Bee Meeting, The” (Plath)
bees; immigration of; threats to; westward migration of. See also drones (insect); drones (people); honey hunters; queens (insect); queens (people); small hive beetle; trachael mites; varroa mite; workers (insect); workers (people)
bees (symbol): eighteenth-century; of freedom; of industry; nineteenth-century; of pain; of stability; of thrift; twentieth-century
bees, African. See also African honey bees
bees, Carniolan
bees, German
bees, Giant
bees, Hygenic
bees, Italian
bees, New World Carniolans
bees, quilting
Bees in the Garden and Honey in the Larder (Coleman)
bee space
beeswax: export of; import of; price of; rendering of; use of, in barter; use of, in candles; use of, in comb foundation; use of, in cosmetics; use of, on the frontier; use of, in military; use of, in waterproofing; use of, in lost wax molds
bee trees; in Honey War; and laws; nineteenth-century; twentiethcentury
Bee World
Bell, Horace
beverages. See also mead
Biene und Honig im Volksleben der Afrikaner or “Beekeeping in Africa” (Seyffert)
black beekeepers. See also Africa; music; slavery; Turner, Charles
Black Migration
Black Muslim movement
Blackstone, William
Blinn, Henry C., (A Sacred Repository of Anthems and Hymns)
Boggs, Lilburn
Bonney, Dick
Book of Bees (Hubbell)
Borenstein, Seth
Boston (Mass.)
Bracht, Viktor
Braunfels, Prince Carl Solms
Breininger, Lester
Bridenbaugh, Carl, Vexed and Troubled Englishmen
Bromenshank, Jerry
Brophy, Alfred
Brown, Kent Masterson
Bruce, John
Bruchac, Joseph
Bruckish, Wilhelm
Brunson, Hattie
buildings, use of bees on
Burroughs, John, “An Idyll of the Honey Bee
Burt’s Bees
“Busy Bee” (White)
“Busy Bee Home Social Club, Louisiana” (Post)
“Busy Bees of Deseret
Busy Bees Social Club, Nebraska
Butler, Charles, A Feminine Monarchie,
Cabet, Etienne
Cale, G. H.
California: early nineteenth-century; late nineteenth-century; early twentieth-century; late twentieth-century
Camino Real, El
Camp, Ezell, The Historical Story of Bee County, Texas
Candler, Mathilda
candles: discussion of, in kandir twentieth-century. See also beeswax
Cannon, Hal
Carlos (king of Spain)
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Julian
Carter Family, Honey in the Rock
CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps; Commodity Credit Corporation
Charles I (king of England)
Charles II (king of England)
chemical cures: alternatives to; and foulbrood. See also Terramycin
chemical weapons
Chicago (1ll.)
Children’s literature, nineteenth-century; twentieth century
Chronicles of White River (Turnbo)
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civil War
Cobey, Sue
Cole, Joanna, The Magic Schoolbus: Inside the Beehive
Coleman, Mary Louise, Bees in the Garden and Honey in the Larder
comb foundation maker
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
Commoners, Tribute, and Chiefs (Potter)
Comstock, Anna, Beekeeping for Women
Comstock, Anthony
Continental Congress
Cooke, George
Cooper, James Fenimore, The Leatherstocking Tales
Costa Rica
Cotton, John
Coursing or lining a bee. See also honey hunters
Crane, Eva: and Archeology of Beekeeping 38; and The World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting
Crane, J. E.
Crevecoeur, John; Letters from an American Farmer,
crops; almond orchards; apple orchards; citrus groves. See also clover; weather
Crosby, Alfred, Ecological Imperialism
Dadant, Camille Pierre
Dadant, Charles; role of, in twentieth century
Dadant, Maurice George
Dalton, Jes
Dancing Bees (Frisch)
DARPA. See Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency
Demaree, George
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) research
Deseret (now Utah)
Deseret News
Des Moines (river)
Dickinson, Emily
Diehnelt, Christian
Diehnelt, Walter
disease resistance
DNA research. See deoxyribonucleic acid sequence
Dobie, J. Frank
Doolittle, G. M.
Douglas, George
Dreyfus, Joyce
drones (insect); twentieth-centur
y. See also single drone insemination
drones (people): eighteenth century use of; nineteenth century; seventeenth century; twentieth century
Dumas, Clark Griffith
Dutch. See Holland
Dutch Family in the Middle Colonies (Fabend)
Dzierzon, Johann
Eales, John
Eaton, William
Eburne, Richard
Echpalawchund, Peter (chief of Delaware Indians)
Eckert, J. E.
Ecological Imperialism (Crane)
Edison, Carol
Elizabeth I (queen of England)
Endicott, John
England: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenth-century; twentieth-century
Equiano, Olaudah, The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano
Erickson, Eric
Eristalis tenax
Everyday Life in Early America (Hawke)
extension specialists
Fabend, Firth Haring, A Dutch Family in the Middle Colonies
Facing Off (Kupperman)
Fair and Tender Ladies (Smith)
Farm Home Administration
Farm Security Administration (FSA)
Farr, Sidney Saylor, More Than Moonshine
Feminine Monarchie, The (Butler)
feudal land practices
film. See movies
First Battalion
Flagg, Fannie, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Flottum, Kim
folklore: announcing death in; aversion to profanity in; informing bees in; ricking in; tall tales in, twentieth-century; washing with beer in;
Folk Medicine (Jarvis)
Following the Bloom (Whynott)
Fonda, Peter
forager bees
Forbes, Edwin, “Gone Off With the Yanks
Ford, Thomas
Fourier, Charles
Fourth Kentucky Regiment
France: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenthcentury; twentiethcentury
Franklin, Mary Kay
freemasons: list of; influence of, on Joseph Smith
Freneau, Philip Morin, “To a Honey Bee Who Hath Drunk Too Much Wine
Fried Green Tomatoes (Flagg)
Fried Green Tomatoes (movie)
Frisch, Karl von; The Dancing Bees
FSA. See Farm Security Administration
Gadsden Purchase
Garcia, Felipe
Gary, Norm
Gaynor, Gloria, “Honey Bee
George III (king of England)
Georgia: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
Georgics (Virgil)
Germany: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenth-century; twentieth-century
Gershwin, George, “Here Comes De Honey Man
GI Bill. See Government Issue Bill
Gibson, Glenn
Gill, Donald. See also rehabilitation clients
Gleanings in Bee Culture. See Bee Culture
Goltz, Larry
“Gone Off With the Yanks” (Forbes)
Goodall, Edward
Good Wives (Ulrich)
Gould, Carol
Gould, James
Government Issue Bill
Graff, Howard
Graham, Joe
Grand Beehive Exhibit
Great Depression
Great Plains (Webb)
Hahman, Frederick
Hakluyt, Richard
Hammon, John
Hand, Wayland
Harbison, Samuel
Harbo, John
Harris, Jeffrey
Harris, Joel Chandler, Uncle Remus
Harrod, James
Hartlib, Samuel, A Reformed Commonwealth of Bees
Hawke, David Freeman, Everyday Life in Early America
health reform movement
Heard, Robert
Heifer Project
Henderson, Stephen
“Here Comes De Honey Man” (Gershwin)
Herridge, Brent
Hetherington, J. E.
Heylin, Clinton
Hiawatha (Longfellow)
Hine, Lewis, Work That Educates
Historical Story of Bee County, Texas, The (Camp)
hive (improved): Bevan; Munn; seventeenth-century English design of
hive (moveable frame or Langstroth hive); effect on, on industry; need for;. See also Langstroth hive
hive (traditional): Egyptian; Greco-Roman, log; Shaker; skep; Spanish; See also hiving off; skep hive
hiving off
Hobby, Bill
Hogue, Charles
Holland: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenth-century
honey: and industrialization; use of, in medicines; monetary value of; on the Prairies; in recipes; in sayings; slave memories of; stealing hives of; as sweetener; in tall tales. See also extraction
honey adulteration
“Honey Bee” (Gaynor)
“Honey Bee” (Morganfield)
“Honey Bee” (Petty)
“Honey Bee” (Vaughan)
Honey Bee Act
Honey Bee Genome Act
Honey Bee Restriction Act
honey bees. See bees
honey hunters; nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
Honey in the Rock (Carter Family)
Honey War
Honl, E. C.
“How doth the little Busy Bee” (Watts)
How I Made Money at Home (MacCulloch)
Hrushka, Fransesco de
Hubbell, Sue: A Book of Bees; and Honey War; Waiting for Aphrodite;
Huber, Francois
Hultgren, Kathy
Hultgren, Roger
Hummer, Billy
Hummer, Stanley
Hurt, Daniel
Hurston, Zora Neale; Their Eyes Were Watching God,
hygenic bees
idle poor
“Idyll of the Honey Bee” (Burroughs)
Illinois: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
Illustrated Beekeepers Journal
“I’m a King Bee” (Moore)
importation: of bees; of honey
industrialization; nineteenth-century
Inherit the Wind (Lawrence and Lee)
instrumental insemination. See queen rearing
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
In the West, (Avedon)
IPM. See Integrated Pest Management
Irving, Washington: Knickerbocker’s History of the New York; A Tour on the Prairies,
Italy: antiquity and; seventeenth-century writers and; nineteeth-century
Jager, Francis
James, Hunter, (The Quiet People)
James I (king of England)
Jamestown: bees and; lethargy and; slaves and
Jarvis, D.C., Folk Medicine
Jefferson, Thomas: negotiations with Native Americans; Notes on the State of Virginia
Johnston, Joseph
Jordan, Terry, The American Backwoods Frontier
Kansas: arrival of bees in 70; role of, in Civil War; exodusters
Kaups, Mattie, The American Backwoods Frontier
Keeper of the Bees (Stratton-Porter)
Kelley, Ida
Kelley, Walter
Kentucky: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seven-teenth-century; Jesse Stuart and; t
Kentucky Shakers (Neal)
Keokuk (chief of Fox and Sac tribes)
Kerr, Warwick
Kiawe. See mesquite
Kidd, Sue Monk, The Secret Life of Bees
killer bees. See African honey bees
Killer Bees (Texas politicians)
King Bee (misperceptions of drones). See also “I’m a King Bee”
King’s Highway. See Camino Real
Kirtland, Jared
Knickerbocker’s History of the New York (Irving)
Koehnen, Bob
Koehnen, Yvonne
Korean War
Kritsky, Gene: and African honey bee; and history; and hives
Krochmal, Arnold
Krochmal, Connie
Kupperman, Karen Ordahl: “Apathy and Death at Jamestown; “The Beehive as a Model for Colonial Design; Facing Off
Ladies Home Journal,
Laidlaw, Harry, Jr.
Langstroth, Lorenzo: and bee space; and book; The Hive and the Honey Bee; Italian bees and; in patent dispute; in twentieth century
Langstroth hive;; effect of, on new industry
Latter-day Saints (Church of Jesus Christ), nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
Lawrence, Jerome, Inherit the Wind
laws: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century, twentieth-century
Leatherstocking Tales, The (Cooper)
Ledbetter, Huddie “Leadbelly
Lee, Robert E., Inherit the Wind
Lee, Russell, San Antonio Honey Peddler
Lehman, Kim
Lesher, Charles
LeStourgeon, E. G.
Lesueur, Charles Alexander
Leung Chung
Levitt, William
Lewis, Meriwether
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Linebaugh, Peter, The Many-Headed Hydra
Linswik, Cyula
Lockard, John, Bee Hunting: A Book of Valuable Information for Bee Hunters
London Company
“Lonesome Valley” (slave spiritual)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, The Song of Hiawatha
Los Angeles (Calif.)
lost wax molds
Louisiana: eighteenth-century; nineteenth- century; twentieth-century; twenty-first-century
Lucas, Robert
MacCulloch, Hunter, How I Made Money at Home
Mackensen, Otto
Magic Schoolbus: Inside the Beehive (Cole)
Mairson, Alan
Mangum, Wyatt
Many-Headed Hydra (Linebaugh and Rediker)
Mason, Philip
Massachusetts: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenth-century; twentieth-century
McCain, J. N.