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The Guardian (The Gifted Book 1)

Page 11

by C. L. McCourt

  Rhea's eyes went wide at her friend's passionate plea. Grennal was right. Rhea knew in her heart that Grennal was real, which meant the world she could see in the shadows was real, a scenario that was nothing short of magical. Rhea forced herself to keep an open mind; she had to. "If I can be sitting here, talking to you, I can't very well scoff at what you're telling me. So you're not this ... creature before me. What do you normally look like?"

  "I look much like ..." she looked at Rhea and thought about her own appearance. How had she not seen it before? Was she that distracted when she visited Rhea that the resemblance had escaped her notice? As if talking to herself, she whispered, "I look like you."

  "Me? In what way?"

  Like sisters, is what Grennal wanted to say, but she knew that would trigger more questions. She needed to think about this revelation before putting ideas into Rhea's head. "Well, we're both female. Our hair has the same gold highlights." She left out the eye color, the facial features, everything that would tell Rhea there was something more to their similarities. Secrets, more secrets.

  "What's wrong, Grennal?"

  Grennal shook head, forcing her own questions from her mind. "It's not important."

  Rhea had learned over the years when Grennal said something wasn't important, she meant she wasn't going to answer, at least not then. So, on to the next question. "Is this the only form you can take?"

  "I can appear as many different creatures, as well as other people. I change my appearance when I watch you."

  "Speaking of watching me, if you put me here, why was I nine before I saw you?"

  "Because it wasn't safe. I didn't want anyone to see me watching you or talking to you. If they had, they would have known I was talking to someone from Luxatra but in the shadow world. I feared they would get suspicious and would learn it was you. I still worry about that. If I'm not careful, I can lead them straight to you."

  "What changed? Why show yourself when I was nine?"

  "At first I watched from a distance during the time of darkness so I could respond to the king's inquiries about you. But the frequency of his messages increased over time and I needed to find a way to watch you more closely; one that wouldn't allow someone to see me. So I started changing my appearance. It took me a while to appear as I do now. Other creatures I tried scared you when you were little. I'm sorry about that. It broke my heart to see you upset."

  Rhea's eyes went wide. "The creatures in the shadows, the ones that scared me, those were you?"

  "Some, yes. But I have no doubt you also saw some of the other creatures that live in this world."

  Rhea asked, "Is Grennal your real name?"

  Before Grennal could answer, she jumped to her feet and looked to her left. She crouched as if she were about to leap but turned her head to Rhea. "I must go. I'll see you tomorrow night, if it's safe." And then she was gone from the window into her world.

  Rhea watched the empty space where Grennal had once stood. She’d gotten more information this time, but still hadn't been able to talk about her dreams. She unfolded herself from the floor and crawled into bed, exhausted.


  Once again, Daen woke gasping for air. If he’d had any doubts the gifted person was still close by, they were gone. If he hadn't known better, he would have assumed she was right outside his window. Outside his window? Why hadn't he thought of that before? She could be in one of the nearby apartments.

  The idea of her possibly being close by wouldn't leave his thoughts. He went to the window and scanned the area. It was 2:00 in the morning and the parking lot was quiet. He could see lights on in the apartment buildings that surrounded his, indicating some students were pulling all-nighters, studying.

  He mumbled to himself, "What if she moved in over the break? What if she was here all along?" He threw on some clothes and headed for the balcony, hoping the open air would give him a connection he'd never had before.

  As he approached the living room, he could see the moonlight shining into the room, creating shadows. As he passed by them, he could see the darkness of Luxatra seeping through, beckoning him home, but he knew it wasn't possible. He'd tried many times before to walk into the shadows, to cross from this world to his, but the walls that separated the two worlds wouldn't open for him.

  Daen stepped out onto the balcony and enjoyed the blast of winter air on his face. He reached for the energy around him and his body warmed as he scanned the building, hoping to get some sign she was near. He stood there for what felt like hours, waiting for a sign from the woman, but nothing came.

  He forced himself to return to bed, falling asleep quickly, exhaustion overtaking him. The following day would be another day without work.



  The man on watch jerked awake. Temporarily dazed, Bestian scanned the wooded area around him, looking for the source of the gift that had just nudged him awake. Silence echoed back to him.

  He'd never sensed a gift like that before. As fast as it came to him, it was gone, but not before he could ascertain the general location of the source.

  His partner slept soundly a few feet from where he sat. Gauvin wasn't the most gifted tracker. He hadn't felt the presence of a gift yesterday outside the student center, but Bestian had felt something. Gauvin was supposed to be better than that. He was supposed to be better.

  Bestian pulled his coat tighter around him. The cold in this world was difficult to withstand. His partner snorted and rolled over, blissful in his ignorance of everything that had just happened.

  Bestian stood and checked the food supply hanging from a branch above him. Their supplies were getting low. They'd have to find alternative sources of food in the near future. The only animals they'd seen so far were fuzzy-tailed rodents and a few rabbits. That would have to do until they found the Luxatran they had been sent to capture.

  "Gauvin." Bestian kicked him gently in the ribs.


  "Gauvin! Get up."

  Gauvin rolled onto his back and stared up at the grin Bestian tried to hide. "You look like you have a secret. Talk."

  "I think I've found a Luxatran."

  Gauvin sat up. "Then why are you waking me to take watch? We should be heading in that direction." Gauvin stood and started to break camp.

  Bestian rolled his eyes. "Did I say anything about watch?" He joined Gauvin in breaking camp, knowing the sooner they found the person they hunted, the sooner they could go home. And the sooner he could go home, the sooner he could rid himself of his partner.


  Bestian and Gauvin worked their way east towards the small university town. The night was bright with moonlight, making it easy to find their footing and their way. Within an hour they had reached the edge of campus, heading straight for the dorms to the far south.

  Gauvin practically had to run to keep up with the long strides of his partner. The man walked with determination and focus. "Bestian, how can you tell where the gifted is located?"

  "How can you not? I thought you were a tracker."

  Gauvin cringed. "I am. But I can sense a gifted only if he or she is within my eyesight."

  Bestian growled, notably frustrated with being saddled with one of limited abilities. "Then why didn't you see him yesterday?"

  "I don't know. I should have. This world is ... weak. It's like I'm not gifted at all."

  "Well, you better start getting it back or I won't have a use for you."

  "Don't get all superior on me. I might not be able to see the gifted, but I can help in other ways. I'm good in a fight, I can use a knife, and I can keep watch, and you know it." Gauvin might be smaller than Bestian and less talented, but he wasn't any less gruff and he wasn't going to put up with any grief. He'd learned long ago that the minute you showed weakness you were a dead man.

  Bestian ignored Gauvin's proclamation of importance and usefulness. He knew Gauvin was right, but no way would he admit it.

  "Shouldn't we call Darren?"

; Darren was their helper in this world. He made sure they had food to eat and understood this world.

  Bestian didn't respond at first. Gauvin had a point. But calling Darren would take too long. "We'll call him later if we find something."

  They reached a small field between the buildings, larger than any other open space they had encountered so far. It was banked on three sides with buildings, while a road created the fourth side. Bestian stopped in the middle of the clearing and closed his eyes, trying to sense the source of what he’d felt earlier. As he turned slowly, pushing his gift in all directions, he felt nothing. He couldn't understand how this was possible. To have felt someone at that distance, how could not feel them now? Surely they would emit some element of their gift and he would feel as he approached?

  Gauvin, sensing Bestian's frustration and noting the lack of forward movement, surmised the worst. "The gifted has left. We missed him ... her ... whomever."

  "Aye, him. Someone that strong ... I've never sensed a woman that strong. I think I would have felt him move. No. He's here, hiding."

  "What do you want to do?" Gauvin glanced around for any wayward students who might be out late. He didn't want to be noticed.

  "We wait. Those benches over there. We'll wait there. It'll be light soon; the people will leave the buildings just as they've done every day since we've been here. Then we'll have him."

  "But we'll be noticed. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. Someone might start asking questions. I get the feeling that people in this world do not tolerate strangers, especially in this place." Gauvin tried not to sound like a coward but the look on Bestian's face conveyed that that was exactly how he sounded.

  "Are you afraid of these ... weak people?" With a leer, Bestian let Gauvin know what his answer should be.

  "No. I'm just saying ..."

  "Enough!" Bestian stormed towards one of the benches and Gauvin reluctantly followed, taking a seat on a bench a few feet away from Bestian.


  Morning came early. Rhea hit the snooze button three times before caving to the relentless buzzing and the fact that she would be late for class if she didn't get up. With ten minutes to get ready, she didn't have time for a shower. She quickly brushed her teeth and got dressed. A quick glance at the weather bug on her computer showed she would need her knit hat, scarf, and gloves. After bundling up, she grabbed a package of the hard toaster pastries from what she referred to as her emergency rations and headed for class.

  Her friend Beth stepped out the dorm doors in front of her, and Rhea ran to catch up. "Hey."

  Beth turned to see Rhea. "Hey. You look bright and chipper." Beth did sarcasm well.

  "Yeah. Rough night last night."

  Beth raised an eyebrow. "Partying on a Sunday? I didn't think that was your style."

  "No, no. Dreams."

  "Dreams don't keep a person awake. Nightmares do. Are you still being bothered by them? I thought it was getting better."

  "It was, but last night's was a doozy."

  "Do tell." The gleam in Beth's eyes revealed her interest in the creepy, but Rhea already knew that about her friend.

  "Let's just say there were dead bodies and bony hands grabbing at me."

  "Zombie dream. Cool."

  Rhea rolled her eyes. "No, not cool."

  They walked across the field that divided the residential buildings from the academic buildings, each going their own way when they reached the academic side.

  As Rhea neared the building hosting her first class of the week, a person riding a bike whipped around a corner and almost knocked her down. "Hey!"

  The rider yelled "Sorry!" and kept on going.

  Rhea placed a hand to her chest at the feel of her heart racing. She mumbled to herself, "Who needs coffee to wake up? Just have a cyclist run you down first thing in the morning."

  She climbed the stairs to her classroom and settled in to yet another lecture that would surely bore her. This morning was her economics course, her least favorite subject. Later she would have her creative writing class. That would brighten her day.


  Shortly after the first people emerged from the buildings, Gauvin joined Bestian on his bench. "Do you sense anything?"

  "Not yet."

  The morning slipped by without a sign of the Luxatran they were tracking. Bestian was about to suggest they walk the campus when a tiny tingling sensation ran up his spine. "I feel him."

  Gauvin sat up straight, concentrating on the people walking across the open area. "I don't see him. Are you sure?"

  Bestian was scanning the group as they disappeared between two buildings, heading for the north side of campus. "No. But I felt it. It was subtle, as if he was north of here."

  "Maybe he slipped by us. If he can hide his gift, then it's reasonable to assume he got by us."

  "Perhaps." Bestian stood and headed for the opening between the buildings. "Let's go hunting." Gauvin worked to keep up.



  Rhea's next stop was the library. Her assignment was for her creative writing course. She was to research mythical beings such as werewolves, fairies, vampires, elves, or any other mythical being and the worlds in which they lived.

  Rhea couldn't help laughing to herself, thinking, "I should research Grennal." But as far-fetched as that seemed, here she had a situation where she knew of another world, a world where people had magical powers, a place ripe for a fantasy tale. Rhea glanced at her watch. She had two and half hours before her research needed to be done.

  Entering the library, she headed for the computers to start searching the library's resources on mythical beings and their worlds. She'd Googled Luxatra years before but had not thought to use the library's resources for another search. Although Google gave her a lot of hits on the word, nothing seemed to suggest that anyone was talking about the world of Luxatra. The library didn't yield any success, either.

  She switched her search of the library resources to the topic of moon shadows. References to the moon tended to lean towards werewolves. A chill ran down her spine. Why had Grennal appeared as a dog? She mumbled to herself, "Nah! She was in disguise." Rhea glanced up after realizing she was talking out loud. It didn't look like anyone had overheard.

  Rhea didn't like where the moon research was going and decided to research other worlds instead. After spending about thirty minutes on the topic, she found her inquiries pointing to the Celtic mythology of deities or Tuatha Dé Danann and their other worlds or domains.

  "Perfect," she whispered to herself, thinking, worlds that couldn't be seen by mortals. Mortals? Rhea thought about what Grennal had told her over the years. She had never described the people of Luxatra as fairies or gods or immortals. More questions popped into her mind. How long did people live? How old was Grennal?

  She found her research could go on and on but decided to focus on getting enough to provide the foundation for a writing assignment. The short of it was, she would write about what she knew to be true, but everyone else would find it unreal, unbelievable, the perfect fantasy tale.


  Rhea headed for her writing class, feeling good about her research. The fantasy story wasn't due for a few more weeks but since it had to be more than a few pages, the extra time seemed reasonable.

  Some of the students complained that they couldn't wrap their heads around that which didn't have some element of reality. The professor caved and offered another assignment, where the characters and events in the story couldn't be real but the story could take place in the "real" world.

  "Professor Campbell," Rhea said, approaching the wooden instructor desk at the close of class, "I have a question about the assignment we just discussed."

  "Ah, Rhea. How are you liking your window seat?" The professor grinned.

  "Um. You said ... I thought it would be okay ..."

  He shrugged. "Just don't spread it around." He winked. "What can I help you with?"

  "The idea I ha
ve for my story is a combination fantasy and 'real' world. Is that okay?" She wasn't lying. The world was real, but he wouldn't know that.

  "Sure. The objective is to get you writing about something you have created in your mind. Fantasy and science fiction tend to make it easy to be creative, but as we saw today, any work of fiction requires one's imagination." Professor Campbell loved his work. Rhea had seen that gleam before, in her parents' eyes, when they had helped her with her science homework in high school.

  As she thought about what the professor had said, she cringed inwardly. Would it be considered cheating if she wrote about something she knew was real but everyone else would think was fantasy? "Oh, okay. So I can mix reality and fantasy?" Reality and fantasy, she could do that.


  "Thanks, Professor Campbell." She decided her story would be based on real people but the events would be made up. She knew she was walking a fine line, but felt better knowing she was allowed to mix reality into the fantasy.

  She pulled her knit hat low on her head and wrapped a scarf around her neck and chin, preparing to face the cold walk back to her dorm.

  Her thoughts were in the other world as she sorted out her story's plot. She was oblivious to her surroundings as the autopilot for her feet kicked in. Head down against the cold wind that seemed to blow nonstop, she pressed forward quickly toward the dining hall, where she would grab a quick bite to eat before heading back to her room to study.

  As she passed between two dorms and into the shadows cast as the sun set, she could feel the temperature drop and her body react with an extra set of chills. Without thinking, she pulled her scarf tighter around her throat and dipped her head. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't see the two men, partially hidden by a bush, step in behind her and the five students in front of her heading the same way.


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