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Page 4

by L. J. Hoffman

  “Just a friend. She was outta touch with us for a while…”

  Then he saw her, and she was beautiful. Curls all askew. But she looked rested, and damn she was beautiful. “The curly brunette, you know her?”

  “Hell yeah. She and Linda have been friends for years. Maybe since forever, that’s how I met her, through Linda. Finally must’ve realized that asshole boyfriend of hers wasn’t worth her time. Randi deserves so much more. She’s a lively one that girl.”

  “You don’t say. Would the boyfriend have a name or are you guarding that information?” Luke was interested in what type of man Randi Shaw was attracted to.

  “Chad Wingert, that was her ball and chain. Met him once and that was enough for me. Biggest panty chaser around from what I’m told. Anyway, he didn’t care for us and we, avoided him.”

  Luke was neighbors with Chad, but with their opposite work schedules, they merely exchanged friendly conversation across front lawns. Was that the type of girl Randi was? Fast and loose? Man, he hoped not because that would really crush what he pictured in his mind. “NO WAY, really? Had no idea you knew him. He lives next door to me, and I’ve never seen her over there. Saw some other women, but definitely not her.”

  David’s jaw dropped, and he exclaimed, “That asshole is your neighbor! Do you like him? How come I never knew that?”

  Shrugging his shoulders and smoothing a hand over his short hair, Luke responded, “Can’t say I really know him. We don’t exchange cooking tips; shit there really is no interaction. Mostly we keep to ourselves, casual hello, that kinda thing. Why would I have had a reason to talk to you about Chad? You never mentioned Randi to me….EVER!”

  “Hell, smart guy, why would I? You’re a married man and she plans to run away with me in August.” Looking over at Luke and elbowing him in his ribcage, “Yep! Matter of fact she agreed to come along on vacation with Linda and me. Outer Banks, oceanfront beach house. Those girls can catch up, relax and I am free to fish, drink beer, fish, and drink beer. You see where I’m headed with that don’t you?”

  “Fish, drink beer, fish…I get it. Sounds like a fantastic time.” And then she looked their way. She looked a little startled. Questions, she had questions. David waved, and all he could do was smile. Randi Shaw had made him laugh in the early hours of this morning, but damn she was cute pissed. She had been outraged and worn down by Chad, which made Luke fairly confident that she had pulled the plug on that relationship. He’d bet a paycheck another woman was the cause for her state when he met her this morning. Maybe the physical evidence convicted Chad and closed that door. Infidelity is a harsh hurt to bear, but his money was on Randi. She planned on being a survivor and dumping Chad was the first step.

  David put his left hand on Luke’s back and said, “Come on buddy. We can go fishing, but we won’t catch a damn thing this late in the day. ”

  “I’m fishing for answers, so the time of day won’t matter.”


  Daylight slipped quietly into the arms of darkness as the dance of time is repeated over, and over, and over. Relationships were in turmoil. The good hearts were heavy with hurt, but strong with resolve. The evil hearts were cold and seething, but determined.

  Chad sent multiple flower arrangements to Randi’s work and apartment. He texted her and called her, relentlessly begging her to soften in affection for him.

  Randi hated the flowers. She returned some to the florist and tossed the others in her trash. Chad was persistent. He bombarded her cell with text messages and filled her voicemail with words of passion, lust, and need…all of which turned into ugly snarls of hurt, demands, and fury.

  Jenna waited. A pregnancy test could seal her future. Being patient, made her lonely. Being lonely made her needy. Being needy make her angry. Being angry made her want Chad…and…Chad set her free. Sexually free. Each and every time he helped assure a positive pregnancy test. That made her happy.

  Luke wanted to work as much as he could. Being under the same roof with his deceitful wife made him anxious, and since her confession of sorts, she was too sedate. He knew she was scheming. She was in the guest room down the hall, but who knew what was going on in her mind. No words were spoken between them. He’d wait. Wait and see what her next move would be in her game of hearts.


  Soon July would give way to August and after two weeks of getting the cold shoulder from Luke, Jenna figured she better attempt a conversation and see what he was planning to do about their marriage. But first she had to take the pregnancy test. She had ordered two home pregnancy tests online. They arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon, but she had waited thinking what a fantastic way to begin a new day. Slipping into the bathroom off the guest bedroom, she followed the package instructions and waited. Strange, the excitement she felt waiting for the results. It just had to be positive because so much depended on it. All her stolen hours of heated, intense, and body-shattering sex with Chad had to have paid off. He never once put on a condom, and he never asked or confirmed that she was on any form of birth control. He hated barriers, so sex was full contact, allowing them to morph into one writhing motion when they were together.

  Jenna knew that Chad thought he had to have Randi in his bed. But she figured that was just to balance everything out in his life. Randi was the mouse he could gently toy and play with, while Jenna was the woman who unleashed his pent up desires and was his equal. Demanding as good as she gave. Since she and Chad had become lovers a little over a year ago, Randi was her only competition. He promised Jenna she was all that he needed, and if she didn’t mind Randi sharing his bed once in a while, he’d love to “rock her world every chance he got.”

  Would Chad still take her to his bed if she were swollen with child? Would he caress her body, whisper dirty words of endearment into her ear? Ruthlessly pushing her until she screamed out his name? Would he? If there is a baby would he? Or would she be fat? Ugly? A tear escaped her eye and slowly rolled down her cheek. Would a baby be the answer or would a baby permanently change everything? On the bathroom counter both home pregnancy tests gave her the results. Now she has her answer.


  Chad was having a difficult time believing that Randi was continuing to shut him down. It had been days…. she never…. ever…. had stayed pissed off at him for this long. No return texts. No returned calls. He hadn’t even seen her car in the lot at the apartment. Maybe today would be the day she’d realize how much she really missed him. Needed him. No doubt she was a little twitchy from not getting laid and that could be a great motivator for forgiveness. Make-up sex.

  He was certainly not lacking for female companionship. Actually, he was a very hot commodity beginning with the little pixie when he was leaving Randi’s apartment. Once they entered her house, she stripped off her clothes and quickly made short work of Chad’s clothing. She slid down to her knees and wrapped him up like a bow. His imagination regarding what that mouth could do to a man was even better up close and personal. Flashes of clarity made him wonder if he already knew that from before, but he wasn’t sure. He was in a beer fog the last time he’d been with her, but then she wasn’t the only girl wanting his attention at that particular moment. On that day, at her house, he was in, out, and headed back home with a happy pixie blowing him kisses as he pulled from her driveway.

  Jenna had managed to worm her way into his house and bed more times than he could count over the days and night. The days surprised him since normally Luke was around, but he figured if she was willing to take the chance he was more than able to reward her effort. Last night was a bonus. He’d stopped by TOM’S for a burger and a beer. Figured he’d eat at the bar. The bartender set down a fresh, cold beer next to the one he was just finishing and said, “Lady in the corner booth.” Chad turned and zoomed in on a middle-aged woman with long auburn hair. She crooked her finger and curled it in a “come here motion.” Naturally, he did. He eased himself into the booth sitting right beside her. She put her ha
nd on his forearm and leaned against him, brushing her breasts on his arm as well.

  Whispering into his ear she purred, “My daughter tells me you’re amazing in bed. You like complete control?”

  Taking a long drink from the beer she had given him, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back calculating his next move. With her hand still on his left forearm, he gently tucked her hair behind her right ear and in a low whisper sighed, “Maybe your daughter has me confused with someone else.” With his tongue he lightly licked her ear, and she dropped her chin and smiled.

  “She pointed you out to me. I can see why she found you so attractive and mysterious.” With her emerald green eyes, she looked back at him and almost begged, “I’m home alone. I hate it. Come home with me?”

  Normally, Chad never would have considered this pickup, but he felt sorry for the old girl. She was trying to be a vixen, but he could tell she was so far out of the dating loop that it was damn uncomfortable for her. He didn’t want to just shut her down and destroy what little confidence she had. She really wasn’t bad looking considering her age. He moved his finger to her chin and angled her face to meet his. Feather light he kissed her gently on her warm lips and moved back. “I can’t wait to get you alone. Let’s go.”

  Hand in hand they left the bar. She’d been thrilled to bed a younger man and Chad. Well, Chad did what he did best. Screwed without emotional ties and satisfied his base need. But, as he was leaving her house he realized he screwed her out of pity. She was old and she was alone. If he were her age would he still be so in demand. A stud. Or just some old, creepy guy who used to be all that?

  He’d fulfilled his bargain and got home in time for Jenna to make an appearance. After making love several times, she asked him why he seemed so down. He just brushed it off and said he was tired, but what he really wondered was would he be the one old, and alone. Wondering if in middle age he would be the man he is now? Would he appeal to all women? Would he fearlessly face all of life's challenges, and would he be loved? But who would love him? Had Randi loved him? Would Randi love him? Did Jenna love him? Man, that would make for a complicated mess. Did he need a permanent woman in his life? He needed Randi to marry him, have his baby, and love him into old age.


  Luke decided to heed the advice of David, and secure a storage unit, to discreetly store belongings that he purchased before marrying Jenna. Not that she would want a jet ski, a motorcycle, a four wheeler, or the thousands of dollars in tools, and mechanical repair equipment he owned. But, she could certainly destroy them so they were of no use or value to him. Especially, after the last couple of weeks their marriage was strained, and headed for disaster.

  David and Luke had gone to the lake, and spent the afternoon on Luke’s houseboat. It wasn’t new by today’s standards, but it was a sound vessel, and the slip where he docked it was perfect. It was at the very end of a short dock, and had a clear view of the marina’s boat launch. Always amusing was being able to sit on his boat deck, knock back some beers, and watch the boat launch show. It was comical to watch people; men, women, and couples; single and married yell, bitch, curse, argue, laugh, and stress out when putting their boats in, or out of the lake. From early morning to late evening the show would go on, and just when you thought you’d seen it all, there’d be another twist to make you howl with laughter.

  But today’s visit to the boat was at Luke’s request, and not for the boat show. Overwhelmed by anger and hurt, Luke confided in David the revelation Jenna had shared with him. The baby lost to him years ago, might not have been his child. This last year Jenna has been in a constant state of agitation, and she truly believes that another child would remedy things, and life would be great. Luke knew that nothing could be further from the truth. Their marriage was built on a lie, and his life’s current course was set by a heartless, selfish woman, whose only consideration was for herself and her personal gain if the marriage were to dissolve.

  David had sat silently as Luke unburdened himself. Once more, David could only watch as Luke was crushed again by the loss of his child, or at least the idea of his child. The betrayal of his wife; she admitted infidelity, and yet married him so she had financial security. All so she could be kept in a manner to which she deemed her right. When his words had all tumbled out, and he’d been quiet, David spoke directly to his friend.

  “I’m sorry man,” and David paused. He then leaned forward from his chair to look directly into an agonized pair of blue eyes. “I know you didn’t ask me to meet you for pity, or to hear me give you words of encouragement to hang in there, it’ll work out. That would be bullshit! I think you’ve already solidified in your head, and heart what your next steps have to be. You just needed to spill it, hear the words out loud, and know that you’re not alone right now.”

  Luke walked to the cooler and lifted the lid to snag another beer. Twisting off the cap, and tossing it to the deck, he blew out a pained breath. “Knowing it sure doesn’t make it any easier to accept. But this…this…goes beyond the bounds of what I want to live with for the rest of my life. The lies, the cheating…. there is no trust.” As he watched the antics at the launch, he couldn’t even find humor in them today. Turning to meet David’s eyes he confirmed, “I’m ending this travesty of a marriage, but damn I didn’t picture being a divorced man. My vows were supposed to be forever.”

  “Forever is a long time to live a lie Luke.” David rose, and placed his hand on his friends shoulder. “Being divorced isn’t exclusive to guys you know. Shit, I know plenty of women…and some men…. who’ve removed themselves from bad relationships, and are happier now than they’ve ever been. Hell some even tie the knot again, and have a couple of kids to boot. Randi did that very thing. Not married, but she had the good sense to move on.”

  A smile broke on Luke’s face at the mention of Randi’s name, and he could see her, but yet not really know her. He’d like to get to know her.

  David didn’t miss the smile on Luke’s face, and with quiet amusement he drawled. “Well I’ll be damned you like her, don’t you?”

  “I just met her briefly, and I can’t tell you details since it was on the job, but she intrigued me. She was vibrant, beautiful, and the humor she saw in the cards that she was dealt was refreshing. I think she’s a survivor. Yeah, she’s attractive. God you don’t miss anything do you?”

  “Nope. Not much! Here’s a really crazy idea, and listen BEFORE you shoot me down, just hear me out. What if you take off and join us at the beach.”

  Luke immediately began shaking his head negatively and quickly balked. “That’s the worst fucking idea you’ve ever come up with. No way! Totally inappropriate.”

  “Shit! We have a whole damn house with six bedrooms. If you two can’t avoid each other, then maybe fate is at work. Anyway, it would give you both a change of pace, and you could figure the mess you call life out. We could fish, drink beer, and the girls could do their thing. I don’t see anything the matter with it. ”

  The opportunity to get away from his nightmare would be a blessing, but to be out of town, in another state with Randi. How would she feel about that? They’re strangers? He’d get a chance to get to know her, see the Randi that David and Linda loved. Could he allow himself this indulgence? Spend time with a woman he already mentally made love to? She was intriguing, and very tempting.

  As David jumped down to the dock from the houseboat he shouted to Luke. “Get your sorry ass moving, and say yes to my idea. In the meantime, you better get yourself a storage unit and gradually move shit, cause once Jenna realizes you’re done, all hell will break loose.” David walked further down the dock towards the shoreline. Luke was jumping from the boat to the dock when David added. “And…. I think both you, and Randi will have a better outlook on relationships if you get away from here for a while.”

  “Well Dr. Phil thank you, I’ll consider it.” Luke wanted to say yes, but he didn’t want Randi to feel cornered and awkward. Man, he’d love to g
et away.


  Quite successfully Randi had managed to avoid Chad’s wooing. He hadn’t shown up at her apartment, and he finally stopped sending the flowers. Oddly, he even relented from bombarding her cell with text messages and calls. Maybe, he finally accepted her refusal to continue a relationship based on lies, and infidelity. Unfortunately, her choosing him confirmed she had lousy instincts when it came to selecting a mate. Maybe she was meant to be alone, an old maid!

  She was so absorbed in thought, Randi never noticed Luke entering the coffee shop. Not until a large shadow blocked out the light bouncing off her table near the window. Momentarily startled she gasped, and looked up. Up into the most mesmerizing blue eyes she had ever seen. His very presence made her heart soar, and her senses ping. She felt as though the air surrounding them was super charged with heat and electricity. Regaining her composer, Randi cleared her throat, and happily remarked. “Hi, we meet again, but under much better circumstances. Please, sit and join me, if you have time.”

  Luke would make time, because this chance meeting was something he’d been hoping for. On his way back from the storage unit, he decided to stop off and get a much-needed cup of coffee. He could have had coffee at home, but leisure time while Jenna was home was something he wanted to avoid. Easing himself into the booth opposite her he softly spoke, and her heart leapt. “Thanks, I’ve been wondering when our paths might cross again.”

  “Really, my kind of crazy is all you have to look forward to? Officer Timmons, I think you’ve been working entirely too hard, if crossing my path rates consideration.” Lifting her red coffee cup smoothly to her mouth, she gave him a mischievous flirt with her eyes.

  He smiled and shook his head approvingly, and leaned forward as if to tell her a secret. “Trust me, you made a lasting first impression, and fortunately for you, I have it on good authority that you are definitely not an unhinged woman.”


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