Home > Other > THEIR LIES, OUR LIVES > Page 5

by L. J. Hoffman

  “Good authority…ooohhhh. I would have to question your source. That opinion may be slightly biased.” She knew without a doubt that dear David was the source of his information, and that realization made her smile.

  “Maybe so, but I trust the source completely, and the fact that he’s planning to steal you away for a week tells me you’re an exceptional woman. Especially, if you put up with the likes of him,” and he laughed heartily.

  Randi enjoyed the banter and reciprocated his smile. “Honestly, David and Linda are giving me a door to freedom. If only for a week, but I love them for it.” Placing her cup back on the table, she was toying with idea of asking her own questions. She had so many questions that had been nagging at her regarding this man, and his life. Now or never she thought. “Out of uniform, must be a fun day off? Does Mrs. Timmons not like caffeine?”

  Immediately, his eyes focused down at the table, and he slowly spun his coffee cup in a lazy circle as if an answer were out of his grasp. Randi quickly wished she hadn’t mentioned Jenna, but she wanted to know. Needed to know, if the woman she saw with Chad was the same. Was she cheating on this wonderful man? He began to answer without looking her in the eyes. As if he was disconnected from life. “Day off, yes…but…fun no, not fun. I needed coffee, but not with the enemy.”

  His honesty staggered her, and she felt his pain so intensely the she couldn’t help herself. She reached across the table, and folded both of her hands onto his. He continued to spin his cup, and then stopped. Leaning in she tried to meet his eyes, and whispered. “Look at me…hey…look at me.” Gradually his eyes did focus on her, and she continued in a strong caring tone. “Whatever it is, I know it must be causing you pain, but a stranger once took the time to ask me if I was alright at my lowest possible moment. Let me return the favor. Are you all right?”

  “Sometimes I think I am, and other times I’m not so sure. I feel like I’m living my life by just going through the motions.” Reversing their hands as he spoke, the softness of her skin was registering comfort. It had been so long since he felt a woman’s caring touch, felt the embrace of a hug, and yearned for gentle and easy conversation. Maybe he said too much, shared emotions he should rein in, and he let his hands slip back to his side of the table.

  “I know this is going to sound silly, but would you tell me your name, your first name. Somehow to continue to call you Officer Timmons seems silly.” She was still leaning in towards him, and she left her hands right where he’d placed them on the table. Her easy smile was shining through her blue green eyes, and she was anxious to hear him say it. Say his name.

  “Luke. My name is Luke, and you know the last,” as an easy, sensual smile caressed his face.

  “Your name suits you. It’s a solid name, very traditional. Is that how you really are Luke Timmons? Your career would seem to say yes, but what about you…the man. Family values, and all that.” She knew she was pushing the envelope, but she had to know if he was a victim of love, or if he just chose to look the other way, which would totally screw her opinion of him.

  Turning his head slightly to the right his eyes seemed to be contemplating where her thoughts were headed. What was she thinking? Had his friendship with David not told her he was a good person? He decided to answer her searching question. Leaning slightly forward, and in a hushed tone he spoke. “Randi not all men are assholes. Right now, you might consider us all that. At least until you decide we’ve proved otherwise. So I am what I appear to be, which as far as I know, is one of the good guys.”

  Her face began to flush because she knew she’d crossed a line, and in his present mood, he didn’t appreciate being lumped in with the likes of Chad. Quickly she wanted to smooth out the misunderstanding, because she liked him very much, and didn’t want him to think less of her. “Luke, forgive me if I insulted you. That wasn’t my intention. I don’t trust my instincts when it comes to people lately, so I apologize. Please don’t think badly of me, you’ve been nothing but kind. You’ve got a lot on your mind I shouldn’t have been so thoughtless”

  “Sorry, I’m a little raw today. How about we start fresh, and you tell me about this escape to freedom.” He wanted to hear how she viewed this vacation, and if she would be totally opposed to him going along. He’d have his own room, he’d do guy stuff with David, but he’d also get to know her a little better. Maybe that was wrong, but he just wanted the easy conversation, honesty, and no lies.

  Excitement all but bubbled from Randi as she began to talk of her trip to the Outer Banks. Her eyes were bright with anticipation. After about five minutes of non-stop gushing she paused, smiled, and laughed softly. “I guess I got a little carried away didn’t I?”

  “Not at all, I enjoyed watching you. You’re very animated when you talk of this trip. It tells me you love it there, you plan to relax, and you know the time spent with David and Linda will renew your spirit. All things you should be excited about.” How many times he mentally has gone back and forth wondering if he should accept David’s offer to go as well. But unless Randi was comfortable with the idea, he certainly didn’t want to ruin the trip. He supposed it would be best to just run the idea past her, and see what happens.

  Randi could tell a very serious thought was nagging at Luke. His face was still and fixed. “Luke, what’s wrong?”

  Blinking his eyes, and shaking his head he dove in. “Randi I want to ask you something, but I want you to be perfectly honest with me when you answer.”

  OMG, panic made her heart race, and she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. She silently was begging that he wouldn’t ask her about Jenna and Chad. She didn’t want him to ask her, please don’t…weakly her voice squeaked, “Okkkk.”

  “It’s nothing bad really, or at least I don’t believe that it is. But, the day you saw David and I at the store, we were headed out to my houseboat on the lake. Well, that day I needed to vent to a friend, and he gave me some helpful advice, as well as an offer. He offered me an escape to freedom. He extended me an invitation to the Outer Banks.”

  “Oh, I see.” Did that mean Jenna as well? Surely not, but she wasn’t sure, and she prayed she was wrong.

  “Certainly I wouldn’t want my going to make you feel uncomfortable. He assured me there would be enough space for everyone, and he whined about needing a guy along to balance out the female component. I want to know how you’d feel about that, about me going.”

  “YOU! Not you and your wife?” She knew immediately how that sounded coming out of her mouth which was terrible, and she scurried to clarify. “I didn’t mean that how it sounded, but you, alone? Not you and your wife? I’m sorry, but I need some clarification here.”

  “I get it. Really I do, and yes it would be just me. The clarification is that my marriage is headed for divorce. I know it, but Jenna, well she plans to make my life a living hell before it’s all said and done. So, for just a little while I selfishly wanted to enjoy some beach time before I go into battle. Does that make me horrible?”

  Randi was shocked at his announcement. Perhaps he did know about Jenna and Chad. How weird would it be having him along? It was a big house? He would be doing guy stuff? He’d be close, and she could get to know the man behind the uniform? She bit gently on her lower lip, and zeroed in on his handsome face. He needed this break. David wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t believe Luke needed the get a way. She wanted to be selfish and enjoy time with Luke Timmons. Finally she softly replied. “I think you definitely should go with us. You get a chance to relax, clear your mind, and get settled with what path your life needs to follow. Not to mention, you’ll keep David from driving Linda and I crazy. His fishing and beer plan tends to get old with him. You can keep him focused, and out of our hair.”

  Luke was relieved, excited, and anxious to get away and to learn more about Randi Shaw. What makes her laugh? What makes her cry? What makes her linger in his mind and being? He would get to know her, and that would make him a happy man. She was genuine and he needed to enjoy h
er. No pretense and no lies.


  Chad had just finished working on building revisions for a client’s new home, when he heard knocking at his back door. Looking at the clock, he figured it was Jenna because Luke would already be at work. Maybe if he ignored it she’d go away. The knocking stopped. Maybe she wouldn’t be so intent on having his attention tonight because in all honestly, she was beginning to be an irritation. She wasn’t his wife, or hell even his girlfriend. Yet to him, she felt like that because several nights a week she would share his bed. He hadn’t called or texted Randi hoping she’d come to realize on her own how much she cared for him, despite being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. But yet he longed to hear her voice. Grabbing his cell off the desk he dialed, it rang, but as he suspected it went to her voicemail. Her voice was like a melody to his soul. “Sorry I missed your call, but let me a message and I’ll get back to you. Bye”

  “Baby, I needed to hear your voice I miss you. I’m outta words to say how sorry I am that we’ve argued. I was wrong; I know it…Jenna means nothing to me. Baby please….could we get coffee sometime. You say when, and where. Give me another chance to show you I can be the man you need. I…I Love you Randi.” Ending the call Chad tossed the phone back onto the desk, when he heard soft clapping behind him.

  Jenna used his hidden key from outside, and let herself into his house. Apparently she’d heard him make the call, and listened to his every word. She was clapping her hands softly, and her tone was laced with anger. “Well isn’t that sweet baby. Are you trying to convince yourself, or dear sweet Randi, that I mean nothing to you? I make you feel things no other woman can, and you beg me for more. Why? Why do you still think you need her in your life? LOVE! I don’t think so Chad, you only love yourself.”

  Pissed that she’d left herself in, and annoyed at the nerve of her listening to his personal phone call he hissed. “What the fuck! How dare you just walk in here! This is not your house Jenna; this is merely the place where you bed down to spread your legs when it suits me.”

  “Oh! Really! You never seem to mind as I recall.”

  “Why would I mind? I take what is freely given, and honey you give me plenty. But don’t think for one minute that you’re the only game in town. My needs are satisfied more than you know. Get in line. You show up on my doorstep without me doing a damn thing.” Chad stalked to the refrigerator to grab a beer, and Jenna quickly moved in behind him. Reaching out her arms to encircle his waist, and stop him.

  She aligned her body with his back and nuzzled her cheek into his spine. In a pleading whisper she tried to soothe him. “Chad…baby…don’t be this way. We have a good thing, you’re happy, I’m happy, and…. I know what you need. You know what I need. Please baby…Chad…. please turn around, look at me.”

  Removing her arms from around him, and turning around to face her he was sickened by her emotions. She had served her purpose in his mind, and she needed to stop bothering him. Sex was good, but she was one of many. She needed to understand that this thing, whatever it is they had been doing the last year was finished. He was finished with her. Lifting his hands to cup her face he pulled her in close, and spun her around so that her back was pressed against the refrigerator. He anchored his body to hers. She nearly melted, and went limp. He brushed his lips to hers, she begged for him to cover her mouth. He held back, but remained so close. Softly he whispered, “Jenna, oh Jenna the things you do to me. But baby you need to really hear me now,” and he pushed against her until she could feel his weight. At the front of her she could feel his heat. Behind her, the cold stainless steel of the refrigerator at her back. “Enjoy what you feel now…cause baby…I am done with you.”

  Jenna’s body went rigid, and her eyes flew open wide and wild. What? What did he just say to her? “What, what are you saying? Chad….nooooo…nooo. Baby please you can’t mean that.” She quickly pulled her arms up from her side to get her hands around the nap of his neck, she had to kiss him, had to have him…. she had to lay with him. She needed to feel him in her body. “Baby, please…. you can’t, we can’t be done. Not now.”

  He grasped her wrists with his hands, and very sternly confirmed. “Yeah, we’re very much done. I plan on marrying Randi because I love her. Get it!”

  “You don’t mean that Chad. She can’t make you happy. I do, and I will, you’ll see. I can give you all the things she can’t.”

  “Jenna in case you’ve forgotten, you’re married. I never wanted anything more than what you gave me, and honey that was good, but I want a life with a woman I can trust. Randi is that woman, and I screwed it up laying with you. My life is connected to her, and I know that.”

  “Damn you! No, no it isn’t…I’m pregnant! With your child! You are connected to me, not her. You belong to me.” Tears began to roll down her face. She knew this would convince Chad not to dismiss her. He belonged with her; he was her baby’s father.

  Chad dropped her wrists, backed away from her, and turned his back. Bending over at his waist he gasped for air. Then he roared. “Bitch! You devious bitch! How could you do this to me? All those times you were setting me up, fucking me like there was no tomorrow because you wanted to get pregnant?” Was she lying? Was she hoping this would keep him from dropping her? Then another possibility crossed into his roller coaster of thoughts and emotions, and he flatly stated. “Yeah….maybe you are pregnant, but the baby could have another Father. Your husband? Don’t tell me that's not possible.”

  She stepped towards him, and he backed up to match her advance. Jenna put her right hand across her heart. “I swear Chad, this baby is yours. We are having a baby, and you’re going to be a Father.” She was happy. Now that Chad knew his baby was growing inside her he’d see how fantastic this would all be.

  He needed to get away from her, and he needed to think. This was an epic disaster. She had to be lying. He didn’t want to be a Father, at least not a Father to a baby that would have Jenna for its mother. That bitch is smiling; she is expecting him to be happy. To share in her moment of joy and that was not fucking likely. No way in hell. “NO! No Jenna! You are not pregnant with my child. It could be Luke’s, hell how do I know who all you’ve screwed. I guarantee you this changes nothing! I don’t want you, I am done. Pregnant or not, you figure that fucked up mess out with your husband. Randi will be the ONLY woman to bear my children. She will marry me. Now get out of my house, you conniving bitch. GO!”

  The tears just kept flowing, her heart was breaking, and she couldn’t believe he wasn’t happy. Why wasn’t he happy, they created a life? She could make him happy; she knew this baby was his. She had to give him time. He’d settle down and soon realize that she could be the one woman he could love, have a family with, and grow old with. Wiping her tears she straighten, and softly whispered. “I know I shocked you. Take some time to let it sink in. This baby is yours Chad. I’m 100% certain. Luke doesn’t know, and I’m not planning to tell him, yet. I’ll go, but know this…we are connected now, and I carry part of you inside me.” She kissed her fingertips and moved to place them on Chad’s lips, but he jerked his head away, and opened the kitchen door for her to leave.


  Time seemed to crawl as Luke patrolled, and the lack of any calls from dispatch didn’t move time any faster. His thoughts drifted to Randi, the upcoming beach vacation, his failed marriage, and what Jenna was plotting. His plan was to have a sit down talk with Jenna before he left on his Outer Banks trip. Laying it all out for her; the fact that he planned to divorce her shouldn’t come as a big revelation, but he anticipated she would fight him every step of the way. That conversation had to happen, and it needed to happen when he got home from his shift. Randi’s acceptance and support of him accompanying their friends, David and Linda was more than he would have thought possible. He wanted to get to know her better, for now perhaps as a friend, but she was a woman he could see a future with. She is a woman who could nourish a man’s soul as well as his body
; a woman who he suspected knew the meaning of family, love, honor, and trust.

  Daylight was just beginning to brighten the sky with shades of blues and pinks. As he passed Randi’s apartment complex, he noticed Chad’s truck sitting in the lot. The lights were on, and the driver’s side door was open. A pair of jean clad legs hung limply out the door. He notified dispatch that he was checking this out and he pulled into the lot. Cautious and alert, he called out to the truck occupant. Carefully he walked closer to the truck, and called out again. He could hear grumbling, and then Chad sat upright in the seat. Immediately, Chad focused on Luke. Luke stopped, and addressed Chad as he would any other occupant. “Sir, put your hands where I can see them, and step out of the vehicle.”

  Chad complied, and with a snarl he said, “Timmons are you fucking kidding me. I’m not armed, and I’m not a problem.”

  “Mind telling me what you’re doing here Mr. Wingert?”

  “Oh shit! Mr. Wingert…unfreakin believable…I was too tired last night to drive home, so I slept in my truck. End of story.” Still standing with his hands raised, and losing his patience Chad gave a knowing look. “Can I put my hands down now?”

  “Sure, but stand still.” Luke radioed back to dispatch that there was no problem and then walked closer to Chad. “What made you decide to stop here? Friends live around here?”

  “Yeah, my girlfriend….Randi, but I never made it to her door. And in the light of day, somehow that doesn’t seem like a good plan right now.” He had wanted to pound on her door last night, tell her what a fool he had been, and how he wanted so much to make love to her. His mind quickly flashed a reminder of Jenna insisting she was pregnant with his baby. Randi should be the one pregnant with his child, not Jenna. Never Jenna!

  Luke was relieved to know that he hadn’t been with Randi. Hell he never even made it up to her apartment. A part of him wanted to tell Chad he had no business bothering Randi, but he knew that was her situation to handle. Chad was in a strange mood this morning, or so it appeared to Luke. He seemed troubled. Maybe it was his broken relationship with Randi working on him, but regardless Chad needed to move along. “Look Chad, maybe you better just head home now if you feel you can safely do that. If not, I get off shift in an hour, I could take you.”


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