Home > Other > THEIR LIES, OUR LIVES > Page 7

by L. J. Hoffman

  Reaching up to pat his cheek Randi couldn’t help but smile. Twirling around, shrugging her shoulders she began walking to the elevator. “Hey, make sure the door is locked Timmons, get a move on. Daylight’s burnin’ - let’s hit the road.”

  Yeah, this was going to be an interesting week with one Randi Shaw. Luke was glad he’d thought to get her number from David. Even more pleased, when he’d been getting dressed this morning and decided to text her the one vehicle idea. It may be only a week, but it was a week he needed, and one he’d remember always. Their doorway to freedom was this week, and they both needed it.


  His truck! HER! He knows where she lives. They’re laughing. He’s putting bags in his truck. Where are they going? How does he know her? She seems too comfortable with him. Is it an affair? Has he been cheating all along? Has she been cheating as well? He said he had a trip out of town, but he never said where. OMG! They’re leaving, but for where? Maybe they’re going to the boat. He’d spot the car in a minute, I can’t follow. Maybe I can call him on his cell. Dialing, ringing…damn it….he left it go to voicemail. No, I won’t let a message, or should I? Quick, decide. “Hey baby, sorry I missed you this morning. I’ll get things worked out. But know this, I do love you, and we could make it work. Maybe a few days away will help you see. I know fixing us has to come before a baby. Sorry no pressure, we’ll talk later. Be safe.”

  Jenna had heard Luke moving around his bedroom last evening, and she figured he was packing for his trip. He never said what time he wanted to leave, not that she’d have cared. Chad? Luke? One of them HAD to keep her. The baby needed a father, and she needed security, and a man. She’d prefer Chad, but if it happened to be Luke she’d figure it out. Out on the deck having her coffee, she was shocked to hear Luke actually humming. He was happy. That struck her as strange. Their marriage was falling apart, he wanted a divorce, yet he was happily humming as he prepared to leave for a trip. What had she missed? So she decided to follow him when he left. He’d gotten gas, and then went into the store and exited with two coffee cups. TWO! Why had he stopped at Orchard Road Apartment Complex? Who lives here? She’d wait and see. Time crept slowly by and the waiting was maddening. Finally! The mystery was solved! Her!

  Randi Shaw was the last person Jenna expected to see with her husband. She was enraged at this little bitch. Randi turned Chad against her, and now she was apparently taking a trip with her husband. Luke was having an affair with Randi Shaw. She felt sick and needed to vomit. Opening the car door, she heaved. The rush of the cool morning air into the car gave her a little relief, but this revelation sickened her. Was she being replaced? Had she been replaced? Was she having her first morning sickness? Panic was beginning to tighten in her gut. This was unfair. Luke never would do this if he knew about the baby, his baby. Why hadn’t she just told him she was pregnant? She was carrying his child, or Chad’s child, but SHE was ruining everything. Randi wouldn’t be getting fat, she wouldn’t be wearing ugly maternity clothes, and she wouldn’t be tied down with a screaming kid. Luke needs to know about the baby. She can’t lose Chad and Luke to Randi! Another wave of nausea rolled in her gut, and Jenna heaved again. When she looked up, she saw Luke’s truck disappearing down the road. Sweat beaded on her brow, tears escaped and rolled down her cheeks. She cried. What had she done? The plan was a year in the making. No way was she losing either of these guys to the likes of HER.


  Chad had spent the night out at the lake, in the company of a young woman who had a houseboat docked at the marina. Staying there meant not having to deal with Jenna, and after his last meeting with Randi, he knew no amount of time would change her mind. She told him she was interested in someone else. How could that happen? He dropped women, they never dumped him, and who could she being dating that he wouldn’t know about. He needed to get some coffee to chase away the cobwebs still fogging his brain. Once he got off the winding Lake Road he’d do just that. But a familiar white Ford pickup was getting on the interstate just as he came to the stop light at Lake Road, and what he was seeing with his eyes he simply could not make his mind believe. Luke and Randi? They were getting on the interstate heading south. What the hell! He couldn’t trust what he saw, yet he knew they were together. Happy! Laughing! Forget coffee, he was pissed. Did Jenna know about this all along? Was that why she wanted so desperately to be pregnant? She believed a baby could save her rocky marriage? Or, did she really want his baby? Chad had a pounding headache that wasn’t gonna get relief any time soon. He had to talk to Jenna, and now was perfect because obviously, her husband was busy with another woman. Randi no less!

  As Chad pulled into the driveway of his house he saw Jenna putting down her garage door. Jumping quickly out of his truck he yelled, “Jenna, Jenna….wait I want to talk.” But the door came down and she didn’t come out front. Chad walked to their door, and pounded hard with his fist. He waited. No answer. Fury was building in his veins. Any other time that bitch can’t wait to get his attention, and now she was snubbing him. Walking around to the back of the house he stormed up onto the deck, and knocked on the patio door. “Damn it Jenna I want to talk to you.”

  From the shadows she appears at the door, and slides it open. “What?” She’d heard him earlier, but her stomach was upset, and she just wasn’t sure she could face him.

  “We need to talk. Now! Where’s Luke?”

  “He left this morning for a trip; he’ll be back in a week. Why?”

  “Because, on my way home this morning, I saw him getting on the interstate. He had a woman with him. Not just any woman, my woman. Randi.”

  Jenna didn’t want to show any emotion, but she hated to hear Chad refer to Randi as his woman. Jenna was the one carrying his child, not her. She wanted Chad to hold her, to make love to her, tell her everything would work out and that he loved her. Would giving him a little information sway him to connect with her? “He’s divorcing me. I never told him about the baby. If he’s with her, then maybe they’ve been an item all along, and were playing us. Either way, we can be a family. You. Me, and our baby.” As she was reaching to embrace him, he caught her arms holding them to her side.

  Jenna was hurting and he knew it. He was guilty of screwing his neighbor’s wife, but he never intended for her to get pregnant. Questions were exploding in his brain, and he needed answers. As calmly and lovingly as he could, he tapped into her emotional state. Cupping her face in his hands, he made her look into his eyes. “Baby, listen to me. We have to figure this out. Obviously neither one of us had a clue Luke and Randi knew each other, let alone well enough to go on a trip together. Why did he ask you for a divorce?”

  As her eyes filled with tears she whispered. “It doesn’t matter Chad. I love you. We can be together. I need you to love me. I’ve been so lonely without you, you were so mad at me. Luke wants a divorce, and now you tell me he’s with Randi. I can’t think baby. Hold me. Love me. I need you before I can think straight.” Jenna wrapped her arms around Chad as if her life depended on it, and he couldn’t help but pull her close. He was responsible for some of this mess. She was kissing his neck and working her way to his lips, quietly pleading with him to make love to her. He shouldn’t, but she felt good in his arms, and his mind flashed pictures of her naked and moving beneath him. Scooping her into his arms, he crossed the living room, climbed up the stairs two steps at a time, and laid her on the bed. They both stripped out of their clothes, and for the next several hours took pleasure in mutually satisfying their desires of the flesh.

  When Chad woke it was dark outside. Jenna was curled into his side sleeping sounding. Her leg was draped over his, her frame pressed into his side, and her plump breasts rose and feel evenly with her breathing. Her lips were full and swollen from endless attention, and for a fleeting moment Chad wondered how she’d look in a few months. Her flat belly would be swollen with his child, and her breasts would get fuller. What was he doing? Why couldn’t he resist her? Or any of the women he’d
bed? She began to stir beside him, and her hand moved to touch his whiskered jaw.

  “You were a million miles away baby. I feel so good here with you.” Her hand began a slow glide towards Chad’s groin and he stopped her. She looked puzzled. “Let me, I missed you.”

  “I did let you, many times. This was NOT what I had planned when I came here earlier today, and you know it. We have to talk about things Jenna. Sex isn’t gonna fix this.”

  Raising herself up from the bed and straddling Chad, she positioned her sex over his manhood. Past experience assured her he’d get aroused quickly in this position. But for the moment, she’d let him think she was ready to talk, all the while knowing she’d be getting laid. He couldn’t tell her no. “I agree. We have a week to figure it out.” Feeling him growing beneath her she continued talking. “I know what I want, question is, do you?” Pushing down against him he gave a little growl, and put an arm over his eyes.

  “You’re a witch, you know that? All I can think about is pushing into you, and nothing else seems to matter.” Lifting and rolling her onto her back in a fluid motion, Chad sheathed himself in her core and forgot about Randi. Forgot about Luke and forgot about the baby.

  Jenna pulled him close to her body and welcomed him home. Chad was moving deep inside her exactly where she wanted him. The bonus for her was they were in Luke’s bed, tearing up his sheets with their full on sex-capade. This marriage bed had been the most comfortable one in the house, but a strained marriage meant she hadn’t been in it for weeks. Certainly not with her husband, Luke.

  Chad had no way of knowing when he insisted on talking to her earlier, that she already was aware Luke and Randi were together. She’d been shocked, but as fate would have it, Chad found out at about the same time. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, so Jenna opted to let him think he’d told her “big news”. The why, where, and how regarding Luke and Randi they didn’t know, but for right now, Jenna didn’t care. Her single focus and pleasure was Chad mercilessly rocking her body, holding her hands over her head, and devouring her lips with his. Breathlessly, passionately, and urgently saying her name over and over, until his final release collapsed him. Sexually spent and covering her body, he rested. Chad, the player, was oblivious that he was being played. His strength was also his weakness. She knew it, and with the right enticement, he always came back. Buying into her pregnancy would simply win her the prize. Him!


  Randi couldn’t believe how quickly the days were slipping away at the Outer Banks. The house was situated at the end of a quiet street, and from the porch the magnificent Atlantic Ocean was literally your backyard. From sunrise to sunset, you had a front row seat to beautiful. Breathing deep, she inhaled perfection. It wouldn’t take much for her to get used to this life. Living beachfront would suit her just fine.

  Breaking into her thoughts she heard the swoosh of the sliding glass door, and when she looked up she saw Luke. His face had morning whiskers, his beautiful blue eyes were still trying to adjust to being awake, and his tall muscular body was turning a golden brown from the hours of fishing he and David were enjoying. Only his white board shorts covered his body. He’d really been able to relax, and much to her surprise there was no awkwardness between them. Strangely, it seemed as if they’d known each other for years, yet there was so much neither knew of the other. Without a doubt, he knew she needed her morning coffee, and being the gentleman he brought her a fresh cup along with one for himself. Handing it to her he smiled, and mirrored her gaze at the view.

  “This would be an awesome view every morning. Hell, it’d be a great place to call home any day of the week.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Randi sighed.

  Each sipped their coffee and quietly welcomed the day. It wasn’t until Randi spotted dolphins that she broke the silence. “Hey, look to your right, out from the shore about 100 yards, you’ll see dolphins. Water exiting their blow hole is what caught my attention.” Grabbing her camera she began clicking picture after picture.

  “Wow! How cool is that? They’re so close. Maybe tomorrow morning we can take the kayak out, and you can get some up close and personal pictures. Would you like that?” He’d hoped she say yes. She was breathtaking this morning. Randi’s face was framed by adorable curls and no makeup covered a fresh face. Her bare feet with toenails painted bright pink, and a love for life that made his heart lighter. He could barely keep from pulling her into his arms and kissing her. She stirred his deepest emotions of what life could be like, and several times over the last few days, he wondered how he could go even a day without seeing her. Talking to her, and hearing her laugh. She captivated him.

  Lowering her camera, she looked over at Luke. Their eyes fixed on one another and she chirped, “Are you serious? I’d love that. But, wait. I don’t want to be shark bait.”

  “Risk, Shaw! You’re in, or you’re out?” He knew she couldn’t resist. Taunting would only help her make her decision.

  “Are you daring me? I’m not afraid of risk, or getting wet, or much, but I don’t want to overturn and be breakfast for sharks. Are you an experienced boater?”

  “OMG Randi, I have a houseboat, and a jet-ski. I won’t let you be shark bait. But I do have a condition. Just one.”

  “Just one? What is it?” Randi could feel her body heating up. She knew that Luke was enjoying their light conversation. She was attracted to him on so many levels that most times, she just wanted to feel his arms around her and kiss him. Just once. His devilish smile, and his blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight. His condition could be more than she was willing to give, but yet she wanted to give in no matter what it was.

  “Well, it should go without saying that any pictures you take you will share cause I’d love to be able to look at them anytime, and remember the experience. But my condition would be that IF, I don’t flip the kayak, and you aren’t shark bait, you will have dinner with me. Alone.”

  “Hummm. So in order for you, us to have dinner alone, you’ll guarantee a pleasurable and safe kayaking experience. Is that right?” Biting down on her bottom lip she waited for his reply.

  Releasing an almost pained low growl he answered. “Right. One dinner. You. Me. Alone.”

  “Done Luke Timmons! Let’s shake on it.” Extending her right hand to meet Luke’s left the minute they touched, skin to skin, their eyes burned when an unspoken attraction registered. They had separate rooms at the beach house, and they’d been chaperoned by David and Linda, not literally of course. Would being alone fire the attraction each one was clearly feeling for the other. Circumstances had brought them on this get away, but in reality neither was ready to start a new relationship. Not yet. Not now. One dinner. What harm could there be in that?

  Giving her a wink, and a grin that could make a girl agree to just about anything, he nodded his head and chuckled. “Perfect!”


  David and Linda were still in their room. More specifically in their bed entwined around each other having enjoyed making love again, and again all through the night, and into the early morning. Both had reached their climax, and breathlessly lay spent on their sheets.

  “I’ll never be able to carry on an intelligent conversation this morning babe. You’ve taken advantage of me so much lately, I can’t think of anything but being naked and with you. In the bed, in the shower, on the deck...”

  “David! I had no intention of doing that on the deck and you know it. Don’t you dare share that detail with anyone.” Linda loved David with all her heart and this vacation had been perfection up to this point for both of them. The night before, Randi and Luke had gone for a walk on the beach under the full moon. David decided to pull his wife onto his deck lounge chair for a little cuddle under the stars. Easing her down to his lap, he pushed her sundress up to her waist, and released the zipper on his shorts to free himself so he was able to enjoy his wife under the full moon. She protested quietly initially, but once David was deep inside her she understood
the moment was too special to let it pass by. A very intimate experience shared between them. In the light of day Linda needed confirmation they’re carefree abandon on the deck was private.

  Rolling on his side to face his wife he placed a finger to her lips and whispered. “I don’t kiss and tell baby. But damn, just thinking about it makes me want to do it again. How about tonight?”

  Lust and adventure sparkled in Linda’s eyes. She softly placed her hand on his length, making him inhale sharply. Leaning into his lips she enticingly kissed him. When she broke the contact he was growing hard beneath her hand, and she coyly asked, “Why wait till tonight?” Luke was out of luck for a fishing partner this morning, and Randi would be on her own for a beach buddy.


  Jenna hadn’t seen, or been with Chad in over twenty four hours, and that was not acceptable to her. She was angry that Luke and Randi were together, and the thought of Randi having sex with Luke enraged her. How was it possible both Chad and Luke had been with Jenna, and now both will have also screwed Randi? Chad and Luke belonged to her. Not, Randi Shaw. One of them had to claim Jenna and this baby, because there was no way she was about to let her plan fail. Hearing Chad’s truck pull into his driveway she hurried out the patio door, off the deck, and over to his house. In the darkness she saw him approach and she wanted him to soothe her. She was anxious, angry, and lonely, which meant in her mind, Chad Wingert’s body was the only thing that would calm her. As he got closer something didn’t look right, and then she realized – he wasn’t alone. He’d come home, but he brought a petite, fairy like girl with him. She was riding on his back piggy back style, and both were laughing, until they noticed Jenna standing on the porch.

  Chad was pissed. His plan, was to have his little pixie all to himself because he knew from past experience she could tease, please, and satisfy him with mindless, no questions asked sex. Not to mention, he’d always liked having her mouth wrapped around him, gliding and stroking as only she could do. But now here was his buzz-kill, and her name was Jenna. Placing the pixie on the ground and draping an arm over her shoulder they both stopped and faced Jenna.


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