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Blood Legacy (A Tony Masero Western)

Page 12

by Tony Masero

  Eyes shut tight; she hugged him close in a desperate grip. “I love you, I love you,” she whispered breathlessly. “I cannot help it. You have always been with me.”

  “And I you,” he said in a rush, not giving any more thought to his promised engagement or to his troubled relationship with James.

  “What shall we do?” she asked, tears starting in her eyes.

  “I shall not let you stay here. It cannot be.”

  She looked at him sorrowfully as a teardrop slid from her eye and ran down her cheek. “I wish it were so,” she breathed.

  “It shall be so,” he said with determination. “You shall leave with me. We will be together, there is no other way.”

  “When?” she asked.

  “Soon, there is something I must do before we leave but then we will go, I promise.”

  “He will not allow it,” she said tearfully. “He will follow us and drag me back. You do not know him, Zack. There is another side to James. He has been nothing but kind to me but I have seen things here that show another person lives inside his breast.”

  “Believe me, I know it,” said Zack remembering his earlier understanding of James and what drove him. “But nothing shall stop us, not James or his party of The Ten, whatever they are about.”

  “You know then?” she asked. “About The Ten.”

  “I see they are a bunch of willful rich men who behave as a law to themselves. I should tell you this, dear Mary, I am not what I appear either. I am sent here to uncover their ambitions for it is feared at the highest quarter that they intend harm to our nation.”

  She nodded as if she had known all along. “They mean to govern and compromise the upcoming elections. I know about it, James has a loose tongue sometimes, he has made mention of their plans.”

  “Very well, all that is believed to be about them is true then. Prepare yourself, Mary. Be ready to go at a moment’s notice for when I leave here you shall come with me.”

  “All the servants will be sent away later, there’ll be no one in the house after that. I’ll hide in the kitchen and wait for you.”

  He kissed her again and she held him close. “Oh, God!” she sobbed. “I did not believe it possible. I thought I would never see you again.”

  “Nor I you,” he answered soberly. “We have much to make up for.”

  “We shall, I promise you that, Zack. But what of your engagement? Shall we cause a great sorrow by our actions? It is a sadness to start out with but in truth, I do not care. I am too wild with finding you again.”

  “It will be hard but I think Isabel will soon find a new attachment. She is not short of admirers and her life is so full that I wonder if I will be missed at all.”

  Mary drew him close again, “You will come for me, won’t you? I could not bear it if you did not.”

  “Of course I will, have no doubts. First I must release my friend. The man they took prisoner tell me, where will they hold him?”

  She leaned back, studying him. “You know the man?”

  “Yes, he is with me and an agent of the government. Where did they put him?”

  “There is a cell they use. It is down below, near the lower yard not far from the front gate but it is guarded. Things have gone on in there I would rather not think of, sometimes I have heard noises. Noises that sounded very much like screaming. They treat the Mexican workers badly I think.”

  “I shall find it but you should go back now, there must be no suspicion of our intentions.”

  “Very well, I shall do as you say. Promise me once more you will not leave me here, Zack. I do not believe I will be able to go on if I lose you again.”

  He stroked the tears from her cheek. “Never, we shall never be apart. I swear it.”

  She hugged him close once tightly and then hurried away.

  Chapter Nine

  It was night when Zack made his move.

  He could hear the sounds of voices from the dining room, the same mumblings that had gone on all afternoon. The words were indistinguishable but he knew that The Ten were having important conversations. No one had come to seek him out and he had spent his time planning their escape as he viewed the layout of the island ranch from his window. It all hinged on making it to the ferry without discovery but first he had to get to Long and set him free.

  Zack changed out of his dress clothes and back into the gear he had purchased at Fort Worth. He still carried the gun belt and checked that the Remington was loaded. Then, carefully closing the door behind him he slipped down the stairway and prepared to make his way through the hallway and out.

  The raised voices coming from the dining room drew his attention and he crept through the darkened hallway to try and hear better what was being said.

  “I still say our best bet is a Republican. You can never go wrong with a Republican.” It was the voice of Wenders raised loud.

  “No, no,” came an answer from one of the others. “Tilden is more easily controllable. Once we have him firmly in hand we can arrange everything to our satisfaction.”

  “Hayes is a firm supporter of Reconstruction, if he gets into the Presidency our resources in the South will be safe,” argued another.

  “What about the currency issue?” Zack recognized James’ voice.

  “I’m for it,” said Crowthorne, his voice now free of drunken slur. “The Specie Payment Resumption is a good thing for us. A man will always prefer real gold to printed paper, that was an affair we didn’t consider when we got the war started and they began printing greenbacks instead of using coin.”

  Zack froze at the words and leaned forward to hear better. They got the war started! He could not believe he had heard right.

  “It was the best thing for us. Look how we have all prospered since. The whole country is better off, there is nothing like a good war to shake things up and get an economy going again. And, my God! It was years of work to get that ruckus started in the first place, there were bound to be a few incidentals go wrong.”

  “Yes but that damned paper issue is not the same as real mint in your pocket and the public will agree.”

  “Who gives a good goddamn what the public thinks,” growled Wenders. “It’s what we think that matters. And lets not kid ourselves, that war got way out of hand, we never intended for it to go on for so long or so far. Water under the bridge now though, what’s important is that we have to resolve this election issue. Who is it that is best for us? That’s the question. When we’ve decided that then we put him in office and that’s the business settled and we can all go back to making money again.”

  It was Professor Lloyd who spoke next. “Well we certainly have Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina ensured to us thanks to the good senators with us here today. With their help we can effectively sway the election, the rest of the country will come out about even as things stand.”

  “What say we take a vote on it?” asked James. “Is everybody prepared to accept a majority vote on the choice?”

  “Why not? It’s damned nice to see democracy taking its rightful place in the order of things,” joked Crowthorne and the whole room burst out with cackles of laughter.

  When the chuckles had died down the room went quiet, Zack guessed they were preparing to make out their voting slips. He was still shaken by the prospect that this small group of ten men had managed to start a conflict that had involved the whole nation and cost countless lives. And that they then could disregard the whole dreadful business with such indifferent callousness was a shock that unnerved him. In his heart he resolved at that moment that the power of these corrupt creatures had to be brought down and with that in mind he made his way to the front door and slipped out.

  It was a moonlit night outside and the way was bright and clear for him to see. There were plenty of deep shadows to hide in and Zack used the cover to find his way down the steps. He paused to check the walls surrounding the ranch and could see guards posted on the walkways as they strolled lethargically backwards and forwards. He sme
lt tobacco smoke and ducked back as a vaquero carrying a long rifle strolled past, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

  From the bottom of the steps, Zack waited until all was clear then he ran across the plaza to pause in the shadow of the outer walls. From here he could see the steps where the prison cell was kept below ground. There was one man on guard, he sat with his back to Zack at the head of a short flight going down to the prison cell door, a thing made of heavy wood with a padlock fixed.

  The guard appeared to be dozing and was probably half-asleep Zack’s concluded. He moved closer, trying not to make noise on the flagstones under his boots. Drawing the pistol, he held it by the barrel knowing that he had to down the guard without a sound and make sure he stayed down. With a quick look to make sure he was not overseen, he ran the last few steps to give himself some impetus.

  The guard was half turned with a query on his lips when Zack swung the heavy pistol with the force of a hammer blow. The guard tumbled from his seat and rolled down the steps and Zack was quickly after him. The man lay twitching a few minutes before lying completely still and Zack checked to see if he still breathed. He didn’t. The man was dead; in his desperation Zack had struck him too hard.

  Biting his lip, he rifled the man’s pockets searching for a key. He found it stuck in the band of the guard’s trousers. Quickly, he undid the padlock.

  “Long, you there?”

  “Damned right,” he heard Long whisper from the dark interior.

  “Come on,” said Zack. “Help me get this fellow inside.”

  Even in the gloomy light, Zack could see that Long had taken a pummeling. They dragged the man in and Zack asked about it, “They gave you a bad time?”

  “Not so bad. I had to get in here; I reckoned you’d need some help. Didn’t think they’d take it so hard though. Those Solo boys are real mean sidewinders alright.”

  “You mean you were taken prisoner on purpose?”

  “Well, it seemed a good idea at the time.”

  Zack shook his head in dismay. “You are crazy, you know that? What about the other two?”

  “They’re waiting on us over the other side.”

  “Alright, here’s how it pans out. Those men are definitely up to no good. The whole parcel of them should be brought down. They definitely plan to rig the election and they’ve done a whole mess of evil things already. We need to get out and carry word back to Smith.”

  “Sure,” said Long confidently. “No problem.”

  “There’s one thing,” Zack paused. “There’s a woman in there we have to take out with us.”

  Long nodded, “Okay.”

  Zack had expected complaints and difficulties but was surprised when Long made none.

  “Right,” said Zack in a relieved tone. “Take that guard’s rifle, he won’t be needing it any more.”

  “You sure hit hard, Cap’n. That hombre won’t be needing anything no more.”

  Zack shrugged. “I know, I overdid it a bit.”

  “Guess he thinks so too.”

  They heard the guard on the wall approaching so both ducked down below the stair level and waited.

  “We have to get out either by the gate or over the wall and then down to that boat,” whispered Long. “There’s only the one boat I’ve seen so once we’re in it they’re stuck on the island. Go fetch your woman and we’ll light out but do it quick. I don’t know how long before that guard in their get’s a change of shift.”

  “You going to be okay?” Zack asked, looking at Long’s bloody and bruised features in the moonlight. “You look pretty badly beaten.”

  “That’s just a mite of exterior rearrangement. I’m okay, go on get your woman.”

  Without another word, Zack crawled over the lip of the stairs and headed back up the stone steps to the house. He eased open the front door still standing on the jar as he had left it and slipped inside. Working his way around to the kitchen by touch and the smell of roast pig he pushed aside a bead curtain and saw a lantern burning in a far corner.

  “Mary, you in here?” he whispered.

  “She's here alright but so am I,” the voice sounded loud in his ear and he felt the press of a pistol barrel behind his ear.

  “Let me just relieve you of that,” said Ahab Solo, lifting the Remington from the holster. “I knew you was up to something. I just sensed it all along. Told you, didn’t I, Ben?”

  Ben Solo moved into the lamplight, in his arms he held a wide-eyed Mary and one hand was tightly clamped over her mouth. “You sure did, brother,” acknowledged Ben.

  “He come alone?” asked Ahab and the other twin, Travis answered from the shadows.

  “He did, guess that’s all of them.”

  “Let’s get these pretties along to Van Olen then.”

  Pushing Zack and Mary before them, they forced the two in the direction of the dining room through the adjoining door that led out from the kitchen area.

  “I’m sorry, Zack,” Mary managed. “They were waiting for us.”

  “That’s what we’re paid for, sister,” said Ahab. “Now, move on.”

  The dining room was still full of The Ten. They were all more relaxed now, with ties and vests undone and jackets lying over chair backs. They still had not come to a final settlement it appeared and scraps of paper littered the tabletop.

  “What’s this?” asked James as they were prodded into the room. “Zack, Mary, what’s going on?”

  “These two love birds were about to head on out. Your old friend there was set to take a hike with your lady,” said Ahab. “But there’s something else going on here, boss. I don’t know what it is but with that other fellow hanging around I have a bad feeling.”

  Some of The Ten got quickly to their feet. “Have you checked the perimeter?” one asked nervously. “Is there anyone else out there?”

  “We’ll take a look soon as we’re done here,” Ahab answered.

  “Is this true, Zack?” James asked, a frown creasing his brow.

  “About Mary, yes it is, James. I’m sorry but we love each other, I have to take her with me.”

  “But she’s mine, I told you and you agreed. I don’t understand, were you lying to me?”

  “Of course he was, you dummy,” growled Wenders. “What do you think, he came for the pleasure of your company?”

  With a pale look of shock the color drained from James’ face, “I can’t believe it. I thought you were my friend. I trusted you, Zack. We were close like….”

  “Be quiet,” snapped Professor Lloyd, immediately taking charge. “You, Solo. Get outside and make sure we are secure. Do it quick and do it now!”

  Obediently, Ahab rushed from the room and Lloyd turned his attention to Zack. “I truly believe you are not all you claim to be, Mister Endeavor. I think you have inveigled your way in here under James’ good graces. Was it to discover our little arrangement, I wonder? Or are you here merely for the woman’s sake?”

  The Ten were all on their feet now and silently gathering around the two captives. There was little light in the room, only two oil lamps burning and as they advanced their shadows stretched before them in a manner that made them look dark and mysterious, like creatures risen from the grave. James stood to one side, repeatedly stroking the lock of hair from his eyes in a nervous fashion.

  “What arrangement do you speak of?” asked Zack, playing innocent. “Is there some secret business deal you fear I shall uncover? Sir, I am here solely for the lady.”

  The professor studied Zack speculatively; he caught the eye of one of the Solo twins and nodded slowly.

  Zack felt a blow on the back of his head and stumbled forward. A second followed where neck met shoulders and he fell to his knees, his head spinning.

  “Why do I not believe you, Mister Endeavor?” asked Lloyd, readjusting the glasses on his nose.

  The back of Zack’s head ached and he shook it to clear away the dullness. “I really don’t know,” he managed. “Perhaps you are of an overly suspicious nature.�

  “He is a spy!” snapped Wenders, bustling forward and aiming a kick at Zack, who dodged his slow action easily.

  “We are discovered!” cried another. “Van Olen, you fool. You have brought a government spy into our midst.”

  “Who are you working for, Mister Endeavor?” asked Lloyd. “Speak up or I’m afraid things will get rather unpleasant.”

  Zack was climbing slowly to his feet, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I am an attorney, nothing more.”

  Travis Solo moved in and Mary cried out, “Leave him alone!”

  “You care for him?” screamed James suddenly, his eyes wide with anger. “After all I have done for you. You still care for him?”

  “I do, James. I cannot help it. I know, you have only been good to me and I’m sorry but Zack is the man I love.”

  “Once a whore always a whore,” groaned James in disgust.

  “Let me handle her,” said Crowthorne as his short dumpy figure pushed its way to the front. “I’ll see she tells us all there is to know.”

  “Touch her and you will not live to tell anyone anything,” warned Zack in a low voice full of menace.

  “Ah!” said Lloyd brightly. “The Achilles heel. You are enamored, it is true after all. Well, Mister Endeavor, let me lay it out simply, speak or Crowthorne shall have his way. Maybe one or two of the others as well.”

  Zack studied them from beneath lowered brows, his mind racing.

  “No, you wish to remain silent?” snapped Lloyd. “Very well. You there,” he said to the Solo twin. “Take her somewhere and have your way with her. Somewhere close so Mister Endeavor may hear her screams but not so close that I have to watch you bestial antics.”

  “But I wanted to do it,” complained a pouting Crowthorne.

  “In good time, Elias. All in good time.”

  Ben Travis grabbed Mary by the arms and dragged her backwards off her feet. Zack heard Mary whimper and struggle.


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